2011.04.16 48 Hours: Only Casey Knows

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Since CM is making up stories now, perhaps some kind soul can email Kathy B and have her run the two stories side by side...The old Mason interview with the new slanted one.

And perhaps she could mention the old "Irony is rich" about them not wanting any media one day before this airs.
Thanks everyone for all the great posts!
It was obvious that they didn't re-interview George and Cindy. It's all the stuff they didn't use in the last program and a couple of repeats as well.

The only "new" material was with the DT members, LKB's admission there is no Zanny, Pam Bondi's comments. Oh, and the mockery of a mock jury at a mockery of a mock trial.

Couldn't watch it,but I've been wondering,has CA had a response to LKB saying there is no nanny? Last I heard CA knew there was not only a nanny,but she was a 10 and had a white dog :waitasec:
I personally didnt watch it. I see enough pro KC from some of the media. I refuse to give them any rating from me :twocents: But thanks to everyone who is sharing with us :tyou:
For those who cannot watch, please know, our inability to cobble this together in some sort of linear frame is not due to inattention.

For those who are watching... just remember that the SA has evidence. And evidence. And timelines. And cell pings. And evidence. To support their case.

Yup, the DT certainly hasn't said anything impressive yet.
Nah...we don't count.

We're just stupid bloggers! Thanks everyone for the updates. I've TIVO'd it here on the WC and may watch it tomorrow when I have nothin better to do.

Thanks again.

Frankly, I can't see how anyone can say it was an "accident". Who would sit in jail for three years without fussing up if it was an accident?

The accident theory doesn't fly with me.

For me, if it was an accident - where is the evidence ICA is a distraught mother? :worms: No shrinky-hinky's in the guilt phase Jose - remember? Withdrawn?
:skip: ....... :skip: ......... :skip: ..........:skip:
It's gonna be "she was Skeered!"

Exactly, she was threatened by a group or someone that if she revealed they killed Caylee they'd wipe out her family. :rolleyes:

The DT's idea of throwing GA under the bus just ain't gonna cut it!!! IMO, GA is the ONLY one who truly LOVED little Caylee. He didn't use Caylee as a pawn in a game, he didn't use Caylee as leverage, he didn't say "she's not KC's daughter, she belongs to us". If they are looking for someone to throw under the bus, GO for CA!!!!!

This is so ridiculous that I can't even get my mind straight to type it. :banghead:

So is Richard Gabriel going to be with the DT during jury selection? If so, who is paying him as a consultant?


I could swear they said JB released a statement saying the DT doesn't believe GA had anything to do with Caylee's murder.
Seriously what have they got left to try? Everything they wanted in motions has been denied....:rocker:

All they got left is deny, deny and deny. Same thing they have been doing all along. But when they treat the listeners like they are stupid, they lose their audience.

"There is no DNA on the body, there is no evidence of a homicide!" That seems to be the defense. And that IMO wouldn't work, even if there wasn't a prosecution to point out that if their client had reported the baby missing, there would have been better chances to answer those charges. And that their client didn't behave in the manner of a mother with a missing child. And that their client was the last person seen with the child. And that their client had a habit of lying, stealing and acting in ways that put her credibility in question. And all those other things that will be pointed out in the trial.
This thread is moving fastttttt....

This is what I do not understand? This mock jury was given very limited evidence (meaning all the important evidence was excluded) and they decided to aquit Casey of First Degree Murder, but also thought that it was an accident?

According to Cindy, George, Lee and Casey... there was no accident! According to Cindy... Casey would have admitted to an accident!

No matter what LKB says... Casey has NEVER said there was no nanny. As a matter of fact... Casey still maintains that ZANNY exists... not only does she exist... but she was still the last person to be seen with an alive Caylee. Problem is... Casey says that she didn't report Caylee missing because she was and wasn't. It's the whole "backwards sort of way" thing they have had going on since 2008... probably longer!

We have heard NOTHING from Casey since the jail letters. Yes, the jury is going to know that Zanny never existed... but they will never hear Casey admitting to there being no ZFG from her own words! I don't even know if the defense can speak for her and tell a jury that Casey admits to there being no ZFG? Can they basically testify for her? That's a good question for our lawyers!

It does sound like the defense gave this mock jury evidence that would suggest an accident. The pool ladder... the flurry of phone calls... but what else??
Originally Posted by fluffy puppy
i still think the real story here is who got paid for this and what is happening with that money.

I hope the SA approaches Your Honour with this question. 48 hours had to pay someone - I think we all know that. I also wonder if Your Honour watched it as well.

Oh the nerve of JB to ask only yesterday that cameras be removed from the courtroom. That was priceless!


Ok … sooooo … lets see…JB didn’t want a gag order in the beginning, and he won the argument. He made this circus with the media apparently for his own financial benefit, and possibly so that he rub elbows sort to speak with the big kids that have already made to the big screen. He is very good at acting… His poker face is sort of believable when he says it was the garbage in the trunk that made it smell bad not a dead body (this amazes me each and every time I see him say this!) and now a few days before jury selection this is a 48 hours special, the day after JB is in court with a motion to ban media from the court room and complaining that his client would not be getting a fair trial… He is a snake!!! Evil to the core.

