2011.01.14 Hearing: Jury Selection Expected To Be Main Topic

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Are we going to get to see the letter CM wrote to JA about the sanctions?
Sooo.... are we at the part where the security guard at the gate is telling the nice officers that they don't know KC as an employee? Or are we walking down the hallway yet?

(If we are about to see a plea, what happens to the taxpayers' deposit on the hotel rooms?)
We're at the part where she tells them her bosses name :great:I laughed so hard reading your post my abs hurt!!
Sooo.... are we at the part where the security guard at the gate is telling the nice officers that they don't know KC as an employee? Or are we walking down the hallway yet?

(If we are about to see a plea, what happens to the taxpayers' deposit on the hotel rooms?)

Trying to recall what HHJP said about the deadline for getting a refund on the deposit. Could this have been a way of saying, "If you are planning to go another route, I need to know before then." ?
Sooo.... are we at the part where the security guard at the gate is telling the nice officers that they don't know KC as an employee? Or are we walking down the hallway yet?

(If we are about to see a plea, what happens to the taxpayers' deposit on the hotel rooms?)

Maybe we can all go down to wherever, FL and have a partay in those booked rooms! Hate to see them go to waste! :great:
Lame is a good word. Going thru the motions. Yes. I felt these things. I guess we will see, but I agree that today I got those feelings.
Even I got spooked at the enormity of this trial coming down the tracks, especially when HHJP was describing how he would handle the media... It will be an inevitable circus. It will disrupt the lives of the jurors and alternates. It will cost the taxpayers of Florida another cool half million by the time it's all said and done. And KC will go down in the flames she deserves, taking all of JB's reputation and a chunk of CM's with her in the process. A plea is really the only sane option here.

(I know I know, "sane" and this case are strangers... :truce:)
I think all the weirdness was just about the sanctions, nothing more nothing less....I don't think for a minute that the State would be willing to take the death penalty off the table, and I know that KC would not be willing to admit she killed her daughter, so I don't think this has a thing to do with a deal.
that hearing and what's preceded it this week has given me a bed taste about our legal system. it often makes me wonder if anyone takes it seriously and if it's normal to have officers of the court on the defense side be so drippinly disrespectful of the court, the State, and our laws. It actually saddens me to see respect missing from the court rooms. I was raised to respect laws, law enforcers, lawyers and judges and I also raised my children the same way but to see the likes of Mr Mason and Mr Baez not only behaving in such a way but pretty much given free reign/rein to continue to, it's kind of disheartening.
Part of the reason it felt so strange I think is because I could hear very little. I heard nothing coming from the defense table. And I'm not talking about the sidebar. I could NOT hear the defense at all.

They don't like the microphones ON because they don't trust them to be OFF when they talking privately. The SA don't have the same paranoia.
that hearing and what's preceded it this week has given me a bed taste about our legal system. it often makes me wonder if anyone takes it seriously and if it's normal to have officers of the court on the defense side be so drippinly disrespectful of the court, the State, and our laws. It actually saddens me to see respect missing from the court rooms. I was raised to respect laws, law enforcers, lawyers and judges and I also raised my children the same way but to see the likes of Mr Mason and Mr Baez not only behaving in such a way but pretty much given free reign/rein to continue to, it's kind of disheartening.

I don't like the joking and laughing and glad-handing. It seems massively inappropriate.
I think all the weirdness was just about the sanctions, nothing more nothing less....I don't think for a minute that the State would be willing to take the death penalty off the table, and I know that KC would not be willing to admit she killed her daughter, so I don't think this has a thing to do with a deal.

Agreed Kimmer. She will admit nothing.
They don't like the microphones ON because they don't trust them to be OFF when they talking privately. The SA don't have the same paranoia.

Yup they seem to be doing everything they can not to be heard and it's working.
It's hard to believe that Casey would ever cop a plea but I guess stranger things have happened. I wonder if the state would accept a plea and is that justice for Caylee? I know the Florida taxpayers would be happy but is it all about the money? If they death penalty was not an option things would be much easier and cheaper. LWOP for ICA is still justice for Caylee, I think.
Yup they seem to be doing everything they can not to be heard and it's working.

Right! It's bad enough that we can't "understand" a word Mason says...but add to that, we can't even hear his "gibberish". If this goes to trial, we will really only be able to hear half of it. *rolleyes again*
Maybe they're just going to talk about whether they need more status hearings . . .

Agreed Kimmer. She will admit nothing.

ICA's 'defiance' will be her undoing ... it won't work this time but I am conflicted on whether she will remain stubborn until the bitter end ... probably. ICA needs the control even if it means her own demise.
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