2011.03.03 Lee Anthony's Testimony

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Hi everyone- I am new here but have been reading all of you for 3 years now. I couldn't hold my silence any longer so I had to register and ask my question. Hope you all bear with me.

In the following link http://www.wftv.com/video/27069860/index.html

Lee is visiting with Casey in the jail. I believe it's his first visit at the beginning of her incarceration. He says to her " I know there is a Jeffery Hopkins and Juliette Lewis, so we know that is true". Not verbatim, but close. She sighs as though finally someone has verified her story of the made up friend/cow-workers... A comments on how the detectives take misconstrued everything she said.

My question is this: Why is Lee saying there is such a person as Jeffrey Hopkins and Juliette Lewis? I thought these people did not ever work at Universal, or even exist, period. I know Det. Melich said something about a Jeffrey in IT working there until 2005 or so...but not with that last name and he had no idea who Casey was.

What am I missing. I thought I knew pretty much what was going on but I am in the dark on this. Can someone enlighten me, please?

TIA and just a word to all you great, smart, sleuths. I am hanging on all of your typed words. I've never seen such sharp individuals. I'd hate to be on trial and have any of you on my jury. You don't miss a beat!
Hi everyone- I am new here but have been reading all of you for 3 years now. I couldn't hold my silence any longer so I had to register and ask my question. Hope you all bear with me.

In the following link http://www.wftv.com/video/27069860/index.html

Lee is visiting with Casey in the jail. I believe it's his first visit at the beginning of her incarceration. He says to her " I know there is a Jeffery Hopkins and Juliette Lewis, so we know that is true". Not verbatim, but close. She sighs as though finally someone has verified her story of the made up friend/cow-workers... A comments on how the detectives take misconstrued everything she said.

My question is this: Why is Lee saying there is such a person as Jeffrey Hopkins and Juliette Lewis? I thought these people did not ever work at Universal, or even exist, period. I know Det. Melich said something about a Jeffrey in IT working there until 2005 or so...but not with that last name and he had no idea who Casey was.

What am I missing. I thought I knew pretty much what was going on but I am in the dark on this. Can someone enlighten me, please?

TIA and just a word to all you great, smart, sleuths. I am hanging on all of your typed words. I've never seen such sharp individuals. I'd hate to be on trial and have any of you on my jury. You don't miss a beat!

KC tells the police that he was working there in the last few months and the same with Juliet Lewis. This was not true. And she is confronted on this. She also tells her brother that the Jeffrey Hopkins was NOT the one they went to school with = that this is JEFFREY MICHAEL HOPKINS, which is a lie. This is how she knows him. I don't think Juliet Lewis ever worked there. She is caught in lie after lie about her working at Universal and others working there, and she even goes so far as to bring the detectives to an office at Universal and finally has to admit she is lying, but swears that Zanaida worked there at one point and she took her child and was looking for clues at Universal and hopefully would find them at Universal. She also switches her story on Zanaida and says she (Zanaida) stole Caylee from her at Blanchard Park and not the Sawgrass apts after her interview at Universal (when she realizes that they have cameras at Sawgrass and she is not ever seen on them bringing Caylee to Zanaida).

This is KC in a nutshell - she lies at the moment without thinking about the consequences - it is an immediate lie to get her out of a situation - which usually brings more heat on her and her stories.

She has been lying for years to her mother and brother and father and stealing from her family and friends without consequences. So she has basically become empowered by it and if you listen to the interviews by the detectives, at the end of the second one at Universal, you get the impression that KC thinks she is finished and will be free to go. That was my impression anyway.
Hi everyone- I am new here but have been reading all of you for 3 years now. I couldn't hold my silence any longer so I had to register and ask my question. Hope you all bear with me.

In the following link http://www.wftv.com/video/27069860/index.html

Lee is visiting with Casey in the jail. I believe it's his first visit at the beginning of her incarceration. He says to her " I know there is a Jeffery Hopkins and Juliette Lewis, so we know that is true". Not verbatim, but close. She sighs as though finally someone has verified her story of the made up friend/cow-workers... A comments on how the detectives take misconstrued everything she said.

