2011.05.14 - Sidebar Thread (Juror Selection Day Six)

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Yesterday there were questions about why HHJP appeared to be harder on JA than on JB or CM.
HHJP was a prosecutor ,himself. He prosecuted DP cases. Due to his experience,maybe he has a higher standard for the SA's . He really ,really wants to avoid appeals that could possibly overturn a conviction.
HHJP knows this case inside and out.He knows the evidence and from his experience,knows a guilty verdict is the most likely outcome.Even CM acknowledged that.
Everything he does is based on his prior experience and I'm trusting him to do it right. That doesn't mean he won't make mistakes or be challenged,but I do think he will do a great job and there will be Justice for Caylee Marie. jmo

I think it's personal. When everyone was asking about the change of venue, wondering when they'd know, how they would be told etc, JA asked a question so he could make some family arrangements ?I dunno what? and HHJP came down on him like a ton of bricks- told him he had no jurisdiction over his family and he should just call Lamar Lawson and have him find a replacement for him.
JA looked shocked at that response. I was too, since his responses to JB and especially to his old buddy CM were way more helpful and informational, and with JA sitting there stunned HHJP goes on to mollycoddle JB.
This is becoming a pattern.
I think it's personal. When everyone was asking about the change of venue, wondering when they'd know, how they would be told etc, JA asked a question so he could make some family arrangements ?I dunno what? and HHJP came down on him like a ton of bricks- told him he had no jurisdiction over his family and he should just call Lamar Lawson and have him find a replacement for him.
JA looked shocked at that response. I was too, since his responses to JB and especially to his old buddy CM were way more helpful and informational, and with JA sitting there stunned HHJP goes on to mollycoddle JB.
This is becoming a pattern.

I think what JP was doing was letting JA know that what he was bringing up in court was inappropriate for the SA side. He should have worked that out with LDB in private. OR, JP's wife said, "What do you mean you can't tell me where you're going?" It hit a nerve. lol jmo
Yesterday there were questions about why HHJP appeared to be harder on JA than on JB or CM.
HHJP was a prosecutor ,himself. He prosecuted DP cases. Due to his experience,maybe he has a higher standard for the SA's . He really ,really wants to avoid appeals that could possibly overturn a conviction.
HHJP knows this case inside and out.He knows the evidence and from his experience,knows a guilty verdict is the most likely outcome.Even CM acknowledged that.
Everything he does is based on his prior experience and I'm trusting him to do it right. That doesn't mean he won't make mistakes or be challenged,but I do think he will do a great job and there will be Justice for Caylee Marie. jmo

Yes, I agree with what Miss James said and let's also remember, the media and the DT has made this case out to be the trial of a century. To HHJP, who has been both a prosecutor and a Judge for many many years, this is a simple case of a mother who murdered her child.

He has an amazing ability to cut through this web of deceit and get to the basic facts of the case. As we have said over and over, this ain't his first rodeo.
I think it's personal. When everyone was asking about the change of venue, wondering when they'd know, how they would be told etc, JA asked a question so he could make some family arrangements ?I dunno what? and HHJP came down on him like a ton of bricks- told him he had no jurisdiction over his family and he should just call Lamar Lawson and have him find a replacement for him.
JA looked shocked at that response. I was too, since his responses to JB and especially to his old buddy CM were way more helpful and informational, and with JA sitting there stunned HHJP goes on to mollycoddle JB.
This is becoming a pattern.

I think HHJP knows he has to deal with a lot of infantile behavior coming from Baez and the DT if he is going to avoid appellate issues, but he holds the SA to a higher standard - a much higher standard.

He knows JA "knows the drill" and was annoyed to have JA "whining" in court in the middle of such a tense time in the proceedings. I also think he was saying to JA - "Hey, I know you are a passionate guy who runs on your emotional energy to get you through a case. And you are letting your emotions get out of control - save it for later". Just sit down and cool your jets - you know better than this". The proverbial "bucket of cold water".

And I think this is something JA will battle during the trial. He needs to keep his emotions in check and keep them to use during the important parts of the trial, when he will be so powerful.
Yes, I agree with what Miss James said and let's also remember, the media and the DT has made this case out to be the trial of a century. To HHJP, who has been both a prosecutor and a Judge for many many years, this is a simple case of a mother who murdered her child.

He has an amazing ability to cut through this web of deceit and get to the basic facts of the case. As we have said over and over, this ain't his first rodeo.
ITA!! ((with all of what you said but esp. the bbm))
Has everyone seen the pictures of JA sitting behind JB while JB is up at the podium? The judge can see this and from some of the smiles on the judges face I think all JP does sometimes is "reel" JA in. But JP lets JA get away with the jesters, grimmaces, etc. right in full view of the potential jury. The judge could stop it. He has not. jmo
So, here we are at Sunday - our day of rest and reflection. The day before the week we've been waiting for - for three years.

