2010.08.05 Dominic Casey emails

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Well if CA only took GA back because she didn't want to share the house and any other assets in a divorce, perhaps backing a sexual abuse story would kill to birds with one stone for her. It might be hard for a court to insist she split stuff with GA, or him to insist on it, if sexual abuse of a family member was on the table during the divorce.

(I'm still not convinced the "household weapons" searchwasn't for him and am split over who exactly was looking that one up...)

I have thought and said this a long time ago and I still hold the same opinion. Whether or not it occurred, which I don't believe it did, the fact that ICA floated this to JG long ago and then to TL, says to me that ICA and CA had conversations about it for the purpose of getting GA out of the A compound now and CA off the hook for giving GA any money. It's a convenient out for those two. And I believe these conversations took place while ICA was out on bail.

CA knew it was coming but I don't believe she knew ICA also named LA as possibly being an abuser as well as GA. Problem for CA now is this lie is now exposed prior to the trial and it puts a klinker in the motor of the bus. CA wants GA out, but needs to show that "united" front LA boosted about.

One doesn't need to have words spoken to read the body language of CA and GA photographed together. They despise each other. But for ICA they will attempt to show the media how happy they are.
I have not read the discovery and only 13 pages of this thread, but my hats off to those of you who have. Dominic and Cindy have made quite the team. I need a drink before I can tackle anymore of this.

BTW, Luke P. is as much of a joke here in Virginia as he is now in Florida.

Please forgive me if this has already been discussed. I don't have time to go through all the pages of this thread.

At the top of page 9, I found this statement made by DC:

Zenaida moved from the location in July) however I did find her new apartment within one hour
and within 1.2 mile of the original location) one is under the eye ... will keep you to
date . . . take care me friend and thank you for your help) I feel so very close to Caylee)
~o very close . . .

Didn't DC get out of his depo w/John Morgan? Based on this newest doc dump, could & should Morgan call DC back? If I were him (JM), I would be very interested in where exactly DC found Zenaida's old & new residence. He should further more be able to identify her. Yes, I know that KC's Zenaida was imaginary, but for the sake of the civil suit, doesn't it seem like this statement alone needs to come into the lime light??
Just another quick point on the sexual abuse daisy chain - yes, I absolutely believe Jesse Grund. But keeping my mind "open" I also had to consider the two "events" of ICA discussing sexual abuse as two separate issues, rather than connected.
So, exploring that issue and all the possibilities, I also had to consider that when ICA told Jesse this information, she was looking for shelter, a male protector and provider, and an escape from her family. I can't think of a better excuse for ICA to give Jesse at that time to gain some additional feelings of protectiveness from him, and to speed up the process and her agenda.

Again, IMO of course.

You are right, exactly. In Rev. Grund's interview with LE, he told them exactly that, he and his wife knew Casey just wanted out of her home so bad she was making up stories or making her plight out to be worse than it is. The only reason Jesse didn't get them an apartment is because he had his heart set on his pop doing the wedding ceremony, and pop was clear he would not if they moved in together before being married.

Stories on short notice are Casey' s specialty.

I agree with all of you that what Dominic and these psychics did was horrible, absolutely vile. It did add to the madness, no question. Shame on them, shame on them all!!! If the ADA feels charges to be appropriate, I would want them all charged.

"Cindy Anthony is delusional. Fox news called me up, all of Padilla's people called me up and said you better get a move on. Cindy Anthony is doing everything she can to frame your son!", Mr. Grund told Yuri

Mr. Grund discussing the effort of Cindy and Casey to implicate his son, is still ongoing, it is far from over.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5211384&postcount=188"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Dominic Casey: Motion to Strike Notice of Deposition & Motion for Protective Order#2[/ame]
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5211384&postcount=188"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Dominic Casey: Motion to Strike Notice of Deposition & Motion for Protective Order#2[/ame]

lots of Dom interviews and videos, Ginny video, LE interview with Dom, he details when the contracts with Baez, mom , pop and Casey begin and end, interview with Hoover, and many others.

