2011.06.01 SIDEBAR THREAD Trial Day Seven

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Originally Posted by costalpilot
i would love to see a poll of those who have been abused, and see if any buy the lie. Really, if ANY believe it.

Look. I was sexually abused as a child by a trusted adult (nonfamily) ok.. When I heard that the subject that ICA was sexually abused as a child and as a result may have lead to Caylee's death is A FARCE.

I have 2 daughters and I WOULD NEVER EVER harm them because of this. I repeat N E V E R! It is BS that this is a "defense" tactic.

I am appauled that this is a consideration. Disgusted, you name it.

I've been a lurker at In Session since it was Court TV and will likely continue to be so here at Websleuths. But before I go back to spectating, I want to thank Websleuths for its gracious invitation to us orphans, and I look forward to reading everyone's comments/opinions!

I'm so glad you took me up on the invitation and joined us here! I hope you'll feel comfortable enough to start posting with us, but if you're more comfortable lurking, that's fine too. :hug:

Wanted to share my random thought for the evening....

Maybe JB actually believed ICA's story about sexual abuse, accidental drowning, controlling father insisting she cover up death to appease even more controlling mother...

And, maybe he thought that showing ICA's history of pathological, uncontrollable lying, along with her family's willingness to believe her lies, would be further proof of the dysfunction of her childhood, making the cover-up of the accidental drowning more plausible.

But, maybe... While cross-examining witness after witness regarding the lies upon lies that they fell for, treating them like accomplices because they believed her lies, I wonder if he started to think that it might be possible that *he* (and the DT) fell for another one of her fairy stories, when they believed her whole sexual abuse/dysfunctional family/accidental drowning story.

I thought about that too but realized after dealing with Casey for three years now, there is no way the DT can possibly believe a word she says. No way, No how.
Mind you, law is NOT my strongsuit, but her statements at that time were witness statements, yes? No need to read a witness their miranda rights.

I'm assuming, however, that she was read her miranda rights when she was arrested, right?

She was read them when formally arrested. She was a witness (aka grieving mother) when they first tried to gain information from her, and I say again (legal types correct me...), police did not have probable cause (or even any idea or clue) that a murder had been committed or that the car (or pool FGS) were a crime scene to investigated. Had they done that, they would have violated procedure and about nine barzillion laws and ICA would be out today = probably spearheading a campaign for a new reality show - successfully...IMHO
I think that CA went into cover ICA's mode right from the get go. If I were CA and I hadn't seen my granddaughter or my daughter and I found the car with that smell, the first thing I would do is to call the police. I wouldn't clean the car,spray Fabreeze, add fabreeze sheets etc., wash the clothes or touch ANYTHING. Hell, I wouldn't have taken it off of the tow lot. If you recall, in her first two 911 calls her main objective was to have ICA arrested for stealing the car and money. I still think that there's more to the story and that the entire "A" family knows it now and knew it then. To me it shows that CA was more concerned with getting that car back and cleaning it then she was with her granddaughter being missing. She Already knew that ICA was okay because she had almost daily phone and text contact with her. What she didn't know was if Caylee was okay. She knew that ICA didn't have the car for a couple of weeks because it was at the tow yard. She knew that she hadn't seen or heard from Caylee. You know where I'm going with this.

Maybe I am just a doofus, but are you insinuating that CA was trying to help cover up a possible murder of Caylee from the day the car was found? (as in day of 911 call, day LE was called, etc)
Wanted to share my random thought for the evening....

Maybe JB actually believed ICA's story about sexual abuse, accidental drowning, controlling father insisting she cover up death to appease even more controlling mother...

And, maybe he thought that showing ICA's history of pathological, uncontrollable lying, along with her family's willingness to believe her lies, would be further proof of the dysfunction of her childhood, making the cover-up of the accidental drowning more plausible.

But, maybe... While cross-examining witness after witness regarding the lies upon lies that they fell for, treating them like accomplices because they believed her lies, I wonder if he started to think that it might be possible that *he* (and the DT) fell for another one of her fairy stories, when they believed her whole sexual abuse/dysfunctional family/accidental drowning story.

I actually wondered something along the same lines.. I also think the tiff they had during jury selection etc.. was because he actually had to spend time with her day after day lol
I thought about that too but realized after dealing with Casey for three years now, there is no way the DT can possibly believe a word she says. No way, No how.

Q F T - what she said - THIS (and sorry for the "me too" post)
Wanted to share my random thought for the evening....

Maybe JB actually believed ICA's story about sexual abuse, accidental drowning, controlling father insisting she cover up death to appease even more controlling mother...

And, maybe he thought that showing ICA's history of pathological, uncontrollable lying, along with her family's willingness to believe her lies, would be further proof of the dysfunction of her childhood, making the cover-up of the accidental drowning more plausible.

But, maybe... While cross-examining witness after witness regarding the lies upon lies that they fell for, treating them like accomplices because they believed her lies, I wonder if he started to think that it might be possible that *he* (and the DT) fell for another one of her fairy stories, when they believed her whole sexual abuse/dysfunctional family/accidental drowning story.