My question is this: Why is Lee saying there is such a person as Jeffrey Hopkins and Juliette Lewis? I thought these people did not ever work at Universal, or even exist, period. I know Det. Melich said something about a Jeffrey in IT working there until 2005 or so...but not with that last name and he had no idea who Casey was.

What am I missing. I thought I knew pretty much what was going on but I am in the dark on this. Can someone enlighten me, please?

TIA and just a word to all you great, smart, sleuths. I am hanging on all of your typed words. I've never seen such sharp individuals. I'd hate to be on trial and have any of you on my jury. You don't miss a beat!



Hi Janine,

Lee was told by an other Universal employee(Heather M) that a Juliette and Jeff did work there...I also read she said she either did not remember their last names or they were not the same..or something along those lines.

IMO, I am Not sure Lee knew at that time that only the first names were correct but he last names were not...

There is a Jeffrey Hopkins,
The REAL Jeff Hopkins knew Casey from school, did not have a son, yes did work at Universal at one time but iirc was fired before Casey started working their.
He did not live in Jacksonville (that would be BFF Ryan Pasley)


Hi Janine,

Lee was told by an other Universal employee(Heather M) that a Juliette and Jeff did work there...I also read she said she either did not remember their last names or they were not the same..or something along those lines.

IMO, I am Not sure Lee knew at that time that only the first names were correct but he last names were not...

There is a Jeffrey Hopkins,
The REAL Jeff Hopkins knew Casey from school, did not have a son, yes did work at Universal at one time but iirc was fired before Casey started working their.
He did not live in Jacksonville (that would be BFF Ryan Pasley)

Much clearer than my answer.

P.S. KC uses Jeffrey "Michael" Hopkins to differentiate and she is very precise when naming him. Because we are all idiots.

Thank you so much for clearing that up, both of you, Solace and Intermezzo. Man- I was going nuts trying to figure out what's true and what's not. I simply had to find out what gives with these imaginary people, Jeffery and Juliet.

I see now- so making up a middle name makes them different. :banghead: The minute I heard her say, "Jeffrey Michael Hopkins"...I knew Casey has followed too many pretentious movie stars careers. No one uses their middle name.

Again- thank you for you well informed answers. I knew one, or all of you, would have the right info.

I'll go back to lurking now and leave the sleuthing to the professionals. Carry on!

Thank you so much for clearing that up, both of you, Solace and Intermezzo. Man- I was going nuts trying to figure out what's true and what's not. I simply had to find out what gives with these imaginary people, Jeffery and Juliet.

I see now- so making up a middle name makes them different. :banghead: The minute I heard her say, "Jeffrey Michael Hopkins"...I knew Casey has followed too many pretentious movie stars careers. No one uses their middle name.

Again- thank you for you well informed answers. I knew one, or all of you, would have the right info.

I'll go back to lurking now and leave the sleuthing to the professionals. Carry on!

Also, when dealing with KC, it is 99% of the time "not true". She takes bits of "truth" from another "incident" and applies those bits to "stories" she tells. e.g. Zannie had an accident; (In reality Amy had an accident). KC's father had a stroke (In reality KC's grandfather had a stroke). And the beat goes on.

Thank you so much for clearing that up, both of you, Solace and Intermezzo. Man- I was going nuts trying to figure out what's true and what's not. I simply had to find out what gives with these imaginary people, Jeffery and Juliet.

I see now- so making up a middle name makes them different. :banghead: The minute I heard her say, "Jeffrey Michael Hopkins"...I knew Casey has followed too many pretentious movie stars careers. No one uses their middle name.

Again- thank you for you well informed answers. I knew one, or all of you, would have the right info.

I'll go back to lurking now and leave the sleuthing to the professionals. Carry on!

ICA loves middle names -if you are a somebody in her world, there must be three names.... even for Zenaida Fernandez Gonzales.....
So based upon the KC logic.....all parties referenced should be somewhat identifiable based by simply determining which Anthony has experienced the same scenario / ailment / circumstance. HAHA
Well, it took a bit longer to get back to add additional "amateur" thoughts. I am no more than an average person with thoughts to share. In no way could I expect to be "on target" with experts. However, if that happens.....so be it.

