2011.03.04 Motions Hearing - #2 (PM)

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Was this stated in one of the hearings? Can you direct me to where I can find that? TIA

I was corrected - sorry RR004, It was Hosey at about 9:50 on the second morning - but I have yet to find the actual clip. Going to search now...
Yes, I recall it was Hosey too.

It was! I am standing here red-faced on the board and agreeing with you all!!:blushing:
I need to quit posting because I am so tired I am going sideways.:crazy:
I personally think that ICA may have sunk her own ship as far as any appeal over incompetent counsel may work.

Her constant note taking.
Her reading along with testimony.
Her underlining and passing of notes to her legal team.
Her letters admitting she is studying legal books in jail.
etc etc.

To claim that she was ignorant of his incompetance won't get her very far now.
Oh yes - she'll try.
Oh my !! epic fail.
I've read up on her and she is simply another manipulator. I don't know about her effectiveness, only her deviousness. She seems to be expert at finding irrelevant things/uses logical fallacies related to a professional witness (do they remember a report they did 20 years ago) then manufacturing drama to make it appear they are incompetent. Example - she says to read up on the experts' pst work and try to make them look incompetent by cherry picking bits and pieces of info out of context.

She will probably fool a lot of people, but hopefully not Judge Perry. She's an example of what is wrong with the system. Right up there with "creative motions" Lyon.

I watched him really carefully and he didn't seem snowed by her song and dance at all. He looked nonplussed. Another fast-talking expert. Ho hum.

My impression was she had all the buzz-words, she said "methodology" about 20 times and was just basically flapping all around. Might work in some circumstances but he was hearing the "substance" very well and it seemed to come down to a lot of white noise.

She's going to have to do a whole lot better than that. Maybe she will, but so far it was very unimpressive once you get past the flapping.
I personally think that ICA may have sunk her own ship as far as any appeal over incompetent counsel may work.

Her constant note taking.
Her reading along with testimony.
Her underlining and passing of notes to her legal team.
Her letters admitting she is studying legal books in jail.
etc etc.

To claim that she was ignorant of his incompetance won't get her very far now.
Oh yes - she'll try.
Oh my !! epic fail.

Yup. She's VERY engaged in defense business. Busy busy busy. Too funny.
It was! I am standing here red-faced on the board and agreeing with you all!!:blushing:
I need to quit posting because I am so tired I am going sideways.:crazy:

Oh stop! You're the cat's meow. :)
:twocents: Ya did GOOD in figuring out the neat little note from the defense at least IMHO! :innocent: http://www.docstoc.com/docs/72841857/20110304-Correspondence-To-Court--Jose-Baez

SO...:woohoo:The defense is NOT going to argue the validity of GC/ LIBS instruments.....GUESS that means that the defense accepts that both instruments are utilized in scientific inquiry of "unknowns" and that they have been "accepted & validated" by the scientific community:rocker:. :twocents: DAH, ummmm NO KIDDING as even some of the defense experts had to use at least ONE (GC) of them in UNDERGRAD/GRAD/POST-DOC educational courses!
NO, not arguing the "ability" (what ever THAT means) and the "findings" (which in my world means the values/levels of the concentration of the determined element.... think a half cup of chunky monkey ice cream & a third cup of cherry Garcia makes an awesome B & J mixed sundae where the "findings" are amt & specific ice cream flavors) is unique!

They seem to be "challenging" the interpretation (opinion of the expert) of the "findings" (scientific) and then go on to declare that the expert's application is challenged. UMMMMM to my non-legal mind, FRYE is for the introduction of scientific nuances yet declared as "not accepted by the scientific community as a whole and also NOT YET applied in courts around the States".
BUT ISN'T THE BASIC PRINCIPLE :waitasec: of :banghead:"dueling experts" :banghead:exactly what challenging each others OPINIONS or APPLICATION of retrieved data is by definition???? :waitasec::waitasec:

PS: :innocent: not to be an English major but.....doesn't one have to be a biological entity to have "ability"???

Well shoot, I can tell JB what the judge should say then!

