2011.02.07 Shawn Adkins speaks out: 10pm Central KTAB

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Snipped from transcript of SA's KTAB interview February 7, Part 1:

"I got to my mom’s house that day, and I got on the internet, looking up unemployment to see if I could get, you know, an unemployment check till I could get back on my feet and everything..."

Well, I guess we know @ least one of the reasons LE seized SA's mother's computer.

I wonder what the computer forensics investigators found? If SA was truly online December 27 "looking up unemployment", the browser history/temporary files log will either prove or disprove his claim.

In his interview, SA didn't state a specific time of when he was online. And then are those pesky cell phone records.

From the SW Affidavit:

Telephone records obtained by investigators show ADKINS‘ cellular phone was using Verizon cell tower number 724 on the tower northern coverage area transmitter which is located at coordinates 32.41262 -100.86900 in the area of Colorado City, Texas from 6:35am to 6:56am with a break in usage until 9:38am thru 2:40pm when records indicate ADKINS‘ phone was in the area of Big Spring, Texas by pinging Verizon cell Tower #730 coordinates 32.22156 -101.45867 which captured all phone calls from 9:38AM until 2:40PM on the northwest coverage area transmitter. This would be the Verizon tower that someone using a Verizon cell phone at 2807 Apache Drive in Big Spring, Texas. which is Shawn ADKINS mother’s residence.

There was a break in usage of over 2 1/2 hours - from 6:56 a.m. to 9:38 a.m.

According to BD's 1/31 Timeline, SA arrived @ his mother's house between 7:30 - 8:00 a.m.

According to SA: "I went to Big Springs, to my mother’s house, and I made calls on my cell phone to my mom, letting her know that I quit my job and everything..."

SA didn't state what time he arrived @ his mother's house, nor did he state what time he called his mother.

It would be interesting to know the browsing history of December 27 on his mother's computer to see how it compares to the cell phone records & with the statements of SA & BD.

I suspect, as with everything else in this case, there are glaring inconsistencies.
I'm still wondering why BD's brother had to take a poly? Cell phone records...since we haven't heard of any other connection over that period of time?
~snip from Sorrell Skye post #382~
According to SA: "I went to Big Springs, to my mother’s house, and I made calls on my cell phone to my mom, letting her know that I quit my job and everything..."

Okay I guess somewhere I remember that SA mother was home when he got there that morning. She had not left for work yet. Isnt that what they are saying? So did he make the calls to his mother on the way to Big Spring or when he got to her house because she really wasn't home?

Anyone else know which it was?
~snip from Sorrell Skye post #382~
According to SA: "I went to Big Springs, to my mother’s house, and I made calls on my cell phone to my mom, letting her know that I quit my job and everything..."

Okay I guess somewhere I remember that SA mother was home when he got there that morning. She had not left for work yet. Isnt that what they are saying? So did he make the calls to his mother on the way to Big Spring or when he got to her house because she really wasn't home?

Anyone else know which it was?

Billie said this at her presser

"He got to Big Spring before 8 o’clock, and he knows that because his mother wasn’t, hadn’t left for work yet. He stayed there until just after two."


(special thanks to Beane)
I never quite understook how he quit his job and then immediately tried to get on to get unemployment.........HE quit. Are you able to get unemployment in TX if you QUIT? Also,,,,the phrase "until I got back on my feet" - He just quit that morning (supposedly). Is he the kind that only works until he can get unemployment and then quits and sponges off that until his unemployment checks run out? It is still very interesting that he just happened to quit on the day HD goes missing.
I never quite understook how he quit his job and then immediately tried to get on to get unemployment.........HE quit. Are you able to get unemployment in TX if you QUIT? Also,,,,the phrase "until I got back on my feet" - He just quit that morning (supposedly). Is he the kind that only works until he can get unemployment and then quits and sponges off that until his unemployment checks run out? It is still very interesting that he just happened to quit on the day HD goes missing.

No, if you quit, no unemployment benefits. But, he might not have realized that - and remember he told Billie he was fired, he knew she would ask about unemployment, so he had to follow through on his ruse.

He strikes me as extremely immature. If, big IF, he had nothing to do with Hailey's disappearance, who in this economy just up and quits without any job prospects? Especially in that rural area? I'm 90% sure jobs are very, very hard to come by in those towns. Add to that, he knew Billie would be mad at him for quitting - but he just didn't care about her or her feelings.

