2011.05.18 Sidebar Thread (Jury Selection DAY NINE)

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The attorneys for both sides most likely met in chambers with The Honorable Judge Perry. They knew exactly what "the matter" was and what they were going to do. There are probably some details to work out this afternoon and overnight.

Did I understand correctly that the courtroom was not generally going to be available in Pinellas County on Thursday but the Presiding Judge in Pinellas County was being supportive and cooperative? Then, a trial scheduled for that courtroom might have been delayed slightly for some short period of time starting at 8:30 a.m. that the Anthony case might have to do that needed to be done in the courtroom -- like enter a plea deal.

This is the huge budget crunch time for local governments. The new budget year starts July 1st. This would be the moment that the States' Attorney himself is looking at whether something less than a full trial on the charges would result in a sentence that would be within a reasonable range of justice for the People in this matter and on the other hand not having to lay off a few of his Assistant State's Attorneys or support staff. He can't have it both ways.

ICA also can't have it both ways. Remember when she took her deception about working at Universal all the way to their office building and walked down the hall with Law Enforcement in tow before they finally pulled her into an empty room and she admitted it wasn't the truth. Well, ICA has also arrived at the end of another hallway -- this afternoon's session was likely to result in the seating of the 12th juror and swearing in the jury panel; in other words, trial would have officially begun and the plea deal offers would be off the table.

ICA's attorneys other than JB could see with certainty where this case was in all probability headed if it went to full trial. No doubt, JB had promised ICA a fair trial. JB would have gone the distance based on that alone. The other members of the DT though, were just as committed to saving her life; which they probably felt it was a very high risk they could not if they went to a full trial.

I would guess a couple of things happened. The DT put it to ICA that JB and the other DT members had an impasse in their opions. ICA had to choose. If she chose to remain loyal to JB, she might be doing so with her life. Maybe that pressure had gone on for a week. Then it all came down to D-Day here this afternoon and ICA had to make the decision one way or another over the lunch break. Maybe she chose herself and JB gave his farewell speech just before the lunch recess. During lunch, there was a communication with SA and an indication of being willing to work out some fine details with respect to a plea. HHJP had to arrange to use the courtroom for about an hour tomorrow morning. Mr. Cheney Mason left but was totally mum to the press.

I don't have any idea if this is all true or even any part of it. It is just a working hypothesis.

That's just my opinion. I have no inside information.

Although it is unlikely it seems much more likely then most of the theories going around atm (if that makes sense :D).

The only four things that spring to mind: Plea deals are never off the table so to speak, so although the SA can remove an offer at the start of the trial there is always a possibility of re-instating it if the defense asks. Indeed, it is possible to make a agreement/"plea deal" after conviction in many US jurisdictions (if not all).

Secondly, it would be interesting if ICA was wanting to plead out since it is quite inconsistent with the sociopathy that people have suggested previously. Although, saying that, I suppose there was always a possibility for her to face reality and save herself.

Thirdly, there is no reason for JB to come off the case just because she is pleading guilty. Indeed, I view it as poor practice and unethical so to do. If the Client has admitted guilt and wants to plead guilty then she is quite entitled to do so.

Fourthly, I am unsure if there was anything to indicate that DP was likely. Although, perhaps the DT thought that it was a toss up between LWOP and DP and nothing else was going to happen.

But all in all a realistic possibility.

Maybe JB got ketchup on his pocket square at lunch, and it made him physically ill. :waitasec:
They better not be trying to recuse HHBP, I'll be so thoroughly disgusted!
If JB was/is sick - this isn't the same JB who said an hour earlier "well, we better get down to work then". He said this to the judge at the podium! Then he leaves the courtroom and doesn't come back?

Nope - not buying it.


Holy carpe diem! The only two days off/with my work schedule...and the first day HHJP dismissed a whole group of 50 because of tampering. And today...and well...now yikes. I am jinxing this case.

Dang it LittleBitty, go back to work!!!! :floorlaugh:

I just finished school last week, and today is the first real day I've actually been able to follow the jury selection. Maybe I'm jinxing it too!
Okay kicked off again and forced to hang around reading the NY times and Lovechild news in California - sigh...
WFTV has the video up now (Pt 6) and I've watched it several time. I just don't see any distress on ICA's face as one might expect if she was planning to plea out. Also AF was chatting it up and smiling with the two unknown women just before JP took the bench. I'm just not feeling a plea coming. Not to mention I don't believe ICA will plea out EVER.

CM missing this morning. Baez missing after lunch. I think Ms. Fryer was also missing after lunch, although I just may not have seen her?

I dunno... All I do know is that my stomach is in knots and it's just jury selection. I don't know how I'm going to get through the trial. You all better be prepared to hold my virtual hand through it.

Did you notice in that clip as ICA was walking away from the DT table and was passing the SA table..LDB was looking at her..I don't think I have noticed LDB ever looking at ICA as she left.
I know that men are generally wimps when it comes to getting sick but PUH-LEEEEEZE. If Ann can warrior thru the process, surely JB could.

Hinky stinky stank.
I agree that there is more to this than just JB being sick. What sticks out in my mind is his insistence on the extra 15 minutes prior to breaking for lunch. He had something he had to do, or some reason to not be present when something went down.
Casey will go all the way down the hall, we know that. I just don't think she really wants to know what's behind the door at the end of the hall. At Universal, she did admit that she didn't work there after they got there and of course, she had no office.

I wonder if Casey is all the way down the hall, at the door, and doesn't want it opened. Maybe it's finally hit her that she is going down, possibly to her death. I know, I'm probably dreaming here, but it would be just like her to wait until 12 jurors might actually be sworn in to take a plea deal. I can see her taking the coward's way out and doing that.
I really don't think there's any way it's a plea deal:

A) To me, JP saying, "Did you have a chance to explain the matter to ICA" rules that out. This tells me that something happened that Mason had to explain to ICA.

I think it's some personal business of JB's, maybe even a family emergency, and since he's lead council, they are going to hold up for him.

B) I cannot believe that she would EVER in a million years agree to a plea deal because that would mean confessing. She will NEVER do that. EVER. Heaven forfend she'll lose the chance to ruin what's left of her parents' and brother's lives.

I really think JB needed to be out for personal reasons.

They will resume tomorrow and have Thursday, Friday, and Saturday to get the Jury and alternates.

The trial will start Monday, just as JP said.
Defense counsel Lisabeth Fryer files a motion to contest the method of jury selection Wednesday.
on the replay watch the Judges eyes very closely right after he stated the court will be in recess until tomorrow moring.
It looks like JP is shooting out daggers. The once that go straight through the heart.
Maybe the defense team learned that one of their witnesses would be changing testimony for fear of a perjury indictment. Did Cindy decide that Lee and George didn't have to say they molested ICA in order to save her?
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