2011.02.25 Hearing @ 8:45AM ET

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Yep they're present but Furton was deposed on a Saturday, so Im guessing Mason doesn't do Saturdays. :hand:
We'll put the misunderstanding down to Baez' current state of confusion,
selective memory or......... he only bagged Furton at the Conference. :floorlaugh:

What I want to know.......Is Doctor Logan answering is phone yet and where is Dorothy Clay Sims? :waitasec:

Dorothy is on a "conference tour" with Dr. Freeman:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6134505&postcount=258"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Another New Lawyer for Casey - Dorothy Sims[/ame]
don't think the defense is present PERIOD.....they are there---but then they aren't???? IYKWIM???? Think of HHJP rulings and everything else....But, yes I believe they are present during these depos.....

I personally think all the defense experts will be covering more than they think....

I would love to read these depositions! Something stinks to high heaven here and I can't help but recall that question JB posed to HHJBP about the state not asking questions during depositions. I know that was explained by others, but my hinky meter still pings on it.
Probably because of the way the defense tries so hard to blame their failures on other entities, and this hearing proved no different. Amazing how suddenly all of these organizations, FBI, Groveland PD, etc are trying to obstruct justice, sort of like the OCSO were when they were "hiding" TES records from CM? PULEEZE.
Yeah, it sounds like his investigator is harrassing witnesses again. I'd slam my door in his face too! And why is the investigator issuing a subpoena? Don't they have constables or such to do that? And CM writing the Chief of Police about her "obstructing justice". Really? You can't be charged with obstruction for refusing to talk with a defense investigator can you? Especially one suspected of tampering...and people try and avoid being served with subpoenas all the time.

The defense has no respect for people in LE. Did anyone catch Mason's vile, dismissive comment about "if he thinks his 'little deputies' can run my investigator out of town"? I do NOT understand how this man is allowed to practice law. I also don't get why JL is not being investigated for witness tampering.
Just turned on In-Session and the very first thing I hear is JB disparaging the correctional officer "who was dismissed for inappropriate behavior."

As usual...(shuddering with disgust)

Murdering your baby trumps every type of "inappropriate behavior" in my book.

He is disparaging the officer that gave his client special treatment? He should admonish his client for jibber jabbering with Robyn to begin with. Makes sense, though-Treat KC as if she has no personal responsibility, like she is too stunted to understand the basics of self-control. That will be his theme, might as well start running with it now...
The defense has no respect for people in LE. Did anyone catch Mason's vile, dismissive comment about "if he thinks his 'little deputies' can run my investigator out of town"? I do NOT understand how this man is allowed to practice law. I also don't get why JL is not being investigated for witness tampering.

Many people do not-Until they need LE, then their tune changes.
The defense has no respect for people in LE. Did anyone catch Mason's vile, dismissive comment about "if he thinks his 'little deputies' can run my investigator out of town"? I do NOT understand how this man is allowed to practice law. I also don't get why JL is not being investigated for witness tampering.

Yes, I caught that too ... made my BP go up a notch, but then that happens whenever Mason mumbles some arrogant garbage ... and HE's going to charge them with obstruction !! What really irked me is Hernandez has left her job with the jail and gotten another one because of their client, and now is getting harassed at her new job ... and by the likes of JL whose proven his unethical and illegal methods that he's used ...

I'm rating this up there with Amy being harassed by Mason who was demanding she make herself available in Orlando at HIS convenience and schedule ....

The most maddening part of the defenses attack of witnesses and others who have been dragged into the case is: THEY KNOW KC DID IT !! I don't know how they sleep at night .... ruin as many lives as you have to so you can win ???
Bold mine.

I think it's more about how CM is an old mastodon, (sp) who doesn't carry a cell phone with him...probably too technically challenged to use one. *rolleyes*...He probably still communicates thru his "Get Smart Shoe Phone". :crazy::crazy::crazy:

LOL ... did anyone catch Ashton talking to him about carrying a phone ... after Mason said he didn't carry one and saw no need for one, Ashton, said, wait, didn't I see you with one? ... Mason then said, well, I carry one sometimes ...
LIAR ...
IIRC there was a news clip one time where he was on his phone as the media was trying to get a statement from him ... :maddening:
Yes, I caught that too ... made my BP go up a notch, but then that happens whenever Mason mumbles some arrogant garbage ... and HE's going to charge them with obstruction !! What really irked me is Hernandez has left her job with the jail and gotten another one because of their client, and now is getting harassed at her new job ... and by the likes of JL whose proven his unethical and illegal methods that he's used ...

I'm rating this up there with Amy being harassed by Mason who was demanding she make herself available in Orlando at HIS convenience and schedule ....

The most maddening part of the defenses attack of witnesses and others who have been dragged into the case is: THEY KNOW KC DID IT !! I don't know how they sleep at night .... ruin as many lives as you have to so you can win ???

I am uploading this part right now (will be part 4) and you can tell LDB is none to happy with the 'games' of the investigators nor the characterizations JB and co. drop out of their mouths with no regard for the consequences.
I am uploading this part right now (will be part 4) and you can tell LDB is none to happy with the 'games' of the investigators nor the characterizations JB and co. drop out of their mouths with no regard for the consequences.

