2011.02.24 Deviant images & *advertiser censored* found on a computer and memory stick

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You have it! He thinks he is smarter than he is. And it catches him in fibs.

I doubt the xbox was returned but ya know stranger things have happened in this case.
Grandmaj - The way he talks about them and mentions them (unprompted) gives me the impression that he is gloating about the fact that they didn't take them. It makes me think that he is telling the truth and is enjoying the fact that they didn't.

I hope that I'm wrong. Or that they did take them, took whatever information they required from them. and then gave them back.

But, but, but...Either way - Why would they KEEP the computer but not the xboxes?


I have no answers. I guess we'll have to wait and see...
Yes several of us have been troubled about the entire Xbox situation since Shawn made his claims on the BTH program.. I can only give my opinion but I think that LE infact did confiscate the Xbox system that Hailey was last seen playing on..which I'm under the impression was DD's brand new one he'd received for Christmas.. I think that the Xbox that DD has at his uncles house is an exact replica of his Christmas gift given by LE as a replacement for the Xbox that was seized and is till in their custody{just as LE kept and put into evidence SA's mom's dell computer..I believe this too was done for the new Xbox}..

Now as far as the old Xbox that SA states that DD gave him when DD got his new one for Christmas..The one we all think is strange to be given to SA as he admittedly cares nothing for video games..as well as its known DD disliked SA..and lastly because it seems that his sister did enjpy playing her brother's Xbox very much..so for those reasons alone I feel it is very strange that DD gave the Xbox to SA.. That said I don't think that LE seized this Xbox..And here's why{this part if I am incorrect please someone correct me}..but my impression is that DD's "old" Xbox is a much earlier model of the Xbox..nothing like the new one that he got for Christmas that could do and hold so very many different types of media/data..This old Xbox IMO did not have all of those capabilities thus the reason why LE would have no need to seize and search it..jmo tho..

**again on the last part someone more familiar with the older model Xbox please correct if I am wrong in my assessment**
Grandmaj - The way he talks about them and mentions them (unprompted) gives me the impression that he is gloating about the fact that they didn't take them. It makes me think that he is telling the truth and is enjoying the fact that they didn't.

I hope that I'm wrong. Or that they did take them, took whatever information they required from them. and then gave them back.

But, but, but...Either way - Why would they KEEP the computer but not the xboxes?


I have no answers. I guess we'll have to wait and see...

Pink you could be correct. One or the other is not telling the truth! Only LE knows for sure. :banghead: But boy giving it back? That would make me very :crazy:
Is no one else here taken aback by SA's xbox comments? I still can't figure it out! They sequestered his mother's computer under warrant. When she went back to get it, they filed it under "evidence". Why not the xboxes? Is there a technical explanation for this that I don't understand?

ETA - They kept her computer and DID NOT give it back. Why didn't they keep the xboxes?

I am PP and that's why I brought it up. I'm sure I've heard other statements or reports that claim LE did take "an" xbox. Whether the new one or old one?? I know you can definately plug a memory stick or DVD's into an xbox and view. What bugs my butt is also that DD would give the old one to SA and not his sis. Maybe SA "paid" DD for it, who knows. Possibly DD paid for it out of his own pocket (old one), and felt he could make a few bucks from selling it to SA. Going to go look at afidavifts (sp) and see if it says LE took xboxes. Unless someone is quicker then I, go for it. I'm still finding my way around this maze hahaha.

"If" LE did not take the xboxes, there is definately the big question WHY NOT? I can't believe the amount of older people who use xboxes also, they're not just used by kiddies. My niece and nephew are in their 20's and 30's and have a lot of friends who enjoy them. Ugh, I couldn't be bothered, seems to me a waste of time. JMO. I've got too much other stuff to keep me busy...laundry, housecleaning, work, meal prep. Where do people find the time? They should give some time to me. I barely have time to catch up on here lol. Sorry if I got off on a rant but, it's true and JMO.

Going to look, brb hopefully lol. Something tells me maybe BD mentioned it in the one PC she did outside her house...hmmm.
Yes several of us have been troubled about the entire Xbox situation since Shawn made his claims on the BTH program.. I can only give my opinion but I think that LE infact did confiscate the Xbox system that Hailey was last seen playing on..which I'm under the impression was DD's brand new one he'd received for Christmas.. I think that the Xbox that DD has at his uncles house is an exact replica of his Christmas gift given by LE as a replacement for the Xbox that was seized and is till in their custody{just as LE kept and put into evidence SA's mom's dell computer..I believe this too was done for the new Xbox}..

