2010.07.12 - TH accused of sexual affair

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MC was in the house - and could have accessed her phone - and any paperwork (the RO) that was laying about. If someone wanted to make her look bad....

There were hundreds of texts and several photographs on his phone. It sounds like he may have taken the photographs. If they were originally on Terri's phone, I don't think anyone but Terri sent them to MC's phone. The contempt papers state she showed him the RO. Granted this is K's lawyer stating the facts as told to him by LE who were told by MC but I believe it's accurate.

There's a chance someone could be trying to make her look bad. I'm wondering who you think would be trying to set her up and why?
It is interesting that there is a photo of the RO on his phone. Why did he or Terri need to photograph it? Terri has a copy and she could easily text, read word for word or phsyically show it to him. What was the point of photographing it?

I agree with the poster who referenced Judge Judy - if it don't make sense it probably isn't true.

If my theory about the other two people being reporters is correct, he took the pix in order to convince them that there was a basis for the story.

Without the pix, would any reporter have believed him? I doubt it.
The "sexting" included pics of TH un various forms of undress. Don't think that was done without her knowledge and participation.

Yes, but WHEN were they taken? They could have been taken months ago to be sent to (or even taken by) her husband. We have no way of knowing that they were taken on the date that they were sent.
Hmm...you think he was getting paid for verifiable info? That would make sense. That would also make him pretty heartless.
... it occurred to me... who could logically have naked photos of TH, a motive for making her look bad, and the ability to get a phone in her name? Oddly, someone who also has a copy of the RO - and is friends with MC.

If TH denies sending the photos, who's going to believe her?

I'm not saying TH is innocent of everything, but this whole texting thing doesn't make sense - and as Judge Judy likes to say, if it doesn't make sense....

Wow! I am surprised any of us on the board are thinking someone else did the sexting and sent the photos of Terri, without her involvement. To believe this, one would have to believe that during the course of the hundreds of text exchanges, there was never any real-world follow-up to it.

Meaning, per your theory "someone" was acting as Terri, sending photos and sexual text messages to Michael Cook and then Terri and Michael never spoke of any of it or acted in private like anything sexual was taking place. So poor Mr. Cook thinks he is interacting with Terri Horman when it is really someone else but he doesn't realize it because when they talk on the phone or are in person together, they don't act like a single text was ever sent.

Now, that is what doesn't make any sense!!

Terri most certainly is the one texting with and sending sexual images of herself to Michael Cook.

Pretty sorted mess, if it all turns out to be a stranger abduction after all.
A friend of mine was unexpectedly widowed; her husband died in his sleep of a heart attack with absolutely no prior symptoms of heart trouble. He was only 57 years old.

She called me about two weeks after the funeral, completely creeped out. One of their friends, a married man, had made a pass at her that day. Her husband hadn't even been dead for a month! And this guy was married (and had a story about how misunderstood he was, etc). She remembered how he gave her a lonnnngg hug at the wake in front of his wife and how she thought he was trying to comfort her.

I'm not saying that this is what happened with TMH and MC; just that this is possible, gross as it sounds.

Thanks for posting this....it DOES happen and most of us 'freak' when it does...after a death of a spouse we look to our friends for support not a horizontal tango....
There were hundreds of texts and several photographs on his phone. It sounds like he may have taken the photographs. If they were originally on Terri's phone, I don't think anyone but Terri sent them to MC's phone. The contempt papers state she showed him the RO. Granted this is K's lawyer stating the facts as told to him by LE who were told by MC but I believe it's accurate.

There's a chance someone could be trying to make her look bad. I'm wondering who you think would be trying to set her up and why?

If her husband believes that she tried to have him killed, and/or that she stole or harmed his son, then I'm sure he would love to have her locked up. If the police don't have enough evidence to arrest her for the disappearance or the MFH scheme, then getting her arrested for sharing the RO would serve his purposes.
I don't get it , with the craziness of it all, how could she TH pull off anything without getting caught. She hasn't had much luck as of late, in anything.
Wow! I am surprised any of us on the board are thinking someone else did the sexting and sent the photos of Terri, without her involvement. To believe this, one would have to believe that during the course of the hundreds of text exchanges, there was never any real-world follow-up to it.

Meaning, per your theory "someone" was acting as Terri, sending photos and sexual text messages to Michael Cook and then Terri and Michael never spoke of any of it or acted in private like anything sexual was taking place. So poor Mr. Cook thinks he is interacting with Terri Horman when it is really someone else but he doesn't realize it because when they talk on the phone or are in person together, they don't act like a single text was ever sent.

Not if MC was in on it.
I admit that googling KH's address was suspicious but would it have been illegal for TMH to do so?

