2011.02.19 - Desiree puts on the pressure in Roseburg

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Hum. 11 acres EAST of the school. That's not where SAR teams were last seen searching. Just east of the school, sat-images show acres of what appear to be logging roads and forests. (What else?) Well, just hum. That's all.
Thank you so much! This was quite illuminating. Definitely more there in totality than reading snippets IMO.

So they are searching 11 acres east of the school and have evidence Terri was there. Is this a reference to Sauvie Island..or another locale?

The parents were fully briefed on the evidence before Christmas and Desiree reveals there is a strategy linked to the fact they will be facing Houze. And she is quite firm in her position that Terri put all her hatred for Kyron in writing. There is no confusion here or irrational behavior. She could be the CEO of a major firm giving a detailed briefing.

Desiree is composed, articulate, and determined. She is focused on one ting: her child.

What an amazing woman! She has my utmost admiration.

and far from irrational too.

Hum. 11 acres EAST of the school. That's not where SAR teams were last seen searching. Just east of the school, sat-images show acres of what appear to be logging roads and forests. (What else?) Well, just hum. That's all.
May I please ask where is 11 acres East of the school?What area?
May I please ask where is 11 acres East of the school?What area?
Desiree, answering questions on the tape...describes the school and terrain at Sauvie Island.

She then says that currently they are searching "a specific area" east of the school. "They have evidence" Terri was there. It's about 11 acres.

She says she and Tony were briefed before the holidays and given "all the evidence." She says there is no mistake. Terri put "everything in writing." There is no mistake. They are "confidant."
Thank you.In Sauve Island?Can someone please show me on a map the general area.I'm sorry.I am not good with maps at all.
Thank you.In Sauve Island?Can someone please show me on a map the general area.I'm sorry.I am not good with maps at all.

Try launching Google, then click "Maps" in the menu on the upper page. Enter the school address: 11536 NW Skyline Blvd, 97231. You can then look at a road map, a terrain view, or a satellite view. Sorry, I'd save and post for you; but I'm a bit of a Luddite :)
of COURSE not - I didn't say, or even imply such a thing.

Ok, well, is Kaine supposed to be above committing sin? I mean, Terri slept with a married man with a baby on the way, I mean we could go around in circles for days, but hes not the first man to do this and wont be the last, bottom line is, he does not deserve any of this at all, it took two, and if she courted Kaine like she did his friend........
So they are searching 11 acres east of the school and have evidence Terri was there. Is this a reference to Sauvie Island..or another locale?.

Hum. 11 acres EAST of the school. That's not where SAR teams were last seen searching. Just east of the school, sat-images show acres of what appear to be logging roads and forests. (What else?) Well, just hum. That's all.

My first reaction to that was "That has to be a mis-speak... " Now, looking at the map I am not so sure. There certainly looks to be possibilities east of the school (Newberry Road thru Forest Park etc) but I thought she meant 'west', which would be consistent with the Dixie Mountain search from the end of January.

That video is quite amazing.. worth watching on a number of levels. I was surprised at how unprepared the reporters seemed to be (was it the 2nd string weekend crew or..?). They didn't *seem* to have the background.
Very.. different, I guess, from her other PCs.
Thank you.In Sauve Island?Can someone please show me on a map the general area.I'm sorry.I am not good with maps at all.

The pinpoint is Skyline School, Sauvie Island is off the right, just across from St. Helen's Road. (hit the *right*arrow to take you east to Sauvie Island)

[ame="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=skyline+school&aq=&sll=45.638527,-122.802773&sspn=0.025205,0.084543&ie=UTF8&hq=skyline+school&hnear=&ll=45.622802,-122.862511&spn=0.050904,0.234489&z=13"]skyline school - Google Maps[/ame]
I can't believe how OT this thread is.


I'm closing it for awhile.
This doesn't sound like an innocent person suffering to me. I realized she must have some kind of life, but going to bars? enjoying the holidays? Would a truly innocent person be able to enjoy themselves and have a life like this? It's like she's already moved on, and Kyron is not on her mind in the least.

It's even harder to think she's innocent at all now, at least to me. The picture of her has always been isolated and alone in her home with no internet or life, someone truly suffering because they are truly innocent. But no, that is not the case at all, and I am truly appalled and sickened.

We've seen in other cases how the guilty party reveals themselves because of how uncaring they are towards the victim. I imagine what Desiree did today was almost a direct result of finding out just how cold and uncaring TH really is. Kaine must be seething with rage too. How dare she have fun and live it up when Kyron is still missing! So much for missing her daughter and being isolated and alone. Terri, you might be silent, but your actions are speaking so much louder than your words ever could!

Opinions? Comments? What does this say about Terri's guilt or innocence? Is your opinon swayed or not by this disturbing news?

Please read the OP carefully. It is not inviting everyone to rehash old information, it is asking if this NEW information changes your opinion on Terri's guilt or innocence. And it asked if your opinion has been swayed by this information.