I shall entitle this chapter Tee Hee Hee Lee:

Like the blindfolded spin before your attempt to strike the Pinata....I will attempt to find a place to begin.

As the titles suggests...Lee has demonstrated a habit of laughing / giggling at inappropriate times during questioning at depositions and in court. Most people have some sort of tell...or for lack of a better term...a tick. They may wrinkle their nose, curl a lip, fidget, or giggle when they are uncomfortable or when they are telling a "mistruth".

We have seen a number of videos and depositions / court appearances where Lee Anthony has giggled or joked in a manner that doesn't really fit in with the "tone" of the moment.

Long ago I opined that Lee was likely just one of those people that laugh when they are nervous or uncomfortable. It is understandable that ANYONE in those circumstances might be a bit uncomfortable.

After Lee's court testimony last week, I have abandoned my original thoughts and am of the opinion that Lee's laughs were in fact his "lie tells". Keeping in mind the number of laughs registered during his previous "testimony" and comparing that number to his last court appearance......I am of the belief that Lee FINALLY broke free from the "script" and just told the truth.

Recall the Morgan and Morgan depo....the surreptitious recording in Tony's car, the interviews with LE.......during each there were moments where the giggles just stuck out like a sore thumb. Recall the laughter about "smelling a smell for the FIRST time" (note the additional qualifier of FIRST that isn't needed), the laughter about the "Nanny", the jail visits where he discussed the visits being recorded and how he would have "asked things a bit differently" if he knew that.

I tuck all of those events into the corner of my mind and I compare his court testimony from last week to those previous events. NOT ONCE did Lee giggle, smirk, laugh, chuckle, joke, avoid a question, or weave a tale. He answered the questions posed to him in a succinct manner, and REFUSED to allow JB's tone of questioning to derail his testimony.

Several times Lee corrected statements (thinly disguised as questions) by JB that would have "helped the home team" by clarifying that "NO that is NOT how it happened." Lee got a whiff of the bus fumes when JB mentioned him visiting the office and being left unattended in the "map room".

WHile GA may be willing to lay his head on the tablet....Lee fully recognizes that he has his entire life ahead of him and a real chance for "normalcy".

IMO...Lee played the "We are United" game until it reached a point where he realized his entire future was "at risk" if he continued on that path. GA and CA have said it themselves.....they'll do what it takes.

CA and GA are probably banking on GA's mental anguish and her crazy train antics to free them from obstruction charges. Lee doesn't have the benefit of prior "craziness" to fall back on. IMO...Lee finally learned "When to fold"....and if I had to guess....it was LONG before last week.
Well, it took a bit longer to get back to add additional "amateur" thoughts.

I shall entitle this chapter Tee Hee Hee Lee:

Like the blindfolded spin before your attempt to strike the Pinata....I will attempt to find a place to begin.

As the titles suggests...Lee has demonstrated a habit of laughing / giggling at inappropriate times during questioning at depositions and in court. Most people have some sort of tell...or for lack of a better term...a tick. They may wrinkle their nose, curl a lip, fidget, or giggle when they are uncomfortable or when they are telling a "mistruth".

We have seen a number of videos and depositions / court appearances where Lee Anthony has giggled or joked in a manner that doesn't really fit in with the "tone" of the moment.

Long ago I opined that Lee was likely just one of those people that laugh when they are nervous or uncomfortable. It is understandable that ANYONE in those circumstances might be a bit uncomfortable.

After Lee's court testimony last week, I have abandoned my original thoughts and am of the opinion that Lee's laughs were in fact his "lie tells". Keeping in mind the number of laughs registered during his previous "testimony" and comparing that number to his last court appearance......I am of the belief that Lee FINALLY broke free from the "script" and just told the truth.

Recall the Morgan and Morgan depo....the surreptitious recording in Tony's car, the interviews with LE.......during each there were moments where the giggles just stuck out like a sore thumb. Recall the laughter about "smelling a smell for the FIRST time" (note the additional qualifier of FIRST that isn't needed), the laughter about the "Nanny", the jail visits where he discussed the visits being recorded and how he would have "asked things a bit differently" if he knew that.

