2011.02.07 Shawn Adkins speaks out: 10pm Central KTAB

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Here are some things that bother me (I have MANY, but I'll spare you all from an even longer list of them, as I know this is LONG enough!):

1. BOTH of them mentioning the "last 6 months" specifically. As a part of my job in social work, I do LONG comprehensive interviews (parenting assessments and home-studies) with clients. During these, I ask lots of questions about relationships. A lot of times, these relationship have had a bad patch (who hasn't?) and the common response I get is, "things have been better *for a while*, for *several months*, for *some time now*, etc... If one says "6-months" the other may say " a few months" or " a long time", etc. I have noticed too that the male half of the relationships seem to keep less track of dates and time-frames too. Women tend to be able to tell you the day and time of when the couple met, what was said, what they were wearing, etc...lol, while the guy may not be so detailed. I guess if SA said, "things have been good since the summer" and BD said it's been good for the last "6-months" I'd feel better about it. I know this is just semantics, but it still bugs me and makes me think they are feeding off each other's media statements or parroting each other.

2. I've been in a bad relationship, am a d.v. survivor and have worked with many d.v. victims. Things don't just get magically better. You don't go from having your life (and others close to you) threatened to "awesome!" Even those who do couples counseling and eventually work it out, struggle for a long time to work out these issues. I just don't buy it.

3. The statements: "I know that sooner or later this is gonna blow over and life will go on" and BD's statement about "clearing up this mess" and SD's other statement about "wanting to get on with life (or back to normal)" (paraphrasing on the previous two statements). If my child was missing and most of the parents I have seen in cases of missing children, this wouldn't be a "mess," it would be/is a "nightmare" and there would be no "normal" after my child vanished nor would there be any "blowing over." I would never go back to "normal." My life would never be "normal" and things wouldn't "blow over." I wouldn't let them. I know evidentially parents of missing children have to learn how to keep living, how to build a different life (one without their precious child), but NEVER have I seen a (genuine) parent of a missing child or even someone who cares deeply for a child they were close with (like SA claims) be ready after a month an a half ready to get back to normal, move on, clear up the mess, and discuss wanting the whole situation to just blow over! This just blows my mind with both of them! I don't get it. It reminds me of Scott Peterson trying to sell his house and selling Laci's car. How can it be business as usual when someone you love is missing?!!! The only way that I see this being the case is if you *know* they aren't coming back and/or you are tired of pretending that they might be when you know differently.

I would be surprised if SA *didn't* move back in with BD very soon! I think this whole P.R. thing with SA is all about image, so they can be back together without sneaking around and/or without BD looking bad. I think BD believes that her media stint helped "rule her out" as a suspect (I have an opinion on LE's alterer motive with that, but I'll refrain from that rant right now) and they are hoping that this will work for SA too, so they can "get back to normal." I mean think about this....what is a "normal" life for SA: 1. Living with BD 2. Having a relationship 3. Enjoying his hobbies 4. Using drugs (imo opinion based on the affidavits) 5. Working (he'll probably need this to blow over to get a job in that town right now). Isn't this what he is wanting to get back too? He wants normalcy a month and a half after someone close to him has been "snatched" (according to one of BD's theories). How is life normal after someone you love is abducted??????? Ugh....sorry....don't mean to ramble, but I am so frustrated by this. Ok, that's my theory. I'll stop now! :)


Great post and glad you are a DV survivor. ((hugs)).

I'd like to hear those thoughts/rant on the bolded above from you. TIA
The kidding around thing, that's the only kind of interacting, that Billie and Shawn could come up with, after 2&1/2 years, of Hailey being in his life.
Where are the things that Hailey did with her dad and N?
Did they not ever go anywhere together, as a family?
Do anything together, as a family?
If in that length of time, the only thing that Shawn ever did to interact with Hailey, was play practical jokes, on each other, no wonder Hailey didn't want to stay there.
I realize that everyday can't be Disneyland, but there are little things that they could do as a family, to make kids want to be home.
Shawn and Billie, IMO, seemed to be so concerned about making their relationship, "awesome," in the last 6 months, they forgot there were 2 children involved. Were they not trying to make an awesome family life for them also?

I think there was alot of dysfunction in BD and CD's lives and no real knowledge of family life. Did they ever go places together as a family besides to someones house over a holiday? Did they ever go to her or DD's sporting events or go to see her cheer? Seems to me the recreational monies that could be spent on family life were spent on recreational drugs. Get high, watch horror movies and go to bed. The kids were expected to entertain themselves with Xbox, TV and going to spend the night with other families. imo
The grasshopper thing, BD had to pay HD to "tease" SA by throwing grasshoppers on him because he was afraid of them. I wonder how many times he "teased" her back with whatever it was she was afraid of. It's so sad to think that way, but I think he did. Maybe she was afraid when he wore his masks. We know she was afraid when he stood outside her door at night. Maybe he sometimes wore his masks when he did that. That would be horrifying!

