2011.04.16 48 Hours: Only Casey Knows

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It is known that the DT reads hear. Does anyone think they will read this thread to see if this slanted show altered any of our opinions?
Oh, I think the DT did this show tonight and then is reading here to get some idea of what the public is going to think/do. After all they have no money so the only way to get a mock jury and gauge any type of verdict was to have a network (or media outlet) pay for it. You betcha!!!!
What a waste, a HUGE waste! :banghead:

There's an hour of my life that I can't get back! :banghead:

Could 48 Hours have been more pro defense than they were already? :vomit:

Seriously, am I the only one that thinks this "mock jury" aka "mockury" was completely STAGED beforehand? When Gabriel was asking if they would "acquit" ICA, the one girl was already out of her seat before he finished asking the question! :furious:

I did learn that GA followed KC and Caylee to the driveway blowing them kisses???? Really? Did I miss that somewhere? I thought GA was watching a "food show" when they left the house that day?

WTH is up with CM saying the duct tape is a "product of an overzealous prosecutor"? :banghead: Really Cheney? Did Cheney even say the word "imaginary"?

And Baez saying there is a VERY COMPELLING reason ICA didn't report Caylee missing for 31 days??? I cannot wait to hear that reason!

So basically what I learned from this hour of pure BS is the defense is trying their best to taint a jury pool.

Now Jose is asking HHBP to remove cameras from the court room while he is appearing on 48 hours? INDEED, THE IRONY IS RICH!!!!!!!!!!!!
George has even said he carried Caylee to the car!
There are several charges other than Murder 1 and the jury will be instructed that they can consider all of them. I know Aggravated Manslaughter of a Child is one of them....I forget all of them now. But yes, they could still convict her of a lesser charge if they believed it was an accident.

There sure is a lot of evidence showing it was not an accident, imo.

posting for our guests reading here... our thread on 'Evidence that is incompatible with an accident'

It is known that the DT reads hear. Does anyone think they will read this thread to see if this slanted show altered any of our opinions?
Nah...we don't count.
I also think they showed all 5 or so times, if even that many, I think they repeated a few, of Casey's "crying", like she is crying all the times in these hearings. They should have showed how she REALLY behaves in court, either laughing-it-up, or showing absolutely no emotion, or being the paralegal. Her actions in court during the trial will be as damagin as the 31 days, she CANNOT fake that she really cares after we have all observed her in these pretrial hearings. Do not worry, that Mock jury was ridiculous, the whole show was ridiculous.
We actually don't know much of anything...except that CBS said they didn't pay RG.

If they paid JB and RG is waiting for a check he is gonna be an old, old man before he will ever see it.:floorlaugh:
You are making me laugh Strawberry cause I am on the West Coast and watching the same show....me. you and HHJP...:great:
I should have watched Hoarders...truly, I think the only reason why I sat and watched the show was I was too scared to check my basement for water.
I didn't watch on purpose. I wanted to come to this site and read all the posts. I knew that would be more satisifying than watching a one-sided tv show.

You folks have not let me down. There are posts here that sparkle, shine and could not be more right on.
Thanks all.

It is known that the DT reads hear. Does anyone think they will read this thread to see if this slanted show altered any of our opinions?

Yeah they might read here. And yeah, they might use the site to check out public reaction. But their strategies are set now. What they plan to use in court and their theories and explanations are already set. The only thing they might gain at this late date would be to fine tune an argument that is already planned.
I should have watched Hoarders...truly, I think the only reason why I sat and watched the show was I was too scared to check my basement for water.

LOL it was one of the better shows and Michael made some progress, but ongoing pressure has led to setbacks...:great:
If some of you "old timers" remember, Pam Bondi was a "talking head" on NG and HLN for a long time. She was all over this case in the very beginning. She has followed it very closely. She dropped off the radar a while back because she ran successfully for Attorney General. I voted for her. I really like her. And I thought she did very well tonight on this show.

Emma - I think instead of "accident" they would call it involuntary manslaughter - like they did tonight at the end.

Yes, I guess I am an "old timer", I remember PB on the HLN shows, always liked her. I have stopped watching the HLN shows, I can come here and get the news before it is on there so I didn't realize she was no longer on. I am not a Floridian and did not know she was FL's Attny. General or even in the running until I read her name in an article about the script drug changes she wants changed in FL.
Yeah they might read here. And yeah, they might use the site to check out public reaction. But their strategies are set now. What they plan to use in court and their theories and explanations are already set. The only thing they might gain at this late date would be to fine tune an argument that is already planned.

Seriously what have they got left to try? Everything they wanted in motions has been denied....:rocker:
She will never admit to anything - even to save her skin.


Casey would rather face the death penalty then admit an accident... Makes no sense... :waitasec: She is so scared of her parents that she would rather they go through a trial where she is facing homocide charges then admit an accident.... Makes no sense... :waitasec: She made an accident look like a murder... Makes no sense... :waitasec: Geez this is crazy!!!!
OMG! the scientist "KOBE" ASSUMED.......that there should be DNA on the duct tape......HEY KOBE, ...........WE :rocker: DO NOT *advertiser censored** U* ME ANYTHING when conducting scientific examinations! :maddening::maddening::maddening:

That is ridiculous! He knows better. Don't insult my intelligence. :maddening:
The DT's idea of throwing GA under the bus just ain't gonna cut it!!! IMO, GA is the ONLY one who truly LOVED little Caylee. He didn't use Caylee as a pawn in a game, he didn't use Caylee as leverage, he didn't say "she's not KC's daughter, she belongs to us". If they are looking for someone to throw under the bus, GO for CA!!!!!

This is so ridiculous that I can't even get my mind straight to type it. :banghead:

So is Richard Gabriel going to be with the DT during jury selection? If so, who is paying him as a consultant?
The DT's idea of throwing GA under the bus just ain't gonna cut it!!! IMO, GA is the ONLY one who truly LOVED little Caylee. He didn't use Caylee as a pawn in a game, he didn't use Caylee as leverage, he didn't say "she's not KC's daughter, she belongs to us". If they are looking for someone to throw under the bus, GO for CA!!!!!

This is so ridiculous that I can't even get my mind straight to type it. :banghead:

So is Richard Gabriel going to be with the DT during jury selection? If so, who is paying him as a consultant?
PB...need I say more...

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