2010.08.17 - Croslin says she heard Haleigh Cummings attack

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well by reading your post, I remember early on that Ron had called like 20 times and they were fighting and Misty would not answer the phone so there might be a chance that Misty was lying then as she wouldn't answer and now all of a sudden she is trying to call Ron?.... it don't work for me.
TN lived really close so why wouldnt she get there fast? and also she works with dispatch the next county over so she would get the news before we would if she had the scanner on.... that doesnt concern me at all. If one of my grandkids was missing I would be there pretty fast too probably still in my jammies looking for them.

TN lived really close? TN works in next County?

TN could not get there, she sent her "family member" over, why is that? TN lived in Fruitland Park, about 80 mile away. TN had not been working as a dispatcher for quite awhile and that was in Gainsville. Yeah, I know what she put in the incident report, I know what she told them....doesn't make it fact.

I also know I can't prove that she wasn't in that trailer in PP either or that she didn't maintain two residences but it is unlikely. Everyone of her Doctors and Lawyers were located in Lake County. I can show that she was registered as living in Lake County and had been for the most part for the past ten years. She was evicted in Feb 2010 from Lake County property.

Concerning the clothes she showed up in that morning after the frantic call?....she has never dressed that well since.....diamond pendent and all.
After my last post is read, the wardrobe may change. I know the address did when that was first posted.
TN lived really close? TN works in next County?

TN could not get there, she sent her "family member" over. TN lived in Fruitland Park, about 80 mile away. TN had not been working as a dispatcher for quite awhile and that was in Gainsville. Yeah, I know what she put in the incident report, I know what she told them....doesn't make it fact.

I also know I can't prove that she wasn't in that trailer in PP either but I can show that she was registered as living in Lake County and had been for the most part for the past ten years.

Concerning the clothes she showed up in that morning after the frantic call?....she has never dressed that well since.....diamond pendent and all.

bolded by me....Good point you are making...May I add an observation as well about her....The latest video of her recently..making the comment that Misty is not to be believed and she should be hanged...TN looks..AGED and WORN OUT...from 18 months ago...This cover up is hard work...and it has not been kind to her!!
all in my own opinion..
well by reading your post, I remember early on that Ron had called like 20 times and they were fighting and Misty would not answer the phone so there might be a chance that Misty was lying then as she wouldn't answer and now all of a sudden she is trying to call Ron?.... it don't work for me.
TN lived really close so why wouldnt she get there fast? and also she works with dispatch the next county over so she would get the news before we would if she had the scanner on.... that doesnt concern me at all. If one of my grandkids was missing I would be there pretty fast too probably still in my jammies looking for them.

If I recall correctly she wasn't working for them at that time. I may be wrong but I think that she was out of work due to an injury and was trying to get on disability. Could someone help us out with this and refresh us on the situation with TN's employment situation at the time Of Haleigh's disappearance. Also refresh us on the distance that she had to travel and the time it took her to get there. Thank you.

Never mind, I see above where this has already been answered by Whisperer. Thank you.
Back on topic: I don't believe misty heard any noises from Haleigh when JO and tommy were there, but she may have heard them earlier if she was alone with Haleigh.

I can't see two people letting another strangle a child and not do something. It just takes a lot of coldness to do that and if they did, they are all equally guilty.

Strangulation usually occurs when the perp knows the victim, usually intimately. Odd, that a total stranger would walk up to somebody and strangle them. I realize it can happen if the perp is completely insane. If JO was, there would be no reason not to call for help once he was gone...so I am ruling out JO as strangling Haleigh.

I have known murderers but they would probably take out everyone there when the insanity is out of control.

TN lived really close? TN works in next County?

TN could not get there, she sent her "family member" over, why is that? TN lived in Fruitland Park, about 80 mile away. TN had not been working as a dispatcher for quite awhile and that was in Gainsville. Yeah, I know what she put in the incident report, I know what she told them....doesn't make it fact.

I also know I can't prove that she wasn't in that trailer in PP either or that she didn't maintain two residences but it is unlikely. Everyone of her Doctors and Lawyers were located in Lake County. I can show that she was registered as living in Lake County and had been for the most part for the past ten years. She was evicted in Feb 2010 from Lake County property.

Concerning the clothes she showed up in that morning after the frantic call?....she has never dressed that well since.....diamond pendent and all.

If Teresa was dressed well that night and wearing the police jacket, maybe she was out in town with a man that night or with her boyfriend and had her old jacket in her vehicle. Having a date could have been why she didn't want to babysit.
dont you think a child jrs age could have said me and misty was under the covers and sissy was screaming..i would think that would haunt him more than a man in black took her..i also think tc and mc could have taken jo down easy with the 2 of them together and i believe they would have..just not buying this lie either nope.
dont you think a child jrs age could have said me and misty was under the covers and sissy was screaming..i would think that would haunt him more than a man in black took her..i also think tc and mc could have taken jo down easy with the 2 of them together and i believe they would have..just not buying this lie either nope.

bolded by me....I commented earlier on this very thing....IF Junior could hear and remember "squeaky shoes" and a couch bouncing...he could CERTAINLY hear and remember his sister screaming...not buying.....
If Jr had developed along the normal patterns of growth, he should be able to help alot, if he witnessed anything at all.
If Jr had developed along the normal patterns of growth, he should be able to help alot, if he witnessed anything at all.

bolded by me...IMO...IF..Haleigh's accident/death..happened much earlier in the day..say..even before Ron went to work.....I would assume Junior would have been "handed off" to a relative, and out of the way..so the clean up/cover up could take place and he would not have been in the middle of all the confusion to retain what really was happening...most likely just "told" what to say..to go along with the "abduction" plan..
bolded by me....I commented earlier on this very thing....IF Junior could hear and remember "squeaky shoes" and a couch bouncing...he could CERTAINLY hear and remember his sister screaming...not buying.....

I agree!

Misty is lying. Tommy is lying.

I believe Junior and Haleigh were close; he would have been acutely aware of his Sissy screaming, and neighbors would have heard the screams as well.

And there's no way that Misty was hiding under a sheet while JO did the deed because I do not believe for one second that he would have left her alive if she was not a party to the crime. As one poster said earlier, JO as the perp could not be certain Misty would not have LE on his azz the minute he left the scene.
I remember the interview Crystal and Jr did with Craig Rivera and it was mentioned that Jr stated that Haleigh never woke up or made a sound when the man in black with squeakie shoes carried her out.

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