2011.06.01 SIDEBAR THREAD Trial Day Seven

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Listening and watching today's trial right now and I gotta say, her "Juliette Lewis" friend I believe was made up and a play off of Julia Louis (Dreyfus) since she seems to like Seinfeld so much (based on her jail letters).

It's also amazing how much detail she has/gives on all these people/places/etc. I would have slipped up LONG ago! Don't know how she does it. How does she keep track? Mind boggling!

Juliette Lewis was an actor in the move "natural born killers"
whether ornot this applys to KC's lies , who knows?
Listening and watching today's trial right now and I gotta say, her "Juliette Lewis" friend I believe was made up and a play off of Julia Louis (Dreyfus) since she seems to like Seinfeld so much (based on her jail letters).

It's also amazing how much detail she has/gives on all these people/places/etc. I would have slipped up LONG ago! Don't know how she does it. How does she keep track? Mind boggling!

Interesting. Maybe that's the good side of it.

I kinda think it's more sinister than that. The actress Juliette Lewis played Mallory Knox, a central character in Casey's self-professed favorite movie Natural Born Killers. That character and her boyfriend kill Mallory's parents and launch into a totally senseless but sensationalized killing spree that escalates because of intense media coverage. Having "Juliette Lewis" as a fake co-worker from Universal somehow makes me think that she and the character she played played a long-standing active part in ICA's fantasy to get rid of her parents, culminating in all the google searches on neckbreaking, household weapons, self-defense, etc. and the creepy signals she was giving out to friends immediately preceding and subsequent to Caylee's death that pretty soon the house on Hopespring would be hers.
This has always had me a little puzzled. When there is a tragedy of this magnitude, especially the loss of a child, you usually see lots of family, friends, coworkers, neighbours, and even acquaintenances come out in droves -- rally around the grieving family -- speak about the goodness of the family and I haven't seen this in three years.

Just wondering who GA and CA associated with as a couple and if they exist, why they haven't spoken out to the character of GA and CA.

Florida and Ohio?


Well, it could be that most of their potential friends were scared off by all the drama caused by their narcissistic, sociopath of a daughter. JMHO
YES!!!!!! It drives me nuts! He also faces the court reporter and kinda seems like he's talking/joking with her a lot while she's over there when they're in sidebar.

In fact, a few times I witnessed the other lawyer (dude with the gray hair and glasses, sorry, don't know his name) kinda tap him as if to say, "Turn around and listen to the judge." JB is something else for sure!

Anyone else notice that every time they go to Sidebar JB turns where he is not directly facing the SA's, nor HJBP but turns more towards the Jury and is always smiling...
Thanks guys! Never saw the movie before so didn't know. You guys may be right.

Juliette Lewis was a character in the move "natural born killers"
whether ornot this applys to KC's lies , who knows?

Interesting. Maybe that's the good side of it.

I kinda think it's more sinister than that. The actress Juliette Lewis played Mallory Knox, a central character in Casey's self-professed favorite movie Natural Born Killers. That character and her boyfriend kill Mallory's parents and launch into a totally senseless but sensationalized killing spree that escalates because of intense media coverage. Having "Juliette Lewis" as a fake co-worker from Universal somehow makes me think that she and the character she played played a long-standing active part in ICA's fantasy to get rid of her parents, culminating in all the google searches on neckbreaking, household weapons, self-defense, etc. and the creepy signals she was giving out to friends immediately preceding and subsequent to Caylee's death that pretty soon the house on Hopespring would be hers.
Not to belabor a point, but let me see if I have this right:

ICA is handcuffed because an officer believes he/she is investigating a report of a stolen vehicle (which was never actually stolen, by the way). Yet no officer bothered to check out the vehicle in question?

And I'm the only bothered by this?


No you're not. I brought this up ages ago (when that dump first came out) and it was met with much criticism. But I brought it up because I knew it would become an issue at trial.
And do you see where she put "home" in "quotes"? Do you know why she would do that? She did that so you could get the secret decoder message that Casey was not feeling safe about being "home." And, you could not tell, Detective Melich-that Casey had been "ABUSED" in that "home" by her use of quotes? "Really?" Detective Melich, "Really?"

You could not see that Casey was lying about everything she was telling you even though you had just gotten there AND Casey had put the word "home" in quotes?

(smugly) I have no further questions your honor.

Casey straightens her bangs and taps her head in approval.

Jose is arguing that YM should have known RIGHT AWAY there was something terribly wrong with Casey and that she was a liar.


Yes, hind sight is 20/20 jose which will be a revalation for you for you after this trial is over and your "client" is either on death row or in prison without the chance of parole!
whats that? Whats to prevent JB asking GA or LA or CA about abuse? that makes no sense to me. im not saying Im a great sleuther, but I find that hard to believe.

The defense can't ask about abuse at this point in time because the state has not put the alleged abuse into evidence.

This is the state's presentation. When one of the defense attorneys does cross examination of a witness, they're supposed to address only what the witness testified to under direct examination by the state attorney.

When it comes time for the defense to present their case, then they can question GA, LA, and CA about abuse. At that point, the state, in their cross examination can question them on what the defense brought out in their direct examination.
This is weird. Not sure if it was already pointed out, but in searching for an upload of the NG that aired tonight, I came across this video from today in court when Yuri was on the stand --- it's a camera zoomed in right on ICA's face alone (no witness stand).

When they were playing the tape of the interview between ICA and Yuri this afternoon and they got to the part where Yuri said, "Did you harm your child in any way?" - Yuri looked up from the transcript and looked directly over at KC.

Just now I noticed that at that same moment, though she had been glued to the transcripts without pause up until this time, just as the tape played "Did you harm your child..." - ICA's eyes rose and looked (I think) at Yuri. Or the jury. Eerie. The look was eerie too. It was seriously cold, slow and calculating. She held the glance for a few seconds and then made a comment to ?Baez? without turning her head. Sooo weird.

