2010.10.08 - Issues w~JVM to Cover the Haleigh case tonight

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Issues Transcript:


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tonight -- breaking news. Are we any closer to solving the Haleigh Cummings homicide? Or is the secret of what happened to the precious child 19 months ago locked up forever?

Just hours ago, little Haleigh`s teenage baby-sitter and one-time stepmom, Misty, was sentenced to 25 years in prison and fined $500,000 for her role in a prescription drug trafficking ring.

During the dramatic hearing, Misty made a shocking claim about being raped in the seventh grade. Misty became hysterical -- and I mean hysterical -- when her own mother took the stand to testify on her behalf. We`ll tell you what Lisa Croslin had to say in moments.

Misty is now the fifth and final dealer in a tight-knit bunch of bandits to be snared in an undercover videotaped sting, copped a plea and be sent away. So, what does this mean for the unsolved mystery of Haleigh`s disappearance and presumed death? Do investigators still have scare tactics up their sleeve to squeeze Misty for the truth? Does Misty even know the truth?

Misty`s sister-in-law Chelsea says yes, she does and explains why.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Meantime, the justice system is not done with Misty, not by a long shot. Today`s sentencing was just one of eight counts that`s she faces. She could face additional prison time later in the month for the other seven counts.

I want to begin not with our fantastic panel but with somebody who`s very, very close to all of this. Chelsea Croslin. You are the sister-in- law of Misty Croslin.

You just found out that Misty, who I understand you have strong feelings for, familial ties, an 18-year-old girl is going to spend at least the next 25 years of her life behind bars. That means -- well, when they do the other counts, who knows if she`ll ever see the outside of a prison again. What is your reaction to this news?

C. CROSLIN: It makes me so mad. It makes me so angry because I just don`t think that it`s fair. Misty was 18. Yes, she was doing something wrong, selling drugs. But she was doing it because she was under the control of Ronald, just like this Haleigh stuff.

Misty wasn`t a drug dealer. Misty did what Ronald said. Misty went by Ronald`s lead. Misty only sold what Ronald told her to sell. And for 25 years plus more for an 18-year-old little girl -- that`s just outrageous to me.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: What would you say to Misty right now? Apparently when she heard the sentence she just became hysterical in court, which is totally understandable. I mean, I think we feel like we all know her at this point. We`ve watched her so much. I have to say that my heart breaks for her as a human being, one human being to another.

C. CROSLIN: I don`t -- I just -- I don`t even know what to say to her. I don`t know how to get through to her any more at this point because, you know, I believe Misty maybe has told what she knows. Maybe she has.

I spoke with her the other day on the phone and she said that she`s promised me -- she said, I swear to God, Chelsea, I would tell if I knew any more than I`ve already told. She said, I told them everything. But the police don`t believe me and they don`t want to hear it.

It`s Ronald. They don`t want to believe Ronald had anything to do with this disappearance. They cleared Ronald from day one. They were best friends with Ronald, riding around with him, hanging out with him, like he was their buddy or something. I don`t --

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, he`s doing 15 years. He is doing 15 years, Chelsea. He also got sentenced. And he`s doing 15.

C. CROSLIN: Out of five charges. Out of five charges. Tommy had one charge and got 15 years. Ronald had five charges. What was his plea deal? That he knew so much that got him out of the other two. He`s the drug boy. Doesn`t everyone hear him saying that on the jail tape?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, I`ve got to tell you today`s hearing was emotion-packed, and Misty took the stand in her own defense and claimed she was raped in the seventh grade. What do you know about that, Chelsea?

C. CROSLIN: Misty had her virginity taken from her by a man who brought her out in the woods and raped her and beat her. And we found her with sticks in her hair when we had to call the police and have them come help her and bring her to a victim advocate. DNA was done.

Misty went through so much trauma after that. She stopped going to school. She was scared of everybody. And he only got sentenced to eight years. His name is (INAUDIBLE). He`s a rapist and pedophile and he got eight years in prison. That`s it. Eight years.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, Misty`s mother also testified on her behalf. Lisa Croslin admitted on the stand that she was a terrible mother to Misty who used drugs while she was raising Misty. She also admitted to blackmailing Misty for Xanax during the Haleigh investigation.

