2010.07.14 Investigators re-interviewing people who saw Kyron; Kyron seen w/out Terri

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Is there a link for that? I don't think I've ever seen it reported difinitively that anyone saw TH leave with OR without Kyron.

See the youtube link in my post above. Near the end the reporter says the grandmother says this is what TP said to her.
She marked him absent at 10 am.

Why tell the volunteer that Kyron had probably gone to the bathroom if she thought he had appointment?


Maybe you think the more usual thing first and then when they're been gone long enough for the first one to be unlikely anymore you find a second explanation?
She marked him absent at 10 am.

Why tell the volunteer that Kyron had probably gone to the bathroom if she thought he had appointment?


My guess is that was her initial reaction (that he had probably stopped to use the restroom. But then (after the aide left) remembered that Kyron had an appt that day and figured TH must have taken him for that and would bring him back afterwards. But since he wasn't there during roll call, she marked him absent, rather than tardy.

At my daughter's school, if their bottom isn't in their seat when the teacher calls roll, they are marked absent. The absence is changed to a tardy if the parent checks them in at the office later on, otherwise, it sticks as an absence.
I think the baby being with TH may have been something LE never disclosed to the public, perhaps one of the reasons for the forms/interviews for the people at the school.

I agree. I think LE knows for sure whether the baby was or was not with TH that morning, and that information is being withheld from the public at this time. LE often withholds details in order to confirm witness statements.

And as it has already been discussed ad nauseum, just b/c Kaine said that the baby was with TH, he does not actually know that fact positively. I'm not saying he's lying, I'm saying if he did not actually see TH and Kyron together during the entire day, he does not know it positively.

Authorities are asking media to give them copies of any video interviews with students, parents or others who said they saw Kyron Horman after 8:45 a.m. on June 4.

The Multnomah County Sheriff's Office said it will not comment on why it wants this information. In addition to the footage, the sheriff's office is asking for contact information for those who were interviewed.
In another article (http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2010/06/friend_says_terry_moulton_horm.html), TH's friend JF says that "Horman had told Kyron's teacher the day before that she was taking the boy to the doctor on Friday, June 11, and gave the teacher paperwork to fill out related to the appointment." This is what TH told her friend she said/did. But I'm thinking that TH did give some paperwork to Kyron's teacher, but told her it was for the next day, Friday June 5th, the day Kyron disappeared. So when Kyron didn't return to class, the teacher probably remembered that TH had told her that Kyron had an appt that day, and assumed he would be back in class later, after his appt.
I still have one big question about the paperwork...if Terri gave the teacher the paperwork the day before Kyron went missing, did she pick the paperwork up the next day, the day of Kyron's disappearance? That seems logical to me and, if true, means that Terri and the teacher had some interaction regarding the appointment the day of Kyron's disappearance. Maybe the teacher just handed her the paperwork. Even if that's all that happened, I could see it leading the teacher to think Terri was about to take Kyron to his appointment.
...posted this link, and it seems to be important. I was afraid it would get lost, way down there at the bottom of the page!



"Authorities are asking media to give them copies of any video interviews with students, parents or others who said they saw Kyron Horman after 8:45 a.m. on June 4.

"The Multnomah County Sheriff's Office said it will not comment on why it wants this information. In addition to the footage, the sheriff's office is asking for contact information for those who were interviewed.

"The request raises questions for the timeline -- which changed in the early days of the investigation -- of what happened the morning that Kyron Horman disappeared from Skyline School. Police initially said Kyron was seen by someone around 9 a.m. at the school. They later said he was last seen at 8:45 a.m. by his stepmother, Terri Moulton Horman, as he headed to his classroom.

Well, this is a change!
Grrr...none of this makes sense! Okay based on the links and things, this is only what I can surmise:


2. The warning bell rung at 8:35. The final bell rang at 8:45. Therefore at 8:45, I think it is safe to assume that the teachers and chaperones would have been in their respective classes with the students getting ready to split up to tour.


5. The teacher took roll when they all reassembled in the class and marked Kyron absent. She assumed he missed the school tour and left with his mother and marked him absent.