Oh but wait...didn't you hear what he said? He only wore that mask 'around Halloween.' We must have gotten it wrong because as he said, he wasn't OBSESSED or anything. It was just a hobby, like Star Wars, ya know? And besides, he is gentle and he loves animals, so he is ready to let this blow over and go out and live his life now--okay?
The grasshopper thing, BD had to pay HD to "tease" SA by throwing grasshoppers on him because he was afraid of them. I wonder how many times he "teased" her back with whatever it was she was afraid of. It's so sad to think that way, but I think he did. Maybe she was afraid when he wore his masks. We know she was afraid when he stood outside her door at night. Maybe he sometimes wore his masks when he did that. That would be horrifying!

Could you imagine a father figure or an authoritive male figure in your life walking around the house in a freakish D mask all the time? Which I'd bet he did. There was the time difference in him getting home and BD...3 hrs...about the time the kids would be getting home. Who fixed dinner...if ever? By the look of the yard and home, he didn't do too many things around the house, imo; so we can all surmize what he did for that 3 hours.....entertain himself with his hobby.

Hailey, you deserve so much more kiddo. I hope DD can stay with others and BD can spend her time raising SA...good luck!
Oh but wait...didn't you hear what he said? He only wore that mask 'around Halloween.' We must have gotten it wrong because as he said, he wasn't OBSESSED or anything. It was just a hobby, like Star Wars, ya know? And besides, he is gentle and he loves animals, so he is ready to let this blow over and go out and live his life now--okay?

So all the posts he made at the MM site were just part of getting into the Halloween spirit right?
Oh but wait...didn't you hear what he said? He only wore that mask 'around Halloween.' We must have gotten it wrong because as he said, he wasn't OBSESSED or anything. It was just a hobby, like Star Wars, ya know? And besides, he is gentle and he loves animals, so he is ready to let this blow over and go out and live his life now--okay?

His December 2010 purchase was probably an early start on this years movie then.:innocent:
OT, but I am seeing praise for BeanE's site all over the internet-go, BeanE :)
SHAWN ADKINS: It’s pretty normal for her to just not call, ’cause she usually just does that though, ’cause she does stay the night at a friend’s house, she’ll be back the next morning, she, that’s very common of her, and if she goes over to her dad’s, then, you know, she usually won’t call either, ’cause she’ll, she’s just right across the street from where Billie lives."

So what EXACTLY is Shawn boy trying to say here? Is this another example of them criticizing the victim?

"It’s pretty normal for her to just not call, ’cause she usually just does that though, ’cause she does stay the night at a friend’s house, she’ll be back the next morning, she, that’s very common of her..."

So it is normal for a 13 yr old to stay out all night and not call home, as long as she comes back in the morning? REALLY?

"and if she goes over to her dad’s, then, you know, she usually won’t call either, ’"

So she used to stay at Clint's but not tell Billie? And that was no problem either?
So if B was used having Hailey being gone all night with out calling, then why the big panic the next day at noon?

Can he give us some other examples of when she had done that? And Billie never tried to find her? Or never punished her for staying out all night?
The grasshopper thing, BD had to pay HD to "tease" SA by throwing grasshoppers on him because he was afraid of them. I wonder how many times he "teased" her back with whatever it was she was afraid of. It's so sad to think that way, but I think he did. Maybe she was afraid when he wore his masks. We know she was afraid when he stood outside her door at night. Maybe he sometimes wore his masks when he did that. That would be horrifying!

OMG!!!!!!!!!! TexasGiGi you just made the hair on the back of my neck stand up..::sick&scary chill down my spine::

The thought of this [unusual person] standing outside of the bedroom door is eerie and scary enough..then you add in this [unusual person] with one of his horror masks on standing outside the bedroom door..lurking..and peering in all during the night{WoW thats almost too much to even imagine}..and I'd say grown adult men would not be willing to stay in that home..let alone a little girl whose only "protector"..her mom is too busy sexing it up with the masked lover..

Poor Precious Hailey
I'd like (in a perfect world) more info on where Hailey stayed overnight so often besides her fathers, how it worked, who she told, etc..
I'd like (in a perfect world) more info on where Hailey stayed overnight so often besides her fathers, how it worked, who she told, etc..

