2011.06.03 SIDEBAR THREAD (Trial Day Nine)

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I have no doubt that if Casey doesn't get her way she can make up all kinds of stuff about JB but as it's been already well established that she's a liar by both the State and the defense he probably has little to worry about. No one's going to believe anything on the basis of her word alone.

So true!!!! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
dont have time to check out the amended pretrial order but will need to do so after work to see whether I think JP covered this with enough specificity to satisfy an appeals court. Not that my opinion matters much, lol.
OMG - Geraldo is on Fox this AM. He just said he will bet his house that this case will be reversed on appeal. Rambling on and on about how YM didn't mirandize her at Universal and that's how and why it will be reversed.

Then, he goes on to say that hypothetically IF she is convicted on Manslaughter of a Child - that after the appeal and reversal that she can only be re-tried on THAT change - Manslaughter of a Child. Then even if she's convicted of that on appeal - the sentences for that are nothing compared to murder one - and that she will WALK on time served!! :eek:

We need a hurricane for Geraldo to go wade through. Can't wait for the day he's wrong and has to eat those words. Won't be the first time he's done that, now will it?

Just like that vault of who was it "capone?" that he opened up live and there was supposed to be something in it. Geraldo is a crackpot journalist as far as I am concerned. I still remember when he got a chair to his nose on his talk show because he was stupid enough to put the KKK and skinheads on one show and a big fight ensued. He has no credibility with me.
Has anyone else noticed how large ICA's pupils were yesterday. Her eyes looked black. Looking at her is creeping me out big time.
have a great day at trial everyone, counting on your updates to keep me up to speed after work.
OMG - Geraldo is on Fox this AM. He just said he will bet his house that this case will be reversed on appeal. Rambling on and on about how YM didn't mirandize her at Universal and that's how and why it will be reversed.

Then, he goes on to say that hypothetically IF she is convicted on Manslaughter of a Child - that after the appeal and reversal that she can only be re-tried on THAT change - Manslaughter of a Child. Then even if she's convicted of that on appeal - the sentences for that are nothing compared to murder one - and that she will WALK on time served!! :eek:

We need a hurricane for Geraldo to go wade through. Can't wait for the day he's wrong and has to eat those words. Won't be the first time he's done that, now will it?

I'll take that bet!! Anyone with me?:rocker:
Because so many of us invested so much time on this case emotionally, and have a fuller understanding of who ICA is, we tend to view JB as the enemy. I don't see as the DT particularly ineffective in many respects. We see some of the stuff the jury doesn't see, but frankly they have so very little to work with. DT have jobs, and their job is to vigorously defend. The objections, the warming up to the jury, the tearing apart of witnesses is all part of the job whether we like it or not.
Gooooood Friday Trial Morning Everyone!

I missed Nancy Grace last night, didn't see a thread for it on front Caylee page so I'm assuming it wasn't very interesting? Or just same-o same-o. :)

I think my coffee is done brewing so I'm going to try and get 2 cups in before court starts.

I wonder every time I watch why she has to waste time re-capping the whole entire case, repeatedly saying 'tot mom', saying 'bombshell' and asking her guests questions and then cutting off their answers. Yeah, she's pretty much the same-o same-o.
A quick viewing note before we begin.

The windows media player (WFTV via akamai) now has a split screen so that ICA can be seen as testimony is heard.

Don't post much in the actual court thread, I have already used up my quota "oh no he didn't"s and you all have the OMG's covered. lol
"Dad, (God) I can't say this enough to you. You've done everything that you possibly can, and you're the best father. And, by far the best grandfather, that I've ever met. I'm going to say that, and I mean that with all my heart."

These are words that the jury may hear today, right out of Casey's own mouth.
Who do you think is texting baez during court telling him what last minute motions to file? He was texting like a mad man during Lee's and casey's tape, then after he made a motion. BTW, when he did make that motion his voice was very shakey.
The Today Show is saying that the jury should see the jailhouse tape where Cindy asks Casey about a report that Caylee possibly drowned in the pool that morning and Casey says "surprise, surprise" I am wonder with what everything the defense has said as to how the jury will take this to mean? Any thoughts?
He's coming around a bit as some of his panel. The lone holdout of the talking heads is Baez's closest and most dear friend GR. HAHA.

Don't forget LKB. Grrrr...

:seeya: Mornin' boys and girls. I'm free to watch all day today - YAY!
Completely O/T Jack Kevorkian (sp?) has died.
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