2010.07.26 - Kyron Horman case featured on Dateline

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Bumping the Dateline thread to remind people to set their DVRs.

I have to admit, I wish the Dateline show would air a couple of days after tomorrow's press conference:

Who knows what gaps might be filled in...


Thanks so much for bumping this up...I had totally forgot about the program. I'll definitely be watching tonight.
FYI....Fox News teaser....

"Investigators are saying they have made significant progress in the case...possible arrest imminent?

More after the break....."
I'm not so sure I even want to watch this tonight; I think I will tape it and wait to hear. I have seen enough for now of the other parents ganging up on Terri to last me a while. They may all be 100% right in their suspicions, but I'm not there yet. And I can't imagine there will be anything new on this program. Certainly nothing from LE we have not heard, since there has been so little of that. I think we all have every word uttered by LE memorized by now and it all fits onto a very short list.
FYI....Fox News teaser....

"Investigators are saying they have made significant progress in the case...possible arrest imminent?

More after the break....."

I think that is a tease from an article on Saturday...

(and what the progess is, no one went on to say. I think it means ruling out some of those thousands of leads...more of knowing where Kyron isn't.)
Yes, I noticed he didn't answer the question. Why didn't he?

He probably didn't answer the question because it would require him to speculate about a LDT that he did not observe. There's really no way he could answer with regard to specifics about Terri's LDT. He's just saying what he has personally observed about her explanations.
Keep in mind these are quotes taken out of context of the complete conversation. I think it will make more sense when heard in whole.

The interviewer is asking about the lie detector but Tony is thinking beyond that.

Tony isn't talking about the Lie dectector in my opinion. He is saying it is more than just that. Meaning he sensed something else in her

When read in full it makes more sense. The follow up question was

"She isn't making any sense?"

"Not from the information I heard from her."

BBM IMO he isn't talking about the lie detector at all because he is locking in on what he heard from her.

Complete quote below.

KATE SNOW: Is it possible, though, that she was just nervous, that she didn’t pass her lie detector test with flying colors because she was emotional or upset or–

TONY YOUNG: // There’s more to it than just that. // The information that you’re giving, does it does it hit your ear and sound right? Does it make sense? //

KATE SNOW: She wasn’t making sense?

TONY YOUNG: Not from the information I heard from her.

Now that the video of that part of the interview is available, there's more info, more context. I just watched it several more times, and yes, he's speaking in a larger context about why he started thinking that LE must not be able to rule Terri out.

I still wish he had answered the question, though. The context now available is important. He's speaking about his suspicions, his speculation. And it's important to me that he avoids specifics in doing so. Perhaps a longer interview, or maybe even an unedited video of the interview would tell us more about his thinking, and how he came to his conclusions.
OT fox just said something abt an upcoming arrest, haven't heard the newsbroadcast in full yet.
I won't speculate too much because I wholeheartedly believe you must be cautious in forming opinions when quotes are taken out of context; however, if the suspicion of Terri is based on the feelings of people who don't seem to have liked her anyway, and perhaps resented her because she was Kyron's primary caretaker, then I'm going to be more firmly on the fence than I was when I woke up this morning.

I highly doubt the entire investigation started because of parents that didn't like the other parent. LE has to have more than that before they investigate somebody. If it all was took was people not liking another person to start an investigation, LE would be sorely backed up on cases and justice would be even slower. Obviously, TH's story about that day hasn't been adding up. Regardless of how KH, DY, and TY feel about her, there is no way they can just tell LE to investigate her because they don't like her or have a feeling about her. That's just not enough for an investigation into someone. LE is not the big bad here. There's no grand conspiracy to frame TH. LE is doing it's job in investigating the person that has given THEM the most suspicion, and that is TH. And I'm sure the parents have been told things besides their gut feelings that lead them to believe she did this. It's not just someone's whim that she might be guilty.

And I do hope someone gives us a play by play of the upcoming Dateline. I don't want to have to watch it, lol.
Originally Posted by tlcox
What I understand is that Tony is trying to explain why his hink meter was going off as pertains to Terri's timeline that day and he is doing so during the LDT answer. Interviewer asks about whether its possible Terri failed out of nervousness. Tony is not answering that question but rather explaining why he, personally, thinks there is both hink and stink in Terri's account.

ETA From Tony's perspective, her accounts just don't hit the ear right and he supposes they didn't hit the ear of the LDT examiner right either.

response from BeanE: Yes, I noticed he didn't answer the question. Why didn't he?

IMO, because to answer that qeuestion would require him to say "yes, it is possible to flunk a LDT due to nerves, that is why they are not admissible in a court of law as they are considered too unreliable to meet the burden of proof required of evidence." and to say that would require extending the benefit of the doubt to Terri, something I feel he is not prepared to do. Right or wrong, he and Desiree feel Terri is involved, and I think it was a distasteful idea to Tony to say anything in that interview that might conflict with the picture they have of Terri and want to present to us.
This is cool. I really need a primer on this. Thanks for posting all. :thumb:

One of the subjects that could very well come up on Dateline is how Terri Moulton Horman joined the family. She married Kaine Horman in 2007. It’s been reported elsewhere that Terri was a friend of Young’s who moved in with Kaine Horman to help take care of Kyron. But when Kaine Horman and Young sat down with WW earlier this month, they said they wanted to set the record straight on that point.

They said Young had custody of Kyron when Terri Moulton moved in with Kaine Horman.

“We were never friends,” Young said. “I didn’t meet her until after she moved in with Kaine.”

Both Kaine Horman and Young told WW that misinformation in the media had come from Terri Moulton Horman and her friends.

Was this info discussed here previously? I was still thinking that the other story was true (that they had been friends, that TH moved in with KH to "help take care of Kyron"). How bizarre that such a detailed, specific story would have been floated by TH. Goes to what DY said about the ongoing lying habit, perhaps. JMO

Was this info discussed here previously? I was still thinking that the other story was true (that they had been friends, that TH moved in with KH to "help take care of Kyron"). How bizarre that such a detailed, specific story would have been floated by TH. Goes to what DY said about the ongoing lying habit, perhaps. JMO

I'll have to look for the article, but IIRC at least one of the people who talked about that was a family member of Kaine's. Which leads me to believe that maybe both of them were not forthcoming to their respective friends and families about how they met, etc.
I'll have to look for the article, but IIRC at least one of the people who talked about that was a family member of Kaine's. Which leads me to believe that maybe both of them were not forthcoming to their respective friends and families about how they met, etc.

Oh I remember that article, Calliope. It was like a sister in law or something of Kaine's. Ex-wife of his brother maybe?
His sister in law:

"Someone had to watch the baby," said Amanda Howards, the former wife of Kaine's brother Kristian. "Terri was her friend. She moved in just to help with the baby."


In fact, in that article, I don't see anything like that mentioned by Terri's friends at all.

Both Kaine Horman and Young told WW that misinformation in the media had come from Terri Moulton Horman and her friends.

Is there another source where Terri's friends claim Desiree knew Terri (or was friends with her) before Kyron was born?
Hoping someone will be narrating what happens on Dateline tonight! I've been over ruled by wrestling..:sick:
Just about to come on here in the central time zone. :dance:
About to come on. Hope it will be balanced reporting and not just more Anti TH reporting. Fingers crossed.
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