2010.07.14 Investigators re-interviewing people who saw Kyron; Kyron seen w/out Terri

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So I guess she could have planned it. How the heck did she hide him so well though?

Maybe she prepared a place for him in advance, or had someone else do it.

Really, he could be anywhere in the vicinity -- there are a lot of places she could have hidden Kyron.
I agree with this, I just posted something similar. The one thing that makes me think TH might not be involved is that on a day like that with so many people roaming around it is bizarre that she felt she could chance not being seen. For all she could suspect, someone could have seen him from the window.

The other possibility is that she had a relationship of some sort, (being a volunteer for 2 years) with a maintenance or groundskeeper or even a woman in the school. And this person is the one who got him out of the school.

If this was preplanned and she had already told Kyron that he would be leaving I just cant see 7 year old Kyron not telling the friends he was with that he had to leave. It will be very interesting to know what Kyron told his friends before he disappeared. Or did they just turn around and Kyron was no longer in their group of friends? Or once again, did he tell them he was heading back to his classroom?

Just surmising but it seems that Kyron did go into the hallway in front of his classroom and that is when he saw T and he told him he was going to see the cool one (electric exhibit). I believe T said it was around 9pm when he last saw him.

It makes sense to me that the more sophisticated exhibits would be done by those in higher grades (6-7th grade) so imo Kyron went either with a group of his friends that may have also been milling around in the hallway or met them in the gym and grouped up with them there and that is when he was seen by the other student that was interviewed yesterday in the media.

So I think that stretches the time line even further from the time Terri wasnt seen with Kyron until the time he was in the gym with his friends.

Do you have a link for that? I thought that was a rumor.

Bean I dont have the link but the friend of Terris who was giving the interviews weeks ago said that when Terri told the teacher about the appointment that the teacher misheard cos she was new and had hearing problems allegedly.

Bean I dont have the link but the friend of Terris who was giving the interviews weeks ago said that when Terri told the teacher about the appointment that the teacher misheard cos she was new and had hearing problems allegedly.


I thought this was another rumor that we heard in the beginning that turned out to be false. Anyone???
I thought this was another rumor that we heard in the beginning that turned out to be false. Anyone???

I am pretty sure her friend said it in a interview. Though i could be wrong but i remember it being discussed that the teacher wasnt new at all and had been there 2 or 3 years.
BBM. We've seen cell ping info from unnamed sources that are not involved in the investigation, courtesy of Willamette Week, and picked up by other media outlets.

What there a detail of the pings, if so I missed it. If there is a detail does anyone have a link handy, if not I will go searching WW?
I thought this was another rumor that we heard in the beginning that turned out to be false. Anyone???


"Finster said that when Kyron didn't show up at the bus the afternoon of June 4, Horman talked to the teacher who said she thought that Horman had taken Kyron to the doctor that day. Horman told Finster that the child's teacher was new, in her first year of teaching, and was hard of hearing in one ear. "She doesn't know if she understood her," Finster said. "

I have said this before, logic tell us someone had to have seen him leave, yet no one did and he is gone from the school, so Somehow he got out of the school with out being seen.
Beleive it or not the more going on the more crowded the less we notice.

LE is being so tight-lipped. We are only privy to what gets leaked or when someone decides to finally speak out. It wouldn't surprise me to find that someone did see them leave together, but they just aren't releasing that info.

This whole thing is really ticking me off. I just wish Kyron was found....safe.
He didn't say it was TH's truck. It just said he saw a white truck.

DairyGirl, Good point!
I have a question, How many people, including children, was at the school that morning and how many white trucks was in the parking lot that morning?
Bean I dont have the link but the friend of Terris who was giving the interviews weeks ago said that when Terri told the teacher about the appointment that the teacher misheard cos she was new and had hearing problems allegedly.


Yep I remember that article. It's the gym part that's a rumor.
He didn't say it was TH's truck. It just said he saw a white truck.

Actually, he just said 'the truck', no description, not whose truck, not when he saw it, no detail except whatever truck he saw, it was in the parking lot at some point.

I saw the truck out in the parking lot
IMOO: Because it hasn't been said don't make it unheard of.

Anyways, we have not heard anybody say that he left with anyone at anytime that morning.

So, it doesn't mean that TH didn't take Kyron because noone is screaming they saw it.
:waitasec: BeanE
:eek: It seems as if that is just as logical as any other at this point. Noone has indicated that Kyron left the building at all that morning.
I hope it is not too early for a drink. :angel:
:waitasec: BeanE
:eek: It seems as if that is just as logical as any other at this point. Noone has indicated that Kyron left the building at all that morning.
I hope it is not too early for a drink. :angel:

I'll join you in that liquid breakfast! I've gotten to where I get a knot in my stomach every time I check the news lol.
I have a problem with the whole "thought they left together." If you see a kid walking out the door with his mom, and the door shuts behind them, and you don't see either one of them the rest of the day, you can say "They left together." But if the mother later comes back and says "Where is my son? I left him here," you might at that point say, "Well, I thought they left together." You were sure of something when you saw it happen, but then someone challenges it later (which I believe is gaslighting in this case) and you are forced to qualify your belief with "I thought" rather than "I'm sure."