JB -- bring your experts in to rebut the finding and let Lady Justice in the form of a jury decide.
(or am I missing something again?)
How do you folks think that Dorothy Simms did today??

I admit that to me, she sounded good, like she really knew her stuff, etc.
Great presentation, no stumbling, clear and concise and to the point.
I'll also admit, even while I don't understand everything that she was talking about, she has me scared a bit.

What is your take on her and what she had to say?
Did Perry buy it??
Are they going to get a win with her on those motions????

I took from HHJP's questioning as to exactly why she was giving him
citations regarding medical malpractice that he really wasn't buying what she was selling but was being polite about it.
I admit to not reading the entire thread - sorry - but is it normal for the defendant to pat her attorney on the knee? see video about 14:17.
Yesterday she grabbed his arm and today a consoling knee pat. It seems a little too "familiar" to me.
I don't understand why she gets away with it - well, gets away with a lot of what she does in court.



TIKI - IMHO --- NO!!!!!!!!!
Look at my photobucket -- she has had her hands on many and many had their hands on her.
She gets patted on the back by all her attorneys.
She touches them all too.
She grabbed JB when addressing the judge (have pic)
She grabbed CM arm when she was suppose to be going home (have pic)
She did the smacked (flippy backhand) JB twice today alone. Once when sitting and YM or someone was testifying about JB. Then again when JB offered the spelling of the ex BF to LDB.
She read a note today (have pic) that was passed up to Michelle or whatever her name is - the briefcase carrier gal. She then takes the note that was passed to her, lays it on JB side (JB is up doing his thing) and KC reaches over grabs it and reads it.
She has her new pal Jerry and the giggles and interaction are not conducive of a person on trial for MURDER. She even said something (lip reading) about what did he bring her when he brought back water for the boys.
:maddening: I better stop before I lose my charming disposition but, IMHO JUDGE PERRY needs to admonish her next.

Oh, can I also add that IMHO - GA and CA with their continued facial mannerisms (see my photobucket again!) have all but sealed their fate for trial to the hall. Rant off <---- too tired to go get the cute guy with the sign!
I took from HHJP's questioning as to exactly why she was giving him
citations regarding medical malpractice that he really wasn't buying what she was selling but was being polite about it.

Same here faefrost. I just don't think he was all that into her.
TIKI - IMHO --- NO!!!!!!!!!
Look at my photobucket -- she has had her hands on many and many had their hands on her.
She gets patted on the back by all her attorneys.
She touches them all too.
She grabbed JB when addressing the judge (have pic)
She grabbed CM arm when she was suppose to be going home (have pic)
She did the smacked (flippy backhand) JB twice today alone. Once when sitting and YM or someone was testifying about JB. Then again when JB offered the spelling of the ex BF to LDB.
She read a note today (have pic) that was passed up to Michelle or whatever her name is - the briefcase carrier gal. She then takes the note that was passed to her, lays it on JB side (JB is up doing his thing) and KC reaches over grabs it and reads it.
She has her new pal Jerry and the giggles and interaction are not conducive of a person on trial for MURDER. She even said something (lip reading) about what did he bring her when he brought back water for the boys.
:maddening: I better stop before I lose my charming disposition but, IMHO JUDGE PERRY needs to admonish her next.

Oh, can I also add that IMHO - GA and CA with their continued facial mannerisms (see my photobucket again!) have all but sealed their fate for trial to the hall. Rant off <---- too tired to go get the cute guy with the sign!

How about the walk under the umbrella when they were holding each other tightly, arms around each other, her head in his chest. UUgghhhhh...
It was! I am standing here red-faced on the board and agreeing with you all!!:blushing:
I need to quit posting because I am so tired I am going sideways.:crazy:
Oh...please don't do that. oxoxoxo

I stayed up late to try and watch as much of the hearings as I possibly could before I head to lay my head down to get a few hours of sleep before work. I'm not even sure I know what day it is.
No way do I think either she or George could ever be agents of the state - they are both unbelievably aggressive and argumentative around real "agents of the state" like the LE, the SA - which strikes me as extremely odd. Both break up in tears whenever anything about Caylee is mentioned and both swear they were doing everything to find her, and yet they both still refuse to consider their daughter is clearly responsible for the terrible crime when all evidence points toward her, and no one else.