Now as far as the old Xbox that SA states that DD gave him when DD got his new one for Christmas..The one we all think is strange to be given to SA as he admittedly cares nothing for video games..as well as its known DD disliked SA..and lastly because it seems that his sister did enjpy playing her brother's Xbox very much..so for those reasons alone I feel it is very strange that DD gave the Xbox to SA.. That said I don't think that LE seized this Xbox..And here's why{this part if I am incorrect please someone correct me}..but my impression is that DD's "old" Xbox is a much earlier model of the Xbox..nothing like the new one that he got for Christmas that could do and hold so very many different types of media/data..This old Xbox IMO did not have all of those capabilities thus the reason why LE would have no need to seize and search it..jmo tho..

**again on the last part someone more familiar with the older model Xbox please correct if I am wrong in my assessment**

I don't know a lot about them (xbox) but my kiddies have one each. 2 kids, 2 xboxes. My daughter just bought her own last month, the newest one with kinnects (however you spell it.) This system can be used like a wii. The first original one my kiddies had 7/8 yrs. ago did not have the same type of hard drive. The next model they bought 3/4 yrs. ago and the one my son bought last year are compatible. xbox and xbox 360. He can interchange the hard drives between the 2. So they hadn't really changed much I would say in 5/6 years. Of course up until recently, maybe 6/8 months. Hope this makes sense.

And yes it totally sounds like SA slipped up by telling about the old xbox or he's being cocky. JMO
This was the original news agency that reported on Toombs and the memory stick containing the cp. Informative new article with info on search efforts and the DA's and the GJ. The *advertiser censored* is being handled as a separate investigation.

The latest developments include the discovery of what authorities called deviant images on a computer hard drive and memory stick confiscated earlier in the investigation.

Officials said more than 108,000 images, reportedly depicting bestiality and child *advertiser censored*, were discovered on a computer confiscated from the Big Spring home of the mother of Shawn Adkins, the former boyfriend of Billie Dunn, Hailey's mother.

Another 320 images depicting child *advertiser censored* were said to be on the memory stick, found inside a dresser that Billie Dunn shared with Adkins in Colorado City.


I got thinking about the stick. Uck I wonder if the stick had SA and BD's home videos on it which might have included them and beastiality :sick: Sorry to be so graphic but... Then SA's mom's computer was possibly CP and *advertiser censored* and beastiality. Beastiality is classified as a crime is it not? Cruelty to animals? WTH is wrong with people, crazy, just crazy. :maddening:

If I'm not mistaken I believe that it has been stated that beastiality is actually NOT illegal in Texas..

BRB to dbl check I'm gonna google it..BRB

REGARDLESS of the legality, I think it is inappropriate to be speculating as to the specifics of Billie and Shawn's consensual sexual activities. There's no reason to believe that (legal or not) this was going on, and just because there is no evidence that it WASN'T doesn't make it so. You and I have friends and neighbors who don't know the particulars of what goes on in OUR bedrooms any more than we know what happens in theirs, but I hope we don't all go around speculating that each other is involved in "deviant" activities just because there is not proof it's NOT true.

yes swedie I remember SA talking about that DD gave him his old Xbox when he got the new Xbox 360 for Christmas..He also said he{SA} didn't even care for video games and rarely if ever even played them..I too found it extremely odd number1 that DD gave him his old Xbox because he according to several {the preacher and Grandma} very much disliked Shawn.. number 2 I know from having a son that these gaming systems are valuable even after they've upgraded to a new system..they can simply take their old one to any of the places such as Gamestop and resale it back for cash or for credit which gets them new games for their new upgraded system{Xbox}..and then number 3{just as u mentioned}that if he did keep it that it would be given to his sister Hailey who was known to very much like and play regularly her big brothers Xbox..

So I found it to be extremely odd/strange EXPECIALLY for him to voluntarily add on the part that he infact did not even like or play Xbox for the most part..when its been publicly known that Hailey very much did like and enjoy DD's Xbox..Just another strange/odd piece of info that just does not add up..jmo tho..

Isn't that the SAME XBox that Billie thought Shawn might try to steal during the 911 calls last February?

And on an unrelated note, there's nothing on (her) Facebook or MySpace to suggest that Hailey was online as much as one would expect of a thirteen year old with a home computer. There was money at Christmas for new XBox, TV set, etc. and certainly a computer could have been purchased for the price of those two items. I just don't think it was important to Billie since she had internet at work, Shawn could go to his Mom's, and the kids could use the computers at school or the library. I know every time I buy a new computer I feel a little "cheated" when something better is released a few weeks later, or the price on what I bought drops. I can see her looking at a computer as an endless financial drain when you factor in the initial cost, internet access, software and periodic upgrades.

I think that is alot of *advertiser censored* for one person to have downloaded all alone. I also think he would be pretty dumb not to think that PC would be gathered by LE if he was the last one to see a child he was responcible for murdering. I mean criminals are dumb but if he had that much *advertiser censored* then *advertiser censored* was something on his mind all the time so he wouldnt have forgot it was there and the risk of it being found was high in the case as it was happening. I think it shows that he wasnt planning anything when whatever happened. Not that he didnt plan it in his head but that for the 27 th, it was not planned. Or he didnt know all that was on that PC. He could have thought it was safe but I doubt he would have told LE he was on that PC as his alibi if that was the case. JMO.