Ditto. Personally, I don't see anything in this newest story that is any more believable than the other stories she has told to other people. IMO, I think this is going to backfire on the DT, because they have hammered the witnesses on the stand like they are stupid for believing what ICA told them, and here they are, also allegedly believing what ICA told them.
KC's "babysitter" let a few things out of the bag with her purr-questioning today. Supposedly, someone other than KC packed her bags (well they are definitely setting up TL on that one), someone else "blue-screened" the computer (oh-who-could-they-be-implying?) and someone super-cleaned the car (could it have been detailer GA)? Just adding my two cents into what the DA might be trying to create doubt about.


ETA - Unfortunately, the Anthony parents and sibling did all kinds of incredible things both before and after Caylee died, and without question, these will come out one way or another. Again, this is moo.

ETA 2 - Keep in mind that most of this jury has not seen the shenanigans of this family first hand. We have. And we have had months and months to discuss. They will not. JB is perfectly correct in suggesting that something is not quite right here. By accusing GA and LA, the Defence has forced the Prosecutions hand in defending family members who have done what most of us are still left scratching our heads about.

I moo everything. So I will moo my ETA 2 as well.

If this all comes down to tons of family carp and KC LWOP, I'll be ok with it even though I believe that she not only murdered her daughter but did so in an horrific and unfathonable fashion. I think that she deserves the DP and that there is enough evidence to support it but her family muddied the water so much with their behavior that it will raise that minimum of a doubt of their involvement that will be required for a clear penalty phase. (So be it for them to live with even if they are not likely to be charged for obstruction at this point.) Lee's testimony really bothered me today. Bleh. Somethin' ain't quite right with any of these people imo.

Poor Caylee. 2 1/2 years old! What did she know? She loved her mother and grandparents without question! What were these people doing?

moo again.
While I'm cleansing my soul (heh), might as well also go ahead and admit that, IF ICA were handcuffed in the back of the squad car for the ride to the imaginary nanny's house, that too does NOT sit well with me.


She was handcuffed for 5 to 10 minutes when an officer thought they were on the scene for grand theft etc - that being the reason for 911 calls 1 and 2.

ICA even admitted to Tony in a text that she was cuffed for 10 minutes - not cuffed to take a ride to find the envisinanny.
whats that? Whats to prevent JB asking GA or LA or CA about abuse? that makes no sense to me. im not saying Im a great sleuther, but I find that hard to believe.

The defense cannot question witnesses regarding facts not in evidence unless the SA opens the door, from what I am understanding They will be granted much more leeway when it is their turn. The snarkiness is not done by a long shot. There is much more turmoil to come once the SA has rested.
By that time, who knows where the jury will be, imo?
She was handcuffed for 5 to 10 minutes when an officer thought they were on the scene for grand theft etc - that being the reason for 911 calls 1 and 2.

ICA even admitted to Tony in a text that she was cuffed for 10 minutes - not cuffed to take a ride to find the envisinanny.


Okay, well...back to being bothered by this, I guess. :escape:

ETA: And even more perplexed as to why the car was not checked out.
Listening and watching today's trial right now and I gotta say, her "Juliette Lewis" friend I believe was made up and a play off of Julia Louis (Dreyfus) since she seems to like Seinfeld so much (based on her jail letters).

It's also amazing how much detail she has/gives on all these people/places/etc. I would have slipped up LONG ago! Don't know how she does it. How does she keep track? Mind boggling!
I don't know what Q F T means or the "me too" means.

Sorry - QFT means Quoted for Truth - a "me too" post on some boards is frowned upon because all the poster is saying is "me too" or "I agree" without adding anything to the conversation (sometimes I try to cover all my boards TOS...):crazy::crazy::crazy:
Sorry - QFT means Quoted for Truth - a "me too" post on some boards is frowned upon because all the poster is saying is "me too" or "I agree" without adding anything to the conversation (sometimes I try to cover all my boards TOS...):crazy::crazy::crazy:

Thanks BigFatMommyDog for clearing that up. I dont post that often so I am not aware of all the abbreviations.
Not to belabor a point, but let me see if I have this right:

ICA is handcuffed because an officer believes he/she is investigating a report of a stolen vehicle (which was never actually stolen, by the way). Yet no officer bothered to check out the vehicle in question?

And I'm the only bothered by this?

I think it will be made clear by the SA that they weren't looking for a dead body at that point. jmo

Exactly. It doesn't matter what they thought they were smelling. They had Casey and her family saying a LIVE child was MISSING. There was no indication whatsoever, from the family or a dead body, that Caylee was dead. Just because police think they smell decomp doesn't mean that they the right to go into Casey's car or impound it at that moment. JB would have been all over that as a violation of Casey's rights. He would said they jumped to the conclusion that Caylee was dead with a smell as their only proof. The police HAVE to go with what is being told to them. There are rules and procedures to follow. Casey led them on a wild, kidnapping by a fake nanny goose chase. If it's anyone's fault that car wasn't processed sooner it was the lying mother, NOT LE's fault. I can't imagine the confusion that went on, and I'm sure they did suspect that something was wrong beyond kidnapping. It doesn't mean that they could act on it without breaking rules and getting into trouble. It sucks, but that's how the police have to be or the bad people find a way to get out of trouble by blaming the police for improper procedures.

I commend OSCO for the work they did, and they did nothing to hamper this case. Casey is not going to get away with what she did, not by a long shot.
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