2011.06.03 SIDEBAR THREAD (Trial Day Nine)

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You just cannot tell me that the 2 people the conspired to cover up a "drowning accident" would have that conversation-even if they knew they were being recorded. They would both know that all the charitable works and TV and all of that was a sham. Even subconsciously, they could not keep a 45 min conversation without slipping up and veering onto unrelated topics. KWIM? Does that make sense to anyone other than myself? LOL

I was thinking about this yesterday and I believe, personally, that had the two of them been in on this little secret, that GA would have come in and sat down (if he showed his face there at all, which is highly unlikely) and said that he was there to give her a break and that there would be no talk of kidnappings or Caylee, because he was giving her a break visit, for lack of a better term. She was obviously bored with all the Help find my kid talk and stuff and was plenty happy to talk about other fun stuff (as long as no one mentions the chili). If I were GA and I had any knowledge, as former LE, himself, I wouldn't let a second be recorded of me talking about that baby.
hmmm is what they are showing on IS now whats happening now.. or before..
cuse ica is all giggles and fun..
I agree. Some TH's are saying she was "in custody", therefore should have been mirandized. But she was not under arrest, she agreed to go with them and she agreed to talk to them. They were in the information gathering stage at that point. Police can take a person into custody to gather information, without arresting them.
Geraldo doesn't know what he's talking about.

Geraldo just takes sound bites and tries to make a show of them.
If he had been to the 'Agents of the State' hearing he would know that the Under arrest/Miranda subject had already been firmly settled by HHJP.
KBelichWFTV: Baez is exchanging texts with people magazine reporter during video jail visit presentation [via Twitter] (and he questioned Yuri Melich's professionalism?!?!?)

I try really hard to give him credit that he is trying to defend his client vigorously, but seriously? :maddening:
KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Baez is exchanging texts with people magazine reporter during video jail visit presentation
Who wants to bet a case of wine, the good stuff, that JB will stand up and whine (no cheese) about this, yet again.

JB: it doesn't matter what others think of you. ICA LOVES ya and is more than satisfied with your services.
"Jo Jo Swim???" The jury is going to hear this and conclude that GA would never throw that out as a fond memory if he was involved in a drowning cover-up. It would never happen, IMO.

And no way ICA could have taken it in stride. No fists of rage, no nothing, just "oh absolutely!"
Been typing and not reading, but gotta know why ICA AND GA referred to Caylee as "the little girl" several times. Seems very odd to me, especially under the circumstances.
(Tweeted by) KBelichWFTV

Baez is exchanging texts with people magazine reporter during video jail visit presentation 6 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
I had to be out for a while this morning and will try to catch up on the trial thread during recesses. I know that I'll appreciate your play-by-play :)
KBelichWFTV: Baez is exchanging texts with people magazine reporter during video jail visit presentation [via Twitter] (and he questioned Yuri Melich's professionalism?!?!?)

I would think there would be an actual rule against this. I mean, it seems clear that he's pretty shaky on legal ethics. But to do this while the case is being tried? It seems crazy!
If she has to be tried all over again on appeal I will need to be tied down forever.....
BS is very concerned of JB's competence....aren't we all???
Yummm and thanks, Nurse! Now you're tawkin! :)

On another note, has anyone notice if CM has seemed to distance himself from ICA after that jail house tape was played with ICA dropping all the "F" bombs and talking very disrespectfully to Cindy? I think it was Dr. Lillian Glass that made that observation.

Anyone else notice? I hadn't noticed but I'm curious about it.

The day that Cindy broke down completely on the stand during the 911 calls, CM had the most peculiar expression on his face. He had his head kind of cocked to one side, leaned back in his chair and was looking kind of unfocused off into the distance. I got the feeling that he was repelled by ICA and the testimony. He looked like he was sitting as far from ICA as possible - and then leaning back.

I think of 'holistic' medicine as what you do after you have exhausted all other avenues of conventional means and are desperate to find a cure or relief from what ails you. Sort of like as a last resort. Guess that's where they are about now in their defense of Casey.

* No offense intended to those you follow holistic medicine. I'm just being a bit sardonic.
Holistic medicine addresses all components of a person, mind, body and spirit, all those areas which contribute to optimum health. If we are "sick" in mind, it affects all aspects of our life. I am a Hospice nurse, who has worked on a masters in Wholistic Health Studies. Can't imagine how this can help her at this juncture, but she obviously is not a "healthy mind"
That is right Baez is NOT Pro Bono..
From the $200,000 ABC paid..Baez was paid $89,000; Andrea Lyon got $21,000

He declared 89K anyway. WE don't know what happened to the rest- he didn't spend it on depos. What did he spend it on? Maybe the IRS will ferret that out....
Bill S on WFTV think CM never saw the videos - he wouldn't have gone along with Baez's OS
Bill thinks they will have a shot at the ineffective couns. appeal. :(

Also, she would voice that she wanted to swim.

Yes. I get from what I have heard so far that it wasn't only about swimming, but the whole aspect of having the grandparents making time for her, going swimming with her.
That was the treat for Caylee, not just swimming. Hope this makes sense...
WFTV Expert saying DT can't change their defense but now has to change their tactics so that they can try the case based on it being used for appeal.

The DT needs to CREATE SOME ERROR IN this trial.

Hold on folks looks like the ride is going to bumpier.

Says everytime WFTV looks at ICA she looks more monsterous! Yipee!

That has occurred to me...
Does it seem to anyone else that Baez is trying to say or do something that may cause a mistrial or give cause for Casey to file a motion for ineffective counsel
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