2010.10.29 Status Hearing

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Oh in case I didn't make myself perfectly clear, I have NO respect for this team that is in my opinion trying to play a shell game with the courts, when it comes to evidence, money discovery and anything else that can be thrown in there, But I still bet that Finnell was highly irate when she left out of that hearing, as a matter of fact I am watching it again because I am not sure she even stayed for the whole thing, I will let you know once I have watched it a 2nd time, I can tell you IMO there were probably some real word gymnastics going on between her and JB & CM when this hearing was over.

I can imagine! The words probably didn't have too many letters in them either! After todays hearing I finally figured out what it is about JB that seems off....he doesn't love the law. What I mean is - I spent 20 some odd years between being a legal secretary and working in corrections. The attys I worked with in those years - on every side, loved what they did. They were passionate about how the law works and yes, the game of it all. JB lacks any passion about the purpose of the judicial system. He has no respect for the system. He is "playing" lawyer and doing it poorly. The things he overlooks, forgets about, disregards, shows he is simply going through the motions of what he thinks a lawyer does. He lacks curiosity and also the obsessiveness nearly all good lawyers have with their cases. I don't even sense any longer that he believes in his own case. I thought he did before in a delusional way, but now its all gone. I think the punch bowl may be nearly empty.......
It is extremely annoying, and you can't hear or rather, understand his dialect any better even if you're sitting right there in the court room! You know he's talking because of the noise factor, but you have to piece-meal it together solely based on what the subject from other speakers is at the time.

The Jury is either going to complain, or just let it, and anything he has to say - go as well.

I agree about the jury. It's amazing to me that Judge Perry understands him.
i heard cm and jb were seen crawling up the
courthouse steps late this afternoon on hands and
knees ,with another motion to compel. this one
to compel judge strickland to please come back.

Oh that made me about pee myself! On that note I must drive my little granddaughter home! Goodbye to all and thanks for the great laughs tonight! You all are in rare form! toodles!
What were they referring to when the judge said something like-no, they didn't say that?-, and LDB told the judge she gave him the sanitized version of what was said? I must not have beeen able to understand that part.

LDB was telling JP that someone from CM office had called one of her Assistants to have 18-19 depo's scheduled sometime in mid Nov, the Assistant said she would need to check on that since it was after the depo deadline, and was told something to the effect that it did not matter what the Judge or courts said that they could not keep him from taking the depo's...And JP said he could not believe the Defence would say that (yea right) and then JP said well then they won't get those depos...Then LDB said that she had given him the sanitized version, (sounds like something that would come out of CM mouth to me...)

WOW-thanks you Kimmer. I need to go back and relisten.
Just got through reading the thread. And as usual am thankful for those who were able to watch the hearing and give the blow by blow to us. And as usual am amazed by the insight ya'all are able to so accurately provide.

My insights after reading the thread and looking at some of the stills from the hearing.
At the beginning of the hearing, CA appeared that she might have been crying, KC appeared upset/nervous, and JB also appeared somewhat nervous.

Question. I would think that this possibly indicates that something emotional happened before the hearing. Whether it was something between CA and KC, or whether JB gave them bad news before the hearing I have no way of knowing. But whatever it was, it was emotional and serious.

I am wondering if maybe JB didn't have some idea of how the hearing was going to roll before he walked into the courtroom. I mean the judge had the petions already and probably knew to some extent how he felt about them. I am wondering if perhaps JB may have been given some hint that they were going to be denied unless he came up with some serious case law that made it imperative that they be approved? Or perhaps JB got a slap down behind the scenes about the rumors of witness intimidation and the judge not being happy. Something along those lines.

As for the hearing itself, Thank You Judge!!!!

I understand that the judge has to bend over backwards to try to prevent the defendant from having appeal points. But even good things (for the defense) have to stop sometimes, and it is about time. Case is now on the clock and the clock is going to be the same for both the pros and the defense. JB either learns to be an attorney or he doesn't, but it doesn't happen on the case time now.
I can imagine! The words probably didn't have too many letters in them either! After todays hearing I finally figured out what it is about JB that seems off....he doesn't love the law. What I mean is - I spent 20 some odd years between being a legal secretary and working in corrections. The attys I worked with in those years - on every side, loved what they did. They were passionate about how the law works and yes, the game of it all. JB lacks any passion about the purpose of the judicial system. He has no respect for the system. He is "playing" lawyer and doing it poorly. The things he overlooks, forgets about, disregards, shows he is simply going through the motions of what he thinks a lawyer does. He lacks curiosity and also the obsessiveness nearly all good lawyers have with their cases. I don't even sense any longer that he believes in his own case. I thought he did before in a delusional way, but now its all gone. I think the punch bowl may be nearly empty.......