I`ve got to go to Art Harris on this. What on earth kind of information would Lisa, who you`re looking at right there have on Misty that she would blackmail her own daughter while they`re searching for Haleigh?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER: Jane, we reported this at artharris.com. Do you remember when Lisa Croslin was claiming she suspected Misty knew a lot more than she was revealing a long time ago? That was at a point when Misty had Xanax that both Lisa and her husband Hank wanted. And she would not give it to them according to my sources. And that is what Lisa -- you know, it led Lisa to perhaps dangle this, "I`ll tell more if you don`t give me the drugs."

BEHAR: Here`s my big issue, and it`s called turn of the screw. Misty is charged with a total of eight counts, but today`s sentencing was only for one count, and she got 25 years, a quarter of a century. So why not sentence her to everything? Could this be a clever way to turn the screw and say to Misty, hey, ok, you`re getting 25 years, but you could get the rest of your life, Levi Page?

LEVI PAGE, CRIME BLOGGER: Yes. I mean, that`s a good way to get her to talk. And you know, I agree with Chelsea in the sense that Ronald is involved, but I disagree with Chelsea saying that Misty has told all. I mean she`s failed lie detector, she failed a layered voice analysis. I think she knows more than what she`s saying. And it`s obvious.

And let`s remember Ronald Cummings in a situation over a year ago had Misty and himself put a headless rat in Tommy Croslin`s mailbox, a headless rat. And Tommy -- Ronald told Tim Miller, I told Misty to lie for me and give me an alibi because I wanted to see how good she lies. Only someone that is guilty that wants Misty to cover for him would say something like that.

HARRIS: Jane, I can tell you that this is just the first course law enforcement has planned for Misty; she has seven more counts facing her. And they hope that between now and three weeks from now when she comes back to court that she will crack even more.

You saw that two weeks ago I reported artharris.com that she did give up some information she had never revealed before. Whether it`s true or not she said --


HARRIS: Her brother Tommy was the one who took Haleigh from the trailer.

C. CROSLIN: That`s a lie, Art. She never said that. That`s a lie.

HARRIS: She said that.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Let`s hear Chelsea. Wait a second. I want to hear from Chelsea. Hold on.


HARRIS: I don`t know what you know, but I do.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Let`s hear Chelsea`s side.

C. CROSLIN: I know exactly what her lawyer told me, that that was a lie. Misty never once said her brother is the one that took -- Tommy has no ambition and no reason to do anything with Haleigh.


HARRIS: Well, he may have been taking her --

VELEZ-MITCHELL: One at a time.

C. CROSLIN: That was a lie that Misty never said that. That came out of her lawyer`s mouth. Why would a lawyer lie and say that when he`s already said everything that he said.

MARK EIGLARSH, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: That`s right. Lawyers don`t lie.

HARRIS: I have other sources, Chelsea. And I hate to say it but that is what --

C. CROSLIN: Other sources aren`t Misty. Misty and the lawyer are the only two people who would know.

HARRIS: No, no. There was interrogation, Chelsea -- there was interrogation by law enforcement, by investigators at the prison.

C. CROSLIN: Law enforcement told us all we did it, Art Harris. Law enforcement told us all we did it. They say everything and anything they can to get you to try and say whatever you want. They try to tell me I did it. They told my husband he did it. They told Tommy he did it. They say whatever they can until someone gives them what they want.

They`re going to tell Misty, they`re going to give her the frigging world in prison if she doesn`t tell what they`re going to hear. That`s not -- interrogation is nothing. What comes out of Misty`s mouth and Misty`s lawyer`s mouth is what`s believable.


HARRIS: Misty said Tommy knows everything. She told law enforcement to go talk to Tommy, that he knows everything and your grandmother told me, Chelsea, that she was talking to Tommy and he said to come visit him on the yard in the prison where nobody had a telephone call that could be taped and he would tell her details.

C. CROSLIN: Which grandmother? Is that Nanny Flo? <snipped>
I believe Levi has a good perspective on what's ahead. I believe LE let Ron plead down to the 15 years because they have much bigger things in store for him in the future. I feel that LE knows that Tommy and Misty's involvement was after the fact and was in the coverup of the crime.

My prediction is that RC will never leave prison, and he has found his permanent home!!