Like BeanE says, but she loves him. Whatever.
Or he is the only person admitting to having seen HD that afternoon. Tho

i do believe 3 of the witnesses and i think one sighting was after she left the house at 3pm.

YUP. Billie says there is a credible sighting with a receipt @ 8:30 Monday night. She claims Hailey was walking the streets with MB and a strange teen boy at that time. But it looks like Shawn just discounted that rumor by admitting the truth---he WAS the last one to see Hailey. :eye:
I have watched these videos 100 time both with sound and without sound and his body language and head shaking and head nodding are way off!

Almost as if he is consciously trying to change it up so you can't tell what he is thinking...

He does it so much it makes me...:sick: ( I have enough vertigo as it is)


http://bigcountryhomepage.com/news/news-ktab/livevideo- ktab

And then of course he chooses to wear the dark glasses on top of that. So we cannot see into his soul I suppose. Maybe that is a good thing after all.
And then of course he chooses to wear the dark glasses on top of that. So we cannot see into his soul I suppose. Maybe that is a good thing after all.

Yes it is.... Like looking into..... :devil:
Why would SA be staying at his gm's instead of his parents house? Is it just because it's closer to BD...for support. Would any of that support be from grant monies?
"They never asked specific places I went," said Adkins. "They go, 'where did you go Monday when Hailey supposedly disappeared' and I told them I went to Big Springs which is where I was at. They didn't ask did you go to your mom's house or anything like that? They just asked where I was so they could verify that," added Adkins.

: Has anybody noticed that SA said in his interview that the police asked him his whereabouts during the time Hailey went missing. He said he left work and went to his grandmother's/mother's house. If he saw Hailey at 3pm then shouldn't his answer have been he was at Billy's house at the time she went missing??????????????????

: Has anybody noticed that SA said in his interview that the police asked him his whereabouts during the time Hailey went missing. He said he left work and went to his grandmother's/mother's house. If he saw Hailey at 3pm then shouldn't his answer have been he was at Billy's house at the time she went missing??????????????????

Yeah - Katy - I remember noticing that comment of SA's, and immediately thought to myself: "When Hailey 'supposedly' went missing, weren't you @ BD's house?"
Yeah - Katy - I remember noticing that comment of SA's, and immediately thought to myself: "When Hailey 'supposedly' went missing, weren't you @ BD's house?"

Exactly. So according to Shawn, Hailey went missing while he was driving between Grandma's and Mom's house. That might narrow it down a little bit.
Yeah - Katy - I remember noticing that comment of SA's, and immediately thought to myself: "When Hailey 'supposedly' went missing, weren't you @ BD's house?"

One theory of mine is he left work came home raped and murdered Hailey.

My strongest one tho is something happened that Sunday night. I just cant shake off BD telling about the room being dark before she went to work. She thought Hailey was there but she never touched her (she wasnt sure) then later changing the story to the tv being on.

Even when she isnt being asked questions about him she will bring him up and defend him. She is desperate to take suspicion off him. To me it seems he has a very strong hold on her and if he turns on her she is in big trouble. Thats why I think something happened in that home possibly involving their illegal drugs. I just cant see another reason for her hanging on to him and defending him as strongly as she does. Common sense tells you in a situation like this there should be alot of doubt running thru her mind and you wouldnt defend, defend, defend. If she wasnt sure she would just back away. I dont see any of this.
No, if you quit, no unemployment benefits. But, he might not have realized that - and remember he told Billie he was fired, he knew she would ask about unemployment, so he had to follow through on his ruse.

He strikes me as extremely immature. If, big IF, he had nothing to do with Hailey's disappearance, who in this economy just up and quits without any job prospects? Especially in that rural area? I'm 90% sure jobs are very, very hard to come by in those towns. Add to that, he knew Billie would be mad at him for quitting - but he just didn't care about her or her feelings.

Like BeanE says, but she loves him. Whatever.

Not quite true. I have a friend who was approved to have off work. Her work then went back on her approved "day off" and told her she had to work or she didn't have a job. She quit before this happened. She got unemployment in my state. I looked up TX and here is what it states.

If I was fired or quit my job, can I collect benefits?
Once your application for Unemployment Benefits is submitted, TWC will investigate the reason you are no longer working. If TWC determines that you were not fired for misconduct connected with your work or you quit your job for a work-related or medical reason, you may be eligible for Unemployment Benefits. TWC will notify you by mail of any decisions.

