2011.06.01 SIDEBAR THREAD Trial Day Seven

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I respect your opinion and I;m sure he has a fantastic rep. But this is not about being careful not to be mean or to diss someone. This is a death penalty case and mistakes could cause an acquittal. I think a finding of guilt is more important than Mr. George's feelings. I have no doubt that he is a fine attorney but he is simply not doing well here and he really muddied up what could have been amazing testimony from at least two key witnesses.

Just think about the times we come away from this trial thinking, "Wow, casey is screwed" . That has never happened after Mr. George questions a witness. Instead, people on the boards start expressing confusion and uncertainty. That should tell ya' something.

Don't get me wrong, I like Mr. George a lot and he is doing far better than I ever could with a case of such magnitude. I wouldn't dare handle a death penalty case! I am a simple (yet effective :innocent:) family law attorney. No juries, few witnesses usually and not so much evidence. So, I bow to Mr. George's ability as a prosecutor.

But as an attorney, I know what I know and I see what I see. He is not cutting it and has failed with some very important witnesses and with some very important potential testimony. :twocents:

Thank you, Gitana. I was seeing comments going both ways and didn't know what to think of them. I do think FG could do better. However, I did want to make some observations and comments about Lee in particular. (Not directed solely at you, btw).

I think Lee might have been combatitive with LDB or JA. I think that's why they let FG question him. He is a wild card, so the best thing to do with him is just get facts on the record. He's not like his parents and wouldn't come off as well as them even with LDB and JA questioning him. He doesn't seem to like either LDB or JA, and I don't think he would have reacted well to their questioning.

I also don't think he's as willing to show his grief out loud for all to see as much his parents are, especially Cindy. I don't know that LDB or JA could have a done a better job with him. CA and GA were more than willing to be led down the path by LDB (not saying their feelings weren't real, but they definitely caught on and willingly let themselves be led by LDB. I think there were thankful to be led by her and treated by her in such a way that they didn't mind airing their real feelings). I'm just not sure Lee feels the same way about LDB or JA, and I don't think he wanted to have a breakdown in court for all to see or get very emotional on stand. I don't think the SA wanted to risk him becoming hostile or answering in a way they didn't like. They knew what they were going to get out of CA and GA, but I think they had no idea what they might get out of Lee.

Honestly, there were only a few bits of real info to get out of Lee, and that's what FG did. He could have done it more dynamically, I agree with that, but I think it was best to just get the facts out of Lee and match them to his deposition. He looks so worn, exhausted, and upset that I think this was the best route for him and his sanity. I don't think it would have been pretty even if he got all emotional in court today, or if LDB or JA questioned him. He was so tense and on the border of some kind of emotional breakdown or outburst that I was surprised he kept it all in. I think the only reason he did was because of how FG was questioning him.

He obviously is very hurt by Casey and can hardly look at her. He's not even smiling or mouthing anything to her anymore. I think of the whole family, ICA hurt him most of all by dragging him into this when he's been the family peacemaker for years. She had no real beef with him, in my opinion, but dragged him through the mud anyway. Ouch. I really feel for Lee right now.
That is as bad as me calling my daugher from the car and making her put her phone up to the computer speakers so I can listen while driving. :floorlaugh:
I love it that my DD is as interested as I am ... we can tag team the hearings. I had drs. appt today, so called her often to give report. It's great not being so ALONE in my obsession!

P.S. Is anybody else as lost as I am on Sunday's when no hearings are going on???????? I literally have withdrawals.

Tooooooo funny. I have to go pick up my hubby at the airport tomorrow. It is a 2 hour drive there and 2 hours back. Grrrrrrrr. I will also be going through serious withdrawls. There just isn't enough time in the evening to get caught up. I have been waking around 4:30-5:30 am to watch and I stream sound only while at work. I'm sure hubby will have a lot to say about that now that he's returning home. :crazy: Great idea about using the phone and the computer speakers...hmmmmm.
Just curious....why do you all think the Prosecution didn't bring up the "molestation" allegations today when questioning Lee? Do you think the SA is going to let that allegation go by the wayside?

It was outside the scope for cross - when they bring Lee back as a defense witness I'm sure they'll try and bring it up then.
The footage I saw was on HLN.... inside the couthouse. People RUNNING!! in high heels, a dude in a neck brace, a lady in a wheelchair cutting people off.... :floorlaugh:

I did find this and if I can find the clip from HLN.... I'll post it.


Well that dude in the neck brace better not be on workmen's comp...............or his days of getting that check are numbered.
Yes, I saw that earlier...my prediction is that Jose will peter out as soon as he is named....

Yes, but not before wandering around aimlessly in the gulf.

