2010.08.16 Brad Conway Resigns

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Help! With all the different threads I have read in the last 24 hours, I lost the interview, deposition or whatever that included the letters from JB to Brad, the motion that had certain lines highlighted and the letter from George and Cindy rescinding their waiver. I thought these were all at the end of the Conway deposition because they were all referred to in that depo, but now I don't see them.

Can someone, pretty please, point me in the direction of these documents, before I tear out ALL my hair :)
Help! With all the different threads I have read in the last 24 hours, I lost the interview, deposition or whatever that included the letters from JB to Brad, the motion that had certain lines highlighted and the letter from George and Cindy rescinding their waiver. I thought these were all at the end of the Conway deposition because they were all referred to in that depo, but now I don't see them.

Can someone, pretty please, point me in the direction of these documents, before I tear out ALL my hair :)


How I see it.. Baez had been already "thwarting" Brad and going directly the the A's for items (IE-attempt to reverse MN's waiver to work with TES)
Perhaps Brad thought, in the best interest of his clients, it would be better to keep the diary himself. (perhaps JB already asked cindy for the diary, and BC said .."Hey, give it to me..it will stop him from asking you all the time."

Perhaps Cindy has in fact told Brad (Hey, I did write 03 on the top of that journal) Who knows? Brad certainly can't tell us (attorney client deal-e-o)

It's a magnificent mess. (as is my jumbled post) LOL sorry :) French schooling plays havoc with English grammar

I always enjoy reading your posts. Your insight and thought process are thought provoking,

OK, now I see where you're going with BC having possession of the diary. When BC acknowledged he went through the documents per JB's request couldn't it be argued that both BC and JB disregarded that itty bitty order handed down by the judge?

Novice Seeker
ITA. Another code comment to join all those others.

But why would BC be in possession of that diary? Safe keeping from whom or what? Would think if there was anything useful in this diary the A's wouldn't have hit the media circuit about it. If BC was holding on to it because it holds something highly sensitive that could affect this case couldn't it be argued that he was tampering, withholding evidence or obstruction of justice?

From BC's deposition he tells LE what he would hypothetically do if aware of false information but what he is referring to isn't hypothetical. He's been aware of numerous things relating to tampering, motions that Baez submitted to the court which were complete lies.

Then, BC admits that he in fact to review the TES documents at the request of JB. Although BC did not find any documents with LB's name attached BC did go through the records.

Since the latest document dump I still haven't gone through all of them so I apologize if my thoughts are rambled. I'm feeling :rocker::banghead::doh:

Novice Seeker

I :dunno: exactly the date when Brad came to be in actual possession of the diary..
But I do remember him saying that he did indeed have the diary and if LE/SAO wanted it then it would be available to them and he would turn it over..

LolaMoon08 quote
Cindy even went on Larry King Live and the Diary page was brought up and Cindy states that it was written in 2005... Brad Conway corrects Cindy and says that it was written in 2003. Cindy didn't look very happy with BC when he said that he would be willing to turn it over to the SA. She was shooting him some daggers!!

Conversation starts at 2:43

I just watched it again.. at 2:40 mark

When Larry King is announcing the story of the diary Cindy and Brad look at each other..
Larry reads what Casey wrote, and says "generally that adds to the ?"
Cindy has a smile on her face..and says that went out there and that's been clarified...
Cindy is VERY CLEAR when she states it was written in 2005..
Brad says it was written in '03
Cindy replies NO,
Brad says it was written in 2003, June 21
Cindy says OH 2003, right...
Brad..2 years before Caylee was even born
Cindy says Brad showed the Diary to the SAO and they didn't want it...that someone in the Sheriffs office leaked it, it's not discovery, it's not evidence
Brad says the Diary is in his safe keeping as an Officer of the Court and if the State or Defense wants it it's theirs.

But the real question here is would it have done any good for BC to complain. We can see where JS's complaint, along with DC's went when presented to the Bar. Nothing was done, nothing. Maybe a little finger, tsk, tsk waving but that was it. So could it be that BC felt he did not have a strong enough complaint to complain. Not worth all the bad press. MN did not file a complaint either and he had issues with JB. So it may be a matter of picking your battles. This one may not have been worth fighting for considering it is the Casey Anthony case and we all just want it to go to trial as scheduled.

You have to wonder what a lot of these attorneys are thinking about JB's actions. We know RH's opinion and I'm guessing they are all thinking what is this guy up to and it can't be good???? jmo

Probably not...It would one attorney's word against another...without solid proof, I suppose.
As we have seen from the outcome of the previous Bar Complaints(D.Casey and Judge Strickland)...IMO the Florida Bar only does a Satisfactory (if that) job of investigating complaints.:twocents:

I also wonder if Conway and Nejame will wait until the trial is over to complain..why derail the trial?
I wonder if they think for now the focus should be on Casey's Murder trial and getting it to start on schedule. Deal with Baez later.:twocents:
And did you also get the impression that the A's did not write it???

