2010.12.22 Prosecutors Call for Sanctions Against the Defense

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I think it's absolutely hilarious that another lawyer (albeit a much better and more respected one that Baez) is getting such a kick out of this, LOL. Geez, Baez, your peers are laughing AT you, not WITH you! That should tell you something!
I have a feeling that if this motion is not heard until the first of the year that the SA office will have all of the information that was required from the court order, now that does not mean that JP will not still stick sanctions to the Defence but I bet there will be a whole lot of information given to the SA office.
With MINOR changes...

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Ev'rywhere you go;
Take a look in the five and ten glistening once again
With candy canes and silver lanes aglow.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Motions in ev'ry store
But the prettiest sight to see is the holly that will be
On your own jail door.

A pair of too tight boots and a pistol that shoots
Is the wish of Baez and them;
Mama Dolls that will talk and go for a walk
Is the hope of Cindy and him;
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Ev'rywhere you go;
There's a tree in the Grand Hotel, one in JB park as well,
The sturdy kind that doesn't mind the snow.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas;
Soon the bells will start,
And the thing that will make them ring is the carol that you sing
Right within your heart
Dear Santa Claus... Ummmm... I mean... Dear Your Honor,

If I may make a suggestion, Your Honor? I would suggest that you drag all of them into court tomorrow (after 5pm of course) because I would not want you to have this motion on your mind as you are enjoying your Holiday vacation. I also have tomorrow off and I have completed all my Christmas shopping like a good little adult.

Thank you,


P.S. Merry Christmas!
Oh yeah, I forgot to say: I agree with 'Beach. Something happened in a depo and JA lost all patience with JB's games.

Wonder if the expert witness had to refer to his/her "written report" to answer one of JA's questions? :angel:
With MINOR changes...

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Ev'rywhere you go;
Take a look in the five and ten glistening once again
With candy canes and silver lanes aglow.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Motions in ev'ry store
But the prettiest sight to see is the holly that will be
On your own jail door.

A pair of too tight boots and a pistol that shoots
Is the wish of Baez and them;
Mama Dolls that will talk and go for a walk
Is the hope of Cindy and him;
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Ev'rywhere you go;
There's a tree in the Grand Hotel, one in JB park as well,
The sturdy kind that doesn't mind the snow.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas;
Soon the bells will start,
And the thing that will make them ring is the carol that you sing
Right within your heart

What more can I say!


Except that my baking tonight is going all to He **! LOL
I think B knows exactly what he is doing, he isn't just trying to delay but at his peril he is trying to get the case so convoluted that it won't ever go to trial again. Can the JUDGE fire B? Call him incompetent, and fire his butt and appoint another one?

I think B wants the Judge to get so angry that he will say or do something...perhaps B is trying to remove the judge too
JB's ego, imo.

I can't speak to the technical definition and specific responsibilities of the attorney who sits "first chair" in a DP case. I'm gonna leave that for one of the attorneys. I do know they (the defense team) have the option of choosing between themselves who is going to argue in front of the bench, which witnesses each attorney will question, etc... Judge Perry spent a lot of time trying to engage Cheney Mason leaving not-so-subtle hints that HHJP wanted him to take a more active role. I think he has given up that battle; as have I.

Especially the last few hearings, it becomes more and more apparent to me that Baez doesn't want to delegate the parts where he can have his mug in front of any camera - even the one in the courtroom. He baffles me.

Then ya have Cheney Mason. DP qualified or not, the man does not know the facts and evidence of this case. It is a proven fact. I don't even get the impression he cares enough to challenge JB. He seems to be willing to just suffer the embarrassment. I don't get it.

And to tie this all back on topic :angel:, I think the same thing Ashton allegedly said in this Motion for Santions, "protect Casey Anthony's "right to a fair trial and an adequate defense."

You're right...CM doesn't seem to know the facts of this case, nor does he really seem to care to. Even when he speaks at the podium, he falls waaaaay short of the "great orator" I was expecting an attorney of his caliber to be. He doesn't even seem to try to use the press to his (defense's) advantage...**see how he treats Kathi Belich with such disdain.

Personally, I think CM is just a figure-head...a warm body to fill the slot of DP qualified attorney.
Something just dawned on me! :idea:

Again...the timing...

Wasn't JA supposed to depose Dr. Fairgrieve yesterday? Or was it Dr. Bock? I am wondering if during that depo JA didn't discover while deposing the witness a few surprises and docs/info that the defense did not turn over to comply with Judge Perry's order. whooweee! I want to see that motion!

Totally missed this post in all the excitement. I think you are 100% correct. This motion did seem to come out of no where... Also, didn't JA say, during the last hearing, that he had nothing for Judge Perry this week? That he wouldn't be needing him this week? He had nothing before the first of the year? Sounds like something suddenly came up!
JB's ego, imo.

I can't speak to the technical definition and specific responsibilities of the attorney who sits "first chair" in a DP case. I'm gonna leave that for one of the attorneys. I do know they (the defense team) have the option of choosing between themselves who is going to argue in front of the bench, which witnesses each attorney will question, etc... Judge Perry spent a lot of time trying to engage Cheney Mason leaving not-so-subtle hints that HHJP wanted him to take a more active role. I think he has given up that battle; as have I.

