2011.02.07 Shawn Adkins speaks out: 10pm Central KTAB

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Thank you, Sleuthers, for your play-by-play. I remain convinced that SA is involved in HD's disappearance.

Unfortunately, I live up in Manitoba, Canada, and am unable to travel or I would be headed to CC.

To all the residents of the area: I would encourage everyone to search for Hailey. The only way that SA will be brought to justice is if HD is found. Don't do it for BD. Do it for Hailey and her father and brother. Do it to get the 's who did something to this beautiful girl thrown in jail and tried and convicted. (This is my opinion)
he has alot of self confidence.

He was downright proud of himself, smirking and smiling in that creepy self satisfied manner the entire time. His self confidence says that he thinks he has her stashed really really well. Let's hope he is wrong about that.

The thing that is encouraging about his sick smug attitude--i KNOW that the cops want him bad. They will not let him get away with this. He is a real @%&##$ and they know it and they are going to stay with this case.

Seeing how creepy and happy he is with himself makes me sure that LE is going full out until they bring him down.
"He's been traveling between Dunn and Big Spring and staying with relatives." psst.. did you forget CCity?
Oh my..such a smooth talker..and totally believable! How could we not understand why Billie would believe Shawn..he's just so convincing and all...and AWESOME too, don't want to forget that...<pondering says as she tiptoes away dripping in sarcasm....> :furious:..You know what really galls me? The fact that I honestly think that SA and BD believe they are so much smarter than the average bear...:puke:..

This is good news though. I have a lot of friends/relatives in LE.

The one thing they HATE is violent perps who think they are smarter then the cops and think they cannot get caught cuz the cops are too stupid. Act that way towards them and you are assured of eventually being arrested and prosecuted. LOL

His entire interview was Shawn being all cool and untouchable , smirking in his cheap shades. I have never until now, been so certain that he is going to face trial.
Ok, first his attorney won't let Billie talk to him so that she can get 'some answers'..yeah, ok...Then I guess his attorney finally gave that a thumbs up..sure he did :rolleyes:...Now Shawn can talk to the media without his attorney present I guess? If any of that is true and he's following his attorneys advice..it would make me question the attorney's competency. Of course I don't believe a word of it..

Fascinating that SA and BD think so highly of themselves to know what is important to LE and both of course spent hours being questioned and polyed..Of course you'd be tired by midnight so Hailey is just going to have to wait I guess...Amazing isn't it that they almost sound *put out* Sounds to me like they both are just ready to put this "mess" behind them...A month from now I expect to hear Shawn say ..Hailey who? :furious:...oh yeah..her..
Well. I can certainly see now why Billie is so enamored of him. :rolleyes:

Seriously..what's not to love, huh? A prize I tell ya..a diamond in the rough. Going to find the trashcan..:puke:..a gentle man that hasn't threatened BD in a whole year...:puke:..
You know what else is weird (besides just SA himself)? I had never seen the photo with SA, BD, Hailey, and DD all together on the couch. Has it been shown before?

I think another reason for him doing it, was Billie encouraging him. And, showing DD as part of the family photo now is interesting. One big happy family. "See, everybody got a long just fine". "I chose to have DD stay with my brother". Still trying to create a false picture. Those two are joined at the hip...
It's the one mask he can't take off.

hmm..Maybe that's why he hides behind his mask...can't let too many people see into his eyes..then they would know...

I'm a firm believer that our eyes are the windows to our souls....
"He's been traveling between Dunn and Big Spring and staying with relatives." psst.. did you forget CCity?

soooo.... he's homeless. :loser: There is one thing we can state as fact, at least until he moves back in with BD
He's feeling emboldened and confident now.

IMO, he is seriously lacking in the confidence department. He's full of arrogance, among other undesirable character flaws. moo

Like my Grandma would say, he needs to get off his high horse.
Did anyone else catch his sketchy wording when he said something like...

they never asked the routes taken on the day she 'supposedly' disappeared.

SUPPOSEDLY ??? Poor choice of words on his part, imo

"They never asked specific places I went," said Adkins. "They go, 'where did you go Monday when Hailey supposedly disappeared' and I told them I went to Big Springs which is where I was at. They didn't ask did you go to your mom's house or anything like that? They just asked where I was so they could verify that," added Adkins.

Yes I did...one of many Freudian slips in this case I believe...
You know what else is weird (besides just SA himself)? I had never seen the photo with SA, BD, Hailey, and DD all together on the couch. Has it been shown before?

I think another reason for him doing it, was Billie encouraging him. And, showing DD as part of the family photo now is interesting. One big happy family. "See, everybody got a long just fine". "I chose to have DD stay with my brother". Still trying to create a false picture. Those two are joined at the hip...

Just like she guided LE to remove those bed sheets so the dog's might track H's scent.
IMO, he is seriously lacking in the confidence department. He's full of arrogance, among others undesirable character flaws. moo

Like my Grandma would say, he needs to get off his high horse.

Or "Knock him down a peg" as they used to say as well, lol...That's a comin'...all in due time...Not soon enough for us, but we'll just have to try and be patient..and hope they both keep talking..
This is good news though. I have a lot of friends/relatives in LE.

The one thing they HATE is violent perps who think they are smarter then the cops and think they cannot get caught cuz the cops are too stupid. Act that way towards them and you are assured of eventually being arrested and prosecuted. LOL

His entire interview was Shawn being all cool and untouchable , smirking in his cheap shades. I have never until now, been so certain that he is going to face trial.

Oh I know! Not only is a precious child missing..but the only named suspect is an arrogant S@B, he's also as 'you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man' kind of azz..
Bet they can't wait to make this arrest for more reasons than one!
he is awesome, isn't he?

According to BD, an "awesome" partner is someone who threatens to murder her, her estranged husband, and her daughter.

Oh - and did she forget to mention how "gentle" he is?

According to BD, a "gentle" partner is someone who says that hurting a 13 year old girl is like "Killing a deer".

Be still my heart.


ETA: Personally, I would rather have a heart attack.
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