2010.12.21 Stream of Motions - General Discussion

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What do they want to restrict? I know he stood up and made a huge deal about someone, that I didn't see, taking pictures of Casey while she was writing, but... I don't know? What kind of restrictions? No bad pictures of his client? No zooming in on her blemishes? No pictures of her smiling at inappropriate times?

Does this mean he doesn't want the trial videoed?

But Baez, how will you get to be a famous criminal trial lawyer or a famous legal TV commentator? Did ya forget that?
Okay, you can't tell me this is Baez banging out these motions, because I won't believe you!! No way has he authored them. It must be nose to the grindstone Ann Finnell.

I would say it is, I thought these were supposed to be heard BEFORE 12/31/2010!
Murder Docket Updated:

12/30/2010 Motion In Limine State of Florida

12/30/2010 Motion to Exclude Unreliable Evidence Pursuant to FRYE, Or in the Alternative, Motion in Limine to Exclude (Chloroform)

12/30/2010 Motion In Limine to Prohibit the Use, in any Fashion, of a Posting on the Internet Myspace References Attributable to Cindy Anthony, The Mother of the Defendant

12/30/2010 Motion In Limine to Prohibit the use, in any Fashion, of Internet Myspace References Attributable to the Defendant as "Diary of Days"

12/30/2010 Motion In Limine Preclude the use in any Fashion Whatsoever of a Certain "Jib Jab" Cartoon

12/30/2010 Motion to Restrict in Court Photography/Videoing

12/30/2010 Notice of Hearing

Holy Batman! - leave WS for a couple of hours and all He77 breaks out!!:eek:
I wonder if they noticed the media for this motion:

12/30/2010 Motion to Restrict in Court Photography/Videoing

I doubt it. This just backs up my theory that Casey and Baez were "acting" in the earlier hearing in December, when he jumped up, interrupted Fugate, and complained that his client was being filmed as she was passing her attorney a note (which she was not!). They think they can pull off enough of these episodes, and use it as an excuse to later get a conviction overturned. Baez has spent way too much time on the bushy-haired stranger stuff.
Does this mean he doesn't want the trial videoed?

But Baez, how will you get to be a famous criminal trial lawyer or a famous legal TV commentator? Did ya forget that?

The camera can be on him all they want, it's the zooming in on secret notes of ICA that he had the problem with.

The clerk's office is closed tomorrow, I don't know if we'll get these before Monday.
Damn, I'm PISSED. Went down and got the three motions filed yesterday, and they filed this whole slew of motions last minute!!! Grrr!!!

I do have the motion to Exclude Unreliable evidence - they're trying to have the trunk smell thrown out. heh
Okay, you can't tell me this is Baez banging out these motions, because I won't believe you!! No way has he authored them. It must be nose to the grindstone Ann Finnell.

The "Jib Jab" cartoon has Jose Baez written all over it!

It is my opinion that Jose knows that he is in trouble. The other defense lawyers know that they are in trouble because of Jose. The Judge is going to be non-to-happy coming back from vacation knowing that Jose (and by association, the rest of the defense), again, failed to comply with his direct orders. I think they are trying to squeeze everything in, simply because they know that come January 3rd, Judge Perry is going to be D-O-N-E with their nonsense. They are going to use the excuse that they did not know that Judge Perry was going to be on vacation this week, and at the time thought they had until December 31st for them to be filed, and that is why all these sudden motions!

I think it's time for the defense to start having to work Saturdays!
I would say it is, I thought these were supposed to be heard BEFORE 12/31/2010!

The title of this thread should read "flooded stream" or perhaps "river" of motions. It sure will be interesting to see Judge Perry's reaction when he learns of all these motions.
There's more!

12/30/2010 Motion to Exclude Unreliable Evidence

12/30/2010 Motion to Suppress Statements Made to George, Cindy Lee Anthony, Maya Derkovic, Robyn Adams, and Sylvia Hernandez

12/30/2010 Defendant's Motion in Limine to Exclude all Evidence Relating to Canine Searches and Alerts

12/30/2010 Motion and Memorandum of Law in Support of Defendant's Motion to Exclude Irrelevant Evidence of Stain in Trunk of Car

12/30/2010 Memorandum of Law in Support of Defendant's Motion to Exclude Irreelevant Evidence of Tattoo

12/30/2010 Defense Motion to Exclude Irrelevant Evidence of Tattoo

12/30/2010 Motion to Exclude Unreliable Evidence
There's more!

