2010.08.24 Defense Motion to Silence the Media

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Using that kind of logic, it would seem that JB could go for change of venue outside the state of FL since the whole state of FL voted her in as AG.

ETA - I just wanted to clarify that I don't believe he would be able to do this at all because he wouldn't know who in each area voted for her anyway.
Using that kind of logic, it would seem that JB could go for change of venue outside the state of FL since the whole state of FL voted her in as AG.

ETA - I just wanted to clarify that I don't believe he would be able to do this at all because he wouldn't know who in each area voted for her anyway.

I love how all of this nonsense comes up out of nowhere. Funny, I've never heard anything like this until the Casey Anthony Case. The focus on Caylee was lost a long time ago. As if an election should have anything to do with anything here. My God this is almost amusing. I'm sure Perry will love hearing about this one.
I think it's odd RH never complained about CM either!
He has many little personal issues with people. Why is he even giving them any ideas?
I remember RH posting on his blog about the Bent case and how things might change for the Sunshine Laws in that respect to KC's case. NOT!
Thanks TWA for those video clips. You always have the right stuff!!!
Not to worry, friends, imo Pam Bondi certainly deserves her election results. Of course she will refrain from commenting further on active cases. Secondly, the shows she commented on were often national shows, so they could have been viewed in any city/county in Florida. Even if; in an abundance of caution, the judge agrees to leave Tampa off his list...so what? He has plenty of other places to chose from , and under no set of circumstances are the folks going to be from Mars. Judge Perry will find a jury,and the trial will proceed. What Baez and company object to is of little or no relevance. Judge Perry will use his best judgment, regardless and I trust him to make an appeal proof decision.

Let's review a little gem from the beginning of the trial

Check out the egregious things Baez had done, already , that early in the trial. It sure makes Ms. Pondi seem like a tea party by comparison.

May God bless Mrs. Bondi, she is a hero of mine! May she continue on her path. Snipped from the Examiner,
"Who is Pam Bondi and why is she so close to the Casey Anthony case?

If you’ve followed the Casey Anthony case for any length of time, you’re sure to have seen Pam Bondi. She’s made plenty of guest appearances on the Nancy Grace show, Issues with Jane Velez Mitchell, and is also a featured guest on shows such as Scarborough Country with Joe Scarborough. You’ll find her on networks from CNN to MSNBC and Fox News. You’ll also find Pam Bondi in Tampa where she serves as an Assistant State Attorney in Hillsborough County. Pam Bondi has become one of the leading authorities on the Casey Anthony case.

Pam Bondi was interviewed in the CBS 48 Hours Mystery: The Story of Caylee Anthony. You can watch the full video in the player below. In fact, she was the first person interviewed in the show and gave the opening statements. The Caylee Anthony murder has rocked the nation and it has permeated through the Tampa Bay area, from its local citizens who wonder if they would become jurors should the trial be moved here to Pam Bondi who has become one of the foremost experts on the case."
[ame="http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/2374176"]THE UNTOLD STORY OF CAYLEE, THE UNTOLD STORY OF CAYLEE timer55 on USTREAM. Breaking News[/ame]


Pam Bondi is the new Attorney General for FL? I love her! She always seemed so smart and full of common sense when discussing this case.
Pam Bondi is the new Attorney General for FL? I love her! She always seemed so smart and full of common sense when discussing this case.
Here Mrs. Bondi opines on the story of Caylee.
Pam Bondi is the new Attorney General for FL? I love her! She always seemed so smart and full of common sense when discussing this case.

I loved her commentaries on the case too.

So what does a Florida Attorney General do? Will the AG play some sort of role in Casey's case? I just don't understand why it's a factor now, but I'm sure I am missing something.
I pulled out interesting comments made by KC in the jail visit. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,480148,00.html

I am upset now. The media is going to have a freaking field day with this. I wasn't even supposed to take this

So she was already very aware of the impact her statements would have in the media. Why was she "not supposed to take this"???? I assume she is referring to the visit.

My entire life has been taken from me. Everything has been taken from me. You don't understand. Everybody wants me to have answers. I do not have any answers because I do not know what is going on.
I have no one to talk to. It's the only person I can talk to right now, because I cannot even say anything to you guys besides telling you that I love you. I want Caylee. Things like that, and that's even being put on the air, which it should be. It is everything else, everything that I am not saying.

By her adding "things like that" AFTER talking about Caylee...she is saying I have a script to follow.....she then realizes how that may sound and adds "which it should be" as an AFTERTHOUGHT!

She was clearly instructed what to say...
I pulled out interesting comments made by KC in the jail visit. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,480148,00.html

I am upset now. The media is going to have a freaking field day with this. I wasn't even supposed to take this

So she was already very aware of the impact her statements would have in the media. Why was she "not supposed to take this"???? I assume she is referring to the visit.

My entire life has been taken from me. Everything has been taken from me. You don't understand. Everybody wants me to have answers. I do not have any answers because I do not know what is going on.
I have no one to talk to. It's the only person I can talk to right now, because I cannot even say anything to you guys besides telling you that I love you. I want Caylee. Things like that, and that's even being put on the air, which it should be. It is everything else, everything that I am not saying.

By her adding "things like that" AFTER talking about Caylee...she is saying I have a script to follow.....she then realizes how that may sound and adds "which it should be" as an AFTERTHOUGHT!

She was clearly instructed what to say...

I have always been fascinated with this visit. ICA appeared to be very distraught, I think this may have been when all the media/picture deals were taking place. I also believe this is when the "script" was being written, with a few changes, for instance the Blanchard Park story.
IMO, the defense trying to silence the media is a joke. Someone needs to file a motion to silence the defense. IF there were ever going to be a successful argument for jury tampering in this case, it would be against the defense. They have plied and played to the media this whole time, and then have the nerve to say that the media is being unfair. GMAB! Until the defense can give one REASONABLE account of why ICA never reported her child missing, lied to LE when they became involved, and let's not forget, to this day she REFUSES to tell the truth about what happened to Caylee, then I don't pay much attention to anything they have to say. They are supposed to be defending a murder case, and all they have done is challenge the FL Sunshine Laws, try to get the judge to change rules at the jail where he has no jurisdiction, and call press conferences.
IMO, the defense trying to silence the media is a joke. Someone needs to file a motion to silence the defense. IF there were ever going to be a successful argument for jury tampering in this case, it would be against the defense. They have plied and played to the media this whole time, and then have the nerve to say that the media is being unfair. GMAB! Until the defense can give one REASONABLE account of why ICA never reported her child missing, lied to LE when they became involved, and let's not forget, to this day she REFUSES to tell the truth about what happened to Caylee, then I don't pay much attention to anything they have to say. They are supposed to be defending a murder case, and all they have done is challenge the FL Sunshine Laws, try to get the judge to change rules at the jail where he has no jurisdiction, and call press conferences.

The thank you button was not enough!
IMO, the defense trying to silence the media is a joke. Someone needs to file a motion to silence the defense. IF there were ever going to be a successful argument for jury tampering in this case, it would be against the defense. They have plied and played to the media this whole time, and then have the nerve to say that the media is being unfair. GMAB! Until the defense can give one REASONABLE account of why ICA never reported her child missing, lied to LE when they became involved, and let's not forget, to this day she REFUSES to tell the truth about what happened to Caylee, then I don't pay much attention to anything they have to say. They are supposed to be defending a murder case, and all they have done is challenge the FL Sunshine Laws, try to get the judge to change rules at the jail where he has no jurisdiction, and call press conferences.

And make appearances on national TV.

Baez would be disappointed if you overlook his cameos.

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