2010.11.02 Gonzalez Employee at Sawgrass

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I also read somewhere that her description of zanny very closely matched the description of the first female officer to arrive at the Ant home. I don't remember where I read it, I've read so much!

Other than being a "10", KC's description also gets into some similarities with River Holloway Cruz Behaida whatever-her-name-is....even down to seeing her in a bathing suit with no tats (I remember seeing a picture of River in a JLo-like bathing suit on her MySpace).
KC's description basically looked like half of the latina, greek, italian, spaniard, portuguese, or middle eastern female population in Florida.
OK, that's hyperbole, but just sayin'....
You could be onto something here. Wasn't June 8th Cindy's birthday? I remember Lee stating something about being at the house that weekend - June 8th and/or 9th - for Cindy's birthday. IIRC that was the last time Lee saw Caylee. Cindy had taken vacation time that included her birthday of June 8th. There was something she stated about expecting to babysit with Caylee that week as she'd be on vacation and home, but Casey didn't leave Caylee with her as expected. So, the big fight could have been that weekend.

But, I think that something also happened on June 15th when Cindy and Caylee got home from visiting Cindy's father at the assisted living home and having dinner with Cindy's mother. I think that something pivotal happened.

The big fight could have been on the weekend of June 8 - 9, and Casey kept Caylee away from Cindy that week. Then let Cindy have Caylee on Father's Day as she wanted to spend time with Tony. But, I think something happened on the evening of June 15th too......another fight that set Casey's plan in motion.

Quote Respect Leila :cool2:

I agree with all you have said, and the information from the time line I offer below is to go along with the information you gave. I agree with you and other posters who say there was probably more than one of these fights, that the fights had been going on and there was probably a continuation of fights that led to the 15th(fight). Lee stated there was tension between Cindy and Casey, that he was aware they fought over the subject of Casey being Caylee's mother, not Cindy. He was aware of Casey holding on to hurt at Cindy being the first to hold Caylee when she was born.

Here is information from Websleuths Time Line for the Anthony case. Thank you to everyone who created that thread, information you would have to look a million places for-is collected for easy reference. :thumb: Credit to the WS members who posted this information(I have copied), their posts are in the time line. I have listed only snippets of information regarding Casey's alleged whereabouts between June 3rd and June 15th. This list is by no means complete.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=72183"]Caylee Case Calendar and Linear Time Line - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]



June 3rd

Casey text Amy. You need a good distraction from firefighter boy. I'm glad! It's nice to finally feel wanted to(by?)Ric but its like I had to move on to get anything out of him. I stand by my decisions and I'm really starting to like Tony. Everything in due time.

This was transition time for Casey between Ric and Tony. (My note)

June 4th

Computer Message Facebook Casey to Amy 7:33 am
Oh, the times we will have! I can't wait for us to become roomies in another week! Seriously...by the end of next week, it will be just us girls. I can't believe it!
Casey Anthony wrote @ 12:12
Si! Good times to be had, from tonight, until, well, forever. what time do you think your getting done tonight????

Text Messages
AH: I have my tickets girlie! Yay! Now its down to you and Troy.
KC: Done deal!
KC: So I'm not going to lie...Tony is pretty incredible. I can't wait to talk to you tonight!

Casey went to Voyage with Tony and and unknown male. Plus two other people. Was there for a short period of time. It was Troy's(a friend)birthday party. Casey did not spend the night at Tony's apartment.

@ 7:45 pm Casey text to Amy
We smoked, watched one movie, I'm drinking sangria, they're drinking beer, might as well get trashed before he leaves me for a week. I am unsure who she is with.

June 5th

Casey misses dinner Ric has waiting for her at his apartment and does not go out to attend Troy's actual birthday party(other birthday party).
Amy texts she totaled her car.
Cindy's birthday.

June 6th

Casey told(text) Amy she was @ Fusian to look for her boss's daughter. She had missed dinner and told Ric she was working late. He waited for her. He saw the pictures of her @ Fusian later. Said she had to work the whole night.

Tony does not go to school.
George and Cindy go to the beach.
Casey goes to Fusian with Tony. (my note: George and Cindy must have had Caylee)?

June 7th

Amy moves into Ricardo's apartment.
Cindy at the beach.

Casey comes over to Ricardo's between 8:00 pm/11:00 pm with Caylee. Ric states they left early morning on the 8th.

June 8th

Ricardo says he spoke to Casey and she was @ home the whole day.
Tony states he went with Casey to get a gas can. No mention of the Anthonys being home(or not). Because Casey had run out of gas.

Casey text Troy B. Re: Fusian

June 9th

@ 7:07 am online from Casey to Brittany
I hope New York is treating you right! Hey girl! Quick question...do you know any girls, that can sing? My boyfriend Tony, and his business partners are looking for an up and coming female R&B artists let me know!!! I appreciate it!
Text @ 12:38 pm Casey to Amy
KC: Alright cool. I'm staying at the boys tonight so we can all hang out. (my note: the "boys" is Ricardo's apartment)
AH: Awesome!
@ 3:36 pm Casey to Amy
KC: Caylee just pooped in her potty for the first time!
@ 5:06 pm online from Casey to Jessica
I miss Shar-nay! They are looking for a complimentary artist, to work with our boy Torion. They obviously want someone that can definitely sing, but that is also marketable. I'll give you Tony's number. If she's interested, have her give him a call.

