2010.08.16 Misty Croslin Scheduled For Hearing On Drug Charges

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I would have fought these charges like crazy! Set-up to the max! An innocent girl may likely be going to prison for 1/4 to 1/2 of her life. She is innocent because: 1) She was USED by RonaldC to purchase and locate drugs; 2) She's just a kid-did NOT know better; 3) She has no positive role models in her life-first a child of drug addicts then a girlfriend/wife of another - her life was doomed years ago; 4) Drug trafficing case was concocted and set up by law enforcement-ENTRAPMENT in an effort to gain knowledge and/or clues into the disappearance of HaLeigh Cummings. There is NO proof that Misty is responsible for the disappearance of this child as she has not been judged guilty of such. I say B.S. to the trafficing charges and her phoney attorney (who's side is he on anyway!)
My math says she will be incarcerated for at least 30 years ... she is just a young girl; mentally just barely 18 yrs old (much closer to a 17 yrs old) and IQ of a child of lesser age. No parents to guide her and help her make adult decisions at this critical time in her life - she is all alone. I truly find it heart-breaking.
I did a stupid thing when I was that age also and today I am thanking God that I am not just getting out of prison as a result of my immaturity and ignorance of reality :(
you're right, IMO, entrapment all the way-for all of them. Nobody has showed me one bit of evidence, that these people were trafficking drugs, to somebody, anybody, besides the undercover cop, who was placing orders, right & left. Where are the other busts, while they're selling, to the average druggie? & that crud at Tommy's sentencing? where he had 'narrowly' avoided an earlier trafficking charge, because the cops didn't find his stash? Really? That's what they've got for evidence?`& it's MOO, that if Fields had had the guts to go with an entrapment defense, he would've gotten a deal.
Just out of my own curiousity I would like to ask Papa and others why you say the defense attorneys of the ones already been convicted are lacking in integrity and such by what has gone down in court......Many years ago I was convicted of a DUi (in my dumber years) and I had a very well paid attorney. The state had my BAC and such evidence as to more than likely prove my guilt...My attorney advised me to plea guilty rather than go to trial...I did so and the judge threw the book at me.....It has been a real long time ago so I dont remember the details however the attorneys who know the state has the evidence to convict so why is everyone saying all of these people got a raw deal.....I am just trying to understand....My PAID lawyer did no better for me than these state attorneys are doing for this group...I am just not getting why some of you are saying these lawyers have thrown their clients to the wolves...What would you have them do different? I really would like for someone to give me an answer.

Southernvagirl, I'm going to answer your question in an unusual manner. Rather than simply pleading guilty and throwing their clients on the mercy of the court for sentencing, why wouldn't the attorneys take the matter to trial?

What do you think would have happened in a jury trial? Do you think that at least one member of the jury might view the case like two of our own valued, respected members of Web Sleuths do?

I would have fought these charges like crazy! Set-up to the max! An innocent girl may likely be going to prison for 1/4 to 1/2 of her life. She is innocent because: 1) She was USED by RonaldC to purchase and locate drugs; 2) She's just a kid-did NOT know better; 3) She has no positive role models in her life-first a child of drug addicts then a girlfriend/wife of another - her life was doomed years ago; 4) Drug trafficing case was concocted and set up by law enforcement-ENTRAPMENT in an effort to gain knowledge and/or clues into the disappearance of HaLeigh Cummings. There is NO proof that Misty is responsible for the disappearance of this child as she has not been judged guilty of such. I say B.S. to the trafficing charges and her phoney attorney (who's side is he on anyway!)
My math says she will be incarcerated for at least 30 years ... she is just a young girl; mentally just barely 18 yrs old (much closer to a 17 yrs old) and IQ of a child of lesser age. No parents to guide her and help her make adult decisions at this critical time in her life - she is all alone. I truly find it heart-breaking.
I did a stupid thing when I was that age also and today I am thanking God that I am not just getting out of prison as a result of my immaturity and ignorance of reality :(

you're right, IMO, entrapment all the way-for all of them. Nobody has showed me one bit of evidence, that these people were trafficking drugs, to somebody, anybody, besides the undercover cop, who was placing orders, right & left. Where are the other busts, while they're selling, to the average druggie? & that crud at Tommy's sentencing? where he had 'narrowly' avoided an earlier trafficking charge, because the cops didn't find his stash? Really? That's what they've got for evidence?`& it's MOO, that if Fields had had the guts to go with an entrapment defense, he would've gotten a deal.

