2011.05.26 TRIAL Day Three (Afternoon Session)

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JB is not making errors - he's doing this on purpose. He gets his words out, the jury hears. Even if told to disregard, they still heard. It's hard to UN-hear something.

He disregards rules and laws.

You know, I'm really starting to wonder this. He may not be as dumb as we think :/
I've been following this case here from the beginning. I have to admit I became somewhat obsessed with it and have read all of the documents that have been released, listed to all the police interviews/fbi interviews/depositions etc. Still I came into this with an open mind, truly hoping beyond hope that somehow this trial would show that Caylee's death WAS a tragic accident, and that somehow someway there would be some sort of explanation or reason for Casey's horrible behavior before and after but... every witness that testifies convinces me more and more that Casey is guilty of Murder 1. Just some incredible testimony so far today!

So glad you are here with us KelliH! Welcome and good to hear your voice. Keep it up! A big hello to all of you lurkers . . come on in the water is fine and as long as you are nice the mods are kind.
Witness excused, JB didn't get to bring that in. YEAH!

Special recess till 3:10

If it was told to her , It should have been bought in the state should not be able to supress what was said to her in some reguards and use what was said in other.

The defence has just as much rights to her statements as the SA.
They just showed Ashton and Linda talking and smiling while talking to Baez. It looks like they are not that worried about how things are going so far.
Waste, huge waste.

I thought it was good
ICA told the 911 dispatcher and LE that she was conducting her own investigation into finding Caylee during those 31 days....
It seems ICA's investigation was taking her shopping and to night clubs.

Recess...time to talk a Walk....
Innuendo; tainting the Jury; getting in his remarks on the sly (even if called down by the Judge, the Jury still hears it); planting thoughts, even if not allowed; snide, sleezy, slippery.

I wish he could be fined.
The only encouraging thing for me is - we are still on the small stuff - the jury is going to go into deliberations thinking.....WTH??? Where's the big reveal with the sex abuse stuff..., especially if we don't see ICA up there on the stand.
JB is not making errors - he's doing this on purpose. He gets his words out, the jury hears. Even if told to disregard, they still heard. It's hard to UN-hear something.

He disregards rules and laws.

It could backfire on him though. If I were on that jury, and saw how he ignored the judge's orders, and how he kept screwing up HIS OWN stories, I'd have decided he was a jerk by now.
He asked about something she was told about when Casey was 10. It started at 8 (in his story)

The jury is going to get mad they cant hear stuff.

Either way he was asking about a conversation they had if it is in the record and the state asked about what Casey told hm he should be allowed to ask about what is on the record .

My law clerk told me that in law school, the tell you to try and keep side bars to a minimum, because juries really hate them. They get mad because they can't hear and they think you are telling secrets.
This is BEYOND insane. They need to stop and THEY need to follow the rules of evidence. If they want to enter these allegations into evidence they need to have their client testify to it AND BE CROSS EXAMINED ON IT!

I think that HHJP needs to take JB to a room by himself and privately read him the riot act...give him a printed sheet with basic Law 101 rules...something! This guy knows less about the law than the janitor at the courthouse.
And what was that snide remark about the state having paid for this witnesses flight and hotel room? THAT'S NORMAL!!!!!

Chit, the state is paying for everything for his OWN DAMN CLIENT!:banghead::maddening::banghead::maddening::banghead:

And pretels in the breakroom for the jury. lol
I wonder if they will put the real Zenaida on the stand?
This admission of being a good liar changes the whole dynamic of what the DT was trying to prove. She doesn't lie to survive or out of a psychological mechanism related to trauma, she does it because she enjoys it, it's a game. She's sociopathic. She lied to JB about the sexual abuse. It should be fairly easy for the jury to connect the dots.

The folks over at IS are finally getting it! They are saying if they were on the jury, they would now have to wonder where JB got this sex abuse theory? :waitasec: From someone who brags about what a good liar they are! :great: :great:
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