2010.07.14 Investigators re-interviewing people who saw Kyron; Kyron seen w/out Terri

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I think the baby being with TH may have been something LE never disclosed to the public, perhaps one of the reasons for the forms/interviews for the people at the school.
Surely LE has viewed the store surveillance tapes

by now~maybe Terri's alibi holds water and that's why they are finally

following other leads/tips, and re-questioning people?...

gardeness, I suspect you are correct.
They have had time to view the surveillance tapes, which leads me to suspect this is why LE is starting back at the school again.
Until we know the timeframe the witness saw the truck and Kyron in the gym with friends we have no idea if this newly released information is helpful to Terri or damning.

These are the questions we need answered before we can decide how this impacts our impressions about Terri's invlvement in this case.

1) What time did witness see Terri's truck in the lot? (before after Kyron sighting in gym? If so how long before/after that sighting?)

2) What time did he see Kyron in the gym with friends?

3) How does that match up wit the timeline provided by Terri?

I wish I knew the answer to all those questions but know that won't happen anytime soon so this new info is quite the tease. Just enough to whet the appetite for new leads but not enough for us to go anywhere with. Sigh

I suspect the sighting of the truck was prior to the gym sighting but need timeline for confirmation. It just makes more sense that it was before. Unless the witness left the gym, went outside the building for some unknown reason and then returned to the building again to attend class. To me, that doesn't seem as likely as the witness arriving at the school, witnessing the truck in the parking lot, entering the building and then seeing Kyron in the gym with a group of friends.
If it was important, and Terri was so responsible, she would call about it later.

It was reported that TH emailed the teacher that day about picking up the science fair project.

From the Reference Forum:
SM told teacher across loud gymnasium that Kyron had an appt. and that is why teacher thought he left with SM
According to comments on http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/i...omments-2.html

Posted by Nykolina
June 06, 2010, 11:40AM
The mom mentioned to the teacher that Kyron had an appointment. It was for next week but that wasn't clearly stated to the teacher. The teacher thought mom took him to an appointment.
The mom also e-mailed the teacher (after leaving the school) as to when she should pick up the science fair project. So the teacher believed he was with his mom. There was no reason for the school to call home."

I wonder if that was a "test" to see if anything was amiss at school?
Originally Posted by Paulette
I find it odd that a 7th grader would even notice a 2nd grader, let alone TH's truck & that Kyron was with friends.

Good point. I find it odd, too, now that you mention it. I have one going into 6th and one almost exactly Kyron's age going into third. The only way my older one would notice a little one is if her brother was with him or if she was friends with an older sib of the younger one. And even then, she might not notice.

Something to consider: maybe skyline allows students from one class to visit another class. If Kyron was drawing pictures of the truck in class and another student saw it it would give them some insight.

They intermingle kids where my children go to school. The preK and Kinder classes often go visit 'the big kids' in second grade for projects. Likewise, there is a program (can't remember the name of it) where older kids can sign up to help the Kinder/PreK grades' (and possibly others) teachers with a specific project. Husband was shocked to see how many of the older kids our son greeted by name and vice versa - like 12 and 13-year olds.

Maybe the older kids at Skyline get to know some of the younger students during lunchtime, or they know younger siblings from the older siblings who are in the same class. Maybe even visiting friends afterschool as well. Just a thought.
I hate to think LE might be back at square one...it would be a shame if after 6 weeks, they have to go back and start over. Even more so if Terri could have cleared herself early on but would not cooperate and do so. Memories are different after six weeks and I think LE will find that stories are altered or embellished this time around.

It is so hard to get a feel for what LE is thinking, as they have gone quite a while without any sort of statement, other than to refute that D&K were speaking for LE when they started speaking out against Terri. If not for the family talking, or initially not talking, we would have hardly heard from LE at all. Many of their PC's or statements have had to address one or the other.
Thanks for your post... So the children were supposed to be in their classrooms by 8:45. If Kyron wasn't there on time it might explain why nobody saw him after Terri says she saw him. Everybody was in their classrooms and there might have been just a few latecomers or parents leaving. But he wouldn't have gone to the bathroom or anything if he was already late, would he?