I tuck all of those events into the corner of my mind and I compare his court testimony from last week to those previous events. NOT ONCE did Lee giggle, smirk, laugh, chuckle, joke, avoid a question, or weave a tale. He answered the questions posed to him in a succinct manner, and REFUSED to allow JB's tone of questioning to derail his testimony.

Several times Lee corrected statements (thinly disguised as questions) by JB that would have "helped the home team" by clarifying that "NO that is NOT how it happened." Lee got a whiff of the bus fumes when JB mentioned him visiting the office and being left unattended in the "map room".

WHile GA may be willing to lay his head on the tablet....Lee fully recognizes that he has his entire life ahead of him and a real chance for "normalcy".

IMO...Lee played the "We are United" game until it reached a point where he realized his entire future was "at risk" if he continued on that path. GA and CA have said it themselves.....they'll do what it takes.

CA and GA are probably banking on GA's mental anguish and her crazy train antics to free them from obstruction charges. Lee doesn't have the benefit of prior "craziness" to fall back on. IMO...Lee finally learned "When to fold"....and if I had to guess....it was LONG before last week.

I always look forwards to your posts!!!

(a priviledge to "know" such a clever sleuther!)
Lee copied receipts off of a display in Baez' office and gave them to detectives.

Lee also gave LE a report of what KC said, after a jail visit with her.

Lee also told KC that she could write him a letter and he would be the only one to read it, and he would not relay it to anybody. Baez asked him if he was lying when he said that to his sister, and Lee said "maybe".

Part Two

(1:37) playing jail visit of Lee and KC - Lee tells KC -
Lee says to KC: but understand - if you write to me in a letter KC - I'm not sharing it with anybody - I'm the only person that's gonna read it (she says - I know)
Lee says: if there is anything you do not want me to relay (she says I'll be very specific, I know)

(1:49) Baez - Mr. Anthony, right there you tell your sister if she gives you a letter through this letter system you won't share it with anyone - you tell her this brother to sister - correct
(2:10) Baez - were you lying?
Lee - maybe

[Mason has hand on KC shoulder - KC makes hand gesture like "there you go - he betrayed me!"]
Part Two

(6:50) showing you Defense Exhibit I - original email sent to Melich and other folks
read subject is - Info that KC provided to parents and I during visitation

date Sat July 26 12:30 afternoon 2008 - after this visitation

(7:50) Baez - you not only met with them day before this video visit - you sent them a report after - correct
on Defense Exh K - on July 29th several days after your report to LE - had mtg with Edwards - only recorded stmt they have on you - yes to my knowledge


Part Three

(9:37) Baez - this internship with Dominic not at Baez direction? no
Baez had no knowledge of your intention to do this

(10:00) you came to my office several times - one time you went into a room at my office that has things on wall, maps and documents about sister's case
one day - not at my direction - you went and wrote down receipts that Cindy had given Baez that at one time belonged to KC - these receipts had dates and times during 30 days that Caylee missing before reported to LE
you gave this list of receipts to LE - to Edwards yes
subsequently LDB did inv subpoena to get those receipts -

Lee unaware of that
Oops - I need to go back and reread this stuff - I had it backwards. I thought LE asked CA for them and she gave them to JB. And Lee went to JB's office, copied them and gave the copy to LE....:waitasec: must do a redo over...

Could I be mistruthen? :loser:

That's what I remember as well. Cindy made a big stink about how many times she had offered those receipts to LE and they didn't want them until after she turned them over to JB. Now that part may just be semantics if she gave them to Lee to give to JB.
Well, it took a bit longer to get back to add additional "amateur" thoughts. I am no more than an average person with thoughts to share. In no way could I expect to be "on target" with experts. However, if that happens.....so be it.

I shall entitle this chapter Tee Hee Hee Lee:

Like the blindfolded spin before your attempt to strike the Pinata....I will attempt to find a place to begin.

As the titles suggests...Lee has demonstrated a habit of laughing / giggling at inappropriate times during questioning at depositions and in court. Most people have some sort of tell...or for lack of a better term...a tick. They may wrinkle their nose, curl a lip, fidget, or giggle when they are uncomfortable or when they are telling a "mistruth".