OMG, I started to post close to this post earlier, then I hit "delete" cuz I figured it was merely just MOO.
INJUSTICE to the max! I am saddened by this disgrace of justice that we all witnessed today.
just was wondering ... is the judge cruel or being helpful? Is she making it easier for misty to win an appeal? can misty even appeal? (have heard yes and no today, so it is unclear to me if she can appeal) Does the judge know that Misty will get the special program in Putnam County and want to ensure she is locked up for a long time, IDK?
BTW: almost all first time sex offenders only get deferred adjudication ... my point, this is Misty's first conviction. :angel:

I do not know how the Florida Youthful Offender laws are typically applied by the courts, but I am going to go ahead and assume that Misty can appeal on grounds that she should have been considered a first-time youthful offender. However, I am not sure it will do her much good, even if she were to [somehow] win. Misty will be sentenced to at least the minimum on all her remaining charges later this month and even if the sentences run concurrent, she will still serve 25 years (minus time served). So, even if the appellate court grants Misty's appeal and she wins, she is going away for a very long time, IMO.

Hope, Tommy, Donna, and Misty all pleaded No Contest. Tommy and Donna already have filed appeals, but the appellate court has not yet made a decision on theirs. Hope has filed and her appeal was granted. I believe the only one who cannot appeal is Ron, as his Guilty plea on all three charges was part of a plea deal.
I believe Levi has a good perspective on what's ahead. I believe LE let Ron plead down to the 15 years because they have much bigger things in store for him in the future. I feel that LE knows that Tommy and Misty's involvement was after the fact and was in the coverup of the crime.

My prediction is that RC will never leave prison, and he has found his permanent home!!


My prediction is Ron will serve about 85% of his 15 year sentence and if there is a murder trial (s) against the real perpetrators who murdered his daughter and after Ron testifies, I think the DA will go back to the Judge asking that Ron's time be reduced.

It is obvious to me now that Misty is the one that LE suspects. They asked her directly to give up where Haleigh's body is. Not where so and so put Haleigh. I fully believe now LE all along has thought Misty did this and most likely Tommy came to assist her after it happened.

I do not know how the Florida Youthful Offender laws are typically applied by the courts, but I am going to go ahead and assume that Misty can appeal on grounds that she should have been considered a first-time youthful offender. However, I am not sure it will do her much good, even if she were to [somehow] win. Misty will be sentenced to at least the minimum on all her remaining charges later this month and even if the sentences run concurrent, she will still serve 25 years (minus time served). So, even if the appellate court grants Misty's appeal and she wins, she is going away for a very long time, IMO.

Hope, Tommy, Donna, and Misty all pleaded No Contest. Tommy and Donna already have filed appeals, but the appellate court has not yet made a decision on theirs. Hope has filed and her appeal was granted. I believe the only one who cannot appeal is Ron, as his Guilty plea on all three charges was part of a plea deal.

I don't think she has a prayer on appeal. She had already pleaded no contest to the other 7 charges plus this one. That within itself threw out the sure thing of the YO rule applying, imo.

Now it may have been different if she hadn't agreed there was enough evidence in the other drug charges that a jury or Judge could find her quilty.

The Judge considered Hope's prior arrest too just three weeks prior to her current charge. It wasnt like Misty saw the light and only did it one time. She had her own system going on and several contacts. Even bringing drugs back from VA from what I have read.

I believe Levi has a good perspective on what's ahead. I believe LE let Ron plead down to the 15 years because they have much bigger things in store for him in the future. I feel that LE knows that Tommy and Misty's involvement was after the fact and was in the coverup of the crime.

My prediction is that RC will never leave prison, and he has found his permanent home!!


I agree with your opinion of Levi...Levi does have a good perspective on this case and looks at the bigger picture...

I have felt for a while, change my mind, then return again to my opinion that the LE does have Ron right where they want him...

Also, the LE have been so very quiet about keeping facts/knowledge close ...and they have to...to "squeeze" in the right "spots' at the right time..

and they LE have their "stategy" and how to play it...

Yes, you may have an intuition of Ron ...and him staying put...

I believe this case is FAR from over......moo
I may be wrong in feeling this way, but I do have sympathy for Misty...I think mentally she is a child, even if she had turned eighteen before the bust. I don't doubt she has endured some sort of sexual abuse. I don't doubt she idolized Ron and wanted to present herself whichever way she thought he wanted her to be. Another wasted life, lots of that going on in this case, and I don't think anyone will every be convicted for killing Haleigh (or allowing her to die...whatever the H happened.)
JVM's show has been over for awhile. Feel free to open new topic threads about information revealed today if you'd like.
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