No she certainly isn't and I wish Judge Perry would at least reprimand, or at least caution, Jose and Mason for unsubstantiated accusations against the SA's office and many other LE agencies and witnesses ... I hope LDB and JA keep bringing it to the court's attention ...
I promised to let you all know when I had the hearing and coverage up - so there are 6 parts. (Commentary included!)
They are all available here: http://www.youtube.com/user/WSANEWSJUNKIE

If anyone has any trouble hearing or viewing now, let me know. Maybe next time, I will be a ton faster now that I have learned about the process! On to JUSTICE!!!!!
Was she (SH) served? asks BP. Rather than answer, JB turns to MM and asks her. LMAO!!!
It doesn't look like Chicago went well for JB. He lost his attitude. Double dosed the judge with incompetence but without attitude.
I'm speechless actually. Loved LDB's body language throughout the explanations of how the FBI and SH are thwarting the defense. :great:Bye-bye ICA
I am uploading this part right now (will be part 4) and you can tell LDB is none to happy with the 'games' of the investigators nor the characterizations JB and co. drop out of their mouths with no regard for the consequences.
I really look forward to next week when Ms. Burdick's motion about that issue will be heard :woohoo: For those who want to refresh their memory: State's Motions In Limine

And thanks a lot for uploading those videos, ANJ! Really appreciate your effort, especially since the news stations don't always upload the telephonic hearings.

ETA: Just watching your vids, and the quality is great :)
Did anyone else catch the tete a tete between LDB and JB at the end of WFTV's Pt 2? She looked and sounded pi**ed.
I was so irritated that the tape cut her off in mid-sentence. She said "are you talking about Robyn or Maya?" Then it sounded like she was saying someone was going to be there today.:waitasec:
Yes, I caught that too. Baez was talking about Robin, who is already transported to Orlando for the hearing next week. Baez wanted to know if Ms. Burdick was going to object to him taking Robin's deposition. Unfortunately that's when the tape ends, and I don't know if she objected.
Yes, I caught that too ... made my BP go up a notch, but then that happens whenever Mason mumbles some arrogant garbage ... and HE's going to charge them with obstruction !! What really irked me is Hernandez has left her job with the jail and gotten another one because of their client, and now is getting harassed at her new job ... and by the likes of JL whose proven his unethical and illegal methods that he's used ...

I'm rating this up there with Amy being harassed by Mason who was demanding she make herself available in Orlando at HIS convenience and schedule ....

The most maddening part of the defenses attack of witnesses and others who have been dragged into the case is: THEY KNOW KC DID IT !! I don't know how they sleep at night .... ruin as many lives as you have to so you can win ???

Oh I couldn't agree more. And his sense of entitlement didn't sprout up overnight...I shudder to think what he has gotten away with and put people through over the years. The most important thing that can happen after this case is some serious reform in ethics for the legal profession.
The defense has no respect for people in LE. Did anyone catch Mason's vile, dismissive comment about "if he thinks his 'little deputies' can run my investigator out of town"? I do NOT understand how this man is allowed to practice law. I also don't get why JL is not being investigated for witness tampering.

Bold mine.

He could be!.....maybe JL investigation is part of the "parallel investigation."
LOL ... did anyone catch Ashton talking to him about carrying a phone ... after Mason said he didn't carry one and saw no need for one, Ashton, said, wait, didn't I see you with one? ... Mason then said, well, I carry one sometimes ...
LIAR ...
IIRC there was a news clip one time where he was on his phone as the media was trying to get a statement from him ... :maddening:

Bold mine.

I remember that, and at the time, I thought, I bet he's not really talking to anyone...just trying to avoid the media. CM just makes me sick, I can't even stand to look at him. :sick:
Was she (SH) served? asks BP. Rather than answer, JB turns to MM and asks her. LMAO!!!
It doesn't look like Chicago went well for JB. He lost his attitude. Double dosed the judge with incompetence but without attitude.
I'm speechless actually. Loved LDB's body language throughout the explanations of how the FBI and SH are thwarting the defense. :great:Bye-bye ICA

OT: but I just have to day that I love looking at your Ticker. I look for it every day -
Was she (SH) served? asks BP. Rather than answer, JB turns to MM and asks her. LMAO!!!
It doesn't look like Chicago went well for JB. He lost his attitude. Double dosed the judge with incompetence but without attitude.
I'm speechless actually. Loved LDB's body language throughout the explanations of how the FBI and SH are thwarting the defense. :great:Bye-bye ICA

I know they did it on one of them, but did you notice that during that "serve" conversation---CM stated with not enough notice???? I think most of the problem is the attitude they present in this----that they are above the law and that LE along with SA aren't....----I would LOVE to know more of what happened with Hernandez....I think perhaps harrassment along with others ---- I can't for the life of me believe that LE or an officer would just be that rude up front with the service...there is something more---and after reading of others with the TES pursuit of lies....leads one to wonder.......:waitasec:
I really look forward to next week when Ms. Burdick's motion about that issue will be heard :woohoo: For those who want to refresh their memory: State's Motions In Limine

respectully snipped

Thanks NNL

I had actually forgotten about this motion. :doh:

Did the defense file a response ?

This is actually a pretty significant motion as it probably relates to 95% of the defense's trial strategy. :floorlaugh: All those agents of the State conspiring against wittle Casey Marie Anthony.

And Zenaida's still MIA.. ..........:bang:

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