Perhaps but that letter IMO seems to be full of sentence structures the A's use ad nauseam..and the, what's the word?, letter comes across something similiar to get off your *advertiser censored**** and look for my granddaughter and even how dare you tell me I can't pray kind of mentality.

Novice Seeker
How I see it.. Baez had been already "thwarting" Brad and going directly the the A's for items (IE-attempt to reverse MN's waiver to work with TES)
Perhaps Brad thought, in the best interest of his clients, it would be better to keep the diary himself. (perhaps JB already asked cindy for the diary, and BC said .."Hey, give it to me..it will stop him from asking you all the time."

Perhaps Cindy has in fact told Brad (Hey, I did write 03 on the top of that journal) Who knows? Brad certainly can't tell us (attorney client deal-e-o)

It's a magnificent mess. (as is my jumbled post) LOL sorry :) French schooling plays havoc with English grammar

It most certainly is....

LOL My hubby is in the same boat...He always has me double check everything he writes in English before sending it out...aahh but I love to listen to him when he speaks French, his is far more superior than mine..
I :dunno: exactly the date when Brad came to be in actual possession of the diary..
But I do remember him saying that he did indeed have the diary and if LE/SAO wanted it then it would be available to them and he would turn it over..

LolaMoon08 quote

I just watched it again.. at 2:40 mark

When Larry King is announcing the story of the diary Cindy and Brad look at each other..
Larry reads what Casey wrote, and says "generally that adds to the ?"
Cindy has a smile on her face..and says that went out there and that's been clarified...
Cindy is VERY CLEAR when she states it was written in 2005..
Brad says it was written in '03
Cindy replies NO,
Brad says it was written in 2003, June 21
Cindy says OH 2003, right...
Brad..2 years before Caylee was even born
Cindy says Brad showed the Diary to the SAO and they didn't want it...that someone in the Sheriffs office leaked it, it's not discovery, it's not evidence
Brad says the Diary is in his safe keeping as an Officer of the Court and if the State or Defense wants it it's theirs.


TY. My my isn't that video telling given now that we've been able to read the recent documents. So if the SA's office wasn't interested in that diary why did BC feel the need to keep it in his possession? When Cindy interrupts BC saying BC is wrong I swear I see steam coming out of his ears. He seemed a little concerned that Cindy was getting ready to spill secrets....

Novice Seeker
It most certainly is....

LOL My hubby is in the same boat...He always has me double check everything he writes in English before sending it out...aahh but I love to listen to him when he speaks French, his is far more superior than mine..

Are you in beautiful Italy?!!! sorry off topic :)
And did you also get the impression that the A's did not write it???

They probably did not but IMO they did give the narration..and they, IMO, gave final approval to the final document, all done behind the back of the lawyer who they hired and was supposed to be protecting their interests.

(based on my own recent experience)
Recently I hired a lawyer to work on my behalf and file documents for me that I thought best done by an experienced lawyer in the matter I needed taken care of...I verbally told him my version of events but I did not type up the sworn statement, he did himself or his secretary did...on my next visit I was presented with the typed up sworn statement, I had to read it for accuracy and then I signed it..
Probably not...It would one attorney's word against another...without solid proof, I suppose.
As we have seen from the outcome of the previous Bar Complaints(D.Casey and Judge Strickland)...IMO the Florida Bar only does a Satisfactory (if that) job of investigating complaints.:twocents:

I also wonder if Conway and Nejame will wait until the trial is over to complain..why derail the trial?
I wonder if they think for now the focus should be on Casey's Murder trial and getting it to start on schedule. Deal with Baez later.:twocents:

Or they could sit back and let LE deal with him. The facts were bound to come out. JB does not cover his tracks very well. jmo
I posted the entire article. Beach be gentle? :crazy:

When you try to post a link and it comes up with a string of ********, that means the site is blocked from being linked at WS.

Sorry, but I had to unapprove the last 16 posts. The sites are blocked for a reason. We cannot copy & paste entire articles, especially from a site that has been blocked. Likewise, we cannot "summarize" or comment on the content of the articles posted on a blocked site.

FYI - I am not sure about this instance since I don't know which site it was (and it doesn't matter), but often sites are blocked because they are not reliable or perpetuate rumors.
I need to know what is going on.. :waitasec:

When you try to post a link and it comes up with a string of ********, that means the site is blocked from being linked at WS.

Are the above posts verbatim copy & pastes from the link that is blocked?

Just delete my post Beach & I apologize. I will remember the *** rule in the future,. :)
Tulessa, whatever site that is can't be linked on WS. The program is smart enough to help us not break the rules inadvertently!

Not sure about posting the content--think we are to keep under 10% of original, but the mods will help us.

Now you tell me.:banghead: Thanks :)
Gee I wonder who will represent Baez?

Seeing as this is JoseB we are talking about (he thinks he's the smartest guy in the room- we know he's the dumbest!) he'll insist on defending himself. :loser:

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