The teachers had reason to form an opinion from what they witnessed. I would not be so quick to discount it because someone (who may well be lying) challenged it. No, the teachers probably did not videotape the two of them driving away together. Why would they? But they saw what they saw, and I believe it was a significant event that gave them reason to believe Kyron left with Terri.

Not discounting your opinion, but I think it would be more that the two teachers knew/saw when Terri left, and not seeing Kyron the rest of the day, they naturally assumed they left together. Or they overheard her saying to someone that she was leaving in a few minutes, saw Kyron nearby, and assumed she took him with her, since he didn't show up in class.
IF someone actually saw Kyron walking out the exit door with Terri, walking to the truck, and the two of them leaving, that would be HUGE.
But I am afraid that merely seeing them near or exiting a door at the same time, would not be enough in court.
Kyron left his backpack and jacket in the classroom. Wouldn't a smart teacher wonder why he wasn't carrying his jacket and backpack if he was leaving with his stepmom for the weekend and not coming back to class since it was a Friday??
The short answer is yes, however we have to apply logic here...I dont think anyone is trying to frame Terri especially LE, they are trying to find a missing child, I dont think that Kaine just decided he would make up all this and take the baby away with out reason, and I dont think that a judge would issue a restraining order even temperary that takes a child away from its mother, and if its not true than why is she not fighting it saying hell no thats not true..... So techinically its not he said she said, its He said and she isnt disputing it.


Judges take away parental contact when emergency restraining orders are issued all the time. The more common scenario is for a woman to petition for a restraining order to be issued against an abusive man but the laws are not gender specific (nor should they be).

Anyone can petition for an emergency restraining order against anyone else and, if they make allegations that fall within certain parameters, the temporary restraining orders are almost always granted. There is usually little or no proof offered in the initial petition; the order is granted on allegations alone. All the judge is saying at that point is that the allegations fall into the parameters set by law to justify a restraining order.

Remember the 2005 emergency restraining order granted against David Letterman that prohibited him from using words such as "Oprah" to secretly woo the petitioner into marriage? That was a temporary restraining order. I highly doubt that the judge actually believed the petitioner's allegations!

After a temporary restraining order is granted, the respondent (the person targetted by the order) has a certain amount of time to request a show-cause hearing. If the respondent requests the hearing, it must be granted within a very short period of time (varies from state to state).

A show-cause hearing is just what it sounds like: the petitioner has to go back before the judge and show actual evidence to support the allegations. The respondent also has their chance to present their side of the story to show why the temporary restraining order should be modified or lifted.

That's what happened in the Letterman case. As soon as he was served, he requested a hearing. At the hearing, the petitioner was unable to provide evidence that backed up the allegations and the petition was dismissed.

A respondent may choose not to request a show-cause hearing for many reasons other than guilt. They may not really understand their rights under the law to contest it (even though, in my experience, process servers do try to give them a quick overview). They may be unable or unwilling to spend the money to contest it. They may feel that it is not to their own best advantage to contest the order.

The last is what I think may be going on here. TMH's criminal defence attorney may not want to put her in a position at this time to be forced to testify under oath. It's clear to any rational person that she is one of the main focuses of an investigation into the disappearance of a young child and he may not wish to put any part of his hand on the table at this point in time. I imagine he's unwilling to trade short term benefits for long term outcomes, as a general principle (isn't that the essence of being an adult?).

So, to sum up a long post, the judge is making no determination as to the facts of the petition, except that the allegations fall within certain parameters. The judge is definitely not saying the allegations are true or false; that would be left for a show-cause hearing.

Brevity is clearly not the soul of my wit.
Not discounting your opinion, but I think it would be more that the two teachers knew/saw when Terri left, and not seeing Kyron the rest of the day, they naturally assumed they left together. Or they overheard her saying to someone that she was leaving in a few minutes, saw Kyron nearby, and assumed she took him with her, since he didn't show up in class.
IF someone actually saw Kyron walking out the exit door with Terri, walking to the truck, and the two of them leaving, that would be HUGE.
But I am afraid that merely seeing them near or exiting a door at the same time, would not be enough in court.
Kyron left his backpack and jacket in the classroom. Wouldn't a smart teacher wonder why he wasn't carrying his jacket and backpack if he was leaving with his stepmom for the weekend and not coming back to class since it was a Friday??

If nothing else, a smart teacher would realize there is no child present associated with that backpack, and regardless of anything else, should cause the teacher to wonder why the child brought a backpack if the parent was going to take the child to the Dr in the first place. But why this child wasn't followed up on, why no one called to verify the parent had the child......that remains the mystery to me.

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