2011.06.02 Sidebar Day Eight (incl Universal audio discussion)

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That's where I'm at.... I mean, does he believe this? After today, I am hoping that he is just grasping at straws, because if he believes it I think he is mentally ill also.

Defense lawyers don't have to believe their clients, or the story. They only have to create reasonable doubt. If they have to lie to do this, imo, they couldn't care less. That's why, in my mind, KC & JB are perfect for one another.
Ok- Yuri comes back after lunch, right? He should stop... before sitting down... look at JB and say "can you have your Client confirm if Zanny is there?"

Zanny is now in a Jury chair.
I have a question. Please keep in mind that I only lurk and participate on here from time to time and my familiarity with this case is not that extensive.

Question: In listening to CA, (mom) I had the impression that she had finally realized that the nanny was nonexistent just 6 weeks ago. She also heard the opening defense arguments regarding the alleged lies to cover-up the supposed drowning.

But in CA's testimony she spoke as if she thought the wealthy boyfriend was a fact, that the job at Universal was a fact and many of the other fabrications were spoken by CA as if they were still truths.

Am I following this correctly? I am trying to imagine the emotions she is feeling as she realizes that not only was the nanny a lie, but is she now realizing that all of these other relationships, jobs, etc that she believed up until a few days ago are also lies.

Or did CA know these were lies as well but in her testimony just spoke of them as truths? I am sure the jury is looking back at CA's testimony the same way I am. I am wondering what her mother is feeling now and how she views her daughter as things are unraveling if this is the first time she has faced the depth of the lies.

I believe this is the first time Cindy has ever viewed the evidence from this vantage point. She's still processing...and doing it right before our eyes
I heart you all. I always feel like I am confused and missing a piece when the defense is "cross examining" and you all make me realize that I am not alone with these feelings lol. :grouphug:
The defining characteristics of pathological lying are that,

first, the stories told are not entirely improbable and often have some element of truth.

They are not a manifestation of delusion or some more intense type of psychosis

upon confrontation, the teller can admit them to be untrue, even if unwillingly.

Second, the fabricative tendency is long lasting; it is not provoked by the immediate situation or social pressure as much as it is an innate trait of the personality only that the stories told tend toward presenting the liar favorably.

To name a few of the Famous ones:

Charles Manson
Ted Bundy
John Wayne Gacy
Ok- Yuri comes back after lunch, right? He should stop... before sitting down... look at JB and say "can you have your Client confirm if Zanny is there?"


Oh man...I need a breather! LOL!
Oh no my friend, you arent the only one totally confused and dumbfounded as to WHAT the heck JB is up to with all of this.

He is truly spinning around in circles

and speaking of spinning around in circles... is anyone waiting for ICA's head to spin on her neck like Reagan or is it just me?

I keep looking at her on the Cams, waiting for her eyes to rol back in her head and start screaming insanities and profanities. For her face to contort into a demon of some fashion.

I see pea soup I am OUTTA HERE:eek:hwow:
anybody have an idea... as to why why why.. did ICA keep up the june 9th date?? maybe beceause she heard CA say the 7th or 8th??? this girl is sick
Its probably based on the date CA gave in the 911 case. But, ICA keeps say she hasn't seen her in 31 days which is the 15/16. She knew exactly how long ago Caylee died.
Defense lawyers don't have to believe their clients, or the story. They only have to create reasonable doubt. If they have to lie to do this, imo, they couldn't care less. That's why, in my mind, KC & JB are perfect for one another.

So true. I keep forgetting that. I should have said that he is mentally ill if he thinks anyone else will believe this.
I have a question. Please keep in mind that I only lurk and participate on here from time to time and my familiarity with this case is not that extensive.

Question: In listening to CA, (mom) I had the impression that she had finally realized that the nanny was nonexistent just 6 weeks ago. She also heard the opening defense arguments regarding the alleged lies to cover-up the supposed drowning.

But in CA's testimony she spoke as if she thought the wealthy boyfriend was a fact, that the job at Universal was a fact and many of the other fabrications were spoken by CA as if they were still truths.

Am I following this correctly? I am trying to imagine the emotions she is feeling as she realizes that not only was the nanny a lie, but is she now realizing that all of these other relationships, jobs, etc that she believed up until a few days ago are also lies.

Or did CA know these were lies as well but in her testimony just spoke of them as truths? I am sure the jury is looking back at CA's testimony the same way I am. I am wondering what her mother is feeling now and how she views her daughter as things are unraveling if this is the first time she has faced the depth of the lies.

Cindy was testifying to the facts, as she knew them, back then. I'm sure she could have prefaced each and every sentence with "Back then I BELIEVED because this is what Casey told me, but now I know differently"...but that would have taken waaaaay too long.
One of Orlando's AM radio stations had DJ's making fun of HHJP's speech- pacific, Anfony, etc. I was so mad! HHJP is the most brilliant man in the house with Dr Vass in second place who also has "unique" speech.