It seems to be a mix of a newbie who is in-experienced but does not have the energy and passion to become an expert ('slick' like RH) and another who is experienced but jaded and lacks the energy.

There is one main ingredient for success in any field and that is HARD work. JB seems to want success but ... the easy lazy half-a$$ed way.
i heard cm and jb were seen crawling up the
courthouse steps late this afternoon on hands and
knees ,with another motion to compel. this one
to compel judge strickland to please come back.

I heard it was a motion for a Frye Hearing regarding a time machine. Apparently the defense wanted to go back in time for a do over???

The State objected citing "junk science".

"Doc Brown" is allegedly hiding from defense investigators. Thus, defense efforts to obtain his "bench notes" regarding the construction of said "time machine" remain a stumbling block.
:waitasec: What grade? :angel:

Hi,at one point I started to LOL..HHJP was talking to him as if
he were in elementary school! Baez was quite steamed to say the least a few times.I think they do not know what they have and dont have,too
many people thru the swinging door to keep track.IMO
Whoaaaaa..I just got to the part where LDB is getting PO'ed big time...Jeff Ashton is trying not to break out laughing...at Mason trying again to shift blame elsewhere..2nd time in this Hearing thus far...
Mason trying to blame LE for TES docs not turned over...
Wham along comes LDB who tells the whole truth! LE had the docs ready for inspection by the Defense when they went there with all their experts..but did not request to review them..they have never asked
Baez telling the Judge that they found out from a witness statement that LE took TES docs...UH...it was in reported in the News!!! we have known that tidbit for a very long time...

Wasn't this too pertaining to the 'Fry Hearing' stuff that has not been filed. Defense complaining about not knowing about these FBI interviews; come to find out, the state had given them a disk with all the video, transcripts etc. And CM/JB upset because it wasn't 'paper' documentation. That is when JP said to give him the disk and he would have it transcribe at a lesser cost for them........

Whew -- when will everyone stop doing their work for them??????? And JB closing out the hearing by telling JP how diligently they have been working on everything!! Is he just now finding out that he might have bit off more than they can chew??? LOL.
Hi,at one point I started to LOL..HHJP was talking to him as if
he were in elementary school! Baez was quite steamed to say the least a few times.I think they do not know what they have and dont have,too
many people thru the swinging door to keep track.IMO

Such a disorganized rabble! Great, isn't it?
What blew me away... at the end of the hearing, HHJP told JB he thought they were doing an excellent job!!!! I'm like WHAT????

Everything's relative! Maybe he was comparing today to his previous fiascos and today came out marginally better. I'm surprised he didn't pat him on the head when he said it.

His tone of voice reminded me of the way I praise my dog when he poops out in the field behind my house, rather than in my backyard..:innocent:
Ha! Best hearing ever! Gotta watch this one again 'cause I kept getting kicked off.

Me too, I have to watch JB again, never have I seen him so....anxious, almost as if something really huge was riding on the outcome and he knew the house of cards was about to come crashing down on his head. Maybe KC has wised up about her sub-par defense team.

Needless to say "thumbs up for JP" :nluv:
Such a disorganized rabble! Great, isn't it?

Crystal ball say:

There are a dozen or so PhD candidates using this case as the subject of their thesis on What Not To Do In A High-Profile Murder Case.
I just re-watched all 4 videos. Random thoughts & observations:

  • Especially in the 1st video when Baez is arguing his motion citing Bent, Casey is thisclose to hyperventilating. Obviously, this privacy thing was a very, very big deal to her. I thought she was going to lose it when Judge Perry was denying the motion. She had a rough time controlling her emotions.
  • Baez really, really believed he was going to win the Bent argument. It was still disjointed and scattered - not a great presentation at all, but it was by far the best argument to date he has made before the court. He actually cited case law and you could tell he had at least studied the case law, even if he interpreted it with a sweeping defense slant. I didn't even hear one "umm" during the entire argument.
  • Ann Finnell needs some good listening skills. She interrupted HHJP far too often. Other than that, I liked her. In fact, part of me felt sorry for her. I think she got blindsided by a few things today (prior defense stuff, stipulations, orders, etc.) that JB and CM had not made her aware of. She was respectful of the Court and didn't ask for ridiculous amounts of money. She even said, "should this Court choose to deny my request, I will remain a part of the defense team." She seemed reasonable enough to me.
  • The TES records are EVERYTHING to the defense. It is insane how obsessed they are about those damn records. It is unbelievable how many times I heard them referenced and they had ZERO to do with THIS hearing. How is TES relevant when the motions heard were in re. privacy (Bent argument) or with JAC funding?
  • Cheney Mason.....I am still trying to figure out how to express my feelings about that man w/o getting a time out or banned.:angel: I'll just say that JB may be ignorant, but CM is filthy dirty. I don't like either one but I can stomach incompetence better than evil.
  • It was fun to see the fiesty side of LDB. You go girl! I was proud that she finally blew and exposed the defense (CM's) lies and misrepresentations to the Court. I believe every word she said about the defense posturing that the deadlines weren't enforceable. I'd bet my last cent that came straight out of CM's mouth.
  • Judge Perry certainly got my attention today. His demeanor was not lost on me. I think the SA got it. Pretty sure Ann Finnell got it, too. If JB and CM still they they can push him any further, they are fools.
Hi there WS'ers..........I am behind on the case and am not understanding about the deposition schedule regarding the defense. My question, since the Grunds' depos were cancelled, how much more time does the defense have to get them done? BTW, I thought ICA looked awful, haunted is the thought that came to my mind.
Hi there WS'ers..........I am behind on the case and am not understanding about the deposition schedule regarding the defense. My question, since the Grunds' depos were cancelled, how much more time does the defense have to get them done? BTW, I thought ICA looked awful, haunted is the thought that came to my mind.

Yeah, well, reality sucks sometimes.
Crystal ball say:

There are a dozen or so PhD candidates using this case as the subject of their thesis on What Not To Do In A High-Profile Murder Case.

And my guess would be to NOT hire a publicist will be first on their list!
Whoaaaaa..I just got to the part where LDB is getting PO'ed big time...Jeff Ashton is trying not to break out laughing...at Mason trying again to shift blame elsewhere..2nd time in this Hearing thus far...
Mason trying to blame LE for TES docs not turned over...
Wham along comes LDB who tells the whole truth! LE had the docs ready for inspection by the Defense when they went there with all their experts..but did not request to review them..they have never asked
Baez telling the Judge that they found out from a witness statement that LE took TES docs...UH...it was in reported in the News!!! we have known that tidbit for a very long time...

Indeed we have Intermezzo! Check it out, from FEBRUARY!! Thanks to MuziKman and the brilliant Mark Nejame for doing the right thing and filing this!


Moreover, each page (12 of them) is detailed very plainly here, so for Mason to say he has no idea how many or what is on the docs is just pointing out his very poor understanding of the discovery in his case!!! http://www.docstoc.com/docs/document-preview.aspx?doc_id=27552747


  • Mr. Miller interview.pdf
    1.1 MB · Views: 18
Hi there WS'ers..........I am behind on the case and am not understanding about the deposition schedule regarding the defense. My question, since the Grunds' depos were cancelled, how much more time does the defense have to get them done? BTW, I thought ICA looked awful, haunted is the thought that came to my mind.

That wasn't specifically addressed. However, Judge Perry did emphasize deadlines. I posted what I can ascertain in [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5743646&postcount=572"]post 572 linked here[/ame]. HTH
Wasn't this too pertaining to the 'Fry Hearing' stuff that has not been filed. Defense complaining about not knowing about these FBI interviews; come to find out, the state had given them a disk with all the video, transcripts etc. And CM/JB upset because it wasn't 'paper' documentation. That is when JP said to give him the disk and he would have it transcribe at a lesser cost for them........

Whew -- when will everyone stop doing their work for them??????? And JB closing out the hearing by telling JP how diligently they have been working on everything!! Is he just now finding out that he might have bit off more than they can chew??? LOL.

I'm not a lawyer and even I remember those videos very well. They were a long time ago, and George was told about Cindy ranking ICA high on honesty, etc. -a bunch of B.S.

I bet if I looked around the internet or on our media threads way back I could even FIND them so CM/JB can just watch them online! I wouldn't even charge the JAC a penny.

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