2011.06.03 TRIAL Day Nine (Morning Session)

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Why do people keep tweeting she is crying - I have been watching her on the monitor and haven't seen one tear - that puzzled angry face hasn't changed at all.

No idea. Her face hasn't changed throughout this video. If I had to bet I'd say she's comparing her hair styles and thinking how irritating her Mother is..
It makes me sick the way they walk on egg shells with her.........they should have taken the bull by the horns along time ago.............

While I totally agree that they walk on eggshells with her, I'm not so sure there is "anything" they could do to change her ways/thought process/lying, etc. etc. etc. She surely was a "handful" for her family...
She shot a look at Baez when they said the calls, not video will be released.

She just said, in so many words, that she knows how to manipulate with what she says. "I need to be looked at like a victim"
Pretty damn telling if you ask me.
CA - hard going in Caylee's room now.

ICA - Yea, so your pic in People.

CA - I love you.

ICA - I love you too.

CA - I want both my girls back. At least I know you are okay. I don't know about Caylee. That's what makes it so hard every day.

ICA - I know that. I'm really not okay. I'm at a place that you know I'm at.

CA - At least you are safe. We don't know where Caylee's at.

ICA - Mom, I know everything they are saying. I just know she's okay. I can feel it. Absolutely can feel it. Even on her birthday, that entire day I was completely miserable. That's all I can think of to say.

CA - Lot of people bringing her flowers, balloons, stuffed animals, unopened stuff waiting for her to come home.

ICA - glad for support from the community. I'm getting stuff thru the mail. Michelle Murphy sent book. She was sent a bible as soon as it was said she refused it. Can't have stuff brought in.

CA - If you can send it thru the mail.

ICA - I think JB has it. He wouldn't have just given it to somebody. That was a couple of weeks ago.

CA - Dad wants to talk.

GA - You wanted something to write with to write the Sheriff? Tell him that you want to speak to me or lee or Mom today. He can do it.

ICA - how am I going to get anything to him?

GA - ask for paper and pen and put to sheriff's attention and ask them to deliver it to him now. He's already discussed it.

ICA - okay I'll do it.

GA - It can be at a place that you and lee, mom or I can talk. It's not going to be recorded.

ICA - I understand the arrangements.

GA - trusting the people who told him that.

ICA - if its coming from the sheriff's department I don't trust anything they said. I know they are trying to put a visit together and I appreciate it very much.

GA - just write it down and ask to have it delivered. Kevin Berry is willing to do anything for them.

ICA - I'll do it this morning.

GA - then we can get together and have a chance to hug you and talk to you.

ICA - All I want to do is tell you guys I love you

GA - Doing this is great, but seeing you face to face is better.

ICA - We've been in the same room, but being able to communicate.

GA - I love you, I love you so so much.

ICA - I love you too. Tell Lee I'm sorry I missed my visit with him.

(On video Cindy is just totally devistated)

GA - realize this is our 24 hour a day job.

ICA - I know. I want to be with you guys too. It can't happen fast enough. All I care about is getting Caylee back.

(On video CA has about collapsed onto GA - heart breaking)

ICA - I may have been the boss when I walked in here, but the rolls have changed, everything is out of my control.

GA - know that I love you. Here's mom.

CA - I only have a minute.

ICA - I know it's hard on everybody. Wish there is something I could do to make it easier.

CA - Do you want us to set up more visits.

ICA - I want to see Lee, but if they are throwing things out on the air - I don't know.

CA - It's only phone calls. The sheriff's office can pick and choose.

ICA - Why didn't they say that the first time. The more we say about them, the less likely they want to help.

CA - Exactly.

ICA - I've kind of figured out what I can and can't say.

CA - They are finally trying to be nice to us again.

ICA - They need to be nice, but if they are not, don't talk to them. It needs to go both ways. It can't be one sided. I'll try to help. I need to be looked at as a victim because I am just as much a victim......

One minute warning.

ICA - Im just as much of a victim as the rest of you and it hasn't been portrayed that way.

CA - I know.

ICA - give lee and Mallory my love.

GA - know that you can trust me and mom and lee.

ICA - I know that.

End of video.
ICA: it's hard on everybody, wish I could do something to make it better
(thinks if she talks bad about Sheriffs Dept the video won't be released)
ICA: I need to be looked at as a victim - just as much of a victim as the rest of you
How did the jury react to KC's "I'm just a victim too!" statement???
Yeah, Casey is a victim...

We are just going through the motions, this trial is over I do believe.
"I need to be looked at as a victim!"

Wow, selfish doesn't even begin to describe the level of deviance...
I don't know if it's good that they took notes about "started fixing it the day she disappeared" thing... I think the defense plotted things around statements like that.

Such a minor statement but could be misinterpreted by the DT as thinking they could use it.

Out of context it could sound damning, with all the videos in as a whole, in front of the jury, it's so easy to read her and her manipulations. Jose's opening statements have been completely discredited and once you lose the jury you lose the trial. All he can really do is try and force a mistrial.
Disgusting. She's "just a much a victim." I bet that gave the jurors pause.
ICA: "I need to be looked at as a victim because I'm just as much as a victim... *one minute warning flashes* Ugh, okayyy.... *fixes hair, wipes face* ...I am just as much of a victim as the rest of you and I haven't been portrayed that way."
This pains me to hear ICA talk of how she felt on Caylee's birthday! I am willing to bet ICA didnt shed ONE SINGLE TEAR for Caylee on her 3rd birthday!! I lost my daughter 19 months ago, and I can tell you that I barely survived her birthday!! Cold-hearted and piteful b*tch!!

My love and thoughts are with you.
"I am just as much of a victim as the rest of you." For cryin out loud...her daughter is dead and she knows it. The manipulation is incredible!
OMG, she just said she needed to be looked as a victim..cause she's just as much of a victim as they are. neener, neener.
KC: I need to be looked at like a victim.

I'm just as must as a victim as the rest of you.

Soooo, but she's not dead in a ditch decomposing with insects all over her!
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