2011.01.06 Baez Slapped with Formal Sanction

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This may have been covered by isn't CM missing the point here. Our justice system is about being responsible for our actions. JB was given a light sanction considering what was requested which was $500 a day. KC is on trial for doing something because she was never held responsible for anything in her life, including her child. If KC's parents had no idea she had no job how could they possibly know what went on with the child for almost three years, while in KC's sole care. jmo

LambChop -- I learned a LONG time ago in a business law 101 course that "Ignorance is no excuse in the eyes of the law." I wonder why JB and CM have not even grasped that simplest of concepts!

My eyebrows. They are STUCK in my hairline.

Defense trainwreck, with casualties.

MOO and stuff.
I personally cannot wait until the hearing today and will be listening VERY CLOSELY to the specific wording JA uses IF he even argues against this Recosideration Motion.

If SA does not put out a strong argument against the motion, that in itself will be very telling and will convince me that I am not far off from what I am speculating is going on...and has been going on.

See you kids this afternoon! :seeya:

After thinking about it, I will be surprised if this is argued at today's hearing. Granted, it is time sensitive, but I really think HHJP will want Casey present for this issue. I don't recall the exact date that HHJP finally issued the order, but I do remember he gave the defense 20 days from the date he signed it to produce the reports, etc... (except one, which was 10 days). Which would bring the deadline near the end of the month...so they have a little time. I'm thinking he might set it for a motions hearing the first part of next week. Hopefully after 5pm, if for no other reason, to make a point. :innocent:
I am seldom speechless...however the only thing I can think to say would get me:slap: Surely Judge Perry will not give the defense a pass on this one...will he??????
Grateful? (the kid...and maybe Baez as well)

Or humiliated. My mom used to bring kids over to play with me. She so badly wanted to be me a popular girl with a lot of friends. I admit, I was an outcast and not one of the normal kids, so it was humiliating to know that someone was there playing with me because my mom brought them over. And those kinds of friendships never lasted long. It's possible the kid had no idea, but I think upon finding out, he'd be devastated that those perceived friendships weren't real. Or possibly he might be grateful for what he had at a bad time in his life if he really didn't know about his mom doing until later. I knew what my mom was doing and that's why it hurt me so much.

I think that's kind of what is happening with the defense. I think Baez was reallly built up by people at one point, the same people that laughing at him now. I notice his big supporter Geraldo has disappeared, does he even have a show anymore? No interviews in support of Baez. The only articles out bash him and put him down. All those experts in the beginning that were more than willing to put their nose into this for the fame and money are backing away like the defense is cancerous. Baez didn't care before because he thought he was the $hit, and now he's finding out just how much he's not because he's losing all the support he had, all the fame, all the money, and now even his professional reputation and possibly his career. I think, too, that Baez was recently made aware of Mason's grand scheme, what Mason has really been doing for him, and he's grateful for that even if Mason let him be humiliated in the process. Baez would never go along with being humiliated, but if he could see in retrospect that it had to happen that way, he'd be more grateful about in the end, and Mason counted on that.

Baez has no more friends, just like Casey. Baez is all alone in this, just like Casey. And like Casey, I think he saw Mason as the person who was going to help save this case, and now I think Baez sees Mason as also saving Baez. I also think Mason has made him realize what a wash this case has become, and more than that, I think Mason offered to help give him an out, but after letting Baez be humiliated time and again in court. I do think Mason spoke on purpose for the experts so that they would be upset about that and possibly not want to testify after someone keeps putting words in their mouth and possibly hurting their reputations. I don't know if Baez is aware of that or not, but I think Mason is helping to make this case one that shouldn't go to court. And I think he did it mostly at Baez's expense and with not telling Baez that this was his primary goal. I think Mason has run his own scheme behind Baez's back, and is just now letting Baez in on it. It explains Baez now letting Mason really take over instead of just being Baez's assistant.

I also think Mason has a big hand in convincing Casey to go along with a plea. Let Baez humiliate himself, let Casey keep seeing Baez humiliate himself, keep filing motions that are denied, keep showing Baez and Casey this is a winless situation - all leading to Baez and Casey wanting this case over with. I am now thinking Mason is more wily and crafty than I first gave him credit for. I think bringing him in the first place was Baez begging Mason to make this case a win for him and Casey instead of a loss. I think Mason saw that it wasn't going to be a win in any way for Baez or Casey at some point, so he decided, instead, to help make this circus stop before it became a ginormous loss, using Baez's ineptness and putting the futility of this case out there for all to see. So if he gets a plea, and the sanction is set aside, it's still a loss, but a lot more of a minor loss than taking this trial, especially for Mason - he gets out without a scratch and goes on to his other cases. No one is going to believe Baez could do this. It has to have been Mason who brought this about.

I also think it explains the A's silence. I think their interviews and such were to specifically taint a jury pool, to plant reasonable doubt before the trial. I think they were told by Mason specifically that there wasn't going to be a trial, so no jury, so they didn't need to keep putting themselves out there anymore. Plus, no one cared anymore about them anyway. I think whoever suggested it is right - George stopped coming because he knows his daughter is never leaving jail. Cindy was happy with the new judge because Mason told her that they needed a stricter judge to put Baez's ineptness out there and show Casey that this doesn't need to go to trial. I used to think they were crazy to get Judge Strickland removed, but I think now that at least Mason wanted him removed so that this case could finally be stopped in it's tracks. I love Judge Strickland, but he was far too nice and the shenanigans would have been endless and so would the case. Not so with HHJP.