Casey picked up Tony from school and took him in her car to get his Jeep. Caylee was with them. Went to Subway.

Casey and Caylee show up after 8:00 pm and spend the night @ Ricardo's and stayed overnight. Ric reports this is his last sexual relationship with Casey.

June 9th

Computer usage
Casey adds fliers for June 13th event, Friday Nights That's Dope, with live performance. Doors open @ 10 pm.
Casey and Caylee spend the night at Ricardo's apartment.

June 10th

Casey and Caylee were @ Ricardo's in the morning. They were still there when he left for work.

June 11th

Amy's contact with Casey is through text and phone only. Amy and Ricardo go to Voyage. Casey does not go and sends text to Ric stating she had to work.
Casey goes to the mall with Tony to pass out fliers for hip hop event he is having at Fusian on June 13th.
Amy text to Casey circa 12:00 am asks if she is free to chat. Casey responds by text "I should be free between 3 and 6"
KC text to Amy @ 12:18 am: I'm in and out of sleep. Stupid drama.

June 12th

Casey talks to Amy only through text and phone.
Online messages are all for those to come to Fusian.
@ 6:41 am Jeff H. receives a Fusian message
2(Two)messages to Cameron@ 9:09 pm "So are you going tomorrow night?"

June 13th

@ 6:15 am Casey text Amy to say George is in the hospital. Casey tells Ric George had a mini stroke, that is why she did not go to Jacksonville with Amy.
Casey attends Hip Hop Night @ Fusian Night Club with Tony. Casey spends the night @ Tony's apartment.
Ricardo is in Tampa. He comes home the same day. Casey invites Ric to Fusian. Ricardo says, "no."

June 14th

Casey text Jamie R to say she will not meet her because she got a speeding ticket the day before.
Amy speaks to Casey only through text and phone.
AH: Hey, do you think we can tow my car to your place? We are going to fix it and sell it. I just have to put it somewhere until my dad can come up to do the work. Probably the first week of July.
AH: Okay I finally got Will going. we are about to leave to see his buddy about towing. Where is Tony's place so I can tell them and the name of it again?
KC: (gives Tony's address @ Sutton Place)
AH: We are on our way with the tow truck to my house so we should be @ Tony's in like 30.
KC: Awesome
KC: He said it doesn't matter where you park it.
AH: Awesome. Thanks to you both.
KC: Anytime love! I'll get it towed to the house one day this week.
AH: You don't think we can leave it there?
KC: Actually we probably could. I don't see why not. I'll check with the people @ his clubhouse tomorrow morning.
AH: I'll get a cover for it. It just seem silly to keep towing it.
KC: Agreed. That'll work.

June 15th

Father's day.
Amy speaks to Casey only though text messages and phone.
Amy text to Casey saying she has cramps for the first time in years.
Casey is @ Tony's with Caylee, she brings Caylee to the Anthony home. Cindy takes Caylee to Mount Dora to visit Great Grandpa. Casey goes back to Tony's. Casey returns to the Anthony's sometime early evening. Possible there is (another)fight between Cindy and Casey.

To my understanding the Ping information shows Casey pinging near the tower nearest the Anthony home. It makes sense to me she could have been in the Anthony home with Caylee all night June 15th, morning of the 16th. But it also makes sense she could have been in her car, very near the Anthony house, after maybe storming out after a alleged fight.

The break-in of this ZG's office was in Brevard County (I don't have a location of her office but Brevard County is a long county 70 miles north to south)

CA's therapist and NicoleG (studying for her Masters Degree) worked at the University of Central Florida located in Orange County along Alafaya Trail and the Seminole County line)

The other day I looked and looked for a link regarding the break-in of a ZG's office (a newspaper account or a police report). I couldn't find anything other than a blogger saying that they read another blog where a person named ZG was claiming her office had been broken into and that she was concerned about the safety of her family because of personal info on her computer that was stolen. Generally bloggers don't use their real names.

Also I'm wondering if it's known for certain that NG was studying/working within the same Dept. where CA sought counseling. And are we sure CA did seek counseling (I know her co-worker mentioned it or was it SP?). How do we know where she went? I'm unable to trace the information to assure that it was not just someone's speculation. Although I'm pretty sure CA did seek counseling but am not clear as to how it's know where she went and who she saw.

Nicole was studying at UCF. Also the public relations person at UCF name is Zanaida Gonzalez ________ (something), no Fernandez and she's not the head of the psychiatric department.

Can anybody find a concrete report regarding the ZG whose office was broken into? I couldn't find any link or news showing that really happened.

