2011.05.04 Verdict Watch

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I followed a case recently where the jury came back with a verdict after deliberating only 12 hours over 2 days. They said they took a straw vote and every person voted guilty the first time. I was really shocked at that one. I thought he was innocent and it seemed that the majority of the people posting about it (not at this website, another local to me website) thought the same. The jury could have come back sooner but went over some things to justify their vote. Some of the things they considered seriously left me scratching my head but the verdict was rendered just the same.
If there is a verdict today I think odds would lean more toward NG. The longer it goes, the longer it favors G.

It'll be nice when this is over. It certainly will be a long time before I follow a trial as closely as this one. This forum is very good for discussion and opinions, but I've seen some heated comments made throughout, some of which were probably uncalled for. I've seen people post with such emotion. I've seen posters take things so personal and literal that it has caused sniping barbs back and forth between people that don't even know the person posting. I've seen people getting judged because of deep rooted beliefs when they know nothing about the poster. I've seen name calling, stereotyping, etc. Finally because of all this a good number of people have gotten TO'd, some even banned.

So in the end I'll be glad when this is over. I'm sure there will be another trial that will stir up emotions and such, I just won't be a part of it. I think most people here want justice, regardless of what side your on. It's just everyone has a different definition of what justice is. At the end of the day someone's daughter and a mother is dead and there is nothing that is going to bring her back, whether BC is found guilty or not. That is the tragedy in all of this.

Great post. I have been lurking here since 7/08... never have posted till now... and at first believed BC was guilty. I am now convinced after following this trial that he is likely innocent and at minimum his guilt has not been proven. The posts have been increasingly testy and heated here, which is probably why I have been afraid to post before! I do want to thank the posters who have I think offered objective information on the legal and technology aspects of this case (which I know little about)... NCSU95, Gritguy, Ghostcrab come to mind... and also to Johnfear for his humor and always interesting thoughts. I pray for those little girls.
I followed a case recently where the jury came back with a verdict after deliberating only 12 hours over 2 days. They said they took a straw vote and every person voted guilty the first time. I was really shocked at that one. I thought he was innocent and it seemed that the majority of the people posting about it (not at this website, another local to me website) thought the same. The jury could have come back sooner but went over some things to justify their vote. Some of the things they considered seriously left me scratching my head but the verdict was rendered just the same.

Who knows what they are thinking. IMO if most of them look past the google search (for whatever reason) I think they may have a harder time getting 12 guilty votes. Not that it can't happen but it will be more difficult.
good morning sleuthers:seeya:

i am anxious to see a verdict today, and even though it was a lengthy trial, i do believe the jury is ready to put this to bed

thought alot last night about this case..........i still feel ng is the correct verdict, the state just didn't prove it to me, even though little naggers are in my mind.
the Judge denied their request. Is this normal?. I would think that the judge in the interest of justice would want to provide them with this stuff? Can anyone fill me in if this is standard procedure?
I am not sure what they asked for, but FWIW typically jurors are to depend on their own memories and notes they have taken.
the Judge denied their request. Is this normal?. I would think that the judge in the interest of justice would want to provide them with this stuff? Can anyone fill me in if this is standard procedure?

the judge said that not all witnesses were called and some of the evidence was only entered for appellate reasons..thats why he denied those requests he said to rely on notes
pros early today entering courtroom at 9:15 am

morning palomine!

where are you seeing this please? i don't see a live link.......maybe i'm lost....lol
This case reminds me in some ways of Scott Peterson trial. Seems like there were many that worried he was going to walk. In the end, they took some time to look over everything and found him guilty. Anyone remember how long the jury was out? I'm not sure how the fact that these jurors have expressed that they want their lives back will effect deliberations.
we're live! bringing out jury.......

will let them determine when and for how long lunch is........
judge telling jurors that they control lunch time, breaks, etc.

but it will still be 9:30 to 5!
Hopefully there will be a verdict before lunch, jurors now going back into the jury room
okay, sending them back...............

and we wait:crazy:
Help please.

From the link above, it says:
"ask the judge for a detailed list of all the witnesses and articles introduced during the trial."

What does all articles mean? Everything that came in to evidence? Or just portions and if so what?

I think they were just asking for a list of the witnesses and a list of the pieces of evidence. If I was on a jury, I would find that handy to help organize the discussion to ensure that everything is discussed.

Judge mentioned one issue with this. It would be something new for him to create, but evidence has been closed in the case.
The judge had the jury informed that they could use their own notes to list the witnesses and the evidence. The court provided an easel pad to use for their lists.

Gessner also said that the jury did not want the use of a laptop.

The foreman is a male, one of two. 10 women and two men. The juror with a conflict was replaced by one of the alternates.
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