Yeppers and that post sums it up nicer than I was going to. I was going to point out that when my dog takes a dump in the yard it starts smelling the minute the dump occurs! See why your so much better with the written word than me! LOL
The reason I believe it originated with Cindy is there is zero chance Dom was a particularly insightful person and could have seen through the happy go lucky, celebratory Casey and discern her wounded, abused history seeping through. Casey was on top of the world. Some described her as acting as if she were a hero of the family returning home from a tour in Iraq. Others describe Casey as laughing and happy like she was in a cheerleader meet. All described as never ONCE mentioning Caylee. Rather, she was playing games with her bodyguard, cooking for them, flirting with them, no crying, and very flippant. Even when learning that the tests revealed that one of the Anthony gals was dead (at one time) in the back of that car she replied "Well, I'm alive". Rather than trying to help the investigation what was she discussing with a former police officer, and a bounty hunter that track down folks for a living? Casey told Rob and Tracey, "I'd like to sign some pictures or something to make money for my defense fund. I'd like to go on Howard Stern, but he'd want to know my bra size, and if Jose was hittin' it".
No there is no way that Dominic saw an obvious abused child, especially sexually abused. If he witnessed any signs of abuse , IMO, it was the utter emasculation and disrespect that apparently had been going on for years towards George. Cindy told him when to jump and how high. Casey yelled things at him that I would be knocked across the room for yelling at a parent. Even now. Casey told pop to get out, that he could not stay there , she wasn't having it, him questioning her, and indeed he did leave according Tracey and Rob. She certainly gave no indication that a mere observer with no special skill set could have interpreted and would lead them to draw that inference that pop sexually abused her. That was told to him, IMO.
Moreover, Cindy didn't mind dogging her husband. He is not someone I like, trust or respect, at all, but for the purpose of answering your question that surely Mom would not have allowed Dom to say these things about Pop would she? MY answer is yes. IMO. damn straight she would. Without hesitation. I just promised a friend that I would search my heart for some compassion for Cindy. Apparently I need to pray harder for help, but I will try. If you remember what Grandma and Uncle Rick shared with LE....Cindy wasn't with George out of any love or respect. She was going to have the divorce until she learned that she indeed would have to split her limited financial assets with him, so she decided begrudgingly to let him stay. To be fair, I could never let someone stay in my life that betrayed me so, she kinder than I could have been to him. In my opinion that is how she treated him, that he remained in the home at her pleasure, and she allowed Casey to treat him with disdain too. At least the impression her family had was, he was a liar, a thief, could not be trusted, he had gambled or lost in some dumb scheme all of the money they had and then some. He certainly never was the head of household provider, but worse than not being that, HE COSTS HER MONEY, every penny she had ever worked for. She hated him. She hates him still. She sure had no use for him when she told him to butt out when she wanted to get Jesse out of Casey's room, she told him she'd handle it. Can you imagine telling a father to butt out?
We saw in the police interviews that Cindy is very capable of brainstorming and ideas and suspects on the fly are her specialty. We saw in their most recent interview how she brushed it off like a joke when the reporter asked about Casey's molestation claims. She said, yeah, and that hurt George. That is it!!

For us to assume that this particular new PI concluded on his own the exact same story that Casey would float two years later would defy common sense. There are no coincidences in criminal law. It came from mom, no question, imo.

It is kind of the oldest trick in the book, right, when one is manipulating someone? A married man doesn't approach a pretty girl and say you know what , I am a liar and a cheater, I don't respect you or my wife but I sure will use you for one night, how bout it. No, he lies and starts in on his wife isn't good, she doesn't understand him, it is over, and possibly even details how egregious her behavior is, so see we'll only be cheating on someone who deserves it.
I do not find him to be particularly clever. What I do infer after reading these e mails is he is very, very easily led, shockingly so, and he does seem desperate for approval. Oh yes, someone could have had him hook, line and sinker. So much so that he swore to take it to his grave that he was sent out to the woods that day by mom, all so she could later announce, as she did, "Caylee wasn't there when Dominic was there in November".

I must find it for you, one picture that tells the story.
The fact that you see Dominic pictured holding , supporting Cindy's arm, and George tagging behind , well , let's just say the body language expert would eat that up with a spoon. The chance of a man holding you while your husband trails behind, is likely minus zero.

( All just my humble opinion ) Mr. Miller describes the gleeful Casey View attachment 10428




Cindy and Dom while George was in the hospital after his "suicide" incident

What is this about.....is Baez saying HE will take Casey to an undisclosed location if DC continues working on the case? I swear Baez treats Casey as his own private property. There is a lot implicating Baez in some pretty shady dealings in these emails....and DC has pretty much skewered a lot of the reasonable doubt, by showing it to be total fantasy. In fact, and again, if anyone is tainting the jury pool it's the defence by their own outrageous actions.
The one thing I would bet my retirement on is that Dominic did not guess it. I don't picture him being serious enough about getting to the truth to sit Casey down and have a very frank talk with her and ask her outright, if it could be that George or Lee killed the baby and she is making up the outlandish lies to cover for them because she is so confused and traumatized. We know George didn't suggest it, or Lee, so that leaves me with mom.

Forgive me, I must seem so condescending, but I don't take Dominic for an intellectual person with deep insights.

I think I have an idea the origins of the abuse story. What I am saying is I have seen Cindy go through several different, conflicting wild stories within one LE interview. It is within her personality to say Dom, help me ..lets think what could it be, what is the worst case possible thing that could have happened, never to leave this table, lets just say it out loud so we can think it through, could it have been x y z, could George have done it, could the neighbor....