I'm just trying to get everything straight as to rule in or out if these situations could be a factor since those questions were asked so long ago and were sort of just dropped. If a ZFG's office was robbed and her computer stolen then I could believe that KC could have used that person's identity for her Zanny. Especially if the person robbed had anything to do with CA's counseling. But there is nothing to show the robbery story is true or that CA sought counseling and came in contact with a ZG or a NG.
The other day I looked and looked for a link regarding the break-in of a ZG's office (a newspaper account or a police report). I couldn't find anything other than a blogger saying that they read another blog where a person named ZG was claiming her office had been broken into and that she was concerned about the safety of her family because of personal info on her computer that was stolen. Generally bloggers don't use their real names.

Also I'm wondering if it's known for certain that NG was studying/working within the same Dept. where CA sought counseling. And are we sure CA did seek counseling (I know her co-worker mentioned it or was it SP?). How do we know where she went? I'm unable to trace the information to assure that it was not just someone's speculation. Although I'm pretty sure CA did seek counseling but am not clear as to how it's know where she went and who she saw.

Nicole was studying at UCF. Also the public relations person at UCF name is Zanaida Gonzalez ________ (something), no Fernandez and she's not the head of the psychiatric department.

Can anybody find a concrete report regarding the ZG whose office was broken into? I couldn't find any link or news showing that really happened.

I'm just trying to get everything straight as to rule in or out if these situations could be a factor since those questions were asked so long ago and were sort of just dropped. If a ZFG's office was robbed and her computer stolen then I could believe that KC could have used that person's identity for her Zanny. Especially if the person robbed had anything to do with CA's counseling. But there is nothing to show the robbery story is true or that CA sought counseling and came in contact with a ZG or a NG.
Hi woe, I don't know much about the alleged break in. However, with CAs claim about seeing a counselor, I raised questions about this early on. I still believe CAs story is just that, a story she invented to gain sympathy with her fellow workers. Many here said that info, if true, wouldn't see the light of day due to HHIPA laws. CA knew this as well. During CAs depo, Linda questioned her on her story, but didn't ask for the counselor's name during the depo. Which I found strange, Linda may have known the name either prior or after, but the name has not been released to date.
I think that it is strange that there hasn't really been any updates on either one of the NG or ZG cases. I'm still wondering if there is a connection and they aren't mentioning any of it until trial.
While highly speculative, JWG, some variation of this is the most likely scenario, IMO.

I agree that some version is most likely.

I have always been of the opinion that KC HAD to have known, somehow, that #210 at Sawgrass was empty (this J. GONZALES could have been the inadvertent, innocent source of that information). She had a month to concoct her story, so it's likely she was on alert looking and listening for any small tidbit of information she could use that would actually "check out."

KC thinks she's much more intelligent than she is, thanks to her family swallowing and pretending to swallow her lies all these years. Her train of thought probably ran something like this: "OK, I know that apt. # 210 over at Sawgrass is vacant. Soooo, I'll say that's where I dropped Caylee off and that when I came back to get her there was no answer. Then, when the police go to that apt. and find it vacant, they'll have no choice but to believe me. Everyone will think Caylee was kidnapped by the nanny and that will be the end of it. (DUH.) "

Or maybe she was thinking Cindy would believe her and didn't think as far as the police getting involved.

It didn't occur to her that Caylee was valuable enough for people to actually follow up on her lies. :furious:

A very possible scenario JWG.
Originally Posted by Intermezzo
The break-in of this ZG's office was in Brevard County (I don't have a location of her office but Brevard County is a long county 70 miles north to south)

CA's therapist and NicoleG (studying for her Masters Degree) worked at the University of Central Florida located in Orange County along Alafaya Trail and the Seminole County line)

On June 10, a lady who writes an online column called "Working Moms with Zenaida Gonzalez" on the website brevardcountymoms wrote about having her office broken into. (She is in Melbourne, about 45min- 1 hour from Orlando)

Here's her post from June 10:
Getting Robbed
Submitted by Zenaida Gonzalez on Tue Jun 10, 2008 9:06 am
The started my Monday morning by walking into a crime scene. When I arrived at my office I found out it had been robbed over the weekend. Most of the computers and other gadgets were gone.

Luckily no one was hurt and other than having to fill out a lot of paperwork no one is worse for the wear.

However, I'm a paranoid mama. I have pictures of my daughter and husband all over the office. My name is on my office door and our administrator's office has all employee home address and phone number on her desktop. Don't think social security numbers were compromised, but I'm not taking any chances. I'm in the processes of flagging my credit.

It's one thing to feel like someone has come in and taken you for a ride, taking anything of value. Luckily I don't keep many personal in my office other than picture, some snacks and Tylenol. But I'm worried about my home since my daughter is in the picture. Someone is always home so at least that's something.

Am I being too paranoid? I can't imagine how I would feel if our home had been robbed. I feel bad enough with my office. Any advice for a jittery mother?

I believe this never hit the news. This was posted by this woman on forums...I could be wrong but this is the best reference I can find, for I remember this too....JMHO

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