LE originally stated that the last person to see Kyron was an unidentified witness,who saw him by his classroom at around 9:00. Kyron's friend T also said he saw and spoke to Kyron at around 9 :00. T said that he saw TH leaving. At that time Tr also said that Kyron told him he was going to look at "the cool electric one " -- presumably another child's exhibit. I wonder if someone had arranged to meet him to see this project,or if he was followed there by someone . I'm thinking now that LE has been trying to protect the children who were witnesses that morning......

QUOTED FROM thread #1 and was posted by Calliope:

'Although the school usually opens at 8:35 a.m. and the final bell rings 10 minutes later, the school opened as early as 8 Friday for the science fair, said Matt Shelby, spokesman for Portland Public Schools.

Other students and parents showed up early as well to check out the fair, and Terri and Kyron saw people they knew while looking at the exhibits, Carol Moulton said.

Terri often volunteers at the school, working closely with Kyron's teacher, Kristina Porter. Shelby said that Porter saw Kyron in her classroom with his stepmom before 8:45 a.m. and another instructor reported seeing him in another classroom at some point.

At 8:45 a.m. when the bell rang, Terri walked her stepson down the hall close to his class.

"He told her, 'I'm going back to the classroom, Mom,' and she waves to him and left," Carol Moulton said. "She thought he was safely at school just like he is everyday."

What happened to the boy who went missing is unclear.

Carol Moulton said the kids were supposed to report to their classes and be divided into small groups of a few students each. Each group was supposed to tour the science fair with a chaperone. Afterward, when they returned to their classes for roll call, Kyron wasn't there, she said.'

Calliope quoted this from an article but I haven't found the link to the article. It comes from post #497

I'm still catching up on this thread, so forgive me if this has already been said.

Here is the link to that article, from June 5th: http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2010/06/details_emerge_about_the_day_k.html

Also, the details you mentioned, about TH saying goodbye to Kyron as he walked off to his classroom, were made by Carol Mouton....TH's mother. She wasn't there that day, so she is just saying what TH has told her...which is most likely far from the truth of what really happened that day.
I'm trying to identify the source that says TP saw Kyron at 9 am. Where is it? Did they ever identify the child who supposedly saw Kyron at 9 as TP?

This article seems to say he saw Kyron at about the same time Terri did, 8:45 am.

Multnomah County Sheriff's Capt. Jason Gates said Kyron's stepmother brought him to school for a school science fair and last saw Kyron near his classroom at about 8:45 a.m.

T*****, P*****, Kyron's classmate, said he last saw his friend at about the same time when Kyron told him he was headed to look at another student's science project.

"He walked by the hallway and I'm like, 'Hi, Kyron,' and he's like, 'Hi. I'm going to go see this cool one. It's electric.' I'm like, 'Alright, bye.' And that's the last time I saw him," T***** said. "He never did make it back to class."


The video is here
and says the same thing.

He is unspecific about time in this video.

I have probably missed many postings - but has lunch ever been discussed? Did Kyron take his lunch, if so, is it in his back pack - or any treats or drinks???? TIA
The video above, the reporter says that the boy seen Kyron while they were on their way to see different science projects. The reporter then says 45 minutes past 9, then they were regrouping and the sub noticed Kyron missing that there were only 5 in the group. The teacher saying he is probably in the bathroom. IIRC attendance wasn't taken until 10. So according to this, the class must have separted into groups, went to see the different science projects, came back , regrouped ? Then attendance ?

"Finster said that when Kyron didn't show up at the bus the afternoon of June 4, Horman talked to the teacher who said she thought that Horman had taken Kyron to the doctor that day. Horman told Finster that the child's teacher was new, in her first year of teaching, and was hard of hearing in one ear. "She doesn't know if she understood her," Finster said. "


I think this is another case of TH's friends reporting what TH told them. TH has been less than honest with LE, I would expect that she's not telling her friends the whole truth either.
The video above, the reporter says that the boy seen Kyron while they were on their way to see different science projects. The reporter then says 45 minutes past 9, then they were regrouping and the sub noticed Kyron missing that there were only 5 in the group. The teacher saying he is probably in the bathroom. IIRC attendance wasn't taken until 10. So according to this, the class must have separted into groups, went to see the different science projects, came back , regrouped ? Then attendance ?