We have seen a number of videos and depositions / court appearances where Lee Anthony has giggled or joked in a manner that doesn't really fit in with the "tone" of the moment.

Long ago I opined that Lee was likely just one of those people that laugh when they are nervous or uncomfortable. It is understandable that ANYONE in those circumstances might be a bit uncomfortable.

After Lee's court testimony last week, I have abandoned my original thoughts and am of the opinion that Lee's laughs were in fact his "lie tells". Keeping in mind the number of laughs registered during his previous "testimony" and comparing that number to his last court appearance......I am of the belief that Lee FINALLY broke free from the "script" and just told the truth.

Recall the Morgan and Morgan depo....the surreptitious recording in Tony's car, the interviews with LE.......during each there were moments where the giggles just stuck out like a sore thumb. Recall the laughter about "smelling a smell for the FIRST time" (note the additional qualifier of FIRST that isn't needed), the laughter about the "Nanny", the jail visits where he discussed the visits being recorded and how he would have "asked things a bit differently" if he knew that.

I tuck all of those events into the corner of my mind and I compare his court testimony from last week to those previous events. NOT ONCE did Lee giggle, smirk, laugh, chuckle, joke, avoid a question, or weave a tale. He answered the questions posed to him in a succinct manner, and REFUSED to allow JB's tone of questioning to derail his testimony.

Several times Lee corrected statements (thinly disguised as questions) by JB that would have "helped the home team" by clarifying that "NO that is NOT how it happened." Lee got a whiff of the bus fumes when JB mentioned him visiting the office and being left unattended in the "map room".

WHile GA may be willing to lay his head on the tablet....Lee fully recognizes that he has his entire life ahead of him and a real chance for "normalcy".

IMO...Lee played the "We are United" game until it reached a point where he realized his entire future was "at risk" if he continued on that path. GA and CA have said it themselves.....they'll do what it takes.

CA and GA are probably banking on GA's mental anguish and her crazy train antics to free them from obstruction charges. Lee doesn't have the benefit of prior "craziness" to fall back on. IMO...Lee finally learned "When to fold"....and if I had to guess....it was LONG before last week.

:goodpost: :loveyou: for your perceptiveness and insights!
He said Good Luck - she ignored him.

BBM-Lee is a little devil, isn't he? "Good luck, you'll need it, :loser: love you because we're related and wish I coulda done more for you, sooooooo...'kay bye!"

I wonder if the little red guy is on Lee's shoulder, whispering in his ear "She called you a perverted molester and did something to Caylee, she deserves to have the ugly truth thrown right back at her for the whole world to see"

The little white angel on the other shoulder reminds LA that if he must take the devil's advice, at least make it look fair and balanced-use the force!

"Good luck" [fake] Love it.
BBM-Lee is a little devil, isn't he? "Good luck, you'll need it, :loser: love you because we're related and wish I coulda done more for you, sooooooo...'kay bye!"

I wonder if the little red guy is on Lee's shoulder, whispering in his ear "She called you a perverted molester and did something to Caylee, she deserves to have the ugly truth thrown right back at her for the whole world to see"

The little white angel on the other shoulder reminds LA that if he must take the devil's advice, at least make it look fair and balanced-use the force!

"Good luck" [fake] Love it.

A bit OT. (Mods please move if need be)

You're post about the alleged abuse tripped my memory about a couple of things that jumped out at me as I was poking around some documents/depos/letters etc.

KC letter, Oct. 21, 2008

I know how it feels to be physically emotionally and mentally abused. And I also know how it feels to be sexually abused. It’s taken a long time for me to forgive and I’ve been somewhat successful in doing so. The worst part is, when I tried to confide in someone before-Jesse, my Mom, they turned on me. I was to blame for my own brother walking into my room at night and feeling my breasts while I slept. I woke up night after night with my sports bra lifted up over my chest or if I had on a regular bra, it would be unhooked. Even if I was doing karate in my sleep, that wouldn’t have happened. I woke up many times to a flashlight on my face, and he would be sitting on my floor, in front of the bed, starring at me. This went on for over 3 years before I finally stood up to Lee and told him if he ever came in my room again, I’d kill him. I was 15. It started just before I turned 12. When I told my mom about it two years ago, she made excuses, saying that he was sleep walking. Not only did she say I was lying, but when I explained everything her reaction was literally, like a knife in my chest-“So that’s why you’re a *advertiser censored*?!” I don’t think having sex with 7 people makes me a *advertiser censored*, but I could be wrong. Over the past few months, I’ve been having really vivid dreams and it’s obvious that they are dreams of things that have already happened. I think my Dad used to do the same thing to me but when I was much younger. I can see him in my room exactly the way it was when in elementary school.