And feel free to discuss these new accusations here.

If you want to rehash old information, find the appropriate thread.

Desiree has so much class and integrity. She is my hero! She is one angry momma and she wants her baby back home and I don't see how anyone can keep her from voicing her concerns and her beliefs that Terri had something to do with her sons disappearance and possibly unimaginable harm. No MOTHER should endure these heinous acts towards thier child(ren)! We LOVE you Kyron and his family!

Terri I hope you rot in jail for eternity!! You will never be able to get away with what you have done to our precious little Kyron!


Please read the OP carefully. It is not inviting everyone to rehash old information, it is asking if this NEW information changes your opinion on Terri's guilt or innocence. And it asked if your opinion has been swayed by this information.

And feel free to discuss these new accusations here.

If you want to rehash old information, find the appropriate thread.

This NEW information hasn't changed my mind a bit, I'm still on the fence. If anything, this information has put me more firmly on the fence. Since TH has not been charged, named a POI, or a suspect, I feel what's being done with the posters is wrong - just plain wrong.

My opinion only
What was the reporter getting at about handwriting. I think he confused DY too LOL. They asked terrible questions, you wouldn't think they had any warning that she would be speaking. ACK, awful! FWIW I was under the impression they had TH's emails so I'm not sure why he was asking about handwriting to begin with. JMO.

Desiree has so much class and integrity. She is my hero! She is one angry momma and she wants her baby back home and I don't see how anyone can keep her from voicing her concerns and her beliefs that Terri had something to do with her sons disappearance and possibly unimaginable harm. No MOTHER should endure these heinous acts towards thier child(ren)! We LOVE you Kyron and his family!

Terri I hope you rot in jail for eternity!! You will never be able to get away with what you have done to our precious little Kyron!



Amen Ladybulldog, That first time we saw Terri on TV at that presser she looked all about guilt to me. A classic guilty look if I ever saw one.

One thing I remember she did is try to get physically closer to Desiree - I think she tried to put her arm around her and Desiree backed away from Terri. In a later presser Desiree said she suspected her from the start. How she suspected TH so soon I don't know. Maybe vibes from Kyron. eh?

ETA: I just watched the video and near the end Desiree says something like 'LE is using a strategy, and with Houk on the other side they are being very careful'. Wish I had written down the exact wording, but this might explain why they haven't arrested TH yet. They are working a strategy and it must involve TH being footloose and fancy free now IMO.

PS: That strategy might be a great idea for a thread ~ what could it be ???
I agree with your opinion.

It takes me a while to think through stuff. Having had a while to think about this latest development, I started wondering if I were a detective working on Kyron's disappearance, convinced that TMH is guilty, how would I be feeling about TMH doing stuff like going out to bars in Roseburg?

Well, I'd be jumping up and down, stuffing my fingers in my mouth and giggling! I'd be hoping that since direct pressure hadn't loosened her tongue, maybe good company and a little alcohol for lubrication would do the trick. Easy enough to have one or more undercover officers hanging out in the bar(s) she is seen at.

And I think I'd hope that DY's actions had not closed down that potential source of information.

I was just in the midst of thinking these exact thoughts when I came to your post! And came to the same conclusion- I thought, the only bad thing that could come out of Desiree's campaign would be to keep Terri out of the bars which is exactly where I'd actually want her. You know the saying : Loose lips sink ships! I've felt for a long time that the best chance of getting something on TH would come from herself having too much to drink and letting the wrong thing slip to a "trusted friend"...(such as a new boy toy, bff, etc.)...
I was just in the midst of thinking these exact thoughts when I came to your post! And came to the same conclusion- I thought, the only bad thing that could come out of Desiree's campaign would be to keep Terri out of the bars which is exactly where I'd actually want her. You know the saying : Loose lips sink ships! I've felt for a long time that the best chance of getting something on TH would come from herself having too much to drink and letting the wrong thing slip to a "trusted friend"...(such as a new boy toy, bff, etc.)...

How about an undercover boy-toy?:rocker:
I was wondering how Terri was gonna handle getting tipsy and spilling something. But if it hasn't happened by now, and she's been going to bars, there IS the possibility that she really doesn't know anything more than she's already said to investigators (which we, the uninformed public, are kept in the dark about).

If that's wrong, then eventually drinking and talking will be her undoing. And maybe faster than the law can do their work.
I was wondering how Terri was gonna handle getting tipsy and spilling something. But if it hasn't happened by now, and she's been going to bars, there IS the possibility that she really doesn't know anything more than she's already said to investigators (which we, the uninformed public, are kept in the dark about).

If that's wrong, then eventually drinking and talking will be her undoing. And maybe faster than the law can do their work.

Hi Pinktoes, I would agree with you except if she is psychotic as Pat Brown has intimated she could be, she might feel she did nothing wrong. Especially if someone else hid the body.
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