2011.05.25 TRIAL Day Two- (Morning Session)

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DNA Solves
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The only words I have right now is that JB is a VERY "UNUSUAL PERSON". UGHHHHHH!!!!! I can't believe he just asked if Cameron was at the Anthony home when Caylee 'drowned'. I'm shocked. And I swear if JB asks this witness Nathan the same thing....

Everything JB stands for is a disgrace to Caylee Marie. That goes for ICA too.

At the same time, I'm relieved because I feel like the jury just saw how arrogant and "UNUSUAL" JB is. They will see right through this bs.

Here's to hoping JB's little loophole dreams will be answered by the DP.

MOO, IMO and all that jazz
If the state's whole strategy is to show all of KC's lies, might as well add the question "Did KC ever tell you Caylee was dead?" They are already asking if she ever told them she was missing, why not go one question further? It does not really give into the defenses drown in the pool story...it goes to support the state's story as well since we all know no matter what the cause Caylee was dead on June 16th.
Does it hurt the SA's case any that none of these witnesses say that Caylee ever seemed hurt, or endangered? Or that they don't say ICA said anything mean or derogatory about her? Most in the dispositions talked about how bright she was, so I'm trying to figure out, beyond setting a timeline, if the SA has any other reasons for these witnesses?
The poor guy looks so uncomfortable.
Pic of Nathan and KC at Fusion (per Nathan).

JB is objecting to a picture of Casey with Nate. Judge Perry is telling him he hasn't seen it yet, and neither has the jury - Holds off on a ruling.

Allows FG to continue.

Asking if he recognizes the picture - he says yes.

Casey was going to get them all Batman tickets from her "job" at Universal!

:floorlaugh: What job??? and she is cooking and doing laundry. She mustve been so happy surrounded by all these guys.
I'm sorry, I'm so pizzed right now.

HHJP said to the jury: opening statements are not evidence.

Baez asked Cameron if he was at the Anthony home when Caylee drowned.

State objects because there's no evidence Caylee drowned.

HHJP: over ruled.

What the heck??
Showing photo of ICA and witness at Fusion
Was there when ICA participated in hot body contest
Showing a picture of Nathan and Casey. Said Casey was in a Hot Body contest.
Why does Jose need to object? He is trying to claim that her actions and lies was because that was the way she was raised so this just goes to show he may be right...kwim?
I have to say, so far, I'm not as impressed with Frank George as I am with Linda Drane-Burdick and Jeff Ashton.
SA showing a picture of witness and ICA in the blue dress at Fusion - JB objected, overruled and also objected over the date question, Mr. George now driving home the dress so that the witness can have a better idea of the date.
They are slowly building the case that caylees death was not a accident. She acted normal and happy. partying up a storm and living with a bunch of guys that all thought she worked as a event planner at universal. moo
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