It's about 1:48 on this vid: YouTube - ‪Casey Anthony Trial: Lies Caught on Tape [ABC: 6-01-2011]‬‏

Good eye! Thx!

Okay, well...back to being bothered by this, I guess. :escape:

ETA: And even more perplexed as to why the car was not checked out.

I have the feeling that those officers walked into mass pandemonium due to a riled up CA, who was the homeowner that made the calls and kept insisting she was pressing charges - IIRC she told the cops "She won't tell me where my granddaughter is so arrest her on theft charges - you can make her talk." (paraphrased).

IMO if LE told CA they were going to take ICA away and water-board her until they found out where Caylee was, CA would have said FINE! She hadn't seen her grandbaby in 31 days, all of her instincts were screaming FOUL-PLAY (What did you do?) and her daughter was being a ''spiteful b!tch''
This is weird. Not sure if it was already pointed out, but in searching for an upload of the NG that aired tonight, I came across this video from today in court when Yuri was on the stand --- it's a camera zoomed in right on ICA's face alone (no witness stand).

When they were playing the tape of the interview between ICA and Yuri this afternoon and they got to the part where Yuri said, "Did you harm your child in any way?" - Yuri looked up from the transcript and looked directly over at KC.

Just now I noticed that at that same moment, though she had been glued to the transcripts without pause up until this time, just as the tape played "Did you harm your child..." - ICA's eyes rose and looked (I think) at Yuri. Or the jury. Eerie. The look was eerie too. It was seriously cold, slow and calculating. She held the glance for a few seconds and then made a comment to ?Baez? without turning her head. Sooo weird.

It's about 1:48 on this vid: YouTube - ‪Casey Anthony Trial: Lies Caught on Tape [ABC: 6-01-2011]‬‏

Do we have a lip reader who can give us a good guess as to what ICA said to her attorney there?
The defense can't ask about abuse at this point in time because the state has not put the alleged abuse into evidence.

This is the state's presentation. When one of the defense attorneys does cross examination of a witness, they're supposed to address only what the witness testified to under direct examination by the state attorney.

When it comes time for the defense to present their case, then they can question GA, LA, and CA about abuse. At that point, the state, in their cross examination can question them on what the defense brought out in their direct examination.


They will never ask those questions. Ever. They're only source is ICA. They're only game is "insinuation" and yes, those are JB's wayward quotation marks...
As poorly as this defense is coming off, I am at a loss as to what they could have done/been doing instead (not counting the unpreparedness, etc...just the actual defense.) If your client won't admit to anything other than an accident in which she basically had no part, and certainly won't go for insanity, they were not left many options. They can only present what their client agrees to, basically and have to try to take advantage of any little moment of drama to detract from the other side, who actually have a case.

I understand why they are emphasizing the lying, it can't be ignored, certainly so they have to at least try to make a point that she does not know lies from truth about anything and lived in her own little world of deceit. It is not helping their case, but then again, what would?

They literally have nothing to work with. This is the most open and shut circumstantial case I have ever seen...and all thanks to their client.
A long time ago I needed a defense attorney for a misdemeanor crime. The entire firm's policy was that their clients had to be 100% truthful with them if they expected their firm to represent them in a proper and efficient manner! You'd think The Baez Firm would have the same requirements..

Nothing can help their case at this point. Casey just needs to throw herself at the mercy of the court, perhaps when she realizes she reached the end of the hallway. Because if not, there's another hallway she'll walk down and that WILL be the END. MOO.
I have been trying to catch up on the videos for the greater part of the evening so please forgive me for not scouring this thread for the answer. Can someone please tell me what the heck was wrong with Lee today? His testimony is so painful to watch.
Not to belabor a point, but let me see if I have this right:

ICA is handcuffed because an officer believes he/she is investigating a report of a stolen vehicle (which was never actually stolen, by the way). Yet no officer bothered to check out the vehicle in question?

And I'm the only bothered by this?


Respectfully Quoted Mountain Kat :)

Because it became about a missing child. Casey took the one officer off to the side and said her mom was just controlling and wanted to control what Casey did with Caylee.

Because the responding officer(s) to the "auto theft" were "in route" before Cindy made the call that her granddaughter had been missing for over a month: the first officers put Casey in the cuffs because even after they got there Cindy was insisting that Casey be arrested for theft.

Who took her out of the cuffs? The officers who came next who had been informed this was about a missing child, they did that because they were "believing" Casey more than "thinking" it was still a case of theft.

These officers had HEARD a CHILD was MISSING and that is what they began to care about, and all they cared about. They believed Casey, she had dropped the child off with the nanny and had RECEIVED a call from Caylee recently. IIRC, that day in fact.

Why does Casey keep on getting away with everything? Because she LIES. And people believe her when she LIES and act accordingly...then Cassey LIES about that and it makes the other person look like they are LYING.

Hey, Casey admits there was a stinky smell of death in the car she had been driving around in...but because SOME people didn't smell it(while there are plenty who did)we are to point the finger at those who didn't smell death? And decide that Casey is super innocent?

She is diabolical. Devious. Dangerous.

I have been trying to catch up on the videos for the greater part of the evening so please forgive me for not scouring this thread for the answer. Can someone please tell me what the heck was wrong with Lee today? His testimony is so painful to watch.
Good question, 'xceptin' nobody knows. It was very odd and almost awkward.
I have been trying to catch up on the videos for the greater part of the evening so please forgive me for not scouring this thread for the answer. Can someone please tell me what the heck was wrong with Lee today? His testimony is so painful to watch.

I'm in Cali, he put me back to sleep on the couch ~
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