From ABC Good Morning America interview with Portland Public Schools spokesman Matt Shelby from June 7, 2010:

The last school official to see the boy put him in the classroom earlier that morning showing off his project. No school official saw him after that.


Therefore, this negates the idea that he actually toured with his group.
From ABC Good Morning America interview with Portland Public Schools spokesman Matt Shelby from June 7, 2010:

The last school official to see the boy put him in the classroom earlier that morning showing off his project. No school official saw him after that.


Therefore, this negates the idea that he actually toured with his group.

I get page unavailable
I fixed it. Sorry about that.

Thankyou, I know he said also elsewhere, that there were no subs that day, but I do believe they had chaperons. The boy may have thought the chaperon was a sub. So officially I guess you could say no school official seen him, but it doesn't mean no chaperon seen him.
Saturday, June 05, 2010

They arrived sometime after the school opened about 8 a.m., went to his classroom, dropped off his coat and backpack and he showed his stepmother his exhibit, "The Red-Eyed Tree Frog."...

Terri often volunteers at the school, working closely with Kyron's teacher, Kristina Porter. Shelby said that Porter saw Kyron in her classroom with his stepmom before 8:45 a.m. and another instructor reported seeing him in another classroom at some point.

At 8:45 a.m. when the bell rang, Terri walked her stepson down the hall close to his class.

More details at this link:


Why would he drop off his coat and backpack if he had a Dr. appointment?

Maybe he and the teacher assumed he'd be back to school after his appointment? I've taken my 1st grader to school in the morning (he school starts at 9:15am), picked her up for a dentist appt at 11:30am, then returned her to school at 1pm so she could finish out the school day until 3:30pm.

In another article (http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2010/06/friend_says_terry_moulton_horm.html), TH's friend JF says that "Horman had told Kyron's teacher the day before that she was taking the boy to the doctor on Friday, June 11, and gave the teacher paperwork to fill out related to the appointment." This is what TH told her friend she said/did. But I'm thinking that TH did give some paperwork to Kyron's teacher, but told her it was for the next day, Friday June 5th, the day Kyron disappeared. So when Kyron didn't return to class, the teacher probably remembered that TH had told her that Kyron had an appt that day, and assumed he would be back in class later, after his appt.
Maybe he and the teacher assumed he'd be back to school after his appointment? I've taken my 1st grader to school in the morning (he school starts at 9:15am), picked her up for a dentist appt at 11:30am, then returned her to school at 1pm so she could finish out the school day until 3:30pm.

In another article (http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2010/06/friend_says_terry_moulton_horm.html), TH's friend JF says that "Horman had told Kyron's teacher the day before that she was taking the boy to the doctor on Friday, June 11, and gave the teacher paperwork to fill out related to the appointment." This is what TH told her friend she said/did. But I'm thinking that TH did give some paperwork to Kyron's teacher, but told her it was for the next day, Friday June 5th, the day Kyron disappeared. So when Kyron didn't return to class, the teacher probably remembered that TH had told her that Kyron had an appt that day, and assumed he would be back in class later, after his appt.

She marked him absent at 10 am.

Why tell the volunteer that Kyron had probably gone to the bathroom if she thought he had appointment?

Grrr...none of this makes sense! Okay based on the links and things, this is only what I can surmise:

1. TH *said* that she had him near his class at 8:45.

2. The warning bell rung at 8:35. The final bell rang at 8:45. Therefore at 8:45, I think it is safe to assume that the teachers and chaperones would have been in their respective classes with the students getting ready to split up to tour.

3. No "school official" saw him except "earlier in the morning showing off his project." Therefore, he must not have made it into the classroom to group up. The chaperone must have done a head count for her group at the *start* of the tour. She noticed Kyron was missing. Teacher told her he was probably getting a drink or going to the bathroom.

4. Kyron never caught up with his group or returned to his class at the end of the tour.

5. The teacher took roll when they all reassembled in the class and marked Kyron absent. She assumed he missed the school tour and left with his mother and marked him absent.

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