All it takes is one, my friend. These attorneys had an obligation to try and find that one.
O/T: my stupid thing was drunk driving - I could have killed innocent persons in my car or others not in my car. Heck, I was so naiive, I didn't even realize I WAS drunk when I got in my car to drive 30 miles in the winter on icy roads. The following day I asked my bff how we got home and she said I drove, and she didn't know I was drunk either! We were both stupid ...
I am amazed that JVM attacks this kid unmercifully. She is a recovering addict and I would expect at least a little compassion. If Misty had money, and could pay a lawyer, couldn't they threaten these TV loudmouths to be more courteous when discussing people who have not even been convicted yet? Why is she discussing her weight and appearance and yelling "When will she FINALLY tell what she knows about Haleigh"!!! JVM has no idea if Misty knows more. "Misty, tell the truth or you're not going to see the light of day!" How does she get off treating someone like this? I am beginning to dislike her even more than"the other one", who has been fairly subdued lately.Common decency and respect need to be displayed. Let us make up our own minds, just deliver the facts. I totally agree a good child psychologist could make people see this girl never had a chance in life and if the police have been unable to prove that Misty hurt Haleigh, how can JVM accuse her like she does? Misty is a teenager, nearly illiterate, with a sixth grade education and no family support or stability.JVM needs to pick on someone who can defend herself.
I haven't read the entire thread yet, although I have read the newspaper reports on Misty's plea. I don't usually visit Art Harris' site, but someone pointed me to it.


In it he says, "One reporter noted she was the only female inmate in court, with no family to offer support." Well, duh! :banghead: Oddly though, Tommy had his parents there ten days ago with their passes from the jailhouse. I wonder why they didn't go for Misty, too? :waitasec: Are they allowed one pass per month, per year? Just sayin'.

Attorney Fields says Misty is between a rock and a hard place, having charges in two counties. If she gets Youthful Offender in one, she can't get it in the other, because she'd be a convicted felon. Either way, the gal is looking at serious hard time. Misty, what were ya' thinking, out there trafficking drugs with the spotlight on you?

This goose is burned.
Just thinking..... Could the lack of family support in court be a defense strategy for the judge to feel sorry for her? To get the judge to be lenient? Or at least, as lenient as possible considering the state's mandatory laws?

I just don't get why Hank and Lisa weren't there, after all, they are in the Putnam County jailhouse, so it shouldn't have been a terrible burden to transport them to court like they did for Tommy? Maybe because this was just a plea date and not a sentencing date as was Tommy's? That must be it.
Ron coaxed her into doing it with another of his brilliant ideas I suspect is the reason she was out there doing it ... you know, like pulling on her puppet strings.
Misty has shown to obey orders from the "C" family quite well. JMO
I think Hank and Lisa have to be witnesses in order to appear at her hearing - this was not a sentencing hearing where you have witnesses = IMO
Is Fields representing Misty pro-bono or is he a public defender?
I think Hank and Lisa have to be witnesses in order to appear at her hearing - this was not a sentencing hearing where you have witnesses = IMO

I believe you're right. Hank and Lisa were probably there as witnesses as to his childhood so that maybe the judge would show leniency...a lot of good that did. JMO
The judge listens to the state regarding his direction. That combined with what the law says he must do is his only criteria. He cannot in these drug cases give less than the minimum w/o proof of the reason from the State as to why he should reconsider and give less than the minimum. The mandatory is set in stone.