:floorlaugh: :great:

Weatherman: "Ok, folks, hurricane Jose is picking up steam. Please heed all precautions. I predict it will be hitting land at full force on . . . . wait, where'd it go? Um, it seems to have disappated. Ok, go on with your day."
Something media filmed where people were running to get a seat outside the courthouse this morning.

i have gone to trial twice this last week but when i saw the crowds on tv i stayed home . i think once cindy and george and lee are done testify the crowd will go down. by 5:30 am other day over 200 people stampeding -lol. so i sit home and set up my snacks, chips, cola, later my sangria after lunch - cheese - and every tv in home to different channel. i will not answer my phones-lol! my husband has been home last couple days as he is doing our marble foor install and poor guy has tv blasting in every room because i put it on!! one good thing is he hears the case now and i hear his remarks- he heard a lot from me but this is different. he said " that girls not ok is she???" then he said unbelievable what i hear! last year we had to drive a lot of miles each day and i read the whole book to home of diane fanning as he drove.by about 9pm last night he said can i change at least one channel? lmao - i am addicted bad. i will try to go to trial again when it calms down and i know if i drive an hour i will get in!!
Tooooooo funny. I have to go pick up my hubby at the airport tomorrow. It is a 2 hour drive there and 2 hours back. Grrrrrrrr. I will also be going through serious withdrawls. There just isn't enough time in the evening to get caught up. I have been waking around 4:30-5:30 am to watch and I stream sound only while at work. I'm sure hubby will have a lot to say about that now that he's returning home. :crazy: Great idea about using the phone and the computer speakers...hmmmmm.

Got Satellite radio....HLN?
Wow yeah! I didn't even think of that! Why wouldn't they put it on a flat bed?

I think that video was in the lot at the police station. Driving it out of the bay or something.
A little off topic but this thread has a lot of traffic so I figured I'd ask here..

When did ICA stop speaking / receiving visits from her family? Do we know why they stopped speaking, or the reasons cited ?

No more visits after 14 Aug - but then she got let out again and when she went back in 14 Oct none = Baez told her not to accept visits even though Andrea Lyon tried to convince her otherwise.
Sigh, I am going to try to load WFTV up again - cover me - I may be having duck for dinner if I get stuck on that aflac commercial again....
I've read more savvy (than me :) ) posters say that the state is ignoring the molestation issue on purpose, kind of like sending the message that it is beneath their notice.

Another poster mentioned that the defense cannot pursue questioning further on the molestation issue unless the state pursues questioning. I'm grateful this was explained so well :)
Oh my gosh! You are my twin! I do the exact same thing with my tv, pc & laptop! Except I am posting during instead of crocheting . . . I also have an emergency laptop I can carry with me around the house.

The other day my oldest (14 y/o boy) said "seriously, mom? You have that same thing on EVERYTHING!" - as he swung his head around looking at the pc, tv and laptops. I said "Well, it's not EXACTLY the same thing". I was a little embarassed!

So I'm not crazy! LOL. I am on the west coast so here is my schedule.
Lap top in bathroom as I am getting ready. It's been charging all night so I'm ready to go. When I am finished applying makeup and such-- to the bedroom to get dressed along with the lap top. Lap top then goes to the kitchen with me while I prepare my lunch for the day. Off to work? not before I get my handy dandy phone and make sure that I've got wesh or wftv loaded and running. On the way to work it takes about 10 minutes. I carry my phone in with me to my office. Shake the mouse on the computer to wake my computer up and there and ready to go are the tv stations. 3 are muted and one is volumed.

Switch back and forth between them all depending on who is playing what commerical. In between there breaks I listen to tru tv and read hear at weblsuths. Sigh... that tired me out.
permenantly like forever permemnant?
As in Forever, permenantly, never again. They are all freaking out about where to go and there are usually about 800 or so online at any given time during this trial, so we may see our numbers double. I hope our dear doesn't blow a fuse!
Oh my gosh! You are my twin! I do the exact same thing with my tv, pc & laptop! Except I am posting during instead of crocheting . . . I also have an emergency laptop I can carry with me around the house.

The other day my oldest (14 y/o boy) said "seriously, mom? You have that same thing on EVERYTHING!" - as he swung his head around looking at the pc, tv and laptops. I said "Well, it's not EXACTLY the same thing". I was a little embarassed!

:seeya: Ditto here! No crocheting - posting instead. I just had a birthday and asked for an IPad since hauling my laptop from room-to-room is clumsy, haha. IPad arrives on the 7th. Hubby just shakes his head and stocks up on frozen pizzas.
Just curious....why do you all think the Prosecution didn't bring up the "molestation" allegations today when questioning Lee? Do you think the SA is going to let that allegation go by the wayside?

My opinion, yes. I have the feeling they are going with a "It's so ludicrous we aren't even going to go there" sort of approach. I think it's good. That way if the defense brings it up, it's in the jury's mind that the prosecution wasn't even worried about it.
Hey all....could someone direct me to the thread that states how you can listen to the testimony via your iPhone?? Please. I can't find it and will be driving for 7 hours tomorrow...would love to listen. THANK YOU!!
just a heads up... In Session is permenantly shutting down their message boards tonight at 6 PM. It is probably going to get very busy in here tomorrow. I hope we don't crash!

Why are they closing their message boards? That seems so strange. What is their reasoning?
Maybe SA didn't bring up the allegations against Lee because they think that they could be true and they don't want to open that can of worms? :waitasec:
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