The only thing I know is Dominic did not discern things about Casey's childhood.
Yes, I believe it is a story Cindy may have been told by Casey. Any girl that can go into her new boyfriend's religious family, go to a wedding of two hundred guest, go to her mother's work obviously very pregnant , yet claim to them all that she has "female problems", can look anyone in the eye and tell them anything. Positively anything. After all the lies and all her tricks, at that point even if it did happen, it fell on deaf ears like the boy who cried wolf in our childhood fairy tales. Nevertheless, one may push it aside but I doubt that story would ever completely leave a mothers mind and in Cindy as Casey's mind, they appear to bring forth random thoughts and expand on them in a moment's notice.

You're not condescending. Dominic is barely literate and reading about him following a psychic's ramblings like they were the gospel, really causes me to question his intelligence. The man is a despicable liar, so I don't mind giving my opinion. He picks up on catchphrases and tries to be an armchair therapist/psychiatrist. Truly the worst of all worlds.
You're not condescending. Dominic is barely literate and reading about him following a psychic's ramblings like they were the gospel, really causes me to question his intelligence. The man is a despicable liar, so I don't mind giving my opinion. He picks up on catchphrases and tries to be an armchair therapist/psychiatrist. Truly the worst of all worlds.


...says it all.

What is this about.....is Baez saying HE will take Casey to an undisclosed location if DC continues working on the case? I swear Baez treats Casey as his own private property. There is a lot implicating Baez in some pretty shady dealings in these emails....and DC has pretty much skewered a lot of the reasonable doubt, by showing it to be total fantasy. In fact, and again, if anyone is tainting the jury pool it's the defence by their own outrageous actions.

This email is just before JB filed the motion to allow KC to travel to search for Caylee. I still believe she was going to show JB where the remains were.

Building on Nums' thought...........I must say that a comparison of email dates against points on the timeline........has already been very interesting. I suspect that with more time......there will be more direct correlations that can be inferred.

If not......the universe will have been sending mixed messages.
Well if CA only took GA back because she didn't want to share the house and any other assets in a divorce, perhaps backing a sexual abuse story would kill to birds with one stone for her. It might be hard for a court to insist she split stuff with GA, or him to insist on it, if sexual abuse of a family member was on the table during the divorce.

(I'm still not convinced the "household weapons" searchwasn't for him and am split over who exactly was looking that one up...)

I know that when I finally told my mother of the abuse that my step-father was attempting with me, she did confront him, he denied it, and it was case closed.

Now, with my mother, maybe had she been working and independant, the outcome would have been quite differant.
She had no way of supporting us ~ Doesn't make it right, but there ya go, 40 some years ago.
But, I can also see my mother NOT wanting to share or divide household items at that time as well, and, she hadn't worked for any of it.

What rang a bell with me in Casey's allegations that Lee had been sneaking in and peaking or whatever with her was she said that she slept in her bra.
That is exactly what I did to ward off the advances of my step-fathers hands on me and trying to get at me ~

So, yes, had it not been for the fact that we heard of this prior, with Jesse Grund's statements, I was still leary.
But, what sealed the deal for me was her saying sleeping in her bra.

HOWEVER - I will also say that she has had that mitigation person talking to her by the time she wrote those inmate letters.
We don't know what Jeanette {?} may have told her in passing in their discussions.
That may have been something that was brought up, as examples, and even innocently, and Casey ran with that one for all we know.

As far as Casey telling her boyfriends this stuff - about the abuse....I couldn't talk about mine for YEARS, and it was years before I ever told my husband.
If it weren't for the fact that I don't know each of you on a "face-to-face" level, I wouldn't mention now either.

And, finally, again, "face time", this applies to Cindy.
IF someone accused my husband of sexually abusing my child, I would go ape **** on them.
Smack down style, and the person was lucky that there was a phone and 300 miles between us.

My mother did confront my step-father, and, I have no doubt whatsoever, IF this had ever been brought to Cindy's attention, she would have not swept it under the carpet.
George would have at least been called on the carpet about ~

WHY Cindy and George are both being so passive about this issue just blows me away ~ And, I don't think that George not going to court is his way of "speaking out about it".
YOU SPEAK OUT ABOUT IT damn it, not just NOT go to court.

I'm really torn....yes he/they did when I compare to my personal accounts, and then no, we are talking about the master liar here and a mother that will go along with whatever the daughter wants and says.....

Sorry for going all over the place ~
Building on Nums' thought...........I must say that a comparison of email dates against points on the timeline........has already been very interesting. I suspect that with more time......there will be more direct correlations that can be inferred.

If not......the universe will have been sending mixed messages.

I totally agree! It will be very interesting. I have only read the emails once and commented on my first impressions. They are so tedious to read with all the repeated info :banghead:.

I wonder if there is an LE interview with Luke hiding somewhere too.
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