2011.06.03 SIDEBAR THREAD (Trial Day Nine)

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Has anyone found replays that include the dual screen (i.e. defense table/witness testifying like WESH and WFTV have)?

Since I'm at work, I miss reactions from the defendent if I'm not able to tune in during working hours.

Thanks a lot!!! :seeya: Feel free to email me here if that's easier than replying in the thread.
I'm sorry, but it's beyond me on how some of these LE didn't smell the decomp in the car, and how all of the people who DID claim to smell it, and recognize it, seemed to just push it aside for a while...

I'm sure many of you disagree with me, so I would like to hear your take on this for some reassurance. I need it.

I need reassurance, too. How did the officer that just took the stand not smell anything being so close to that car... worries me, also!!!
I had watched all these videos back in the day. But after knowing what we know now and reviewing them it is very clear KC did not think Caylee would be found and connected back to her and the home.iirc there were also searches on the computer for missing children, sure would like to know the dates of those searches. Because it is all beginning to be ever so clear that she was going for the missing child plot. And you know what that would have had a better chance of flying than this I was molested defense they dreamed up.jmo No one can watch these videos and not walk away knowing her father had no idea!! He was offering her up to the fbi for gosh sakes. jmo
well, she's gotten a few years older, and let's face it, even though it's a short period of time 22 to 25 produces changes - no more teenagery "look" - :twocents: Your features and bones mature and settle into the adult countenance. I've got several nieces the same age as ICA (as well as DS) and I've observed these changes in them. Combine that with less than optimal skin care, and making that pouty face all the time, and you get "the look" IMHO

My mother always told me if I made an ugly face too much or too long it would freeze like that...guess ICA didn't heed her mommy's advice....
I think CM is mad because he is not having fun like he stated when he came on board

Think CM is indignant that at this stage of his career he is associated in any way shape or form with this case.

Remember every time a talking head spoke of CM it was how he was a great attorney blah blah blah and now here he is following the lead of JB who has spun a story that isn't holding up 10 days into trial. :twocents:
I've noticed her mouth and face looking different too.
I think it's a fake sad face, a " look at me", "feel sorry for me", "everyone's against me" face!
This girl is so really evil, she honestly scares me!

The area including her mouth is now more simian in appearance and not as equine as shown in earlier pictures
Oh I'm looking back at some of the screencaps y'all posted of ICA during the video playback. I think she's staring at the "fists of rage" going "I NAILED that scene!!"

Oi vey!

I have to go to work! Enjoy the afternoon session for me. I'm with you in spirit!
Jean C. please give me a break...saying Casey was very humanizing (?) today...and that the only note the woman juror who does not like to judge made was when Casey was looking so "human" or something like that...
This is my first time ever I am watching a trial live. (Have read a lot of true crime books)
What I worry about is that she will get an appeal because of her defense. Can seh say, My defense was so bad i deserve a new trial?
LOL...you will be hooked now MarleneNL!
Besides, most of what I think is already said WAY before I could ever post it, anyway.

That happens to me a lot...I must type slow or something! Often I end up deleting my post since by the time it posts, it is just a repeat of something that's already been said above it several times, and seems like unnecessary clutter at that point!
The only way she changes is to appear softer and smaller. When everything is going smooth and steady she appears to look normal, feminine, soft, and calm. When the !@#$ hits the fan she gets angry. Its her anger that contorts her face. Her jaw juts out, her eye narrow and appear beady and smaller. Her cheaks square up and she clenches her teeth. Its the look of pure rage and anger on her face.

As we go through this trial we can physically see the chameleon that she truly is, with her FAKE self being the soft calm little lost girl in a tiny little chair. and her true self being that of the evil harsh square face that we see when she is angry.
I know I look pretty ugly when i am angry... But I'm not on trial for murdering my toddler and the only one who really sees me angry is my hubby when he says something completely STUPID! (moving on!)

Can we get a few screen caps of her happy and smiling / crying / laughing / somber/ and angry?

perhaps the comparisons side by side will help us to compare and get a better idea of what we are seeing with her.

Ssejors :yes: ITA
I slept in.
I awoke to a snuffling bundle of self pity.
What a crybaby.

I'm sure by now the jury is ready to vote ICA off the planet.
Forensics will wrap the case in a pretty bow.
Gatorade bottle and syringe.
Another thought.
I don't remember any Doc. Dump concerning manufacture lot numbers for the syringe. Tracing manufacture, case lot info, and the facility the lot may have been sent to.
What I'm getting at I guess is:
CA mentioned ICA would often drop Caylee off at her work in the late afternoon, before she went off to her imagijob.
Did ICA pilfer a syringe from CA's lab pocket/office, while on a visit dropping off Caylee Marie?
Not that I'm looking for extra nails to hammer down the case or anything...ahem..
I don't know...just because that wasn't her job, doesn't mean you turn your sniffer off. She said she personally sealed the car, so I assume she was right next to it when she did that. Everyone else who has smelled that smell, says you never forget it, so why or how could she???

Turn her sniffer off? First, the car had been airing out for 2 days and Cindy and George had done their best to clean out the trunk, the car would have been standing outside. The car was closed by the time the detective came to collect it. All she had to do was walk around the car and put seals over the door handles and trunk lock. Even at the tow yard before the attempted airing out and cleaning, George smelled the odor only when he got close to the window with the broken seal. Lastly, KC herself mentions the smell in her car.
Doesn't it say it all when a person - a human being - needs to be described as 'human'?
Isn't it yummy that the one person that is going to sink ICA is ICA? :)

Damn, you know if Baez hadn't been in New York on 14 August working on that blood money deal then he would have been able to stop this visit and his defense theory wouldn't have been blown out the water.

Ah, sweet justice. One day I was so hoping that they would all choke on that money - Looks like today is the day.
I slept in.
I awoke to a snuffling bundle of self pity.
What a crybaby.

I'm sure by now the jury is ready to vote ICA off the planet.
Forensics will wrap the case in a pretty bow.
Gatorade bottle and syringe.
Another thought.
I don't remember any Doc. Dump concerning manufacture lot numbers for the syringe. Tracing manufacture, case lot info, and the facility the lot may have been sent to.
What I'm getting at I guess is:
CA mentioned ICA would often drop Caylee off at her work in the late afternoon, before she went off to her imagijob.
Did ICA pilfer a syringe from CA's lab pocket/office, while on a visit dropping off Caylee Marie?
Not that I'm looking for extra nails to hammer down the case or anything...ahem..


Very interesting! Hmm....I wonder about this
Jean C. please give me a break...saying Casey was very humanizing (?) today...and that the only note the woman juror who does not like to judge made was when Casey was looking so "human" or something like that...

I've got one thing to say to Jean, Pfft!
I think we should have kept track of the "truths" that we think KC has told....probably less than a page....
I do wonder if the jury will pick up on the fact that with Casey's encouragement, the Anthonys all set out to collect donations of money. And, that Casey was also having her own attorney to "do business for her" and that he was in NY doing just that on Aug 14, 2008.

BBM I wonder if this is one of the reasons that JB did not want these videos in evidence. I believe that he told the JAC or the judge or someone (I am suffering from "I can't remember ***** disease"), that he had nothing to do with the sale of the photos that netted KC some 225,000 smackers. I don't know if that is illegal or not but I would imagine that lying to the JAC or the judge about it would be.
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