Like it is the fault of the LE and the SA their daughter did this and is on trial for her life? :waitasec:

I guess it seems like a better path to them than blaming themselves.....:innocent:

Their crash landing into reality is going to be really really bad......

Good post. If I my darling granddaughter was missing, and I desperately wanted to find her, I would go immediately to the last person I know who was with her before she disappeared. No questions would be too easy or hard.

Agents of the state? Who would need that title or assignment. jmo
Why do I think that the "fight" in June 2008 led to Cindy's threatening to take custody of Caylee? If that's the case...and in Casey's mind...if we're to believe the testimony of the officer...she took a bit of the truth and weaved it into her tale. But, IMO this very well may have started as a domestic issue. Something then went terribly awry. I don't believe Casey wanted to keep Caylee for any other reason than to make her mother miserable. She was exerting her control. Unfortunately for Casey, this also shows motive for killing Caylee.
So the handcuffing happened before the statement was written? I tried to follow the very end of the 3rd tape, but couldn't get it.

Third video about 2:58ish
CM she had already been handcuffed when she wrote that statement.

Ryan: to my knowledge she had already written that statement!
Mason was telling the Judge how when their investigator (J Lyons no doubt) tried to serve former jail guard Sylvia H with a subpoena for a deposition that the investigator was told by Sylvia's current police dept to leave and not come back.
LDB told the Judge that he should know what the investigator said to Sylvia to cause her to shut the door on him when he showed up at Sylvia's house to "interview" her and serve her the subpoena.

Mason huffed and puffed about how he wrote to the Police Chief about his little deputies could not try to run off his investigator and obstruction and blah blah blah.

The Judge said the problem would be solved by having Sylvia served the subpoena when she arrives to court for her testimony in the Hearing involving the Defense Motion to Suppress Statements Made to George, Cindy, Lee, Maya, Roby, and Sylvia H. (which is not completed yet - will resume on Monday).

I believe the PI J Lyons is waiting ... and waiting ... and crouching ... and ready to pounce on Sylvia when she arrives for the Hearing to personally serve her and get his own personal revenge on Sylvia's people trying to run him off and for Sylvia avoiding him.

PI J Lyons has no choice but to wait because they keep changing up the order in which they are calling witnesses. He probably thought the Motion involving Sylvia was going to be heard on Wednesday.


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In real life you can be handcuffed, then uncuffed and NEVER be arrested. They do it all of the time on COPS or The First 48. People get handcuffed when the cops are trying to sort things out, and they need a little time to talk to other people and to look around. Often they will just take off the cuffs and continue their conversations, no more explanations necessary.
Baez is just looking for a way out of this mess. LOL Even if he does win this one, Casey is still going down. The truth will come out no matter what he tries. imo
I could not attend today's hearing, but have watched InSession and read up on it a bit. JB was constantly being overruled when he objected and LDB's objections were 99% sustained. Being wrong all the time in court doesn't look so good on tv. CM is no longer bored in court. We're going to see some fine lawyering when he is up to the podium. JB's apology was court-ordered. We'll see how long he can behave out of character. Dorothy Sims doesn't comb her hair. I saw her up close and in person for two days in a row. The clothes issue this morning was unbelievable! Those are the clothes I saw Michelle M. bring in yesterday morning upon the arrival of CA. If she couldn't get into them in time, she should have been brought in wearing her jailhouse scrubs. So what? She's an inmate and there is no jury present to judge her. Jeremy L. thinks that railing in the courtroom was made for him to rest his head. He makes as many facial expressions and head shakings as GA and ICA. I hope he gets booted out of the courtroom with CA and GA. I'm going to ask the bailiff why the gum chewing rule doesn't apply to the Anthonys & Jerry L. The bailiff will come right up to others and make them spit their gum out or leave the room. He gave me advice on a good restaurant downtown the other day so I know he'll speak to me.
Third video about 2:58ish
CM she had already been handcuffed when she wrote that statement.

Ryan: to my knowledge she had already written that statement!
If that's the case...then it doesn't look good.
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