2010.11.02 Doc Release

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Cindy talks a lot about God and her faith.... but she certainly doesn't behave like any God-fearing woman I have ever met. I think she throws those words out for appearances sake.... just like their "re-baptism"... they made such a big deal out of that, but apparently don't make it a regular habit of going to church and living the word of God. Apparently, it was all for show.

I mean no offense to anyone by my comments. It's just that I feel like Cindy says what she thinks will make her look good, but she does not live the words she speaks regarding God and faith.


No offense taken - it's terrible how many use God to cloak deception.
Excellent post! How in the H did you link all those dates to events? I noticed too GA lying about CA needing medical care. Is this the example that was set in the household?

Yes. Now that we see how very, very often Casey was rewarded for her bad , illegal, stealing from her folks that according to Lee went on for many years, it becomes easier to understand how she was able to sit straight faced in front of seasoned LE detectives and lie and walk them down to the end of the hallway. This behavior is not genetic, it is learned.


Here the Blockbuster clerk details how Zippity Do Da Casey was. By clinical definition, what Cindy described her daughter as, was spot on..sociopath. That is what term Cindy used when talking to Casey's long time friend, Ryan. So Cindy DOES have moments of clarity, however fleeting.

Here Jose is proclaiming his integrity, that he is the first Hispanic lawyer to have a case of this magnitude and that he will not embarrass those in history that come after him. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTOTzuU9v1M[/ame]
If that was his mindset, just the ABC deal, alone, shows he certainly lost his way. Have we ever known the date that deal was signed and the money disbursed to him/Casey/Casey's trust account from ABC?
Those Dominic C emails...I rolled my eyes so much reading them I thought I was going to go blind.

It's so NICE to finally know how Roy Kronk's SON got dragged into this, and IMO, no wonder he doesn't want to do a depo with anyone. THUNK!
Thanks for asking about that. I remember being puzzed about that when I saw the same info in a previous doc dump but never saw any discussion on it. I always wondered if she maybe had worked there some.

Off to see if there is a thread on this.

This was the wrong Cynthia Anthony - this was determined to be a black female.
Thanks for asking about that. I remember being puzzed about that when I saw the same info in a previous doc dump but never saw any discussion on it. I always wondered if she maybe had worked there some.

Off to see if there is a thread on this.

IIRC, these belonged to the *other* Cynthia Anthony, an African-American lady who had the unfortunate luck to share a name with CA and do business at the same Amscot.

ETA: Dang! Playing second banana again......
After going through all of it, I need more LOL! The things that impressed upon me are:

I thought the two bank withdrawals by S Plesea for $3,000.00 on 7/28/08 & 8/5/08 were interesting? Contribution to bail, defense or living expenses?

Respectfully snipped.

When I got to that part of the bank records, it made me so sad to think it could possibly be related to this mess. Shirley seems like such a nice woman, with enough on her plate already. Reading the part of her email where she tells her sister she feels guilty when she considers cutting her visits to her husband down to once a day instead of twice almost broke my heart.

IMO, those 2 withdrawals could be something else, but it's highly unlikely.
Excellent post! How in the H did you link all those dates to events? I noticed too GA lying about CA needing medical care. Is this the example that was set in the household?

Like father like daughter. Not only are fanciful lies at short notice her specialty, Casey like pop makes stuff up in advance, with planning and forethought. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mX-0bfuneak[/ame]

I believe now more than ever that the Anthonys know exactly who the father is. I do not picture either Cindy or George sitting by silently and respecting Casey's privacy, knowing fully well they would need to take the man to court to get him to pay child support and health care insurance for this child for the next eighteen years.

Do you remember how incredulous we were when we learned the Anthonys had went nearly a year without making a mortgage payment? Yes indeed this behavior of Casey's was learned, growing up Anthony.
Watch how completely uninterested in Cindy , Lee and her grandparents being ill Casey is over this. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ii2Okf1xpwE[/ame]
"My entire life has been taken from me. My entire life has been taken from me!"

No, Casey. Everything has been taken from Caylee!

The heart shaped sticker is soooo Casey.
Wasn't Cathy Richs on this case at one time? I had forgotten the silly lie they made up that Casey borrowed a shovel to chop down bamboo. That one was funny.

OMG, Jose admits here he knew that this arrest was to happen this night. WTH? So he could have, should have taken Casey immediately at that point when he learned to surrender her. Then he later blames LE for the cameras being there. How did he get informed that it was to go down, and then pretend he was blind sighted all in one paragraph? For the life of me I do not get this guy. At the four minute mark, does Jose say the reporter is assuming that Casey doesn't know where her daughter is? What the hell is he admitting there?

"Even without the body, they have enough evidence to nail her to the wall", Judge Jeanine and Attorney Guilfoyle concur.
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