And last week I got up at either 5 or 5:30 my time each of the six days to catch the proceedings on live feed, and honestly I was exhausted by last night.

Soooo - guess what time I woke up this morning?:doh: Yup, if you guessed 5:30 sharp, you guessed right. :great::great: Guess I'm ready for eight weeks of trial....:innocent:
:floorlaugh: I can't even read a soup can without my finger twitching to press thanks. Rest up, my friend.

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: OMG this kills me - how true is that? I was listening to Mr Schaeffer's recent video's last night and automatically clicking thanks at some of the things he said.
So, here we are at Sunday - our day of rest and reflection. The day before the week we've been waiting for - for three years.

And last week I got up at either 5 or 5:30 my time each of the six days to catch the proceedings on live feed, and honestly I was exhausted by last night.

Soooo - guess what time I woke up this morning?:doh: Yup, if you guessed 5:30 sharp, you guessed right. :great::great: Guess I'm ready for eight weeks of trial....:innocent:

LOL. I was up at 6:00 this morning and I'm on the East Coast.
I know this won't happen but it sure would be nice to get a "program" or a "playbill" as to what is going to happen each day. I CANNOT sit and watch this every day, all day for 8 weeks - there is no way. It would be nice to know what days CA and GA are going to take the stand, or what day Dr. G is going to testify so we could plan our schedules accordingly.

Thank God we have Websleuths - so if any of us do miss a day here or there we have a place to come to get all the details. Of course we should all have the videos to re-watch - but it ain't the same as seeing it unfold live.
LOL. I was up at 6:00 this morning and I'm on the East Coast.

LOL - I have a vision of all across North America, Hundreds of WS'ers are waking up with a start at "trial start time" on their brains....for weeks to come!
after court was in recess yesterday I drug my aching back outside to cut our acre of land with the push mower... I thought about this case the whole time...

went to bed.... kept thinking about it... woke up and here I am thinking about it again...

I wonder how this next phase will go with the backstrikes... it is driving me nuts... what if they are all struck but a few??? how long will this take....? This seating of the jury is really interesting but so scary at the same time.

Today I am going to clean my entire house so I am ready to watch the rest of this unfold. I pray there are no bumps in the rest of the jury selection road...

Justice for Caylee!
after court was in recess yesterday I drug my aching back outside to cut our acre of land with the push mower... I thought about this case the whole time...

went to bed.... kept thinking about it... woke up and here I am thinking about it again...

I wonder how this next phase will go with the backstrikes... it is driving me nuts... what if they are all struck but a few??? how long will this take....? This seating of the jury is really interesting but so scary at the same time.

Today I am going to clean my entire house so I am ready to watch the rest of this unfold. I pray there are no bumps in the rest of the jury selection road...

Justice for Caylee!

OT: What brand of push mower do you have? I've been looking.

Back on topic:
I keep waiting for the other shoe to fall. What new nonsensical motion will the DT think up to put the brakes on this trial?
What is the purpose of their attempts to delay the start? Opportunity to taint the jury?
I hope Shirley P is one of the first witnesses,because I worry about her the most.
I was unable to watch/listen at all yesterday, so spent late last evening and this morning reading the threads for morning and afternoon from yesterday.

First, I want to sincerely thank everyone who posted about the jury selection.

Second, I do want to state that the number of extraneous posts is absolutely maddening when you go back in trying to pick up a missed day! Not trying to be rude here AT ALL, but the continuous posts about "there's a big storm at my house now" "it is raining hard at my house now" "I heard we are going to get a big storm here later today" are taking up a whole lot of time and space.

And yes, they can and are being scrolled through.

Was there not an instruction/agreement that the "Trial Thred" would be for trial related info only and the "Side Bar Thread" would be more for the extraneous comments?

I am not referring to "witty comments" . I am referring to "I just got back from T-ball, what's happening?" "I have to go out to the store now - hope I don't miss too much" and "Just took a long nap, what did I miss?" type of things.

Or, during the testimony will mods be doing a "Clean Up" thread? (And I know that has to take FOREVER to go back in and delete all the extraneous stuff.)

Is there any proposed solution for this?
O/T we have a boulan push mower (it sucks and I hate it LOL but hubby won't get me a new one and he is going to be gone with the army all summer! )

On topic:

I was just up on the stickie looking at our "12" because I am so concerned they are going to strike the whole lot and start all over again.... LOL... but I actually feel better now that I wrote them all down and looked it over... there are only 3 that were objected to... so this makes me feel much better!!!

1129: single guy had two objections from both sides
1319: was the older AA lady that wasn't even questioned (state challenged)
1407: 22 y/o mechanic (the guy who said he was aethiest) defense objected

the rest had no challenges...

Okay... now I feel a bit better and can go clean my house LOL
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