One theory of mine is he left work came home raped and murdered Hailey.

My strongest one tho is something happened that Sunday night. I just cant shake off BD telling about the room being dark before she went to work. She thought Hailey was there but she never touched her (she wasnt sure) then later changing the story to the tv being on.

Even when she isnt being asked questions about him she will bring him up and defend him. She is desperate to take suspicion off him. To me it seems he has a very strong hold on her and if he turns on her she is in big trouble. Thats why I think something happened in that home possibly involving their illegal drugs. I just cant see another reason for her hanging on to him and defending him as strongly as she does. Common sense tells you in a situation like this there should be alot of doubt running thru her mind and you wouldnt defend, defend, defend. If she wasnt sure she would just back away. I dont see any of this.

I have a top 3 theory list and that is one of them, that Hailey died from some of Billies drugs, and Shawn helped cover it up.

I also have a more extreme version of that. What if Shawn lied to Billie, telling her that's what happened to Hailey, to give him a chance to do what he wanted with her, but making Billie feeling responsible for it?
DD was not home on Sunday night. What if Shawn got Billie really high, then drugged Hailey, and tricked Billie into thinking that H had od'ed on their stash.

But my number 1 theory is still that he was grooming Hailey for years to become his sexual partner and she resisted, threatened to tell and so he had to dispose of her.
From things Naomi said it sounded like they never did much of anything but sit at home. She said that Haylie got tired of sitting home all the time and not going places, and that's one reason she enjoyed time with CD and her, because they got out and did things.

I've brought this same subject up before too and feel it was a big part of HD not being happy, but I never knew anything about BD's father. It's been rumored her mother was married multiple times (7?) and also that her father was in prison. Is it true? Now I'm wondering if BD was too quick and lax in wanting to replace CD with a man figure in the house. Maybe the financial burden that was placed on her after the separation was very tempting to get some help and move someone in? She did say she raised the kids on her own with no help ---apparently from CD. ???
Not saying that's ok, just that may be the reason.

She may be jealous of the family factor that CD was again in or even resentful with the birth of the new baby. If CD wasn't there financially for HD, she might have been angry over that issue too. "He never gave me a cent for HD, but now can afford a new addition." (my words) CD and NS are engaged? Boy toy was along for the ride...not really wanting to acquire a family. ( Which brings the question of who watched the children when she was working? Was the dancing a second job? Or did she take that job and go to nursing school?) Getting side tracked here....

Even if financially strapped, there were many things BD could have done with HD and DD..it just seems her focus was making sure SA stayed around with no interest in her kids emotional well being. No interest in them...where it seems atleast CD did and his mother too. His mother was going to teach her to sew and spend time focusing on HD. She made the comment everybody got what the wanted for Christmas....really? One of our WS'ers has a quote on her signature (paraphrasing) Children need your presence more that presents....and it so, so true.

Hope this all makes sense....I'm on my first cup of coffee.
I think SA is speaking to the media because he knows he is no longer the focus of LEs investigation. I am sure his lawyer never would have let him speak to the media otherwise.

An attorney will always have their client to stop speaking to LE and the media. Its a standard practice to protect their client.

Aside from my feelings about SAs involvement, I personally can understand that when you feel you have given the information, answered all the questions you get fed up repeating yourself and end the discussion. Its certainly been my experience in arguments and discussions. I dont know the answer or have the answer you want. End of discussion. And I would feel the same way whether its a missing child or the state of Alaska exploded and I was the last one on the plane.
My opinion.

***I agree! I don't think SA is the main focus of the investigation anymore either. If he was his attorney would not have allowed him to speak to the media-on video at that-and his attorney would probably not have allowed him to speak to the F.B.I. at that point either. LE is probably going to keep saying he is the POI though-until they find out were Hailey is. I think they prematurely outed SA as the POI and now they don't want to admit that maybe they were wrong. If they did that any defense attorney would have a lot to work with to have a "reasonable doubt" defense for whoever will eventually be charged with this crime-if one has occurred(and I believe it has). It has crossed my mind from the beginning that SA may not be the person who has done something to Hailey....

I hope Hailey comes home soon! Wherever Hailey is I pray she is comforted! And whoever has done something to her-I hope they rue the day they were born. Whomever it was?!
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