Wow, it's like everything since Judge Strickland left is falling into place for me now in a way it hasn't before. Apparently Mason knows exactly what he is doing here! The craziness finally has some sort of explanation that makes sense! That's if a plea deal is really going on behind the scenes.

It's not lost on me that today's hearing is about the jury. The fact that these sanctions and shenanigans have been going on right before this kind of hearing is interesting. It makes sense that they don't want to take this step and talk about a jury if there isn't going to be a need for one. I hate to admit it, but I do think a plea is in the works now. It breaks my heart in a way, but if Casey dies in prison, that will be worth it to me.


Well, what is most apparent to me after reading that letter is it seems clear that CM and JA have been talking since HHJP imposed the sanctions.

"Good faith reason" could mean several things. It could be something as dramatic as a plea deal being discussed or as simple as "Okay....we've got the message. We're not gonna let this case to put a permanent black mark on OUR records forever."

eta: I am a little confused about why this letter was released publicly. It states it was "hand delivered". Who's fax number is that at the top?
I'm a little confused. Here are copies of the letter and check. But why is the fax number at the top showing they came from The Baez Law Firm?

Great sleuthing, Sparky!!
Thank you!
Hmmm. Didn't WESH say that the court released this to them? So this was sent at 3:51 pm from Jose's office. As was the copy of the check.
Thank you!
Hmmm. Didn't WESH say that the court released this to them? So this was sent at 3:51 pm from Jose's office. As was the copy of the check.

That is strange to me. The copy of the check, I totally get. They were ordered to file that. But that letter is more personal and I am not sure why they would want that filed to be included in the court file. Go figure...

Well, what is most apparent to me after reading that letter is it seems clear that CM and JA have been talking since HHJP imposed the sanctions.

"Good faith reason" could mean several things. It could be something as dramatic as a plea deal being discussed or as simple as "Okay....we've got the message. We're not gonna let this case to put a permanent black mark on OUR records forever."

eta: I am a little confused about why this letter was released publicly. It states it was "hand delivered". Who's fax number is that at the top?

Thanks...I too saw it clearly that there has been discussion between Mr. Mason and Mr. Ashton. I really hope Judge Perry will stand his guns on this one. the fax # is JB's I believe
That is strange to me. The copy of the check, I totally get. They were ordered to file that. But that letter is more personal and I am not sure why they would want that filed to be included in the court file. Go figure...

Maybe the defense wants everyone to know what's really been going on? Maybe they think this will put SA in a corner or something? Maybe they think there would be public outrage at both sides negotiating a plea deal? There was no reason for this letter to be included unless the defense wanted everyone to know what is really going on here, that they aren't as inept as they have seemed in these court hearings, and they hope that the public knowing this will put more pressure on the SA to negotiate.
That is strange to me. The copy of the check, I totally get. They were ordered to file that. But that letter is more personal and I am not sure why they would want that filed to be included in the court file. Go figure...

Tis a rat I be smellin'...

Well, what is most apparent to me after reading that letter is it seems clear that CM and JA have been talking since HHJP imposed the sanctions.

"Good faith reason" could mean several things. It could be something as dramatic as a plea deal being discussed or as simple as "Okay....we've got the message. We're not gonna let this case to put a permanent black mark on OUR records forever."

eta: I am a little confused about why this letter was released publicly. It states it was "hand delivered". Who's fax number is that at the top?

That is JB's fax number, I was confused by that too.


Jose Angel Baez
Member in Good Standing Eligible to practice in Florida

Address: The Baez Law Firm
522 Simpson Rd
Kissimmee, Florida 347444458
United States
Phone: 407.7052626
Fax: 407.7052625
Great sleuthing, Sparky!!
Thank you!
Hmmm. Didn't WESH say that the court released this to them? So this was sent at 3:51 pm from Jose's office. As was the copy of the check.

Didn't the judge state as part of the motion that a copy of the check was to be submitted to the court -- maybe JB office faxed it to the clerk to fulfill that requirement of the order.
Thanks...I too saw it clearly that there has been discussion between Mr. Mason and Mr. Ashton. I really hope Judge Perry will stand his guns on this one. the fax # is JB's I believe

there masy have been talking between the State and the defense but the deliberate wording of the letter makes me think Mr Mason is trying to bully Mr Ashton into not cashing the check. It's too deliberately worded and Mr Mason knew it would be released, I think he wrote it with the release in mind, trying to sway public opinion again maybe?
Tis a rat I be smellin'...

If it was faxed from JB's office maybe someone did not think to just do a cover sheet and the check and sent the letter in error. I don't think the letter had to be reported to the clerk's office. So, again, someone in JB's office not paying attention sent too much information. jmo
I am wondering if, once again, JB did not comply with an order from HHJP. In his order granting the State's motion for sanctions HHJP states in item #6: Mr. Baez has 5 days to contest the amount; otherwise this Order shall become final and Mr. Baez will deliver the check, made payable to the State of Florida to assistant state attorney Mr. Jeff Ashton within 7 days of the date of this order.

In CM's letter to JA he says 'notwithstanding...........................I am enclosing herewith Mr. Baez's check...................'

Sounds to me like CM hand delivered it, as it plainly states via hand delivery on the letter. the only other explanation is that CM gave this letter to JB to take to JA - and that would just too rich. " Jose, while you are handing JA the check, would you mind also hading him this letter; which, by the way, says you are ignorant in regards to the practice of law."
If it was faxed from JB's office maybe someone did not think to just do a cover sheet and the check and sent the letter in error. I don't think the letter had to be reported to the clerk's office. So, again, someone in JB's office not paying attention sent too much information. jmo

You can't fax a CHECK, can you?
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