I could see an argument that she needed to know exactly where it was she was supposed to avoid going.

It really looks bad but does it rise to the level of illegality?

You raise a very valid point. A RO may insist that you keep your distance from someone and if you accidentally run into them at say Albertsons or whatever YOU are supposed to leave immediately. Even though she did (supposedly) not know the exact location of her daughter and Kaine, she could have pled ignorance UNLESS she actually spotted them and then she would be obliged to leave immediately.

She would have been better off NOT knowing the whereabouts because knowing is the first step to a stalking accusation
I admit that googling KH's address was suspicious but would it have been illegal for TMH to do so?

I could see an argument that she needed to know exactly where it was she was supposed to avoid going.

It really looks bad but does it rise to the level of illegality?

IMO she would have been off the hook if she'd bothered to googlemap it herself on her own computer. The RO did not forbid her knowing where Kaine lived, it was only forbidden for her to go there. So, IMO it would have been perfectly reasonable for her to googlemap it so she doesn't accidentally end up there some day.

She crossed the line showing the document to a third party who was not authorised to see it.
They could look at the time stamps of the Terri photos and if any of them were taken the same day the sexts were sent it is unlikely IMO that they were sent without Terri's knowledge and came from an old stash of private photos that Kaine or some other enraged old flame had kept instead.
a) This was a pre-existing affair (pre-Kyron event). No-one, and I do mean no-one is daft enough to begin an affair while being scrutinized by an entire nation along with FBI and LE for a suspicious disappearance. Period. This did not start after Kyron's disappearance. I know they supposedly had a connection, became estranged, and then reconnected after June 3, but I am saying that is absolute bull. When the eyes of the entire world are watching this woman's every move, there is no way this man would choose that time to "reconnect" with Terri, a woman from his past.

the ONLY way such a thing is possible is if

b) LE has "connected" with him, locating him perhaps through phone or computer records from the time last fall she was purported to be looking to hire hitman. LE has suggested he "reconnect" with Terri because afterall, the whole plan of "reconnecting" her with the landscaper had such stellar results.

Much more likely, this has been an ongoing affair and it only stopped when Kyron went missing as opportunity for the lovebirds to connect was squelched by media and LE scrutiny.

The reason Terri showed him the docs is probably because he is a part of the reason behind their filing. Or he is concerned that LE knows about him and wants to see the documents himself.

Building on your thought tl,

Is it possible that the affair started even earlier than 8-9 months ago, as in roughly 19-20 months ago? That would explain why Kaine noticed that everything changed after TH became pregnant/had baby K.

One of the MC pictures brought up this idea.

It didn't take long for the contents of the RO to be leaked to the press, so I'm just guessing that LE used their information about her whereabouts and didn't have to go looking far to figure out where the document was compromised.

If she went to his house and it's not far from hers, then is this the neighbor's house they searched, too? There are lots of pieces in this puzzle, but I think we're seeing some that might fit next to each other.
It is interesting that there is a photo of the RO on his phone. Why did he or Terri need to photograph it? Terri has a copy and she could easily text, read word for word or phsyically show it to him. What was the point of photographing it?

I agree with the poster who referenced Judge Judy - if it don't make sense it probably isn't true.

If he was going to show it to a couple of reporters he might have wanted some corroboration to make himself a credible "source"?
* Looking up Kaines new address on Google maps, and asking MC to lie to her own attorney......why would he do that?? There must be a motive for this, yet I can't figure it out...He denies having any sexual activity with TH, yet he was infatuated enough to go this far?? Something is missing here, and I want to know what it is...

I think Cook's interest in Terri stems from his infatuation with her "celebrity" and how this will benefit him. Seriously, I think he wants his 15 minutes and she, imo, is desperate for male attention any way she can get it. I believe they both wanted something from the other, two equal willing partners. However, I am not sure Cook thought he was going to get as far as he did with her in such a short period of time. Just my opinion.
IMHO.. She is under intense scrutiny from the press.. Could be, it isn't convenient for them to be spending any hot and heavy breathing time together anywhere w/o being detected so she was having to do what she had to do to keep him interested...JMO
You raise a very valid point. A RO may insist that you keep your distance from someone and if you accidentally run into them at say Albertsons or whatever YOU are supposed to leave immediately. Even though she did (supposedly) not know the exact location of her daughter and Kaine, she could have pled ignorance UNLESS she actually spotted them and then she would be obliged to leave immediately.

She would have been better off NOT knowing the whereabouts because knowing is the first step to a stalking accusation

Actually, if the copy she was served with did have his address listed so that she would be aware of where she was restricted, it would make sense that she be allowed to 'google' or map it. Otherwise if it wasn't an address she was already familiar with, how would she know to avoid it?

(did that make sense lol)

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