2010.12.15 Dr Jane Bock Report & CV

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Okay, she knows nothing about vegetation in Florida...she could barely identify any of the plant life. She seems like a nice lady, but the prosecution is going to eat her up. I hope she remembers to bring her book to the trial.

ETA- I also hope JA meets with the person who took these photos before the trial. He really needs to as he was unsure of what several of the photos were depicting.
I have to agree with Ashton...Sims did interrupted a lot...and slowed down the depo...
Objections, I'm fine with..but her continuing jumping in and rambling on...I found it annoying and it would take days to finish the depo with her interrupting in such a manner.
Feb 1 2009...dinner at Casa Baez (the Baez's, the Bocks, P.McKenna(PI), LKB)
Feb 2, 2009 Dr Bock viewed the remains at the mortuary
Feb 10, 2009 the A's had Caylee's memorial


I can just picture it. JB, Hostess with the Mostess, lavishing his esteemed guests with fine food and wine while his house is in foreclosure.

The irony is rich.
Somebody is going to eat her up. This is an authority on plant life? Sounds more like I know somebody that knows somebody.........favors............
I'm trying to figure out how to do an attachment


Did brock just admit that she regrets being on the defense team? That since she has heard about JB's antics and such? Is that the implication she was giving?
Okay, I have not read the entire deposition... yet! I am only on page 29. (Just got home from work).

I just have a few quick comments...

Caylee! I am so sorry! My heart aches for what you have been through and I am in tears reading about how you were found... where you were found... and the condition that you were found in. You didn't deserve this. You are safe now, baby girl! Don't you worry... this will all be over soon!

I am extremely upset that not only does Mrs. Bock have no experience with Florida plant growth, but that she would come into a deposition of a murdered baby and not bring the book that she says would help HER determine what kind of plants these are. I mean, really? I don't want to seem mean, but this is serious! Why would she come unprepared? WHY??

Jose's comments about the pavers hit me like a brick to the face... Talk about an open door??

LOVE JA's quick response to JB's "vine intervention." I started to cry! Just heartbreaking! Yes, we were all too late and even by the time we even knew the name Caylee Marie Anthony, it was too late.
The only "cowboy" I can think of is Leonard Padilla. :waitasec:
Beach she said her daughter is the Mother of that cowboy. Mrs Brock daughter cannot be that old. Isn't LP at least in his late 40's to early 50's? My gosh he was in the air force in 1957. He is way older then I thought.

I just don't get what the significance of her mentioning her SIL in the first place unless he is connected to this case, well known maybe dallas cowboy? A country western singer? LP I don't think so.
The mother of that cowboy? Who is that?

NO NO NO LP.. She is saying that Her daughter, who is the mother of 'that Cowboy" Watches a lot of tv and told her about the case. I suspect she told a story earlier about her grandson who is probably "the cowboy"
I'm trying to figure out how to do an attachment

View attachment 13971

Did brock just admit that she regrets being on the defense team? That since she has heard about JB's antics and such? Is that the implication she was giving?

And I think she was saying she was embarrassed that she got word of this case VIA her Daughter, the mother of the cowboy and truTV fan.
Yeah, that "cowboy" must be her grandson... LP is around 71, and definitely well past the age of grandson-ability to her.
Okay, I have not read the entire deposition... yet! I am only on page 29. (Just got home from work).

I just have a few quick comments...

Caylee! I am so sorry! My heart aches for what you have been through and I am in tears reading about how you were found... where you were found... and the condition that you were found in. You didn't deserve this. You are safe now, baby girl! Don't you worry... this will all be over soon!

I am extremely upset that not only does Mrs. Bock have no experience with Florida plant growth, but that she would come into a deposition of a murdered baby and not bring the book that she says would help HER determine what kind of plants these are. I mean, really? I don't want to seem mean, but this is serious! Why would she come unprepared? WHY??

Jose's comments about the pavers hit me like a brick to the face... Talk about an open door??

LOVE JA's quick response to JB's "vine intervention." I started to cry! Just heartbreaking! Yes, we were all too late and even by the time we even knew the name Caylee Marie Anthony, it was too late.

Yes, JA's divine intervention comment and the skeleton being so small comment really got to me.
Here is a snip from pt 2 of the Bock depo. Read this snip..

View attachment 13964

So....JB got connectd to Bock because someone was visiting Florida....a retired Judge......and he said to Bock..."hey I think this guy could us your help"????

Askell Pitluck......President of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences.

They were vacationing together. This deserves some sleuthing.

LKB made contact with Bock in December 2008.......to request that Bock come to a meeting in Kissimmee. Bock could not make it. Got there Feb 1, 2009.

I noticed in all the new depos that LKB is responsible for getting the good experts.
IMO Cindy and George are not going to hold up well in court when this evidence is introduced and described by the State...No Way.
The Skull next to a log under a mat of vines
The eye socket
The little stripped shorts.."which is also sort of in that area" "a vine growing across the shorts"
Part of the blanket, over here..
Roots attached to the skeletal remains

Just wait till you get to the part where JA talks about animals eating at the remains and he won't even finish.
I had some more tears for Caylee Marie when I read and then eventually sped thru these two depos. Poor Ashton had to tolerate interruptions, rudeness and sarcasm from both JB and DS of the dream team defenders. Ashton had to re-word several questions in order to get a biologically acceptable response from Bock.
This so-called expert report is such a farce. This woman admitted to never having conducted or viewed any actual skeletons with plant growth. She did, however, feel qualified, as when she was young she saw plants growing through chicken bones in her mother's mulch pile. She referred to some plant growth as "not happy" or "happy" in some pictures of the crime scene. She stated that she lived in Florida all her life, then changed that to an accumulation of two years, which is questionable at that. She would never consult with a Forensic Biologist, or whatever? Why? Because she is a plant expert, no need for other expert opinions in other fields, or something to that effect. I wonder how this can qualify as an opinion and make it through to the trial. Perhaps JB will get smart and withdraw this witness.
Feb 1 2009...dinner at Casa Baez (the Baez's, the Bocks, P.McKenna(PI), LKB)
Feb 2, 2009 Dr Bock viewed the remains at the mortuary
Feb 10, 2009 the A's had Caylee's memorial

Good point! Yep, that's why they waited so long for Caylee's funeral! LKB wanted Bock to come in December but couldn't make it til Feb 1. Did they TELL her it would delay the funeral of a baby?

From her website, it seems to me that forensic botany is a hobby.:banghead:
The only "cowboy" I can think of is Leonard Padilla. :waitasec:

Me too!! Wouldn't that be a hoot if she's LPs grandmother? From her CV she must be in her 70s. A little young to be his grandma I guess.

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