12/30/2010 Motion to Exclude Unreliable Evidence

12/30/2010 Motion to Suppress Statements Made to George, Cindy Lee Anthony, Maya Derkovic, Robyn Adams, and Sylvia Hernandez

12/30/2010 Defendant's Motion in Limine to Exclude all Evidence Relating to Canine Searches and Alerts

12/30/2010 Motion and Memorandum of Law in Support of Defendant's Motion to Exclude Irrelevant Evidence of Stain in Trunk of Car

12/30/2010 Memorandum of Law in Support of Defendant's Motion to Exclude Irreelevant Evidence of Tattoo

12/30/2010 Defense Motion to Exclude Irrelevant Evidence of Tattoo

12/30/2010 Motion to Exclude Unreliable Evidence


Is this what Pre-Trial Heaven feels like??

Get lots of rest this weekend folks... something tells me we are in for a long week!
And the tatoo? Holy have no case Baez! Come on!
Damn, I'm PISSED. Went down and got the three motions filed yesterday, and they filed this whole slew of motions last minute!!! Grrr!!!

I do have the motion to Exclude Unreliable evidence - they're trying to have the trunk smell thrown out. heh

MuzikMan, I thank you for getting whatever you can!

They're trying to get the tattoo and Diary of Days thrown out too! I am curious about the State's motion in limine and what the other "unreliable evidence" motions are.
Ahhhhh ... Jeff is no doubt smiling and will enjoy his New Years celebration just thinking about Mondays hearing.

I really don't care about listening to JB's sorry excuses or reasons ... they are all the same. Someone please send him a barrel of cheese to go with all that whine he does.

Jeff is who I want to listen to and with my earphones plugged in. HHJP follows. Now that will be worth watching JB squirm around in his chair, clicking his pen, fumbling with his tie and jacket buttons. Twisting his lips out of sorts, biting his inner cheeks, pushing ICA's hands off the paper and watching where the camera man is pointing the camera.
So what does the betting pool say JB's chances are with all of these motions?

I think he will "win" in getting the sticker residue and the jail house reaction video suppressed. They are just bad evidence, and honestly no surprises there. Plus while lots of salacious fun for us, they probably don't account for much at trial.

The knife seems sort of pointless either way. I don't think he will get it suppressed simply because it was an item physically in the car. It is an element of the list of "things found in the car". But on the same note, beyond having it on the list of things found in the car, I can't for the life of me think why the SA would want to use it at trial or call attention to it? Just a waste of everybodies time.

The shovel and conversations with the neighbor about the shovel? No chance in hell that get excluded.

The lying? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah every single untruthful word she said to anyone is going to come in. The same with the stealing. they are clear elements of the crime. I can't imagine any Judge bending over backwards to justify excluding them.

The sex history. The judge will probably exclude any sexual history prior to a certain date. Im betting everything forward of 30 days before Caylee was last seen. and even then there will be no excluding answers to the question "so what was your relationship to the defendant?" when asked of witness after witness. Now any testimony concerning specific acts, techniques, performances or fetishes will hopefully be excluded, at the very least in the interests of taste and class.

Tim Miller and the map will not be excluded beyond the normal rules of witness testimony. he can testify to what he witnessed. What the defendant did and said within his presence. he will not be allowed to speculate. But JB's motion will be resoundingly denied. Probably with the comment "juries are capable of coming to their own conclusions regarding the truthfulness of witnesses".

What do you think? What are your bets? (and of course the defense will herald getting the sticker residue and jail footage that we have always known would be tossed, tossed, as a major victory).

The motion about the "statements made to George, Cindy, Lee, Maya, Robyn, Sylvia"... is that supposed to read "statements by?" Or are they trying to get statements that Casey had made to them thrown out? If that's the case... wouldn't that mean they are wanting to get any reference to the changes in the ZFG story thrown out?
Damn, I'm PISSED. Went down and got the three motions filed yesterday, and they filed this whole slew of motions last minute!!! Grrr!!!

I do have the motion to Exclude Unreliable evidence - they're trying to have the trunk smell thrown out. heh

So I guess they're going throw out ALL of the noses that smelled that horrible stench too? Lee? Cindy? George? The Towyard Guy? LE? The LE technicians that worked on the trunk of the car? Any friend of Casey's that smelled that car?

Come on Baez. Seriously? You want the smell that everyone smelled thrown out? Am I the only one confused by this? First the duct tape, now the smell? What next, try to have the whole dang car and dump area thrown out? Lord!
So I guess they're going throw out ALL of the noses that smelled that horrible stench too? Lee? Cindy? George? The Towyard Guy? LE? The LE technicians that worked on the trunk of the car? Any friend of Casey's that smelled that car?

Come on Baez. Seriously? You want the smell that everyone smelled thrown out? Am I the only one confused by this? First the duct tape, now the smell? What next, try to have the whole dang car and dump area thrown out? Lord!

Yeah, good luck with that!! I smell DESPERATION. heh
Someone just purchased the paperwork from the clerk! Maybe we will get it before Monday, I tweeted to Orlando media that new motions were filed!!

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