2011.05.28 - KC upset during break when CA testifies

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I have to wonder if ICA has seen them.
I was just thinking that JBs defense of KC saying that she learned to push aside her feelings and act normal and happy to survive might come back to haunt him. If she was capable of acting happy after her child died maybe she was capable of acting like the good mother everyone thought she was while in reality she resented Caylee.
I never knew the details of this case like most of you and was in shock listening to Cindy today, the magnitude and details of the lies from June 16 on...and could not understand how Cindy let it all go on so long without demanding Caylee be produced or calling the police. It was clear by the 24th that the stories were getting more convoluted and that Cindy was breaking down; how did she hold off three more weeks? I can't even imagine. Did she know, on some level, that Caylee was dead, or did it never even occur to her? That is what I can't figure out. She knew her daughter...I don't believe that she would have found it absolutely impossible that Casey would hurt Caylee, even if her brain did not want to accept it. She must have felt the jealousy from Casey about her own relationship with Caylee and perhaps Casey became even more agitated after watching the videos from Father's Day with her mother that night.

I do think Cindy totally knows Casey killed Caylee now, but really don't understand, even if she did not think Caylee was dead anytime between June 16-July 15th, why she did not report her missing just to force Casey to produce her. How on earth did she manage to get through those 4+ weeks?

I think she thought Casey was purposely withholding Caylee from her for spite. I don't see how it would ever occur to her that Casey would have murdered Caylee. Casey was Caylee's legal guardian, and so if Caylee was with her, she would not be missing.

If it didn't work out for me to see my grandkids for a month, it would certainly not occur to me that my daughter murdered them.
WOW.....I was bored and watched American Psycho 2 (never saw the first or knew the true premise of the movie).....WOW about a sociopath.....MANY MANY parallels to ica! Even at the end.....she was putting 2 red gasoline cans in her trunk! I just googled sociopath on the internet and seriously.....ica has EVERY SINGLE characteristic....unreal....wonder if Webster will put ica's pic next to sociopath in the dictionary???

Speaking of Sociopathic behavior:

omg! When you mentioned the movie you watched, I just thought about something I posted in the early part of the investigation. It concerns one of my favorite movies of all time primarily because of Kathleen Turner's outstanding performance as a sociopath. I said that perhaps KC thinks she will get away with the crime like the character Matty in the movie Body Heat.

In a huge surprise twist at the end, Matty, the sociopath murderer, ends up sipping a cocktail, attended by a cabana "boy" on a beautiful tropical island, while the man whom she manipulated and got to murder her husband, ends up in a prison cell, where it finally dawns on him in a vision of horror how she played out her lie game on him.
I think she thought Casey was purposely withholding Caylee from her for spite. I don't see how it would ever occur to her that Casey would have murdered Caylee. Casey was Caylee's legal guardian, and so if Caylee was with her, she would not be missing.

If it didn't work out for me to see my grandkids for a month, it would certainly not occur to me that my daughter murdered them.

I know, but Casey hardly seems to be average or normal in any way and Cindy had never been away from Caylee for more than 24 hours in her entire life. The whole thing just boggles my mind. I think if Casey was the way I am guessing she was, for many years, it had to enter Cindy's mind that Casey was lying and that something was being hidden from her...
I think it was when Cindy found out that KC knew from June 16th that Caylee was dead. I don't know whether she believes the drowning story or not. KC let Cindy hope for how long that Caylee was alive? I would imagine that this is what turned Cindy away from KC. Cindy went through 6 months of torture not knowing whether Caylee was alive or not. After Caylee was found, I think Cindy knew it was her, but didn't want to admit it. She then spent the last 2 1/2 years wondering what had been done to Caylee and how did she die, and did she suffer, etc. etc. I get a sick feeling in my stomach just typing this, can you imagine how it was for Cindy? KC let her go through this he** for 2 1/2 years. I am not surprised that Cindy would not even look at her when she left the stand.

Absolutely agree! Poor CA still searching for Zanny after nearly 2.5 years? I think CA is seeing the big picture finally, and after years of enduring ICA's manipulation, finally sees her for what she is. Final straws: accusing GA of sexual abuse and ICA claiming Caylee was dead June 16, 2008.
I watched the video and I could not decipher what she said. I also saw the slideshow. Having raised 4 kids, now well past the terrible twos, I recognize that same expression on my own kids faces when they didn't get their way, lo so many years ago. It usually was accompanied by kicking and screaming on their part and some ignoring on my part. We all got over it.

Is it possible that ICA has not emotionally evolved past the toddler stage? I'm serious! I'm late to this thread, so please forgive me if this has been asked and answered already.
I watched the video and I could not decipher what she said. I also saw the slideshow. Having raised 4 kids, now well past the terrible twos, I recognize that same expression on my own kids faces when they didn't get their way, lo so many years ago. It usually was accompanied by kicking and screaming on their part and some ignoring on my part. We all got over it.

Is it possible that ICA has not emotionally evolved past the toddler stage? I'm serious! I'm late to this thread, so please forgive me if this has been asked and answered already.

(my bold) -- Well, JB did tell ICA (at the beginning of the trial, before they turned their microphones off) that she was acting like a two-year-old! :maddening:
I know, but Casey hardly seems to be average or normal in any way and Cindy had never been away from Caylee for more than 24 hours in her entire life. The whole thing just boggles my mind. I think if Casey was the way I am guessing she was, for many years, it had to enter Cindy's mind that Casey was lying and that something was being hidden from her...

I think CA was trying to back off of being the mother figure in Caylee's life. That had caused friction between her and ICA, and maybe CA thought - wow, some bad timing here when we make plans to meet up- (but since ICA was such a good liar), I think it's easy to see why CA would be conflicted. She thought ICA had a job, a boyfriend, was making enough money to pay the nanny, sort of growing up. Yet on the other hand it was probably killing her to not see Caylee. As strong as CA appears, I'll bet she walked on eggshells to some extent around ICA.
Until they picked the car up - then all the stories and excuses came flooding toward her.
BTW - please someone remind me what the title is of the movie ICA and TL rented at Blockbuster and the plot, etc. Thanks.
Yep. I said many times throughout the investigation and into the trial that ICA could possibly take the stand and/or try to be her own attorney like Bundy, because of her narcissism, etc.
IMO: Here's what I think about ICA. She is in the beginning of a murderous career, as we see the markers of a sociopath. Whereas Bundy, who as we all know, fooled so many that he went on to murder over and over again.

Let's hope that ICA gets put away.
Casey upset by what a family mrmber says about her?! Wow! (sarcasm)
I'm not sure what to think of CAs testimony today. There were times when my heart ached for her, and then I asked myself, how in the world could CA be that naive. What a huge contrast between the depos with JM a few months back; CA and GA were so combative, smug and just in plain denial.

I would like to believe they are finally dealing with the ghosts in their closet, coming to grips with honesty and doing the right thing for Caylee, finding Caylee's justice. I also believe that wanted to see which way ICA and the DT were going to go with this. CA testified she quit looking for "Zanny" six weeks ago, since finding out the "truth" from the DT.

I don't know.. there's a few pieces of this puzzle still missing. Was CAs testimony today the truth or did she have some secret "motive". Looking forward to Tuesday!!

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