2010.07.26 Grand Jury begins

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Having hard-arse trial lawyers in my family and among my friends, I'll bet Houze is FURIOUS.


They aren't a team though. At this point it's probably every woman and counsel for themselves.
If she does know something, please let's not have this dragged out for long to work out whatever deal she will have to get to tell it. This is insane. The outcome of this case affects so many people and even a school system, probably other school systems around the country are watching the case as well. As tragic as Haleigh's case is, I think most of know basically what happened over there; that poor child was surrounded by drug-users and lawbreakers. Kyron seemed to be in a safe, nuturing home with lots of attention and care.

Everyone, but especially Kyron's parents, have to know ASAP, like tomorrow or sooner, what happened to this little boy. It is too insane to even think that this woman might know and is not ready to tell.
Gosh, TH may be enjoying her final days of freedom. Watch for weird posts and signals to others at the oregonian tonight. We cannot exclude some kind of odd code among her and friends via message boards. Afterall, the crime seems coded and gamey.

Okay, several posts in this thread said Dede's attorney was just putting a spin on things. Is this just spin too?

Spicher atty. would be 'surprised' if Terri not arrested in Kyron case

KGW Posted on July 26, 2010 at 12:09 PM
Updated today at 6:14 PM

Spicher's attorney told NBC Dateline that he would be "surprised" if Terri was not arrested in the case.


NBC Dateline was set to air a special edition about the case 10 p.m. Monday.

Spicher's attorney Chad Stavley told NBC Dateline Monday that Spicher had been, and planned to keep, cooperating with investigators.
"I would be, frankly, surprised if Terri Horman did not eventually face charges in this case," Stavley said. "I'd be surprised if the indictment didn't come down."


Really? :eek:
From the KGW link:

Grand jury proceedings are not open to the public or the media, so it was unknown exactly what Spicher said. However, her attorney did confirm that Spicher was subpoenaed to testify. She did not give any testimony under oath Monday.


I've served on a trial jury but never a grand jury. In a trial, of course, everyone's sworn. Not so in GJ, apparently. Man, I wish I'd been a fly on the wall for today's session. I wonder if she's been invited back for sworn testimony.
Okay, several posts in this thread said Dede's attorney was just putting a spin on things. Is this just spin too?

Spicher atty. would be 'surprised' if Terri not arrested in Kyron case

KGW Posted on July 26, 2010 at 12:09 PM
Updated today at 6:14 PM

Spicher's attorney told NBC Dateline that he would be "surprised" if Terri was not arrested in the case.


NBC Dateline was set to air a special edition about the case 10 p.m. Monday.

Spicher's attorney Chad Stavley told NBC Dateline Monday that Spicher had been, and planned to keep, cooperating with investigators.
"I would be, frankly, surprised if Terri Horman did not eventually face charges in this case," Stavley said. "I'd be surprised if the indictment didn't come down."


NOW it's all Terri's fault and Spicher's attny knows it.

NOW it's all Terri's fault and Spicher's attny knows it.


Now you just have to wonder just what he "does" know, how he knows it, or if he knows anything at all...
I think I have believed the worst outcome for Kyron since the beginning, have never been able to will myself to believe that he was being hidden for some bizarre reason. But now that we might really find out soon, I am feeling very, very sick. I can't even being to imagine how the family is feeling.
From the KGW link:

Grand jury proceedings are not open to the public or the media, so it was unknown exactly what Spicher said. However, her attorney did confirm that Spicher was subpoenaed to testify. She did not give any testimony under oath Monday.


I've served on a trial jury but never a grand jury. In a trial, of course, everyone's sworn. Not so in GJ, apparently. Man, I wish I'd been a fly on the wall for today's session. I wonder if she's been invited back for sworn testimony.


All witnesses testifying before a Grand Jury are likewise sworn in.

I interpret that snippet from the article to mean that she is looking for a promise of some sort of immunity before testifying under oath. Like any other witness who is sworn in, a GJ witness can be charged with perjury if they lie under oath.
Hello Clu,

Throughout this situation, I have had to try to stuff back the painful thought, so I can understand what you are thinking.

Now imagine 40 something days and counting without your 7 year old being found -- hard to imagine how Kaine, Desiree "and" Tony are feeling, but if I were going to imagine, it would be hurt beyond imagination, defiled by the lies of others, grieving in a way that may exceed the grieving of a parent who was alongside their child when they died... These poor people have no idea where Kyron is, alive, dead or not...but he was suddenly gone from their lives and I cannot imagine the angst they must feel.

Although the text above is a repetition of what so many of us have felt and written, it bares repeating -- we have victims, we have pain for them and we want Kyron found and the perp to enjoy "justice."
I think I have believed the worst outcome for Kyron since the beginning, have never been able to will myself to believe that he was being hidden for some bizarre reason. But now that we might really find out soon, I am feeling very, very sick. I can't even being to imagine how the family is feeling.

I have been on edge all day. Totally unlike myself. I hope we know something soon.
Thinking ALL DAY. Dayammmm...
I think DeDe is in deep deep Doo Doo.
Serious trouble. Serious bad.

Just a feelin', a BAD feelin'
I think she assisted, perhaps after-the-fact.

MOO MOO, Guess Opinion, Feeling, Been Wrong Before

(I wonder what role if any private investigators have)
Well, their time overlaps and no one could get in touch with Dede. So no, we don't know for sure, but I doubt they'd put her in front of Grand Jury if she hadn't seen TH that day at all. That would be a waste of time.

how does their time overlap???? I'm confused. Per "sources" on TH's timeline - TH checked into gym at 11:39 and checked out sometime before 1:00. Dede didn't receive a phone call until 11:30 and then left. Curious on your thoughts on "overlap".
how does their time overlap???? I'm confused. Per "sources" on TH's timeline - TH checked into gym at 11:39 and checked out sometime before 1:00. Dede didn't receive a phone call until 11:30 and then left. Curious on your thoughts on "overlap".

This is important. I don't recall hearing the gym check-out time before. Happen to have a link on this version of timeline? If poss, thx.
Is Houze or his "people" sitting in on the Grand Jury? Is that kosher? Who can sit in? Anybody know who is in the room? When does Grand Jury testimony/transcript become public?
Is Houze or his "people" sitting in on the Grand Jury? Is that kosher? Who can sit in? Anybody know who is in the room? When does Grand Jury testimony/transcript become public?

There are no spectators in a GJ. In most states, the witnesses are not afforded legal counsel in the room either.
how does their time overlap???? I'm confused. Per "sources" on TH's timeline - TH checked into gym at 11:39 and checked out sometime before 1:00. Dede didn't receive a phone call until 11:30 and then left. Curious on your thoughts on "overlap".

You're assuming it really was Terri at the gym. Everyone has commented on how similar Terri and DD look. Who's to say DD's involvement wasn't to create an alibi for Terri?

Perhaps Terri gave her gym pass to DD and she posed as Terri?

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