2011.06.01 SIDEBAR THREAD Trial Day Seven

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i would love to see a poll of those who have been abused, and see if any buy the lie. Really, if ANY believe it.

oooh oooh oooh me! Over here!

Not buying it AT ALL.

No mother who was truly abused in the way ICA was purported to be in JB's Opening Statement would then allow her abuser to "babysit" her child while she pretended to be at work and was really off partying with friends and otherwise gallivanting.

moo FWIW.
LE...Bad. Uniforms! Yegads. They had UNIFORMS on! Weapons! Who on earth thinks its ok for LE - on duty - to be wearing uniforms and bearing arms. Really! Didn't they realize they were showing up at KC's home! They should have changed into sweatpants and ditched the mandated weapons. Heck, they should have brought a bottle of wine so that everyone could relax and chat!


The picture of her in the blue hoodie at the sheriffs office sure didn't indicate fear-- that won't float either! Back to the drawing board, DT! :fence:
Going back to read some thread posts I missed while I spent a lot of time in la-la land waiting for the site to load - but just wanted to comment with a :skip: :skip: :skip: to Tricia's comment that this is a message board not a blog, with her thanks - posted front and center.

Oh yeah, and my comments about Day 18 in Court would be.....

Mr. Baez + his :worms: = Day 18 in the case of The State vs. Casey Anthony

Hi Jose! :seeya:
I think it's possible there may be a good book about her life someday...we shall see~

Xin? When you write the book, make me a Mae West-esque character. lol :great:
Well, the question I have is how does the DT after in opening expect us to believe anything when they state their client is a LIAR? Who told them she was molested? Their Client! Who told them that Caylee drowned in the pool? Their Client? On and On and On

I'm wondering how JB can pick and choose what he believes to be the truth and what he believes to be a lie coming out of ICA's mouth? :maddening:
Well, just to warn you, buckle up and put your blinders on. JB hasn't a CLUE about this case. :maddening:
Yeah i know.. but i find it interesting to watch them change their minds to our way of thinking as time goes on lol
Thinking outloud here- when the defense was questioning LE today they kept emphasizing the fact that LE had their uniforms on (duh) when they went to the house for the first time. At first I though he was alluding to the fact that they were "scary" to Casey and she was frightened. Now I wonder if they are alluding to GA (as a formal police officer be obviously wore a uniform) and that it brought back bad memories to Casey and thus she was too scared to tell the truth? Am I overthinking this?
Also it hurts now to quote words, lol.

Ok - I'm sure someone has gotten to this before me... BUT let me whirl you away to a few months ago to the "Agents of the State" hearing. FYI HHJP ruled against the DT. The first tyne in the fork, was intimidation, the second was the lack of Miranda warning...Both of which they lost.

Your point is interesting, and I agree that they were trying to insinuate that GA represented the DARK SIDE (shout out to Lee), however, again, during the Agents of the State hearing, CM in particular went on and on about how the BIG the officers were (he asked for every officers height and weight except for the female officer's) - went on and on in a cajoling way about how they we're big guys (appealing to male pride), asked about their (IMHO brown shirt) uniforms, and their marked cars, and their GUNS (CM may want to explore this further with his therapist IMHO) and since he didn't dare ask the female officer (Acevedo) her height, weight, etc, harangued us all with the CAGE ( cage, cage cage) in the back of her MARKED VEHICLE - and how nobody Mirandized her. CM was very angry he didn't win a point on this - he's just replaying it for a new audience.

IMHO always.
I've read more savvy (than me :) ) posters say that the state is ignoring the molestation issue on purpose, kind of like sending the message that it is beneath their notice.

Another poster mentioned that the defense cannot pursue questioning further on the molestation issue unless the state pursues questioning. I'm grateful this was explained so well :)

whats that? Whats to prevent JB asking GA or LA or CA about abuse? that makes no sense to me. im not saying Im a great sleuther, but I find that hard to believe.
Your first thought is correct. His motion to have all of the LEO statements thrown out before trial began was rooted in the fact that BIG SCARY LEO in uniforms and with GUNS were there beside wittle bitty shy innocent ICA and she did not feel free to get away from these BIG BAD POLICE OFFICERS. In other words, they didn't mirandize her, so those statements should be thrown out.

Didn't work.

Mind you, law is NOT my strongsuit, but her statements at that time were witness statements, yes? No need to read a witness their miranda rights.

I'm assuming, however, that she was read her miranda rights when she was arrested, right?
I think that CA went into cover ICA's mode right from the get go. If I were CA and I hadn't seen my granddaughter or my daughter and I found the car with that smell, the first thing I would do is to call the police. I wouldn't clean the car,spray Fabreeze, add fabreeze sheets etc., wash the clothes or touch ANYTHING. Hell, I wouldn't have taken it off of the tow lot. If you recall, in her first two 911 calls her main objective was to have ICA arrested for stealing the car and money. I still think that there's more to the story and that the entire "A" family knows it now and knew it then. To me it shows that CA was more concerned with getting that car back and cleaning it then she was with her granddaughter being missing. She Already knew that ICA was okay because she had almost daily phone and text contact with her. What she didn't know was if Caylee was okay. She knew that ICA didn't have the car for a couple of weeks because it was at the tow yard. She knew that she hadn't seen or heard from Caylee. You know where I'm going with this.

BBM I sure do. That is why a lot of what has happened so far (in the trial) has been a bit hard for me to stomach. I totally agree with everything you have said.

i would love to see a poll of those who have been abused, and see if any buy the lie. Really, if ANY believe it.

I don't believe it for a minute.

IMO, a sexual abuse victim would not leave their child with the abuser and ...

Would a sexual abuse victim lay their child down in the bed of her boyfriends.

As to motive, once KC met a boyfriend who actually had morals -- AL who would not allow Caylee in his bed, as he did not think it was proper and since KC moved in with TL, KC was not going to let anything stand in the way of her so called love affair with AL, so IMO once there was a boyfriend who would not let Caylee spend the night, KC decided she would take Caylee out of the picture.

I think KC had been thinking about this for quite some time, but once she met AL, it pushed the envelope for her.

whats that? Whats to prevent JB asking GA or LA or CA about abuse? that makes no sense to me. im not saying Im a great sleuther, but I find that hard to believe.

How I understand this - The State is calling their witnesses now - JB can ask when the Defense puts on their case - then, they are his witnesses

fyi : good chance that I am confused
I've been a lurker at In Session since it was Court TV and will likely continue to be so here at Websleuths. But before I go back to spectating, I want to thank Websleuths for its gracious invitation to us orphans, and I look forward to reading everyone's comments/opinions!

Consider yourself adopted! :woohoo:

Wanted to share my random thought for the evening....

Maybe JB actually believed ICA's story about sexual abuse, accidental drowning, controlling father insisting she cover up death to appease even more controlling mother...

And, maybe he thought that showing ICA's history of pathological, uncontrollable lying, along with her family's willingness to believe her lies, would be further proof of the dysfunction of her childhood, making the cover-up of the accidental drowning more plausible.

But, maybe... While cross-examining witness after witness regarding the lies upon lies that they fell for, treating them like accomplices because they believed her lies, I wonder if he started to think that it might be possible that *he* (and the DT) fell for another one of her fairy stories, when they believed her whole sexual abuse/dysfunctional family/accidental drowning story.
The only way in my mind that CM wil come out of this with any saving grace is if KC comes clean in the penalty phase and admist that she is a compulsive liar and there is no DP given because of a mental problem. I hope he wasn't hanging his retirement hat on this case. WTH was he thinking?
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