2011.05.12 Jury Selection Day FOUR (Afternoon Session)

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I think she'll glom right on to any abuse ICA claims and she'll probably agree with whatever brain problem DT comes up with.

I vote her off the island....

I think Casey has brain damage...I'm not a doctor and I'm certainly not a neurologist. But isn't it obvious?
Will someone please text Linda and Jeff? We vote NO.Send her on her way : )
Finnell doesn't know the meaning of "short" - let me help out here. Oxford Dictionary - "of small length in space or time", "small drink of spirits" (my choice at the moment) or a quicker route or method......ai-yi-yi Ms Finnell...
Exactly. She would sympathize with Casey's "sexual abuse" lies way too much.

Casey would love her... just the type of juror who would be able to absorb her lies easier because she has a sympathetic heart.

My opinion, of course. She seems like a wonderful lady. But she would be the type to stick on a not-guilty verdict, IMO.

I don't know about that. I think she would have to see the facts and there will not be any facts to prove abuse. Casey will not testify and if she does she will really see through her.
This is a record for ICA to remain sitting still, no chatting, fixing hair, pulling on sleeves, coloring...and she hasn't gone to sleep...
I "value" life...who doesn't? (although some clearly more than others or we wouldn't be here in this thread) Says to me I will fight against the DP with my last breath, and if I even feel the jury is going there I'll vote not guilty.

Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 363 (217 members and 146 guests) Woweee! No wonder WS is having issues today, it's all KC's fault. JMO
Quick question...there are only 37 pjs left??? They need at least two more to mathmatically have 12 + 7 alternates by Monday.
Finnell doesn't know the meaning of "short" - let me help out here. Oxford Dictionary - "of small length in space or time", "small drink of spirits" (my choice at the moment) or a quicker route or method......ai-yi-yi Ms Finnell...

LOL, none of the defense team does!!
Oh! I just noticed! ICA has a pen, today. Was her meltdown yesterday because she had no pen??
Exactly. She would sympathize with Casey's "sexual abuse" lies way too much.

Casey would love her... just the type of juror who would be able to absorb her lies easier because she has a sympathetic heart.

My opinion, of course. She seems like a wonderful lady. But she would be the type to stick on a not-guilty verdict, IMO.

Respectfully disagree.....one gets pretty calloused to the "excuses" when you see enough of the trauma neglectful/abusive parents cause...MHOO
Geez, if this questioning is "short", we're going to be in real trouble during the trial!
I think she will be too biased towards the defense. She is a family crisis counselor. She will buy the PTSD bull, imo.

I am one too . . . PTSD is truly a significant mental health issue (I challenge you to ask anyone of our returned Veteran's), however . . . KC appeared to be able to function and plan her life (see all mass texts inviting everyone out to Fusion Ultra Lounge). PTSD does not necessarily mean a psychotic fuege, a schizophrenic break with reality, or an excuse for killing another human being.

Have you ever been in a car accident and then felt scared/worrried/re-enact it in your mind as you begin to drive again? We all have some episodes of Post Traumatic Stress in our lives but when it becomes a disorder when it effects our ability to function in life. There are a significant amount of diagnostic criteria that needs to be present in order to receiving this diagnosis.
Ok, Im off the fence. She's a nice lady, but I'm a little worried about her :/
age? sexual and emotional abuse? person's behavior at school or as employee? family - dysfunctional? lack of maturity? brain developmental problems?

Could u consider t above as mitigation?

Yes. Yes...
I think she'll glom right on to any abuse ICA claims and she'll probably agree with whatever brain problem DT comes up with.

I vote her off the island....

I agree. But otoh, I don't want all one sided jurors KWIM? I think as a counselor she's not a doob and would be fair and impartial. I would hope so.

She would have to weight the crime vs. any abuse claims and weigh if the abuse fits the crime of murder.

So while I think she will glom on to any abuse claims, she'll also take into consideration what happened to Caylee Marie Anthony.

I hope.


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