I see no reason for any of these five to be able to get less time w/o giving information about Haleigh that will help them find her.
Is Fields representing Misty pro-bono or is he a public defender?

Fields is a private attorney, not a public defender. He took Misty on pro bono when it was still about Haleigh. With her arrest on trafficking charges, Fields stuck by her but it is confusing whether he is still pro bono. At one time, he put in a motion for her to be declared indigent and have public defender appointed. But he stayed her attorney of record anyway...so it might mean he is still a private attorney assisting her pro bono but gets some of his expenses paid by the state. IDK, really, and therefore this is all JMO.
Misty Cummings Pleads To Drug Charges Likely Faces 25 Years In Prison
Flora Hollars said she thinks as long as Misty and her brother, Hank, are in jail, they won't tell what they know about Haleigh.

UPDATED: 5:18 pm EDT August 16, 2010
"Snip" http://www.news4jax.com/news/24645217/detail.html

PALATKA, Fla. -- Misty's attorney, Robert Fields, told the judge a "landslide of evidence" against Cummings, including the undercover video, led to her no contest plea.

Ronald Cummings is nearing a plea agreement, and Hank Croslin plead no contest to similar charges and was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Misty could face about 200 years in prison on the 7 counts of drug trafficking, but as a youthful offender, her sentence will more likely range from six to 25 years, lawyers said. Sentencing was scheduled for Oct. 19.

Misty faces one more drug trafficking charge in St. Johns County, Hearing Tuesday morning Aug 23.

Misty's grandmother, Flora Hollars said she thinks as long as Misty and Hank Jr. are in jail, they won't tell what they know about Haleigh.

"I believe they'll do more talking out of jail," Hollars said in a phone interview Monday. "Look at how long it's been. They ain't said nothing."

Misty and Hank's mom and dad were also recently arrested and are in jail on drug charges. Hollars said with the entire family in jail, the chances of them talking are slim to none.

"I don't think they'll say anything as long as they're in jail," Hollars said. "If they were out, they might talk."

Hollars said she still believes Haleigh's body was dumped into the St. Johns River, and in her opinion, everyone in the Croslin family knows more than what they've admitted to.

"Misty is the one that told me they wrapped her in a bag and tied it with a yellow rope and dropped her into the St. Johns River," Hollars said.

"I think Ronald knows more than he's saying, too," Hollars said.

Did Flo Hollars mention the part about Haleigh being wrapped in a bag on the first "bombshell" interview when she initially stated what she was told??? How did I miss this before?
Why does Flora think M and T would talk more out of jail? Haleigh had been gone almost a year before they were arrested for trafficking and in all that time they had not said anything of value. I wish Flora would stay out of it. Flora has done more than her fair share of damage to Haleigh's case and she should either shut her mouth or have it registered as a lethal weapon, IMO.

Southernvagirl, I'm going to answer your question in an unusual manner. Rather than simply pleading guilty and throwing their clients on the mercy of the court for sentencing, why wouldn't the attorneys take the matter to trial?

What do you think would have happened in a jury trial? Do you think that at least one member of the jury might view the case like two of our own valued, respected members of Web Sleuths do?

All it takes is one, my friend. These attorneys had an obligation to try and find that one.

Great explanation Papa. I kept thinking today how I would feel if Fields was my attorney on a case that would affect the rest of my life.......I think Fields should receive compensation in kind for the defense of this girl, which is $0. I'm definitely no a supporter of drug dealers but this is an eighteen year old girl with no past priors, I would think that some kind of rehabilitation would be in order here. I am glad she isn't my teenage daughter looking at spending most of the rest of her life in prison. This is first time I have seen a judge punish defendants for not giving up testimony on another case. Is this ordinary?
What does Gma Flora have in mind? Let them all go and wait on them to come in and chat one day?
Misty Cummings Pleads To Drug Charges Likely Faces 25 Years In Prison
Flora Hollars said she thinks as long as Misty and her brother, Hank, are in jail, they won't tell what they know about Haleigh.

