2011.06.01 SIDEBAR THREAD Trial Day Seven

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Interesting. Maybe that's the good side of it.

I kinda think it's more sinister than that. The actress Juliette Lewis played Mallory Knox, a central character in Casey's self-professed favorite movie Natural Born Killers. That character and her boyfriend kill Mallory's parents and launch into a totally senseless but sensationalized killing spree that escalates because of intense media coverage. Having "Juliette Lewis" as a fake co-worker from Universal somehow makes me think that she and the character she played played a long-standing active part in ICA's fantasy to get rid of her parents, culminating in all the google searches on neckbreaking, household weapons, self-defense, etc. and the creepy signals she was giving out to friends immediately preceding and subsequent to Caylee's death that pretty soon the house on Hopespring would be hers.

Do you recall how the parents were killed in the movie?
Sidebar stayed open late tonight.


Turning the lights out in 10 minutes.
And the phone call from the house to her at 7:30am.

I haven't followed this case as diligently as many of you who post in this forum, so.... IF you will.... please tell me about this 7:30 am call...TYIA
Yesterday I and some others noticed the WFTV playback was missing the part where they plan ICAs "obnoxious" (quote intednded) phone call home. I found it on youtube:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1t9q1obx2E"]YouTube - ‪Casey Anthony trial jail call part 1 of 2‬‏[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDkHcILXiVQ"]YouTube - ‪Casey Anthony trial jail call part 2 of 2‬‏[/ame]
Shaking my head.................Bill O'Reilly had Geraldo on as his guest tonight commenting on the trial.

Geraldo says it's clear that she (KC) had something to do with the death of her daughter, but the state can't prove murder. He went on to say that every witness so far says she was a wonderful mother. He ends it by saying.........."where is the reading of her Miranda rights?"

Where have we heard this before!

Bill O'Reilly argued that a narcissistic sociopath presents an image to others of the perfect person or perfect mother.

RespectfullyQuoted Leila :) (responding to Geraldo and "Dr." Drew...I know you are just the messenger. :blowkiss: )

Except for today when Lee testified that Cindy had told Casey many times that she was an unfit mother and that Caylee was Casey's mistake, the best mistake...

I did not hear Amy's testimony today, but in her statements to LE she says that Cindy told her Casey was not a good mother and was out partying when she said she was working. Amy stated that she knew Cindy had found the pictures of Casey at the "no clothes party" and confronted Casey with the evidence and said, "you were at work, huh?"

Cindy has already testified that it was she and George that provided for Caylee, it has been entered into evidence that Casey did not have a job and she has also been convicted for stealing Amy's checks.

Shirley Plesea, who has not testified(not sure, will have to check and see if she is on states list?) said that "Casey hated Cindy more than she loved Caylee."

Jesse Grund in his interviews with LE states that Casey would leave Caylee unattended while she was with men. He felt that Caylee had died in an accident where Casey was not paying attention. He stated that Caylee would put dog food in her mouth, that was left on the floor for her to get to and she would put rocks in her mouth. He felt she may have choked to death on Casey's watch.

Maria Kissh (a girlfriend of a roommate of Tony's at the time Casey was "living" with Tony)stated under oath, and it is now on the record that Caylee answered the door by herself, Casey was "back in Tony's room" and finally came out and said "hi" but went back in the bedroom. Maria also testified that she was reluctant to leave when her boyfriend was ready because Caylee was out on the balcony by herself. She then said they were leaving, not with Casey and Tony, but at the same time and Casey left Caylee to put on her shoes and socks by herself, and she was struggling while Casey stood by and did nothing to help.

Casey let people see what she wanted them to see. What struck me was when Lee brought all of Casey's "bags" back from Tony's, there was NOTHING of Caylee's. Nothing.

Yeah, Caylee was dead...but...wouldn't you have something of her's...even on accident? Oh, accident is the "key" word here.

And, Casey wasn't read her miranda rights per Yuri Melich's testimony today: "because Miss Anthony wasn't a suspect. she was the mother of a missing child."

I will say it again. Casey LIES and then people act accordingly, then Casey LIES about it again and it looks like others are lying. Well, if you don't look to close or you want high ratings for your sad television shows that are becoming rapidly more and more irrelevant. These "talking heads" make asses of themselves. People are becoming more informed, want to be more informed and the blow up on Websleuths today proves that, IMHO.

I am sure there were plenty of other sites where people went for information because anywhere you go on the web, you will get more information not just "spin" for ratings, than on television.