I just want to point out that its possible the teacher might have been sending small chaperone+ kids groups out as they assembled rather than holding all of them till the final bell rang. This would have served two purposes... 1. reduced congestion/noise/chaos in an already crowded classroom and 2. maximized the time that the kids had to view the exhibits. (and a bonus benefit to a nervous young teacher, avoided a parent audience watching her help the kids set up their exhibits) If Kyron was neither waiting in the classroom nor assigned to a group, he might have been wandering around the exhibits on his own briefly joining other groups at particular exhibits but not necessarily moving along with that group... in other words a straggler, seen by several but claimed by nobody.
I just want to point out that its possible the teacher might have been sending small chaperone+ kids groups out as they assembled rather than holding all of them till the final bell rang. This would have served two purposes... 1. reduced congestion/noise/chaos in an already crowded classroom and 2. maximized the time that the kids had to view the exhibits. (and a bonus benefit to a nervous young teacher, avoided a parent audience watching her help the kids set up their exhibits) If Kyron was neither waiting in the classroom nor assigned to a group, he might have been wandering around the exhibits on his own briefly joining other groups at particular exhibits but not necessarily moving along with that group... in other words a straggler, seen by several but claimed by nobody.

I don't know....First off, the teacher would have to have known how many chaperones were there. What if one didn't show up? I think there had to be some type of plan and organization in place.

Second, the projects were already set up. You can see that in the pictures of the classroom. They are all taped to the desks. This is also supported by Zimmerman's siting: "8:15 a.m. Gina Zimmerman, president of the school PTA, arrives and sees Kyron with his stepmother in front of his exhibit."


I'm assuming this is the reported last "school official" to see Kyron at school. http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Media/kyron-horman-school-crisis-mode-search-continues/story?id=10847733&page=2

As well, from the first link above:

9 a.m. Kyron is seen by a student near the south entrance of the school, according to Sheriff Dan Staton, who says that was the last time the boy was seen. Multnomah County authorities later backtrack on that statement.

Therefore, the window of opportunity seems, TO ME, to be between 8:15 until 8:45.
...posted this link, and it seems to be important. I was afraid it would get lost, way down there at the bottom of the page!



"Authorities are asking media to give them copies of any video interviews with students, parents or others who said they saw Kyron Horman after 8:45 a.m. on June 4.

"The Multnomah County Sheriff's Office said it will not comment on why it wants this information. In addition to the footage, the sheriff's office is asking for contact information for those who were interviewed.

"The request raises questions for the timeline -- which changed in the early days of the investigation -- of what happened the morning that Kyron Horman disappeared from Skyline School. Police initially said Kyron was seen by someone around 9 a.m. at the school. They later said he was last seen at 8:45 a.m. by his stepmother, Terri Moulton Horman, as he headed to his classroom.

Well, this is a change!

Are we to infer that MCSO believes there is a witness who made a statement to the media but not to LE, or whose statement to LE differs from statements made to the media? :waitasec:
Are we to infer that MCSO believes there is a witness who made a statement to the media but not to LE, or whose statement to LE differs from statements made to the media? :waitasec:

I'd infer that, or that LE wants to compare statements and make sure they line up with one another.

It has to be difficult to determine exactly what time children say they saw Kyron. Adults, too, for that matter. I could estimate when I saw something at a science fair or other gathering, but unless I knew it would be important later, I wouldn't look at my watch. I don't even have a watch -- I'd look at the time on my cell phone or at a wall clock.

The other thing is that sometimes people unknowingly assume someone is there who is supposed to be, but the someone isn't there at all. I've heard that for years, that memory fills in the blanks. So Kyron could have been at the fair at 8:45 a.m. and someone remembered seeing him at 9:00 a.m., when he was no longer there. Not a time mix up, but a memory mix up.

Until a couple of days ago, I hadn't experienced this. That morning, I came downstairs, looked at the couch, saw a pillow and blanket, and would have sworn my son was sleeping there as usual (his room is in the basement and we have a window a/c in the living room). I looked directly at the couch, and I was not half asleep.

Half an hour later, I decided to wake up my son and he wasn't there. I didn't panic because he is a teenager and could have been somewhere else in the house. I looked for him, and just when panic was starting to flutter, I remembered that his dad took him to the dentist for an early appointment, which meant he had not been there at all when I came downstairs.

I felt like an idiot and my memory had definitely filled in the blanks for me because when I went to wake him up, there was obviously no one sleeping on the couch - there wasn't lump under the covers, the blanket had been shoved against the back of the couch.

