2011.05.20 Jury Selection DAY ELEVEN (Morning Session)

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I think the other jurors could talk this one into changing her mind back and forth and back and forth.
My goodness. I'm finding some of the criticism of the potential jurors to be a little over the top today. I think any citizen who has been summoned to court should be treated with respect and not be accused of being ignorant, uncaring or less than truthful.
I think this lady is just *really* nervous. She just climbed up on the stand and people are questioning her. Everytime she answers a roomful of strangers look at her and write down what she says and make notes. She's trying to answer things completely, I think, and maybe the answers aren't coming as quickly as she might like.

I'm gonna give her a break until she gives me a reason not to. MOO.

Plus you have a potential child killer giving you death stares. I would be scared too! moo
HHJP: I have to check, the next juror 4095 working from well...4046 should be the next juror 4046 is back there?

yes judge

HHJP: Okay. 4046?

Yes sir

HHJP: Okay. How are you?

I am fine thank you.

HHJP: first did you heed not to watch news?

yes sir

HHJP: did you heed not to discuss?

yes sir

HHJP: did you heed not to do any internet or social media? Twitter or facebook?

yes sir

HHJP: you have had an opportunity to go home, has anything changed?

the situation has not changed.

HHJP: prior to your coming to court yesterday, going back to June 2008, hear about case in the news?

yes sir

HHJP: what you know and source?

the first I heard was the little girl had gone missing and uhm, there was a baby sitter involved and that was about it. During that time I had moved to SC and I remember they had found the child I don't know if it was before I left or on the news in SC. I heard on world news, at sometime that they mentioned that the mother had been arrested. I didn't hear anything after that until last week that I heard there was a prob with the jury.

HHJP: what prob?

my husband told me that he heard one of the jury members was also a witness. that was it.

HHJP: okay. anything else from media?

all I remember about it is, the girl was missing and just vague recollection. I did not intensely watch anything in the media. The child was missing and the mother claimed she had a baby sitter watching the child. Oh, the only other thing I remember was that the Mother of the child had gone out at night dancing. And, that's it.

HHJP: in any of the media accounts did you see photos?

no, oh the only one that I seen is the picture of her, the mother at a night club or something in that area I am not even sure.

HHJP: were you ever around anyone who discussed this case?


HHJP: have you casually watching the news casts, have you discussed with anyone?

no, the only one I remember saying anything is my husband and it was when the child went missing I expressed I hope they find her.

HHJP: you mean the child?


HHJP: have you formed any opinion or impression re: ICA guilt or innocence?


HHJP: If you were to be chosen you would be asked to lay aside things that may pop up in you memory, what you have seen in the media, we have to lay it aside and follow the law. Any problem?

I honestly, no I'm not really one that really, how do I say this. Okay, (laughs) you know the kind that happened with this child. I don't find it entertaining, to even talk about. You ask about the news, I don't get into it. I just hope that the child be found alive. After that I heard that they had found her. I makes me sad and not something I like to talk about. Hearing about it on the news, should not be a form of entertainment.

HHJP: my question to you is if you were selected, some people can do this and some can not, lay aside what you have heard and render a verdict utilizing only evidence and law?

I can do that

HHJP: hesitation or reservation?


HHJP: you said you hoped the child could be found alive, then you learned the child was not found alive. Is there anything about the nature of those facts that would cause you not to be able to fairly and impartically judge this case on the facts and evidence?

Well, I can judge on just the facts and evidence.

HHJP: any problem doing that?

no I believe that I haven't heard the mothers side of the story can't judge what I know nothing about.

HHJP: you must presume or believe she is innocent. Any problems with that?

I have no problem with that possibility.

HHJP: that presumption stays with her through out the preeding until the state proves their case beyond a reasonable doubt.

I don't know the mother, her circumstances. I have no judgement whatsoever about her.

HHJP: ICA is not required to present any evidence or prove anything. any prob?

I don't understand.

HHJP: she does not have to prove she is innocent.

I understand that.

HHJP: each and every defendant has a absolute right to remain silent. they don't have to testify. we don't know if she will or won't but if she did not any prob not holding it against her?

I don't have a problem with that.

HHJP: this is a universal principal since this nation was founded. if she did not testify you would not hold it against her?

no, I would not.

MG: you moved to SC

I did

MG: when?

Feb of ...I would have to look at a calandar. We moved to SC and we moved back and then back in FL since july of last year.

JA: in july 2008 was the most intense coverage, trying to gage what point you were in FL?

Let me think. (looooooooooooooooooooooooooog pause) I would say it was prob, I can't remember,...end of 2008. when the child went missing I was here in FL.

JA: where would you have gotten your news?


JA: did you go from penallas?

always penallas

JA: what network?

I don't really watch, I am not a big fan of area news, it would be random one of the major networks.

JA: NG? Infotainment?


JA: 48 hours

I do on occasion. if it is on and it sparks my interest.

JA: did you watch 48 hours re: this case?


JA: convo only with husband?


JA: internet research? opinions on blogs?

no, I don't do that, I don't twitter. I am not in the internet social network. I am more of a vocal person yes.

You really should be a court reporter! :great: Thank-you for the great updates!!
I think the other jurors could talk this one into changing her mind back and forth and back and forth.

Exactly why you don't want this woman, or any of the other wishy-washy ones on this jury. We already know that we have a wild-card juror that cannot be stricken from the panel. It's very easy for her to plant her seeds into these fence sitters and that's how you end up with a hung jury, with no hope of getting out of it.
My goodness. I'm finding some of the criticism of the potential jurors to be a little over the top today. I think any citizen who has been summoned to court should be treated with respect and not be accused of being ignorant, uncaring or less than truthful.

ITA pls let's try to be nice.
something happening in the Court room..

woman taken out by Security

SOT did you get a pic?
Real smart lady. I hope you brought $450. or cleared your schedule because you are probably going to be found in contempt.

Lady seated the court gallery observing had an outburst when PJ said she had no opinion of the death penalty the woman in the gallery yelled: "She killed somebody!!!!" and she was immediately escorted out while apologizing saying: "I'm sorry." to the court deputy.
Sheesh, was this lady talking to the last one? :waitasec: They don't know her, or have not heard "her side of the story". :rolleyes:

I would like to hear KC tell her side of the story! I would love then to see the Prosecuting Attorney tear her up, I believe they would destroy KC!!!!
I'll give Jeff Ashton to you completely, if I can have Yuri Melich completely? Deal?

Whoa whoa whoa...if you wanna keep that hand, keep it off MY man...Yuri...:crazy:

Carry on!

I will arm wrestle you for him tho...
PJ thinking very long before answering - no opinion on the DP. A heavy set blonde woman in a flowered dress who was in the gallery hollered something and was escorted out. WTH?!?!?
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