That's mean. The guys on Katt were feeling sorry for her boyfriends and asking each other questions about if they would "do" Casey if she were acquitted or would they date a girl that had killed a kid, stuff like that. One guy was like NO! The others asked why, and he said because there's dead kid issues there. It was kind of funny but not at the same time. They only talked about her, not HHJP. That guy in Orlando should be smacked for making fun of HHJP!
I'd like to take a moment to say "Welcome" to all the new posters. I get so wrapped up in watching, snipping photos and posting...that I sometimes don't get around to saying welcome, or thanking posts.

Color me confused. During OS, the DT came out of the gate admitting that Caylee drown in the family pool on June 16. But now, they are going after detectives for not following up on other leads? Seems to me (a reasonable person, I think) that the police did EXACTLY what was correct by following the evidence that led them directly to Casey and where she lived (well, for the most part).

Not only that but they gave her the scenario of accidental drownings and she never bit the apple.
I have a question. Please keep in mind that I only lurk and participate on here from time to time and my familiarity with this case is not that extensive.

Question: In listening to CA, (mom) I had the impression that she had finally realized that the nanny was nonexistent just 6 weeks ago. She also heard the opening defense arguments regarding the alleged lies to cover-up the supposed drowning.

But in CA's testimony she spoke as if she thought the wealthy boyfriend was a fact, that the job at Universal was a fact and many of the other fabrications were spoken by CA as if they were still truths.

Am I following this correctly? I am trying to imagine the emotions she is feeling as she realizes that not only was the nanny a lie, but is she now realizing that all of these other relationships, jobs, etc that she believed up until a few days ago are also lies.

Or did CA know these were lies as well but in her testimony just spoke of them as truths? I am sure the jury is looking back at CA's testimony the same way I am. I am wondering what her mother is feeling now and how she views her daughter as things are unraveling if this is the first time she has faced the depth of the lies.

I found her testimony odd also. Maybe she will never be able to believe that her daughter told so many lies that she believed. I don't know, but I don't think she can still bring herself to say what she needs to, because her daughter's life is at stake.
This is truly a disfunctional family. jmo
Originally Posted by Sweetbaboo
Remember how the OJ Simpson prosecution (especially Marcia Clark) was criticized and ridiculed for blowing the case? Clark went from being a media star to fading into relative obscurity, and she actually seemed like a competent lawyer.
How is Jose going to parlay this trial into a media career? Who would want him? He would be an embarrassment. I'm sure he will write a book (with a ghostwriter of course), but do you think he has a future as anything other than a punchline or a parody on SNL?

and who does IS and HLN have on giving her opinion of this trial and Baez ...hummmm MARCIA CLARK

Yes, I've noticed that. She's started popping up here and there lately. She looks very different though. Plastic surgery?
did JB really say zanny could have been sitting in the chair? did I really hear that correctly???
I have a question. Please keep in mind that I only lurk and participate on here from time to time and my familiarity with this case is not that extensive.

Question: In listening to CA, (mom) I had the impression that she had finally realized that the nanny was nonexistent just 6 weeks ago. She also heard the opening defense arguments regarding the alleged lies to cover-up the supposed drowning.

But in CA's testimony she spoke as if she thought the wealthy boyfriend was a fact, that the job at Universal was a fact and many of the other fabrications were spoken by CA as if they were still truths.

Am I following this correctly? I am trying to imagine the emotions she is feeling as she realizes that not only was the nanny a lie, but is she now realizing that all of these other relationships, jobs, etc that she believed up until a few days ago are also lies.

Or did CA know these were lies as well but in her testimony just spoke of them as truths? I am sure the jury is looking back at CA's testimony the same way I am. I am wondering what her mother is feeling now and how she views her daughter as things are unraveling if this is the first time she has faced the depth of the lies.

I think CA was telling the jury the story of HOW ICA snowed her.

She made the jury understand that SHE Cindy Anthony BELIEVED these stories to be true, BECAUSE CASEY was very detailed, very clever and very thorough with her lies. I think she WANTED the Jury to think it was TRUE, till she came to the end and made it clear that IN FACT none of it was true.

She wanted them to walk down her path, the path of believing her daughter. To follow HER in all of this. She was completely snowed. She did what every and any good mother would do. And was completely duped.

At least that is the sense that I got. CA KNEW when she was on the stand that those stories were all lies. She wanted the Jury to SEE how she could have believed it all and she wanted her own AHA moment where her and LDB finally made it clear that it was alllllll bogus.
Does JB not realize that he himself is probably also a victim of KC's lies? Ultimately she is the one pulling the strings with her defense team and feeding them the information they are now using to defend her with. Given the massive deluge of KC's lies that both the DT and SA recognize, it just baffles me that JB would cling so hard to this sham of a defense.
This is exactly why sociopaths get away with so much. If, and I say if they ever get into a psych. office which is rarely, they can manipulate the psychologists/psychiatrists also, not to mention, attorneys, judges, etc.
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