ETA: Until this happened, I truly thought my memory would not fill in the blanks. Obviously I was wrong.
The request is so that investigators can make sure they have "dotted every i and crossed every t," said Travis Gullberg, a spokesman for the sheriff's office.

"There's nothing new," Gullberg said. "There's nothing to read into this."

This actually sounds a bit promising to me. I want to be optimistic and hope that if they're dotting their i's and crossing their t's they think they've got a case and just want to make sure that they haven't missed an interview that ruins it. I'd think they have the contact info of the students and the parents and everybody they've interviewed but there might be a godparent or a granny etc. who they hadn't heard of but had spoken to the press.
This actually sounds a bit promising to me. I want to be optimistic and hope that if they're dotting their i's and crossing their t's they think they've got a case and just want to make sure that they haven't missed an interview that ruins it. I'd think they have the contact info of the students and the parents and everybody they've interviewed but there might be a godparent or a granny etc. who they hadn't heard of but had spoken to the press.

Me too. There was a lot of alluding to "heavy LE work" this week by the media and DY/KH/TY. I predict something will happen next week or even this weekend? I hope and pray.
Maybe he and the teacher assumed he'd be back to school after his appointment? I've taken my 1st grader to school in the morning (he school starts at 9:15am), picked her up for a dentist appt at 11:30am, then returned her to school at 1pm so she could finish out the school day until 3:30pm.

In another article (http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2010/06/friend_says_terry_moulton_horm.html), TH's friend JF says that "Horman had told Kyron's teacher the day before that she was taking the boy to the doctor on Friday, June 11, and gave the teacher paperwork to fill out related to the appointment." This is what TH told her friend she said/did. But I'm thinking that TH did give some paperwork to Kyron's teacher, but told her it was for the next day, Friday June 5th, the day Kyron disappeared. So when Kyron didn't return to class, the teacher probably remembered that TH had told her that Kyron had an appt that day, and assumed he would be back in class later, after his appt.

Kyron disappeared on Friday June 4th. June 5th is a Saturday. :waitasec: Are you saying she gave the paper to the teacher on THursday?
I just want to point out that its possible the teacher might have been sending small chaperone+ kids groups out as they assembled rather than holding all of them till the final bell rang. This would have served two purposes... 1. reduced congestion/noise/chaos in an already crowded classroom and 2. maximized the time that the kids had to view the exhibits. (and a bonus benefit to a nervous young teacher, avoided a parent audience watching her help the kids set up their exhibits) If Kyron was neither waiting in the classroom nor assigned to a group, he might have been wandering around the exhibits on his own briefly joining other groups at particular exhibits but not necessarily moving along with that group... in other words a straggler, seen by several but claimed by nobody.

The teacher was not young or new.

As a teacher, I would never do that.

I would wait until all are assembled, and then I would assign groups to the chaperon based on behavior.

I would not give a chaperon 4 children that are difficult to handle. I would try to mix it up and save the more difficult children for myself.
I'm still catching up on this thread, so forgive me if this has already been said.

Here is the link to that article, from June 5th: http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2010/06/details_emerge_about_the_day_k.html

Also, the details you mentioned, about TH saying goodbye to Kyron as he walked off to his classroom, were made by Carol Mouton....TH's mother. She wasn't there that day, so she is just saying what TH has told her...which is most likely far from the truth of what really happened that day.

Thank you for the link to the actual article. I want to be clear that I copied a post that was quoted by Calliope and could not find the post she quoted. The portion bolded was all I was referencing. It was in regards to Rosiebeans' post which stated two teachers saw him leave with Terri. That was not factual. I didn't say anything about Carol Moulton. It was part of the original quote. Sorry if this confused you.

Again, I was just referencing the bold section.
I think that LE is just making sure they are not missing any conflicting stories/clues as to the time line of when Kyron was last seen in the school. They are building up to something.
The teacher was not young or new.

As a teacher, I would never do that.

I would wait until all are assembled, and then I would assing groups to the chaperon based on behavior.

I would not give a chaperon 4 children that are difficult to handle. I would try to mix it up and save the more difficult children for myself.

Are you saying second graders are difficult? Link, please!:innocent:

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