A computer virus seems very likely for the amount of images on that PC. A virus he could have gotten while looking at his normal amount of 25 yr old *advertiser censored*.
Unless LE is counting every single frame of every *advertiser censored* video. I cannot see how Shawn would have that much time on his hands everyday and work and live in a different home then the PC was located. This is the largest amount I have ever heard of and I read here.

I tend to agree that a sensible person would have ditched the *advertiser censored* computer, but it WAS his Mom's and he'd probably have had to stage a burglary to pull that off. OTOH, he may have never figured on the investigators checking his MOM's house. But you make a very good point. If this was premeditated, I think more precautions would have been made to get rid of anything questionable.
That's the only official quote we have gotten from LE about the deviant images on both the computer and memory stick. I think I'm going to stay with the official quote and not worry about anything else.....

ETA: I also take Sheriff Toomb's word over anything that PK or BD might say about the issue because he is the SHERIFF, not the spokesman for the group....

Didn't PH claim his source was the DA? You'd think the DA would be in the loop too. But there's been no confirmation this statement was made to PH or anyone else.

*advertiser censored* was also seized from the Dunn home. However, Hailey's mother contends it was not child *advertiser censored*.


If Pete Kampher was making a statement as to POI, why wasn't he asked or why didn't he comment about whether there was CP on the flash drive?

I don't think we can rule it out, just by BD's statement.

*advertiser censored* was also seized from the Dunn home. However, Hailey's mother contends it was not child *advertiser censored*.


If Pete Kampher was making a statement as to POI, why wasn't he asked or why didn't he comment about whether there was CP on the flash drive?

I don't think we can rule it out, just by BD's statement.

BBM...Interesting choice of words. I'm not being snarky, honest. If I used BD's statements to rule out anything having to do with this case, they'd have to put me in a padded room.

It's just too much to ask of BD at this point to tell the truth. Would she even know the truth if it jumped up and bit her in the ****?

BD has one truth and he is "awesome".
If I'm not mistaken I believe that it has been stated that beastiality is actually NOT illegal in Texas..

BRB to dbl check I'm gonna google it..BRB
Sorry I'm so far behind but I will just say that a patient once went to Washington to marry his horse. Nope I'm not kidding. I never knew there was such a thing as this until then. :twocents:
Would this be an FED (FBI) crime? not local?

Trying to find more people than BD/SA through ISP addys??

more sources? a ring? more missing people in photos?

nothing to do with Hailey, but a separate crime?

there seems to be more crimes involved than Hailey missing.

Drugs have been involved also??
Posted by LisaB
REGARDLESS of the legality, I think it is inappropriate to be speculating as to the specifics of Billie and Shawn's consensual sexual activities. There's no reason to believe that (legal or not) this was going on, and just because there is no evidence that it WASN'T doesn't make it so. You and I have friends and neighbors who don't know the particulars of what goes on in OUR bedrooms any more than we know what happens in theirs, but I hope we don't all go around speculating that each other is involved in "deviant" activities just because there is not proof it's NOT true.

Sorry LisaB, my post was intended to discuss what may be on the memory stick that could be presented to the GJ as illegal. BD claims something along the line of "nothing illegal" was found on the stick which was found in her house.

Thank you SmoothOperator for clarifying that beastiality is not illegal in Texas. This was what I was getting at by mentioning beastiality. If it was illegal, GJ could use that against BD. My post was not intended to be speculating as to the specifics of Billie and Shawn's consensual sexual activities. That is why I also included 'not to be so graphic' in my post. Hope this makes sense Lisa.

JMO but beastiality should be illegal. Wouldn't you think it is non-consensual and could be viewed as cruelty to animals.
Would this be an FED (FBI) crime? not local?

Trying to find more people than BD/SA through ISP addys??

more sources? a ring? more missing people in photos?

nothing to do with Hailey, but a separate crime?

there seems to be more crimes involved than Hailey missing.

Drugs have been involved also??

BBM: I found a news story from North Carolina today which relates to your question above. It may be there are differences state to state and this would not be applicable in Texas, but was interesting to see that separate cases are being pursued.

Teacher's Assistant Accused Of Making Sex Video Of Child

Snipped: Eyewitness News has also learned that Meskill could face federal charges because he allegedly videotaped the victim. The day after Meskill was arrested, the U.S. Attorney's office contacted CMS police.

"In the federal world, the video is the big charge. In the state world, the act of violence against the child is the big charge," said CMS Police Chief Bud Cesena.
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