I was wondering why LA was so unprepared. Why didn't he go over things with the SA? Is he still feeling that they are setting up his sister? Did he think that by saying he didn't remember that they would drop it? If I were being called as a witness in a big case and I had spoken previously I would be pouring over everything to make sure I didn't contradict myself. I guess he figured he could circumvent that by "forgetting".
I'm sorry, but I am not too sure about any conversion by the A's. My heart goes out to them, but it always did. They are in a horrible position. I just do not think that any of them will ever think that KC killed Caylee on purpose. I'm worried that some on the jury may feel the same way. It does seem so unlikely that someone could go from being a loving mother to a cold blooded killer in a blink of an eye. The SA really does have it's job cut out for them. It's a good think the DT is making it easier.

There is no doubt in my mind that the A's do not think that KC killed Caylee on purpose. there is also no doubt in my mind that they are not going to stand by and let her accuse them of this. LA's testimony tday was in antcipation of the "abuse" allegation, he is sweating it out imo. when is it coming in? he wants to know
Well, imo, too bad for you, AL. This entire family played along with this lying, schemer for way too long This is what you get when you dance with the devil. Has anyone noticed that the only witnesses who can't seem to just answer a simple yes or no question with a simple yes or no are the A's?
This has always had me a little puzzled. When there is a tragedy of this magnitude, especially the loss of a child, you usually see lots of family, friends, coworkers, neighbours, and even acquaintenances come out in droves -- rally around the grieving family -- speak about the goodness of the family and I haven't seen this in three years.

Just wondering who GA and CA associated with as a couple and if they exist, why they haven't spoken out to the character of GA and CA.

Florida and Ohio?


Friends?! What about their own family. Where are they....so weird. Given the same situation I bet 99.9999999999% of the rest of the population would have an aunt or uncle or fourth cousin show up for the trial. Do we have anymore words left in the English language to describe this <unusual> family.
Shaking my head.................Bill O'Reilly had Geraldo on as his guest tonight commenting on the trial.

Geraldo says it's clear that she (KC) had something to do with the death of her daughter, but the state can't prove murder. He went on to say that every witness so far says she was a wonderful mother. He ends it by saying.........."where is the reading of her Miranda rights?"

Where have we heard this before!

Bill O'Reilly argued that a narcissistic sociopath presents an image to others of the perfect person or perfect mother.

Geraldo sinks to a new low.

Something to do with the death? Yah think?

Wonderful mother? BAH!!

Miranda rights were read when she was arrested...dod GR and JB go to the same Law School?? I'm just not impressed...
There is no doubt in my mind that the A's do not think that KC killed Caylee on purpose. there is also no doubt in my mind that they are not going to stand by and let her accuse them of this. LA's testimony tday was in antcipation of the "abuse" allegation, he is sweating it out imo. when is it coming in? he wants to know
Well, imo, too bad for you, AL. This entire family played along with this lying, schemer for way too long This is what you get when you dance with the devil. Has anyone noticed that the only witnesses who can't seem to just answer a simple yes or no question with a simple yes or no are the A's?

RespectfullyQuoted ohiogirl :cool2:

:yes: ITA
There is no doubt in my mind that the A's do not think that KC killed Caylee on purpose. there is also no doubt in my mind that they are not going to stand by and let her accuse them of this. LA's testimony tday was in antcipation of the "abuse" allegation, he is sweating it out imo. when is it coming in? he wants to know
Well, imo, too bad for you, AL. This entire family played along with this lying, schemer for way too long This is what you get when you dance with the devil. Has anyone noticed that the only witnesses who can't seem to just answer a simple yes or no question with a simple yes or no are the A's?


Interesting, that notion hadn't actually occurred to me yet. For me, there has been no doubt they are working through the grief process of realizing she has been manipulating them all along.

It's an angle to consider, I'm definitely not saying you're wrong. The myster goes on... and on.. and on.
Sidebar stayed open late tonight.


Turning the lights out in 10 minutes.

It's been a long, eventful day. Yeah.

See you guys in the morning for breakfast before court!

Say "G'night Gracie."

Interesting, that notion hadn't actually occurred to me yet. For me, there has been no doubt they are working through the grief process of realizing she has been manipulating them all along.

It's an angle to consider, I'm definitely not saying you're wrong. The myster goes on... and on.. and on.

Respectfully, there is no mystery to me.
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