HHJP: I am not going to say "the judge knows best", but I will. :blowkiss: Next week we are going on the "Perry plan" which is a little different. But by the same token you have done pretty good. It will not be as draconian as you might think. you are free until 12:30 but we will start preciecly at 12:30, so synronize your watches to that clock up there. my magic number so you will not be surprised and I am giving you fair warning. We we get to a magic number of 15, then as I warned you yesterday in the back, I will announce at that time my intention to swear them in. the law says you can back strike until they are sworn. it will be a race between you and me swearing them in. you have a right to do this. we will do it peacemeal. I may bring in another alternate. I don't know. And we will slide the person in the 13 seat into the 14 seat. Hopefully you will exercise them before I rule. utilize your pre ? challenge. you can do it up until the time they are sworn. you can do it peacemeal which will make jurors march back and forth but that choice is left up to you and I cannot force you to exercise all the pre(emphory?) until the time they are sworn. I wanted to give you full warning, I might increase that number up to 18, but for my satisfaction 15 is the number. The magic number when I swear in. The deputies will be willing to bring them in and I will seat them. the question is where I will seat them, clear the rows and let them sit down. Lets go to lunch but I didn't want you to be surprised.
Let's go to lunch.
Last one excused for cause.
Someone asked to approach the bench.
HHJP: yes ma'am.