2011.02.25 Hearing @ 8:45AM ET

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Wow...JB whining like a baby as usual and HHJP coddling him way too much..I would think Florida taxpayers are going to be pretty upset.

A little disappointed in JP today..
Anyone have the links to today's hearing...I'm having trouble locating them...TIA
Frankly, I was enjoying the comments on WESH so much, I missed out on a lot of the reports from Gabe. They were a riot !
I'm not really surprised. I think HHJP is at a point to let them do what they want with the mitigation phase. I don't think he's worried so much about that as the actual trial. Let them have more money and bring in more mitigation people. HHJP, the state, and even we know Casey's going to need all the mitigation she can get to not to be put to death at this point. Whatever. Let them try to say that she has brain damage. Like anyone is going to believe that after watching how she is in court and the trial itself. I'm more worried about the trial than the mitigation myself, especially since I don't believe there's anything they'll be able to say no matter how people they bring in and whatnot to save Casey anyway.

So did the dog hearing get put off? That I'm not happy about, and I can't believe HHJP would allow that. I hate things getting put off. Grrrr. But hey, we've got motions to strike to look forward to next week. And if Baez keeps putting off the hearing, I would hope that HHJP would just say it won't happen, and Baez is out of luck. I will scream if the trial gets pushed back. That that just shouldn't happen, and that is what concerns me a lot more than mitigation.
Looks as though JB wanted to postpone the whole March 2-3 hearings until the end of the month. Apparently, his expert, Furton will not be available on March 2-3. Thanks for all the updates!! So looking forward to this video/audio.
Furton will write a report, JB says. WILL? Isn't it a smidge past the deadline there, JB?
InSession True TV - hearing coming up next "in it's entirety"

they lied - back to the sutton case

Sorry for the false alarm
Wow...JB whining like a baby as usual and HHJP coddling him way too much..I would think Florida taxpayers are going to be pretty upset.

A little disappointed in JP today..

I agree. I feel this has been going on too long. JMO
Looks as though JB wanted to postpone the whole March 2-3 hearings until the end of the month. Apparently, his expert, Furton will not be available on March 2-3. Thanks for all the updates!! So looking forward to this video/audio.
Furton will write a report, JB says. WILL? Isn't it a smidge past the deadline there, JB?

So HHJP didn't pass a ruling on this yet? JB just wants it postponed? Does JB need to write a motion asking for it to be postponed or was one already written?
wow...seems like the Florida taxpayers are being "punished" because the DA dared to charge CA with the murder of Caylee. I had high hopes for this judge, but he seems to be giving Jose the taxpayers money anytime he whines for more. It also appears that the judges' deadlines mean nothing to JB.....Perry, all bark but no bite. :innocent:
Baez back in Orlando.

There you go Nums24 - now we know for sure he does read here or at least someone on his staff does. He apparently was so unnerved by the thought of you slipping around taking candid pictures of him and posting them at WS that he hopped on a plane and beat it back to Orlando.

Well done!:rocker:
Video of the hearing is on TruTV right now.
Not sure if we have to fret about the K9 motion. Dr. Furton's deposition was taken by the State on February 19. And as Gabe Travers from wesh texted about the hearing CJP is going to read Furton's report and look at the deposition and if nothing was asked about the canines from either side he will disallow what is testified to at the hearing. jmo So whether or not JB submits a report from Dr. Furton about canines now will not matter. mo
Furton? I thought Fairgrieve was the export du jour on the dogs.
Now I'm confused...
Then again Fairgrieve has nothing in his vita that would make him an expert on cadaver dogs either.
Maybe I need to go lie down...
Video of the hearing is on TruTV right now.

I have this recording right now. They just said more after the commercials. If it is not uploaded to one of the news sites I can upload it to the computer and pass it to someone with youtube account.

Nums - you must have scared JB he went back to Orlando! :SHOCK:
Before everyone gets upset with HHJP for going on an approval spree of defense spending. Remember he is looking to promptly bring this case to trial, insure a fair and constitutional trial process, and safeguard the publics purse strings. he knows what these trials cost, he has a pretty good idea of what the expenses for each piece of it will be. And he has so far been carefully dolling out funds to stay well within those typical expenses.

As much as we like to scream about the defense, there was nothing in todays funding requests that was unreasonable or had any real reason to not be approved. Additional psych expenses for mitigation were expected. As AZLawyer pointed out above, so far the costs seem low. Typical local transcription costs are to be expected and should not be an issue approving. And the defense actually brought a cost saving request to the table with the video conferencing.

There was nothing in todays approvals for anyone to get upset or indignant about. Not even Florida taxpayers. There is a difference between the costs of doing the peoples business, and milking it. Everything approved today looked to be legitimate costs. Also don't forget that the major requests today were made by AF, who has to date appeared to be a fairly competent and meticulously organized attorney who follows the rules, asks for things properly and seems to have so far earned HHJP's respect.

In short, there was nothing today, at least related to JAC payments, that really had any chance of being turned down. It was all reasonable and well and properly presented.

Now JB being JB and trying to stall on the motion to strike and play games with scheduling experts... yeah that had no chance of flying.
Furton? I thought Fairgrieve was the export du jour on the dogs.
Now I'm confused...
Then again Fairgrieve has nothing in his vita that would make him an expert on cadaver dogs either.
Maybe I need to go lie down...

I'm going to brew more coffee:crazy: I've made a couple notes so far - in both cases it seems to me the defense in "confusing" (or deliberately) a.) mitigation investigators vs. confidential mental health expert and b.) who/what as regards its experts. Based on what Perry said after that little tete-a-tete, if it ain't in Furton's deposition, it ain't coming in. And where that leaves us exactly (sigh) I don't know...
I am a Florida tax payer!

I support HHJP in granting the defense the funds they feel necessary to defend their client. This judge is upholding her constitutional right to a fair trial. I would be angry if he disallowed their funds and had a guilty verdict overturned upon appeal.
The state has budgeted for this trial. It's not going to break the bank.
His Honor Chief Judge Perry has my total confidence and respect.

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