I'd like to know if HD had her friends sleep over often. If not, that speaks volumes!
He prob scared her hoping to comfort her when she got upset. Typical cycle of abuse.
OMG!!!!!!!!!! TexasGiGi you just made the hair on the back of my neck stand up..::sick&scary chill down my spine::

The thought of this [unusual person] standing outside of the bedroom door is eerie and scary enough..then you add in this [unusual person] with one of his horror masks on standing outside the bedroom door..lurking..and peering in all during the night{WoW thats almost too much to even imagine}..and I'd say grown adult men would not be willing to stay in that home..let alone a little girl whose only "protector"..her mom is too busy sexing it up with the masked lover..

Poor Precious Hailey

I thought about it because I am afraid of the dark and always have been, and I thought about that scary mask combined with the dark, horrible.
Also right before HD disappeared, I walked out of my room one night while talking on my phone, closed the door quietly behind me (my husband was asleep), turned, and Michael Meyers (I have seen all of the movies) was standing behind me about a foot away in the dark hall. I heard myself gasp very loudly, almost had a heart attack, then realized that my son had come home and I hadn't heard anything at all because I was on the phone. That has been in my head since all of the MM stuff came out.
I thought about it because I am afraid of the dark and always have been, and I thought about that scary mask combined with the dark, horrible.
Also right before HD disappeared, I walked out of my room one night while talking on my phone, closed the door quietly behind me (my husband was asleep), turned, and Michael Meyers (I have seen all of the movies) was standing behind me about a foot away in the dark hall. I heard myself gasp very loudly, almost had a heart attack, then realized that my son had come home and I hadn't heard anything at all because I was on the phone. That has been in my head since all of the MM stuff came out.

O Dear Lord Texas GiGi! That would have sent me into a literal tailspin..And I can so imagine my son doing something quite similar..especially around Halloween..we all get into the holiday around here and my husband and teenage son scare each other{or attempt to}around that time of year..

They know better than to ever even attempt it with me..The one time my son did.. I took the mask and put in the attic hidden til the next Halloween when he begged for it back..lol..

Thats a doozy tho..Turning around in the dark of night only to see MM..WoWser!
I thought about it because I am afraid of the dark and always have been, and I thought about that scary mask combined with the dark, horrible.
Also right before HD disappeared, I walked out of my room one night while talking on my phone, closed the door quietly behind me (my husband was asleep), turned, and Michael Meyers (I have seen all of the movies) was standing behind me about a foot away in the dark hall. I heard myself gasp very loudly, almost had a heart attack, then realized that my son had come home and I hadn't heard anything at all because I was on the phone. That has been in my head since all of the MM stuff came out.

The neigbors would hear me screaming for a mile!!!
I have always hated masks, clowns and anything of horror.
I hate halloween though we always have celebrated it.
The neigbors would hear me screaming for a mile!!!
I have always hated masks, clowns and anything of horror.
I hate halloween though we always have celebrated it.

Me toooooo!!!! Hate clowns, hate masks, hate ghost stories, hate scary/slasher movies. I refuse to even have them on in my house, I will throw one hello of a hissy fit if the DH or kids even attempt to start one. IMHO there is enough scary in the world without bringing it right into our living room.
The neigbors would hear me screaming for a mile!!!
I have always hated masks, clowns and anything of horror.
I hate halloween though we always have celebrated it.

Me toooooo!!!! Hate clowns, hate masks, hate ghost stories, hate scary/slasher movies. I refuse to even have them on in my house, I will throw one hello of a hissy fit if the DH or kids even attempt to start one. IMHO there is enough scary in the world without bringing it right into our living room.

I'm sorry, but SA would probably consider you two "not normal". He'd probably say that you're no fun at all. :no:
[QUkOTE=Truthwillsetufree;6117374]Me toooooo!!!! Hate clowns, hate masks, hate ghost stories, hate scary/slasher movies. I refuse to even have them on in my house, I will throw one hello of a hissy fit if the DH or kids even attempt to start one. IMHO there is enough scary in the world without bringing it right into our living room.[/QUOTE]

OK! now I feel like I need to go apologize to my hubby. I don't scare him,my son is the one always doing that to me, it scares me but I laugh cause he got me.
No horror films here unless hubby isn't home. If he even sees an Exorcist commercial he grabs the remote and turns it off.
I can tolerate some movies, nothing about missing children or tear jerkers. Odd I can't watch a movie about a case, but I can sleuth and wat h the real crime documentaries.
I love love Halloween! but not in a gory satanic way!
Thank you for helping me understand how you feel! I learned something I needed to know!
Praying for Hailey's safe return!!!
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