In CA's state depo, LDB is asking about LA. CA states that he had a medical issue that lasted about a year, causing him withdraw. She states it happened when he was 15.

LDB also asked a lot of questions about KC's elementary school years.

Not saying I believe the sexual abuse accusations...just saying it caught me attention.
A bit OT. (Mods please move if need be)

You're post about the alleged abuse tripped my memory about a couple of things that jumped out at me as I was poking around some documents/depos/letters etc.

KC letter, Oct. 21, 2008

I know how it feels to be physically emotionally and mentally abused. And I also know how it feels to be sexually abused. It’s taken a long time for me to forgive and I’ve been somewhat successful in doing so. The worst part is, when I tried to confide in someone before-Jesse, my Mom, they turned on me. I was to blame for my own brother walking into my room at night and feeling my breasts while I slept. I woke up night after night with my sports bra lifted up over my chest or if I had on a regular bra, it would be unhooked. Even if I was doing karate in my sleep, that wouldn’t have happened. I woke up many times to a flashlight on my face, and he would be sitting on my floor, in front of the bed, starring at me. This went on for over 3 years before I finally stood up to Lee and told him if he ever came in my room again, I’d kill him. I was 15. It started just before I turned 12. When I told my mom about it two years ago, she made excuses, saying that he was sleep walking. Not only did she say I was lying, but when I explained everything her reaction was literally, like a knife in my chest-“So that’s why you’re a *advertiser censored*?!” I don’t think having sex with 7 people makes me a *advertiser censored*, but I could be wrong. Over the past few months, I’ve been having really vivid dreams and it’s obvious that they are dreams of things that have already happened. I think my Dad used to do the same thing to me but when I was much younger. I can see him in my room exactly the way it was when in elementary school.

In CA's state depo, LDB is asking about LA. CA states that he had a medical issue that lasted about a year, causing him withdraw. She states it happened when he was 15.

LDB also asked a lot of questions about KC's elementary school years.

Not saying I believe the sexual abuse accusations...just saying it caught me attention.

IIRC As a teen, Lee had a bad case of acne which required a strong prescription medication, which caused him to become very ill (systemic illness, I think.) Explaining this in my layman's simplistic understanding. That could be the medical issue Cindy was alluding to.
My hinky meter says Lee admitted he lied to his sister about not sharing info she asked him not to for a reason, as directed by JB. Remember when they all denied passing letters thru JB? I can't pinpoint what the reason to do this would be, but my antennas are on alert. Anyone? :waitasec:
Hi everyone- I am new here but have been reading all of you for 3 years now. I couldn't hold my silence any longer so I had to register and ask my question. Hope you all bear with me.

In the following link http://www.wftv.com/video/27069860/index.html

Lee is visiting with Casey in the jail. I believe it's his first visit at the beginning of her incarceration. He says to her " I know there is a Jeffery Hopkins and Juliette Lewis, so we know that is true". Not verbatim, but close. She sighs as though finally someone has verified her story of the made up friend/cow-workers... A comments on how the detectives take misconstrued everything she said.

My question is this: Why is Lee saying there is such a person as Jeffrey Hopkins and Juliette Lewis? I thought these people did not ever work at Universal, or even exist, period. I know Det. Melich said something about a Jeffrey in IT working there until 2005 or so...but not with that last name and he had no idea who Casey was.

What am I missing. I thought I knew pretty much what was going on but I am in the dark on this. Can someone enlighten me, please?

TIA and just a word to all you great, smart, sleuths. I am hanging on all of your typed words. I've never seen such sharp individuals. I'd hate to be on trial and have any of you on my jury. You don't miss a beat!


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