UPDATED: 5:18 pm EDT August 16, 2010
"Snip" http://www.news4jax.com/news/24645217/detail.html

PALATKA, Fla. -- Misty's attorney, Robert Fields, told the judge a "landslide of evidence" against Cummings, including the undercover video, led to her no contest plea.

Ronald Cummings is nearing a plea agreement, and Hank Croslin plead no contest to similar charges and was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Misty could face about 200 years in prison on the 7 counts of drug trafficking, but as a youthful offender, her sentence will more likely range from six to 25 years, lawyers said. Sentencing was scheduled for Oct. 19.

Misty faces one more drug trafficking charge in St. Johns County, Hearing Tuesday morning Aug 23.

Misty's grandmother, Flora Hollars said she thinks as long as Misty and Hank Jr. are in jail, they won't tell what they know about Haleigh.
"I believe they'll do more talking out of jail," Hollars said in a phone interview Monday. "Look at how long it's been. They ain't said nothing."

Misty and Hank's mom and dad were also recently arrested and are in jail on drug charges. Hollars said with the entire family in jail, the chances of them talking are slim to none.

"I don't think they'll say anything as long as they're in jail," Hollars said. "If they were out, they might talk."

Hollars said she still believes Haleigh's body was dumped into the St. Johns River, and in her opinion, everyone in the Croslin family knows more than what they've admitted to.

"Misty is the one that told me they wrapped her in a bag and tied it with a yellow rope and dropped her into the St. Johns River," Hollars said.

"I think Ronald knows more than he's saying, too," Hollars said.

OMG, did Grandma Flo borrow this from the Casey Anthony case? Casey also stated that if she could get out of jail that she would cooperate in Caylee's case. Padilla can tell you how that worked out...........
I am amazed that JVM attacks this kid unmercifully. She is a recovering addict and I would expect at least a little compassion. If Misty had money, and could pay a lawyer, couldn't they threaten these TV loudmouths to be more courteous when discussing people who have not even been convicted yet? Why is she discussing her weight and appearance and yelling "When will she FINALLY tell what she knows about Haleigh"!!! JVM has no idea if Misty knows more. "Misty, tell the truth or you're not going to see the light of day!" How does she get off treating someone like this? I am beginning to dislike her even more than"the other one", who has been fairly subdued lately.Common decency and respect need to be displayed. Let us make up our own minds, just deliver the facts. I totally agree a good child psychologist could make people see this girl never had a chance in life and if the police have been unable to prove that Misty hurt Haleigh, how can JVM accuse her like she does? Misty is a teenager, nearly illiterate, with a sixth grade education and no family support or stability.JVM needs to pick on someone who can defend herself.

Levi's comments about Misty which mirrored JVM's, were equally shocking IMO.
So....who is RC going to testify against now? He is going to help convict who?

:waitasec: LOL, well, there's still one Croslin brother not incarcerated. I bet Timmy feels like there is a bullseye on his back right now. I don't see how Ron can testify against any of the people who were arrested with him, they have all pled out. It is only a matter of time before we get to hear the next version of what happened to Haleigh, according to Ron.
BBM: Ron should serve at least 25 since he has two charges with 25-year minimum.

BBM: The judge did not throw the book at Hope; she got her minimum mandatory. (Though I do think he threw the book at Tommy.)

And there was no option for LE or the SA to split RC's charges into separate counties, IIRC. If RC's deals were all in Putnam, that's where they all had to be charged.

[This is my first attempt at multiple quote; I hope I did it right :innocent:]

Thanks krkjx, I didn't realize what the minimum that RC was facing. Yup, let me restate---:D 25 years then! (Sorry to everyone, I had been only watching these trial dates as they were posted in advance and trying to keep up with them somewhat :))

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