Especially the last few hearings, it becomes more and more apparent to me that Baez doesn't want to delegate the parts where he can have his mug in front of any camera - even the one in the courtroom. He baffles me.

Then ya have Cheney Mason. DP qualified or not, the man does not know the facts and evidence of this case. It is a proven fact. I don't even get the impression he cares enough to challenge JB. He seems to be willing to just suffer the embarrassment. I don't get it.

And to tie this all back on topic :angel:, I think the same thing Ashton allegedly said in this Motion for Santions, "protect Casey Anthony's "right to a fair trial and an adequate defense."

ITA. I truly think that jb is still pizzed at the SA when they put the death penality on the case, thus making him have to scramble for others. He hated that move--I truly believe he wanted this puppy all to himself---all the glory :loser:---he has skirted around that for a while.

As for Cheney knowing the case---I'll go one step further---I don't think either knows the evidence--what I saw of LBD when she was questioning ca and brought up discoverable evidence in her priror statements jb kept wanting to object--but LBD kept showing him where she had said this and that---info that that has been out for years---yet nothing on his part!
I also wish he would be sanctioned for passing letters to and from the Anthony's! Also, God only knows what he shows CA on his computer. I am so mad he has gotten away with this, along with his inappropriate behavior with his client.

A couple hearings ago, I was watching online as he was busy pecking away on his I-Pad (or whatever he has). As soon as he finished, I heard a *ding* in the courtroom. I wondered then if he wasn't texting something to CA. I think he shows a total lack of respect for Judge Perry's courtroom - to include his eye rolls.

I was excited to hear about this filing by JA. I, too, think something came out in one of the Depo's. Obviously something set JA off. I love JA and LDB....attorneys with class (and intelligence)! Baez should pay attention to them, he may learn something. I still can't get over that he teaches(d) for FAMU. :waitasec:

Can't wait to hear the outcome of this...tomorrow at 5pm would be wonderful (or rather today...yikes, I need to go to bed).
I think it's absolutely hilarious that another lawyer (albeit a much better and more respected one that Baez) is getting such a kick out of this, LOL. Geez, Baez, your peers are laughing AT you, not WITH you! That should tell you something!

In the words of Florida defense expert Richard Hornsby, "Baez has become a clown, a legal clown".

I blame Cheney Mason too. When you have an adult at the party, the fact that the teens are drinking and smoking pot shifts the blame rather quickly. Cheney allowing this or participating by complacency is thoroughly unacceptable. It is like most things in life, a glimpe into what goes on behind the scenes. Unfortunately, I find his behavior in the courtroom and in his public comments to be quite childish and unprofessional and imo the harm he has done to the case by not leading is far worse than figuratively letting Baez sit first chair.

After thirty years of being a lawyer, how disappointing that he would pull stunts like this.

"May will be here before we know it", Judge Perry admonished the defense.
This is my favorite motion of the trial and I have only seen snippets!
Thank you so much Think Tank for finding this for me. Now I need to research when Judge Perry has awarded sanctions in the past and post those straight away.
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Ashton is pointing out to Judge Perry that Baez is not playing by the rules of the court. Baez has not turned over information on his experts that Ashton needs (and is entitled to) to be able to complete his trial preparation. By asking for sanctions, Ashton is asking Judge Perry to make Baez pay a penalty of some sort (often a financial penalty).

And when the hearing comes, the following vomit will flow out of JB's mouth:

Judge, I really don't know why we're here. If the State needs more information, they could have picked up the phone or sent me an e-mail.

Oh wait, he said that already....


And when the hearing comes, the following vomit will flow out of JB's mouth:

Judge, I really don't know why we're here. If the State needs more information, they could have picked up the phone or sent me an e-mail.

Oh wait, he said that already....



But if its financial how long would jb have to pay up? We know of his prior paying habits...
Jeff Ashton is fed up with Baez and his tactics, IMO...Each time Baez has a chance, he states, my client is innocent of these charges or my client is 100% innocent, or it was someone else how dumped the body while my client was in jail...or my client will be acquitted of these charges...Is he trying for a mistrial? But it's only pretrial so I am at a loss...

How many times has the SAs asked for Baez to produce this evidence? Since the days of Todd Mac..it's an ongoing struggle for him and in the words of Judge Strickland, this is getting old.

Things between Baez and Ashton seem very personal and I don't understand why? Have they gone head to head on other cases? Is Baez intimidated by the SA's experience? Is Baez just reflecting the hatred ICA carries for him? I noticed how she looks at the SA's...as if to say, how dare they try to blame me for being a child killer and want to put me to death! How dare they!

I believe Baez has not learned a thing since his being held back those 8 long years from being sworn in for his unethical matters...he's still the same attorney now as he was back then.

I hope His Honor puts a stop to Baez' madness. It's just so unprofessional...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
While I. Am So looking forward to HHJP approving sanctions against Baez, I won't
Hold my breath. IT wasn't too long ago HHJP remarked the Prosecution and the Defense
Were doing an excellent job. Will he hold them both responsible for not being able to
Get along or is he going to put Baez in his place and approve sanctions?
If he does't handle Baez now, there will be many more problems ahead.
I wonder where the media is getting the information that they are releasing.

The hearing notice for Jan. 3 and JA's new motion have not yet been listed on the court docket. I guess the docket is not a "real time" kind of web page. Maybe later this morning they will update it. I'll keep an eye on it.
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