I soooo agree and he lets her sit there believing that everyone else is gonna believe what he is concocting. IF she ever had a chance to turn her lying problem around this 2.5 yrs has done nothing but promote her lying condition. I just think it is awful defense attorneys can go on this long.
If it was an accident that she covered up there is no way she should have gotten away with prolonging the truth for the sake of justice this long, no way........What a waste of money and worst yet not letting Caylee rest in peace this long. Not to mention the lives she has been allowed to turn upside down for her own selfish reason. It should not be this way.
If she is allowed out her family should be very afraid.
This thread is moving fastttttt....

This is what I do not understand? This mock jury was given very limited evidence (meaning all the important evidence was excluded) and they decided to aquit Casey of First Degree Murder, but also thought that it was an accident?

According to Cindy, George, Lee and Casey... there was no accident! According to Cindy... Casey would have admitted to an accident!

No matter what LKB says... Casey has NEVER said there was no nanny. As a matter of fact... Casey still maintains that ZANNY exists... not only does she exist... but she was still the last person to be seen with an alive Caylee. Problem is... Casey says that she didn't report Caylee missing because she was and wasn't. It's the whole "backwards sort of way" thing the Scamthony's have had going on since 2008... probably longer!

We have heard NOTHING from Casey since the jail letters. Yes, the jury is going to know that Zanny never existed... but they will never hear Casey admitting to there being no ZFG from her own words! I don't even know if the defense can speak for her and tell a jury that Casey admits to there being no ZFG? Can they basically testify for her? That's a good question for our lawyers!

It does sound like the defense gave this mock jury evidence that would suggest an accident. The pool ladder... the flurry of phone calls... but what else??


B/c she's an innocent young girl who wouldn't think to blow her nose without someone older and wiser reminding her.

If there is one thing juries have shown since the times of Lizzie Borden, they do seem to dislike convicting white chicks of evil intent (unless it involves seducing a man into doing something on their behalf).

Heaven bless the equal rights movement! I for one want to see ICA strike a blow for equality by earning a sturdy conviction worthy of any man.
Wow, LKB was asked if GA killed this baby and she said, well, I guess you will have to wait and see what the evidence says.

:eek: :eek:

the show is not on yet here....but...oh my......:thud:

B/c she's an innocent young girl who wouldn't think to blow her nose without someone older and wiser reminding her.

If there is one thing juries have shown since the times of Lizzie Borden, they do seem to dislike convicting white chicks of evil intent (unless it involves seducing a man into doing something on their behalf).

Heaven bless the equal rights movement! I for one want to see ICA strike a blow for equality by earning a sturdy conviction worthy of any man.

Amen to that!!!! :great:
That was really sooooo wrong. And I'm not a big fan of George...but that really was messed up.

I agree. I'm now pretty convinced that this theory is now #1 on the defense "go-to" list.

As disgusting as it is, I keep thinking about Roy Kronk, Jesse Grund, Amy Huzienga and all the other lives they ruined trying to make their SODDI theory fit. I guess what I am saying is if they still want to go the SODDI route, it might as well be one of their own they put under the bus. Sorry if that offends anyone, but I just feel they all inflicted enough pain on innocent bystanders trying to do the right thing, that well...it should be someone WILLING to do it.

George takes over the martyr role from Cindy for a while I guess.

Sorry to tell George, but it won't fly anyway. It is a lost cause.

eta: I guess that would make Casey a martyr too since she is willing to sit in jail for 3 years covering for dear old Dad.
Oh gag me. That part is completely unbelievable!
I soooo agree and he lets her sit there believing that everyone else is gonna believe what he is concocting. IF she ever had a chance to turn her lying problem around this 2.5 yrs has done nothing but promote her lying condition. I just think it is awful defense attorneys can go on this long.
If it was an accident that she covered up there is no way she should have gotten away with prolonging the truth for the sake of justice this long, no way........What a waste of money and worst yet not letting Caylee rest in peace this long. Not to mention the lives she has been allowed to turn upside down for her own selfish reason. It should not be this way.
If she is allowed out her family should be very afraid.

BUT - rest easy. She won't be. :blowkiss:
Cindy says that ICA told them that she was staying with some friends she hadn't seen in a while, so she didn't worry about it.

That's new. When did she tell Cindy this? I've only heard George state that Casey told him they would be spending the night with Zanny.

That information is very critical imo because Casey made plans with TL for that night and we know Caylee wasn't welcome there. What did she plan on doing with Caylee?
I just replayed some of the show and here's some things;

My bad, the statement about GA not being involved was released by GA.

Also, I never see anyone rising before the questions are finished to the mock jury. Also, the mock jury heard 4 and a half hours of testimony. That's not enough. JMO

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